Waiting To Pass Waiting To Pass Posted by CN Staff on February 19, 2009 at 09:16:09 PT By Morgan Mitchell Source: Keene Equinox NH -- New Hampshire residents suffering from life altering illnesses like arthritis, HIV/AIDS, chronic pain, cancer and MS are hopeful that New Hampshire will become the 14th state to approve House Bill 648. HB 648 permits the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, if prescribed by a physician.On Monday, Feb. 9, the Students for Sensible Drug Policy and N.H. Common Sense, sponsored a free showing of the movie, "Waiting to Inhale." The film is the first documentary dedicated to the movement of legalizing medical marijuana. The movie was followed by a panel discussion led by state representative Charles Weed, executive director of N.H. Common Sense Matt Simon, and Barbara Filleul, a cancer patient and advocate of HB 648.These supporters have been reaching out to all kinds of people, including Keene State College students and faculty members, in hopes of shedding new light on the controversial debate."The debate was long overdue, the marijuana policy in general. It's time to start the discussion," Matt Simon said.While opponents are claiming that the medical argument is just a disguise to help legalize marijuana for recreational use and profit, "Waiting to Inhale" portrays how medical marijuana can improve the lives of those who will forever suffer from some kind of ailment. The film addresses frequently asked questions and above all else, it helps to clarify common misconceptions."Waiting to Inhale" introduces viewers to people like Valerie Corral. Corral is the co-founder of Wo/Men's Alliance for Medical Marijuana, and is also affected by epilepsy. WAMM is an organization consisting of patients and caregivers who provide hope, and offer medical marijuana on a donation basis. WAMM offers a safe, organic supply of medical marijuana to patients who have a written proposal from a doctor requesting the treatment, as a result from a terminal and chronic illness.Having epilepsy, "Is like living under water," Corral said."It took almost four years to completely cut her off pharmaceutical medication,î Husband and co-founder Mike Corral said."To think that something I could grow myself, that costs absolutely nothing, that would grow next to our lettuce and to our herbs and be such a powerful medicine to change my life. That's amazing," Valerie Corral said.The question then becomes, why is the United States continuing the War on Drugs? Why does the government continue to arrest innocent individuals that could ultimately set their pain at ease, if the substance was legalized?"The war on drugs is a colossal waste. I wish people would give it a chance," said Weed, an advocate of the movement since about 1965.Christopher Nettis, who attended the movie discussion, said that just because the majority of people are in fine health, doesn't mean that the risk rate for injury or disease is any less."You never know whatís going to happen, you canít always predict the future," Nettis said.After the film, pamphlets and reading material were available to the audience. The information that was provided showed a 2008 Mason-Dixon poll, that proved 71 percent of New Hampshire voters are in favor of supporting seriously and terminally ill patients to use and grow medical marijuana for personal use, if their doctors recommend it.Other statistics showed that marijuana is far less addictive than many prescription narcotics, and long-term use of painkillers. And while people who smoke marijuana are at risk for symptoms related to chronic cough and phlegm production, unlike cigarettes, there is no evidence that marijuana can cause life-threatening lung problems like cancer or emphysema.When people start basing their decisions on facts rather than myths, HB 648 might have a chance."It's a question to get beyond dogma and ideology," Weed said.Note: Film and discussion confront House Bill 648.Source: Keene Equinox, The (NH Edu)Author: Morgan MitchellPublished: February 19, 2009Copyright: 2009 The EquinoxContact: mmitchell keenequinox.comWebsite: Articles & Web Sites:WAMM To Inhale Legalize The Medicinal Use of Marijuana Ailing, an Illicit Necessity Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Post Comment