California Cities Can Ban MMJ Dispensaries function share_this(num) { tit=encodeURIComponent('California Cities Can Ban MMJ Dispensaries'); url=encodeURIComponent(''); site = new Array(5); site[0]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[1]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[2]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[3]=''+url+'&title='+tit; site[4]=''+url+'&title='+tit;[num],'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=620,height=500'); return false; } California Cities Can Ban MMJ Dispensaries Posted by CN Staff on November 10, 2011 at 19:12:36 PT By John Hoeffel, Los Angeles Times Source: Bellingham Herald Los Angeles -- In a decision that could have an immediate effect on medical marijuana dispensaries, a California appeals court has ruled that state law allows cities to ban the stores.The contentious issue has bounced around state courts for years, but the opinion issued Wednesday is the first one published one that directly addresses it, and it does so in unambiguous language. The decision, which upheld Riverside's ban, could embolden cities and counties to enact bans and spur those that have them to seek court orders to close defiant dispensaries. "I think its impact will be significant throughout the state," said Jeffrey Dunn, the attorney who argued the case for Riverside in an appeals court hearing last week and praised the decision's simplicity. "It's not wishy-washy. It squarely addresses it. And it makes it very clear." In the case, a three-judge panel in the 4th District Court of Appeal in Riverside rejected an appeal from Inland Empire Patient's Health and Wellness Center, concluding that state medical marijuana laws do not prevent cities and counties from passing regulations, including bans.The same judges also issued a nearly identical unpublished opinion Wednesday, upholding Upland's ban on medical marijuana dispensaries and an injunction against G3 Holistic.The decisions closely follow another appellate court ruling that said Long Beach could not adopt regulations that amount to authorizing dispensaries because marijuana remains illegal under federal law. That decision has puzzled city officials throughout the state, who now wonder what rules they can put in place to control dispensaries. Taken together, the two decisions could lead more cities and counties to put bans in place, at least until the law is clarified. Snipped Complete Article: Bellingham Herald (WA)Author: John Hoeffel, Los Angeles Times Published: November 10, 2011Copyright: 2011 Bellingham HeraldContact: letters bellinghamherald.comWebsite: Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #8 posted by ekim on November 14, 2011 at 17:59:39 PT for those that fought to stop the pipeline please consider asking NREL to use Hemp as a feedstockthey have successfully used a acre of switchgrass and reportedlygotten over 1000 gallons of ethanol from the celulose.The study sited below has cost US 17 million.what the people need to know is how much it will cost forgallon of ethanol made from Hemp using this process.As Golden CO is where NREL is located it will be of greatimportance asking for Cannabis to be regulated and taxed.Golden, Colo. - Two technologies developed by the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory are among this year's most significant innovations, as judged by Research & Development (R&D) Magazine.The Laboratory's two R&D 100 Awards for 2004 are for an innovative, lower-cost method for transforming plant material into the sugars that can be used to make fuels and chemicals, and a thin-film solar cell that produces electricity directly from sunlight, which has greater efficiency, and is lighter weight and more flexible than previous devices.This year's announcement brings to 37 the number of R&D 100 Awards garnered by NREL."Once again, the technologies developed by our Laboratory's researchers are being acknowledged for their importance to the nation," said Stan Bull, NREL associate director for science and technology. "It's particularly gratifying that the R&D 100 Awards this year include two NREL technologies that can enhance our nation's energy security and reduce our reliance on foreign sources of oil."The Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Biomass Cellulose to Sugars technology is expected to allow a wide range of biomass resources to be used to produce energy and chemicals. It is an important step toward realizing the potential of bio-refineries-in which plant and waste materials are used to produce an array of fuels and chemicals, analogous to an oil refinery today.Through this technology, the cost of converting cellulosic biomass into usable sugars can be reduced by more than 20 times per gallon of ethanol produced.The award is shared by NREL, Genencor International and Novozymes Biotech, Inc. NREL researchers who worked on this project included Michael Himmel, Jim McMillan, Dan Schell, Jody Farmer, Nancy Dowe and Rafael Nieves.Also recognized for 2004 are light and flexible thin-film copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) photovoltaic modules, which can be manufactured in various sizes and have a compact, foldable design that allows for easy deployment, transport and storage.As a result, the modules have twice the power-to-weight ratio, and three times the power-to-size ratio as competing products. Because of this, they are especially suited for military applications, portable power for consumer and public use, boating and other marine applications and building-related uses, such as for bus shelters and in PV-integrated roofing.The award is shared by NREL, Global Solar Energy and ITN Energy Systems. NREL researchers who worked on this project included Harin Ullal, Ken Zweibel and Bolko von Roedern.NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy's premier laboratory for renewable energy research and development and a leading laboratory for energy efficiency R&D. NREL is operated for DOE by Midwest Research Institute and Battelle. For further information contact NREL Public Affairs at (303) 275-4090.NR-3404 [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by runruff on November 14, 2011 at 12:38:11 PT Hemp, hemp, hooray! legaized industrial hemp would and will spell the end of all the bad "'archys" we now have ruling our land!Imagine theres no opec,it's easy if you try,not fuel below us but energy from the sky....Imagine there's no wall street,no federal reserve too. Imagine all the people woking for me and you!You..hooohoo, you may say I'm a dreamer,But I'm not the only one, maybe one day you will join us, Then Johnny won't be the only one! Free hemp will change the planet! [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Oleg the Tumor on November 14, 2011 at 11:17:41 PT: How do we answer this lady? Those of us who voted recently on the White House petitions to legalize cannabis and the hemp industry in general received an e-mail early in November from a lady with the most unlikely name: Nancy–Ann DeParle, a "Deputy Chief of Staff For Policy".Never having heard of a hyphenated first name, I don't know how or what to suspect, but it just sounds weird. This may be an assumption but why would anybody give their kid a name complete with hyphen? The whole thing is suspicious.Taken as a whole, and given the drubbing marijuana supporters took at the hands of Policy Wonks via the White House petition process recently, I would be very surprised to find out that this is a real person. (Perhaps as real as Whatsername Davis, the nice lady who signs all the notices from The Reader's Digest)Anyway, many of us received this e-mail from The Top Wonk herself, with the unlikely title of "You Tell Me" (the "If You're so Smart" part was left unstated) The long and short of this five paragraph letter is basically this: America needs jobs. Give us your input. Fine.This, after thousands of individuals expressed their support for a cannabis and hemp industry through nine or 10 different petitions! Those of us who signed those petitions feel that the petitions spoke for themselves and did so unambiguously. That the administration can blow us all off like second rate citizens whose opinion can't possibly have any value, and then ask us our opinions about putting people to work seems disingenuous, to say the least. Meanwhile, those of us who collect Social Security or Disability are made to feel like hobos clinging for dear life to the undercarriage of what may be a runaway train.Not that I don't want to help, I do. I support the hemp industry. Make it legal and put people to work! All I can say is Ma'am, are you for real? The lights are on at the White House but you know, I don't think anybody's home. At least no one's answering the door without their own reasons to do so. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by FoM on November 13, 2011 at 16:51:30 PT Just a Note I hope I can find some news worth posting soon but there just isn't any. Maybe it will break loose soon. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by John Tyler on November 13, 2011 at 09:57:54 PT the prohibitionists’ counter attack This is the prohibitionists’ counter attack. They saw how quickly the cannabis industry grew in financial power (financial power is political power) and are now doing everything they can to stop it. They are fighting a losing battle. They couldn’t stop it when it was totally illegal and they can’t stop it now that it is in some gray area. Keep hanging in there. We shall overcome. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by FoM on November 12, 2011 at 07:16:10 PT Related News From the BBC California Marijuana Sellers Fear Federal ClampdownNovember 11, 2011Distributors and their landlords were told in late September to shut down in 45 days or face prosecution.Some marijuana distributors filed for a temporary restraining order earlier this month.California legalised medical marijuana in 1996, but use of the drug remains illegal under federal law.US attorneys have said they are targeting large dispensary operators and growers, instead of individuals. For-profit sales are in violation of California's state law.URL: [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by The GCW on November 11, 2011 at 14:54:31 PT Black market reality US: Feds: Mexican cartel plotted attack against US Webpage: 11 Nov. 2011 Source: Denver Post (CO) [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on November 11, 2011 at 14:36:38 PT Expanded Article From The L.A. Times California Court Rules Cities, Counties Can Ban Pot StoresNovember 11, 2011URL:,0,1943997.story [ Post Comment ] Post Comment