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An abundance of pot shops, drug use among youth and police concern over organized crime has many legislators worried that the state's rugged big sky reputation is being replaced by a blooming pot industry. Three medical marijuana options are now poised before lawmakers: Outright repeal, a proposition viewed with skepticism by some lawmakers who say there is a legitimate need for some patients to use marijuana. Reform and regulation, a difficult task given the scope of the marijuana industry and uncertainty of how to fine tune legislation. Inaction, an option favored by few but a looming possibility given the difficulty of following through on the other two actions.The Senate Judiciary Committee is most likely where the face of legislative action on medical marijuana will reveal itself. Many House or Senate bills dealing with medical marijuana must eventually pass through the 12 person body that seems to be closely divided between supporters of repeal and reform.Committee Chairperson Sen. Terry Murphy said he favors a reform of the initiative because of what he said is a medical need for the drug that can't be filled by anything else.A number of measures for reform have survived through the first half of the legislative session. Several bills propose making it more difficult for minors to access marijuana, adding fees for marijuana card holders and increasing local authority over marijuana use.Although Murphy wants reform, he said he see few workable reform bills in front of the Legislature currently."None of the bills I've seen individually seem to do the whole job that we would like to do, they are either overregulating or not covering every area that needs to be covered," said the Cardwell Republican.Murphy said he would want to see his committee pull together a reform measure that incorporates the best of all the regulation measures in the legislature.The question is whether amending and resurrecting such a Frankenstein-like blend is a feasible option to get through both chambers.Sen. Jim Shockley sympathized with Murphy's position on medical marijuana reform but said he now doesn't see it as a viable measure."At this point we are not going to get a bill that is tight enough to satisfy me, and if we did we wouldn't get it through the House," said the Victor Republican who initially supported reform."The choice right now is to either repeal it or do what we've got now and what we've got now is not going to work," Shockley said.The most probable measure for repeal is Republican House Speaker Mike Milburn's proposal that drew state officials, doctors, patients and teachers to line up for hours Friday to speak for a minute or two on his full repeal of medical marijuana bill.Milburn said the ballot initiative that created the medical marijuana program "tugged on voters heart strings but it failed on almost all accounts."The Cascade Representative and supporters of the measure say the medical marijuana industry is bringing dangerous organized crime to Montana and addicting the state's youth on the drug. They say the law is beyond reform.Opponents speaking Friday said the concerns that marijuana is hurting the rest of society is exaggerated and the use of marijuana is the only way some people can live a normal life. Many opponents wore buttons encouraging legislators to "fix it, don't nix it.""Medical marijuana is the only medication on this planet that will help me," said Daniel Decker, 39, who suffers from chronic pain. "The fact that I use this medication has nothing to do with other people."The measure cleared the House handily last month on a 62-37 vote. It now faces the Senate committee vote and several more Senate votes before it could go to the governor to sign. Gov. Brian Schweitzer has not made clear how he would act on a medical marijuana repeal.A looming specter over all of the legislation and debate around medical marijuana is indecision. If a repeal is viewed as too harsh, if reform is unworkable or a veto comes from the governor's office, the status quo could stand for another two years.Chairman Murphy said few lawmakers see that as acceptable."If we do nothing we have the same situation for two more years and many, many thousands more of the (medical marijuana) cards out," he said.Source: Associated Press (Wire)Author: Stephen Dockery, Associated PressPublished: March 11, 2011Copyright: 2011 The Associated PressCannabisNews Medical Marijuana Archives Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #5 posted by kaptinemo on March 13, 2011 at 11:55:09 PT: There are none so blind who will not see "The Cascade Representative and supporters of the measure say the medical marijuana industry is bringing dangerous organized crime to Montana and addicting the state's youth on the drug. They say the law is beyond reform."1) So, organized crime did not exist in Montana prior to the MMJ program? That's interesting. Organized crime is generally everywhere...and one of the most open instances of that is IN the legislatures, where corrupt pols dancing to organized crime's tune often promote 'wolf in sheep's clothing' legislation which create the laws that enable criminals to prosper2) Addiction to cannabis? Really? Perhaps someone should ship him some copies of the 1999 Institute of Medicine Report that covered that issue and essentially said that such 'addiction' is psychological, not physiological.Lies, lies, lies...when, oh when will these liars be hauled into court for their mendacity and properly punished? [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by kaptinemo on March 13, 2011 at 11:44:43 PT: Fiddling while the country burns The world is going to Hell in a handbasket, courtesy of the bankster-sired Meltdown creating a de facto depression, and these goofs are worrying about a demonstrably harmless plant?You'd think they'd have something more pressing to attend to than this, but, nooooo, they just have to stick their middle fingers in the eyes of those who voted for the MMJ measure.Nero must be laughing in Hell... [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by Paul Pot on March 12, 2011 at 07:23:13 PT: Why so anal? For thousands of years we've been growing it, eating it, wearing it and making all sorts of things with it and all that time it was never taxed or regulated. Why do we need that now? Just let us have our sovereign right to access our own nature back please. [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by runruff on March 11, 2011 at 19:40:17 PT "...drug use among youth and police... " Quote right from the article. The only pertinent thing that was said in the whole non-story.America's number one export is killing machines called "Weapons of War". This is what America is known for around the world and these pinheads want or bicker and dicker over a plant? In a sane world these honyocks would be hiding from the men in the white coats! [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by FoM on March 11, 2011 at 18:57:22 PT Off Topic: The Music Never Stopped Trailer I was looking for a news story and found an article about this movie. It really looks good. [ Post Comment ] Post Comment