IDs for Users of Marijuana Will Be Offered IDs for Users of Marijuana Will Be Offered Posted by CN Staff on August 30, 2005 at 06:56:19 PT By Karl Fischer, Contra Costa Times Source: Contra Costa Times California -- Contra Costa health officials will soon offer an identification card to medical marijuana users to help local law enforcement distinguish them from people illegally carrying the drug.The Health Services Department "is working on the very early stages of developing this policy," said Francie Wise, director of the county's communicable disease program. "We're going to be talking with all the people involved to make sure that when we issue a card, everyone understands what it is for and what it means." County officials have not worked out specifics or notified most local law enforcement agencies, but do expect to begin issuing cards within a few months. The program would be similar to those operated by San Francisco and Oakland, Wise said, and would be used only to identify the carrier's legal rights to police.Wise said she did not know how many county residents would use the program. The Contra Costa Sheriff's Office, meanwhile, is reviewing its arrest and seizure policies."As we speak, we are reviewing our policies and procedures regarding medical marijuana in response to concerns expressed by the county health department as well as the district attorney's office," said sheriff's spokesman Jimmy Lee. "Our goal is to make a policy that is in accordance with state law."That neatly echoes a policy shift broadcast to Highway Patrol field offices across the state last week from Sacramento. Officers will now accept local identification cards and many other forms of proof that someone uses marijuana legally -- a departure from a more narrow policy that cannabis activists claim violated state law."The CHP's reluctance to follow state law was more than just superficial, it was unlawful," said Kris Hermes of Oakland-based Americans for Safe Access. "They had a policy of seizing marijuana that was enforced regardless of whether the patient supplied proper documentation."The group sued the CHP this year, claiming the agency was the state's most egregious violator of medical marijuana law based on the number of traffic-stop arrests of cannabis patients. The suit remains unresolved but the group heartily approves of the policy change.The CHP previously accepted cannabis cards from the state Department of Health Services, said Lt. Joe Whiteford, though that agency's relatively new program has only issued a few hundred cards. By contrast, San Francisco has issued more than 8,000.Questions from officers about how to enforce state law and this summer's U.S. Supreme Court ruling that federal drug prohibitions still applied in states with medical marijuana laws prompted the Highway Patrol administration to change the policy, Whiteford said."We ask our officers to use sound professional judgment. We will ask for information to validate" information on an identification card, doctor's note or other forms of proof, Whiteford said.Highway Patrol officers still have the legal right to search cars of medical marijuana patients who acknowledge they are carrying the drug, Whiteford said, to verify they are carrying legal quantities.The CHP will impound an amount larger than 8 ounces regardless of whether the owner carries a cannabis card, and it will wait for a court order to return seized medical marijuana.Officers will also arrest anyone suspected of driving under the influence or with paraphernalia that appears to be recently used.Few Contra Costa police agencies have such a succinct medical marijuana policy. The Contra Costa District Attorney's office has seen a drop in police seeking criminal charges against cannabis patients, said District Attorney Robert Kochly."Nobody is trying to keep marijuana from people who need it, at least in amounts that are appropriate," Kochly said. "What the Highway Patrol is announcing is not inconsistent with what we would advise our local jurisdictions to do."Source: Contra Costa Times (CA)Author: Karl Fischer, Contra Costa TimesPublished: Tuesday, August 30, 2005Copyright: 2005 Knight RidderContact: letters cctimes.comWebsite: Articles & Web Site:Americans For Safe Access Sues State To Stop CHP Pot Confiscations Revises Policy on Pot Seizures When Medical Marijuana Is Misused Home Comment Email Register Recent Comments Help Comment #23 posted by FoM on September 01, 2005 at 17:07:16 PT Max Flowers I agree with you. As I watch the disaster unfold I am mentally taking pictures of the good, the bad and the ugly. I look at the fabric of society. I believe we find ourselves in times like these. We look at our prejudice, anger, sadness and even happiness. If we see life differently it adds a broader perspective on our own personal views. That's why it's so important to have a passion in different areas because that will bring us strength. I don't expect anyone to think like me but if I learn something from the way I see things I'll share it and it might help someone besides me. [ Post Comment ] Comment #22 posted by Max Flowers on September 01, 2005 at 16:52:13 PT FoM Thanks for understanding. You're right... for example, your posts are humanitarian in nature, mine are justice-seeking in nature. Between us, and everyone else here, maybe we can hope to get the job(s) done! [ Post Comment ] Comment #21 posted by FoM on August 31, 2005 at 14:05:13 PT Thank You Houston I wanted to say thank you to the city of Houston, Texas for taking in the displaced people. God Bless Houston, Texas! [ Post Comment ] Comment #20 posted by FoM on August 31, 2005 at 14:00:56 PT Hope I am watching the news and reading this link which updates frequently and wondering about the whole terrible disaster. From the first day when I saw very old and sick people in wheelchairs sitting in the Superdome it made me cry. Why weren't those dear old people removed from the city before they had to wind up in the Superdome nodding out in their wheelchairs? [ Post Comment ] Comment #19 posted by Hope on August 31, 2005 at 13:51:25 PT Hugo Chavez Looks like Chavez might have a real, internal or external, spiritual advisor...that he pays a bit of attention to. [ Post Comment ] Comment #18 posted by FoM on August 31, 2005 at 13:37:03 PT Something I Think Is Interesting I believe that haughty people or countries will be humbled. That is something I've always believed to be true. Hugo Chavez has offered Oil to the USA in spite of Pat Robertson's comment to kill him. Will our government accept help from Chavez which would be very humbling? [ Post Comment ] Comment #17 posted by Hope on August 31, 2005 at 13:18:16 PT "we all benefit" Indeed. [ Post Comment ] Comment #16 posted by FoM on August 31, 2005 at 10:22:26 PT Max Flowers I understand where you are coming from. I just avoid politics and think of other things. Like right now I am really absorbed with what has happened in New Orleans and how will the city be saved and how much will it cost. I look very closely at human issues and wonder how people will survive. I personally believe that what makes us here on CNews unique is we all have areas that are especially important to us and when we share how we feel we all benefit. I know I have learned so much by all the input from all over our country in these years of doing CNews. [ Post Comment ] Comment #15 posted by Max Flowers on August 31, 2005 at 10:10:57 PT FoM I am cynical about politics too, believe me! More than you know. But when a guy comes along and wants to run for president saying he is going to clean house, have senators and congressmen either arrested or thrown out of office, wants to *really* investigate 9/11, and wants to get us out of Iraq right away and stop CIA heroin smuggling (this is the first time I've even heard anyone besides us here at CN publically acknowledge that that is happening!!), and says many other amazing things, well I just have to listen and spread the word. [ Post Comment ] Comment #14 posted by FoM on August 30, 2005 at 18:07:27 PT mayan Thank you. I really do find politics hard to handle. I look at things in such a different way then many people. I guess I am cynical and I just can't believe in politics. I think that we have gotten as far as we have with reforming Cannabis laws without a particular party or individual being the way it all has been accomplished. [ Post Comment ] Comment #13 posted by mayan on August 30, 2005 at 17:40:41 PT FoM He is a Republican from Texas just like GWB and Ron Paul.Texas Author And Bush Critic Announces New Third Party And Run For 2008 Presidency: agree with almost everything in his platform. [ Post Comment ] Comment #12 posted by FoM on August 30, 2005 at 12:18:07 PT Max Flowers I didn't read the platform because I don't pay attention to politicians. I'm not planning on voting again unless I really feel I should. I only voted one other time then last year. I'm just not into politics. [ Post Comment ] Comment #11 posted by Max Flowers on August 30, 2005 at 12:15:01 PT FoM So the substance of what he is saying and what he believes in doesn't matter to you---only where he is from? Wow... But did you actually read the excerpt I posted about his platform? I'm guessing you didn't. It's nothing short of revolutionary... he wants to clean up every corrupt element in the US down to the last man and woman. Well anyway that's your right of course to see it any way you want. I'm just grateful for your website and the chance to get this kind of info out to thousands (millions?) of people, even if you as the administrator personally don't agree with it. [ Post Comment ] Comment #10 posted by FoM on August 30, 2005 at 11:56:53 PT Max Flowers What state is he from? I don't want anyone from the south. Maybe all this devastation in the south might wake up some politicians and they might start caring about the enviornment. I wanted Kerry to win because he is from the northeast and that's the kind of politician I will listen too but not from the south. [ Post Comment ] Comment #9 posted by Max Flowers on August 30, 2005 at 11:45:41 PT Schwarz and the APM party I am just amazed to see a candidate put forth such a detailed platform. What I posted was only a portion of what is in his platform statement on his website. I am not the most well-informed person in the world about politics to say the least, however, it seems to me that any other candidate platform I have ever seen, including Kerry or anyone else, was WAAAAY short on details and cohesion, while this guy Schwarz is getting down to nitty-gritty detail, and very courageously so, taking on all of the corrupt elements at once and actually having PLANS for what to do to make things right instead of just making nice-sounding but vague statements a la Kerry. I don't mean to pick on Kerry, I know you like him FoM, but he is the example freshest in our minds since his run was only a year ago.Schwarz is going to have to literally watch his back as he is talking about nothing less than the dismantling of every corrupt person and agency and policy in the US government. His vision is huge if you ask me, and exactly what we need at this precise moment in history. That's also why I fear for his life, with the agenda he has. If elected, he is going to shake up the status quo of everything, as big or bigger than the Kennedys or MLK... [ Post Comment ] Comment #8 posted by Max Flowers on August 30, 2005 at 11:33:25 PT FoM His website is www.karlschwarz.comHe is NOT a Republican, nor a Democrat. His statement about that is this: Karl Schwarz used to be a conservative Democrat, and then changed parties when DNC went to the Far Left fringe ideologies. Thanks to his involvement in RNC, he now clearly sees that both parties are corrupt and beyond repair. Therefore, he has drawn his battle lines against both parties and the government corruption that undermines the lives of all Americans more with each passing day. We have, as a nation, had enough bad government and folly from Washington, DC. Join with us and make 2006 and 2008 the Years of The Second American Revolution.-------------------------He is starting a whole new party called the American Patriot Movement. [ Post Comment ] Comment #7 posted by FoM on August 30, 2005 at 11:12:58 PT Max Flowers Who is he? Is there a link to an article? Is he a Republican? [ Post Comment ] Comment #6 posted by Max Flowers on August 30, 2005 at 10:52:21 PT Typo alert Sorry about the "48 48" you see toward the bottom; that was a page number that accidentally got copied in. [ Post Comment ] Comment #5 posted by Max Flowers on August 30, 2005 at 10:49:53 PT Just look at some of the Schwarz platform (Sorry for the big post FoM, but I think this is really historic stuff that we all need to see.) It's simply mind-blowing:==========================Schwarz would pursue legislation that would change how most drug abusers are treated by our courts in sentencing. We cannot continue to put forth a bogus war on drugs when our intelligence and black ops groups are the largest illegal drug growers, traffickers and pushers on the face of this planet. Schwarz intends to bring a broad based class action on behalf of American citizens that will cite treason and misprision of treason, malfeasance, racketeering, mass murder and conspiracy to commit murder, and fraud against the Bush Administration and most of the members of the U.S. Congress that have signed off on Patriot Acts I and II.A Schwarz administration would appoint a 9-11 Commission to fully investigate not only 9-11, who did it, but also why our U.S. Government has stifled every inquiry into 9-11. That inquiry would also investigate the Bush appointed 9-11 Commission for obstruction of justice and other charges. The Bush Secrecy veil would be lifted, the matter investigated, the responsible parties, regardless of nationality, brought to justice. Abuse of Executive Privilege Under the Bush Administration, every investigation, every inquiry, every matter of transparency has been thwarted under the bogus “national security” veil. National Security does not include protecting selected individuals from prosecution. Schwarz would open up the 9-11 investigation and bring all parties to justice that were involved in that crime. A Schwarz presidency would appoint a 9-11 Commission that had members having no conflicts of interest and the investigation would not spare anyone for wrongdoing or complicity in 9-11. 9-11 was a criminal act against this nation and against this world, and whomever was behind it or participated in it will be brought to justice. Under Karl Schwarz, relations with Israel would undergo a full evaluation and significant changes. All existing Israeli developed software that is embedded into U.S. communications and Internet systems for eavesdropping and spying would be replaced. Any known Israeli spies within the United States government would be removed and barred from all federal facilities and possibly barred from the United States.Schwarz administration policy would recognize a free and independent Palestinian state, and if necessary, U.S. troops would be stationed in that state to defend it from continued genocide and terroristic actions by Israel. The Palestinian issue is long past time for resolution and recent actions by Israel make it clear that they apparently do not want peace; their word is apparently not to be trusted. A Schwarz presidency would not risk a single U.S. soldier’s life for the benefit of Israel unless direct United States national interests were at stake. Current military actions of the Bush Administration are more designed for Israeli benefit and the greed of an elite few than any long term U.S. national interests. Schwarz would remove U.S. troops from Iraq and any Iraq assets privatized by the Bush Administration into the hands of Bush political donors would be returned immediately to the people of the Free Iraq. All Bush Administration insiders that have profited from Iraq policy would be placed under full audit and investigation on use of funds and other wrongdoing. Any required security for what remaining United States interests there are in Iraq will be provided by that company, whether public or private in nature. United States troops will not be used to plunder the assets of other nations and then be bound to provide security for such arrogance and wanton greed. Schwarz would remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan and any Afghanistan assets privatized by the Bush Administration into the hands of Bush political donors would be returned immediately to the Afghan people. All Bush Administration insiders that have profited from Afghanistan policy would be placed under full audit and investigation on use of funds and other wrongdoing. Any required security for what remaining United States interests there are in Afghanistan will be provided by that company, whether public or private in nature. United States troops will not be used to plunder the assets of other nations and then be bound to provide security for such arrogance and wanton greed. Afghan farmers would be introduced to a program to dissuade them from growing opium poppies and any U.S. involvement in those crops, drug smuggling or money laundering would cease and desist under A Schwarz presidency. Any movement of such drugs by U.S. citizens into the United States would be dealt with as an act of treason against the U.S. people. Constitutional law would be pushed back towards the intended purpose of many of the Bill of Rights, that being “what the government cannot do” to amend, abridge or violate the rights of American citizens. The only contemplated Constitutional amendment Schwarz would put forth is one that will lay the groundwork for governmental accountability and liability for misconduct, malfeasance, and other actions, and begin to limit the terms of appointment of judges for a definite number of years and accountability, liability and performance on the bench would become factors in continued service in our judicial system.Schwarz would bring to a halt the development of all forms of CBW within the United 48 48 States and work with other nations to curb or eliminate such programs in other nations. We cannot be a leader with clean hands when this nation does not have clean hands. All biolabs would be required to make a full disclosure of the research they were conducting regarding development of deadly pathogens on behalf of the U.S. Government, or face de-certification of their labs. A Schwarz administration would make a full assessment of potential problems and wrongdoing involving development of deadly chemical and biological weapons for use against any population for any reason.Schwarz will strongly increase aid to veterans to honor the word of this nation and the duty that this government has to our veterans. This will include an immediate reversal of the Bush policies regarding Desert Storm Syndrome, current exposure to Depleted Uranium weapons, esinophilis – Mystery Pneumonia, Amyloidosis, and related autoimmune disorders being caused by willful negligence of the Bush Administration, the Department of Defense, and a myriad of military contractors. Every U.S. soldier that has served in Desert Storm, Afghanistan and Iraq would receive full medical evaluation and backing for any harm this government’s policies and use of weapons has caused. =====================I realize that some of us will have an issue with the term "drug abusers" as he applies it, but with all the other very positive changes he is advocating, and considering his apparent respect for personal liberty, I think it may not be that difficult to show him that use and abuse are not always the same thing; moreover, if the changes he wants to make were to be successfully made, it might not be nearly as hard to change the laws as we have been trying to do for decades. [ Post Comment ] Comment #4 posted by Max Flowers on August 30, 2005 at 09:43:27 PT You're not alone, runruff Many of us here, and across the country in fact, have been feeling the exact same way. I for one know exactly how you feel. There's a particular kind of sadness that takes over when you realize that most of what you thought was there, in terms of your country's integrity, is gone or badly dysfunctional.It's going to take a revisioning of mammoth proportions to get us out of this.I am wary, oh so wary, but a little encouraged by the news of a guy who intends to run for president in 2008 under a whole new political party (yes, a NEW party). Karl Schwarz (thanks for that news, mayan) is his name and the new party is going to be called the American Patriot Party if I recall correctly. Corny name, good ideas. I may be pseudo-Canadian by that time, but if it looks like miracles are beginning to happen here, I would have no problem coming back to help support him. If you go to his site, and read his political platform, it is quite "radical" yet it is righteous and exactly what we need. [ Post Comment ] Comment #3 posted by runruff on August 30, 2005 at 09:26:41 PT: O.T. Sorta. I'm not he worlds greatest brainiack as many of you already know. But. And this is a big but! Not your Oprah kind but the exception kind. I thought the constitution is there to protect little guys like me. To garantee that I will have as much of a chanch at the ol' pursut of happiness as the next guy. So how does the commerce clause in it's present application provide this garantee? It is working against us and for the big guys and government. Now I haven't built any rockets latley or performed any brain surgery but [and there's that but again] even I can see how corrupt the SCOTUS and white house policies have become. They are wringing out all of the truth, justice and the American way and inserting something more resemblig fascisum and oligarchy. Will the American people ever get our democratic republic back? Does anyone even care anymore? Have we all fallen for the old Roman tactic of bread and games? If this is the America I am stuck with for the rest of my life I can't say I wish to live that much longer because I am old enough to Know the difference.Namaste [ Post Comment ] Comment #2 posted by Dankhank on August 30, 2005 at 09:15:07 PT Yea ... What? I agree ... stupid sht ...Gonna check the bowl, see if its hot?Smell the breath?Stupid a**holes .... [ Post Comment ] Comment #1 posted by runderwo on August 30, 2005 at 08:56:59 PT huh? "Officers will also arrest anyone suspected of driving under the influence or with paraphernalia that appears to be recently used."Why? [ Post Comment ] Post Comment