Does Bush Want Kids To Smoke Pot?

Does Bush Want Kids To Smoke Pot?
Posted by CN Staff on February 08, 2007 at 12:00:47 PT
By Emil Steiner
Source: Washington Post 
Washington, DC -- President Bush is asking Congress to increase funding for an anti-drug campaign, which studies say "is at best useless and at worst has increased drug use among some teens." In 2003, the Office of Management and Budget evaluated the $1.4 billion program "and determined it showed virtually no results." With no solution in sight, a $47 million study was launched by the Governmental Accountability Office, which determined the campaign actually increased "the perceptions that others use marijuana" and "led to higher rates of first-time drug use" among white teens.
Now the White House wants another $130 million to make more commercials -- -- and possibly expand the scope of their content. So, the question remains, why would our Government want to throw money at something which has been found to be counter-productive to their supposed motive? For me to write that the administration wants kids to take drugs would be professionally irresponsible, but at the same time, their use of tax payer dollars seems to be exactly that. Is this simply a case of bureaucracy feeding bureaucracy, or is there something more sinister afoot?Correspondent John Mullenholz contributed to this reportURL: Washington Post (DC)Author: Emil SteinerPublished: February 8, 2007Copyright: 2007 Washington Post Contact: letterstoed washpost.comWebsite: Related Article:Bush Wants Funding Jump for Anti-Drug Ads -- Cannabis Archives
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Comment #4 posted by Hope on February 08, 2007 at 16:23:55 PT
Observer comment 1
"The stated intent of [the propaganda] "was to stamp out the menace of marijuana because it leads to "acts of shocking violence, ending often in incurable insanity." It dang sure did! Didn't it? Prohibitionists are responsible for truly "shocking acts of violence" against cannabists and anyone who got in their way. And the damned prohibitionists seem to, indeed, be suffering from "incurable insanity".
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Comment #3 posted by Toker00 on February 08, 2007 at 14:56:07 PT
The time to act is now!
Petition to ALL '08 candidates mandating action on Global Warming.<l=1170974760Hi Toke,Can you feel the heat?The earth is warming, but our efforts to fight global warming are heating up, too - and today, we need your help to make sure our next president is as serious about global warming as we are.Take action - tell all of the 2008 presidential hopefuls to take a strong stand on global warming!The presidential race is already heating up - in recent weeks Senators Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Sam Brownback, Governor Mitt Romney and several others have already entered the race. This is exactly when we have to grab the candidates' attention.Global warming is the biggest threat to our environment, our health, and our economy. We want to mobilize tens of thousands of Americans to sign our petition and let the candidates know we're serious - they can't ignore global warming this election season. Can you join us?Sign our petition now, and ask your friends to join you - we need every person who cares to speak up now before the primary season starts. Take action today» you for helping me fight global warming today,Rebecca Young,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite team Toke.
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Comment #2 posted by reverendjasongraves on February 08, 2007 at 13:56:48 PT:
...was it sinister when King Herod wanted to kill all first born males, to possibly eliminate a Messiah?Yes!It's darn sinister, why when Hemp, and the declaration of independance are written on canvas made from Cannabis, would an American president of a country built around Hemp production, want to eliminate all peaceful and otherwise law-abiding people?It's sick to the white-washed house core...
Paradise is closer than Armageddon...
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Comment #1 posted by observer on February 08, 2007 at 12:36:46 PT
Why are there conflicting messages?
So, the question remains, why would our Government want to throw money at something which has been found to be counter-productive to their supposed motive?
The stated intent of [the propaganda] "was to stamp out the menace of marijuana because it leads to "acts of shocking violence, ending often in incurable insanity." In contrast, young people are shown having a good time smoking marijuana, partying, dancing, kissing and retreating to the bedroom. By showing young people having a good time smoking marijuana, [the PR campaign] encourages young people to at least try it. By confusing marijuana with heroin and by telling the story of normal kids going berserk because of marijuana, [the anti-drug message] scares older people into demanding that something be done. 
And that "something" always "just happens" to be giving government more power and you giving up ever more of your traditional human rights. Easy as taking candy from a baby.
Hypnosis and 'Reefer Madness'
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