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But now, Congress may throw it overboard amid pressure from an attorney general who views marijuana as a dangerous menace. What has become known as the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment constitutes a single paragraph of federal law. It prohibits the Justice Department from spending even a cent to prosecute medical marijuana users and sellers operating legally under state laws. Since its passage, it has largely shut down efforts by federal prosecutors or drug enforcement officials to interfere with otherwise legal sales of marijuana in 29 states and the District of Columbia that have passed legalization measures.The prospect that the ban on prosecutions could expire has spread anxiety across the marijuana industry.In California, the freedom of an attorney facing jail time for advising a marijuana operation hangs in the balance. In Washington, a pro-marijuana GOP congressman ponders whether to use the White House access he has gained to enlist President Trump’s help preserving the pot amendment.Pot sellers and patients wonder if federal raids are next.“It is shocking to think that this is at risk,” said Sarah Trumble, deputy director of social policy and politics at Third Way, a centrist think tank that advocates easing federal restrictions on cannabis.“This would give the attorney general a blank check to go after medical marijuana. Without it, he might try, but it would be really hard for him.”The first big sign of trouble for pro-marijuana advocates came in September, when the House balked at preserving the amendment. GOP leaders refused to allow a vote on it in a committee chaired by Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas), who is no relation to Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions, but is as fiercely anti-marijuana.The Senate has already reaffirmed its support for the provision in an affront to its former colleague, the Sessions who runs the Justice Department. But both houses must agree for the measure to remain in effect.The hedging in the House followed an aggressive lobbying campaign by the attorney general, who complained in writing to lawmakers that the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment was hampering law enforcement and endangering the public.“The Department must be in a position to use all laws available to combat the transnational drug organizations and dangerous drug traffickers who threaten American lives,” Sessions wrote.The uncertain fate of the pot provision has created tension among Republicans, dozens of whom have cast votes to prevent the federal government from a crackdown on medical marijuana. Many would like to do so again.The most vocal is Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of Costa Mesa, the amendment’s namesake, who along with former Rep. Sam Farr, a Democrat from the Central Coast, got the ban into federal statute in 2014 after trying for a decade.That victory wasn’t long ago, but came during a very different time. The Obama administration had just pledged to let states go their own way on medical and recreational pot. The measure reflected a Congress subtly backing off its war on marijuana and nudging the Justice Department to do likewise.After it passed, Rohrabacher began calling judges to insist they dismiss cases.“I told one of them, ‘If you have in your courtroom a federal prosecutor who is now trying to convict someone for possession of medical marijuana, there is only one criminal in your courtroom, and that is the prosecutor,’” he said.The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco last year put the Department of Justice on notice that as long as the prosecution ban is in place, marijuana charges filed against defendants operating legally under state law won’t fly, at least in California and the eight other western states under the appeals court’s jurisdiction, all but one of which have legalized marijuana in whole or in part.Sessions warned in his letter to Congress that the ruling threatened to immunize drug runners and gangs.Rohrabacher finds such claims absurd. The attorney general, he said, is out of step with the president, who has expressed support for medical marijuana. Rohrabacher insists Trump would step in to protect medical pot if someone could get him to focus on what is going on.The congressman, who is a strong Trump supporter, is potentially a good candidate to do that. But like so many other things around pot politics – and the Trump administration -- the dynamics are complicated, and strange.Rohrabacher said he doesn’t want to “mess up … something really important to the president” that he’s working on by throwing marijuana into the mix.Rohrabacher wants to broker a deal between the Trump administration and Julian Assange, the fugitive founder of Wikileaks. According to Rohrabacher, Assange told him he has “absolute proof” that emails stolen from Democratic operatives during last year’s campaign did not come from the Russians.“That is proof he will provide if we can work something out so Assange leaves the Ecuadorian embassy” in London, where he has taken refuge for more than five years, Rohrabacher said. Assange’s evidence would “disprove the accusation that our president stole the last election in cooperation with Russia,” he asserts.Much of the rest of Washington is skeptical, and White House officials have kept Rohrabacher away from Trump.Meantime, the dalliance with Assange isn’t keeping lawmakers from working with Rohrabacher on pot. His most prominent partner is his otherwise political opposite, Rep. Earl Blumenauer, a liberal Democrat from Portland, Ore., who is co-sponsoring the latest version of the Rohrabacher amendment.“There are dozens of Republicans who realize this is a really bad political move,” Blumenauer said, referring to Sessions’ effort to block the amendment.“Marijuana got more votes than Trump. There are millions of Republicans and independents who voted for it. There are 20 million people a month who use it.”Both Blumenauer and Rohrabacher said they know how many lawmakers have reconsidered their support for the prosecution ban amid lobbying by Sessions.“None of them,” said Rohrabacher.That’s all cold comfort to Troy Dayton, co-founder of ArcView, a San Francisco group that connects deep-pocketed investors with promising cannabis startups. The prosecution ban has been a boon to business. The stalling in the House, Dayton said, was another wake-up call to the marijuana industry that anything can happen at any time.“It was revolutionary when it passed,” Dayton said of the ban. People were skeptical at first, he said, asking whether it would really halt prosecutions. “For the most part, it has,” he said.The impact if it were to vanish?“Chilling.”Perhaps even more so for Nathan Hoffman, a lawyer facing prison time and disbarment for his role advising a large marijuana growing and sales operation that was busted in 2011. The recent court rulings give Hoffman’s attorney, Ronald Richards, hope that Hoffman’s law license and freedom can be saved.“In a brief I field last night, I said why are they in a rush to disbar my client and convict him when these prosecutions are becoming archaic?” said Richards.But if the ban goes up in smoke, that argument likely goes along with it.Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Author: Evan HalperPublished: October 9, 2017Copyright: 2017 Los Angeles TimesContact: letters latimes.comWebsite: Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #7 posted by HempWorld on October 13, 2017 at 09:28:35 PT From Prop. 64 "imprisomnent"? Huh? "(2) Persons 18 years of age or over who possess more than 28.5 grams of marijuana, or more than four grams of concentrated cannabis, or both, shall be punished by imprisomnent in a county jail for a period of not more than six months or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500), or by both such fine and imprisomnent. "Apparently they can put people in jail, aka imprisonment, but they can't spell it correctly, nor do they bother to use a spell checker...From: [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by afterburner on October 12, 2017 at 07:28:05 PT Good News HEALTH. World Anti-Doping Agency Removes CBD From Banned Substances. GAGE PEAKE. October 4, 2017 medical use for cannabis? Time for a rethink. Hello, politicians! Are you listening? [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by MikeEEEEE on October 10, 2017 at 15:05:14 PT Understand something The industry has a lot more money, via law suits, to fight these guys. I posted on another threat that trump is almost out, most likely the charge will be obstruction of justice, and maybe much more. Also, trump is profiting from the presidency, illegal according to the consitution. What gives me a laugh, the few crazies who still love trump, the Secretary of State said it best, f'n morons. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by HempWorld on October 09, 2017 at 17:47:05 PT Yes, I agree... Marijuana a dangerous menace to Big Pharma.Stamp it out... Not!War on Drugs 3.0On and on we go... [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by John Tyler on October 09, 2017 at 07:29:35 PT call your Congress person Everybody call or write to your Congressional Representative and Senators and ask them, to support legal cannabis. If you have a medical cannabis story to tell, include that also. Do it over and over again. Call their DC office. Call their local office. Keep calling. Impress upon them how much this miraculous plant means to so many people. Let them know that your vote is contingent on their support. We are making progress. We can’t let the prohibitionists take us back to the bad old days. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by The GCW on October 09, 2017 at 06:29:52 PT There's a dangerous menace but it's not the plant "an attorney general who views marijuana as a dangerous menace"The dangerous menace is the att gen.-0-At this point, din is not shattering, however, with the growing population who is using cannabis in place of class A narc's, along with the friends, family and loved ones who witness the use of cannabis helping those people... if the DINK makes an ABOUT FACE regarding cannabis, there may be a LOUD ROAR coming out of the masses.I kind of think it would be better to see the Moron's attorney general clamp down on cannabis and ESPECIALLY the medical use of the superplant. I believe it will further spark the movement rather than put it down.There's just too many people who support cannabis today and that support is only growing. [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by Soupherb on October 09, 2017 at 05:54:48 PT: Is It Just Me or is the Federal Government Criminally Negligent by stopping research, unlawfully incarcerating innocent people, causing harm and pain to the American people, killing the earth, etc... or is it really about how cannabis is so terrible?Thousands of years man walks the earth surviving on an agricultural society...then, less than 200 years of being a petroleum based society the threat of all mankind being discontinued is a real factor...go figure. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment