NORML Plans Education Month

NORML Plans Education Month
Posted by CN Staff on April 04, 2003 at 08:46:22 PT
By Christie Galeano, Alligator Contributing Writer
Source: Independent Florida Alligator
It’s not just about the pot, according to the local chapter of a marijuana legalization club. Josh Manning, the president of the UF chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, is planning several events for the month to help educate the public about marijuana.Today, Kris Krane, NORML’s national affiliate director and chapter coordinator, will speak at 7 p.m. in Turlington, Room L007. 
The organization also has planned to rally on Turlington on Thursday. “It’s just a speak out that we are doing in coordination with Students for Sensible Drug Policies, focusing on the Higher Education Act and medical marijuana,” Manning said.The Education Act denies grants, loans and work assistance to anyone convicted of a drug offense, including possession of marijuana.The organization also will host one of the seven people in the United States who receives legal marijuana from the government, Irv Rosenfeld, April 11 at 7 p.m. in Turlington, Room L007.Rosenfeld, who is given the drug under the Compassionate Investigational New Drug program, suffers from a rare bone disorder called Multiple Congenital Cartilaginous Exostosis. This condition causes tumors, benign and malignant, to form at the end of his legs or arms that cause pain, swelling and other complications.Members also will attend a national conference in San Francisco later this month that will include guest speakers, workshops, a silent auction to benefit NORML and an awards ceremony.“So much was happening on the national level that I just wanted to do anything that I could to help fuel the cause,” Manning said.On April 20, a date synonymous with marijuana use, participants at the conference will attend several educational workshops on different aspects of running a campus chapter. “I know people who will be smoking out on 4-20 because they aren’t in school and don’t have a job,” said Sarah Fields, a public relations sophomore. The group has received $3,000 in funding from Student Government and is using the money to bring guest speakers and pay for half of the national conference trip for the four members attending.NORML has had a lot of support in Gainesville with more than 120 people attending its meetings and more than 650 names on its e-mail list, Manning said.“Our main focus is to help raise awareness and start an open dialogue on the issue,” he added.Source: Independent Florida Alligator, The (FL Edu)Author: Christie Galeano, Alligator Contributing WriterPublished: Friday, April 4, 2003 Copyright: 2003 Campus Communications, Inc.Contact: letters alligator.orgWebsite: Articles & Web Sites:SSDP NORML Disrupts NORML Meeting To Light Up UF with Activism Legalization Group Has First Meeting
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Comment #4 posted by freedom fighter on April 05, 2003 at 10:09:24 PT
LTE to the below article
Dear Editor:This is in regard to an editoral article written on April 3, 2003.I had to ask, how is the society safer if supposed those same 40 or so decide to bring joints to school tomorrow and get arrested? So we give them criminal records and deny them the right to education. How does that make us any safer?Where will the 40 young children go? Murderers, robbers, rapists and true predatory criminals get more right to education than a person who smoked a joint and get caught. We all like to think that if we keep up with this law, one day this country will be drug-free. But the question is, how many children are we going to criminalize? How many time are we going to send dogs to schools to deny a certain human being an education?How does it make our communities safer?Respectfully YoursI encourage you to send lte to that editoral, online
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on April 04, 2003 at 09:25:01 PT
Even in Schools
Lockdown Increases Awareness of Drug ProblemWe're you surprised to learn some Newark High School students take illegal drugs to school? Sadly, we were not. The haul of marijuana and other contraband turned in by students before a campus-wide search Wednesday morning could have been found at any high school in Licking County or across the United States. Anyone who believes otherwise fails to comprehend the prevalance of illegal drugs in our society. During a five-minute amnesty period at the beginning of Wednesday's lockdown, students secretly turned in 23 sandwich bags of suspected narcotics, 10 marijuana pipes, 42 packs of cigarettes and six knives. Dozens of students also handed over legal prescription drugs they were not allowed to possess at school. Under the direction of school principals, Newark police officers and drug-sniffing dogs then searched the school and found no illegal drugs. We suspect some people wonder why authorities allowed students to escape criminal arrest Wednesday, but we applaud this move as a more than fair warning to students. They now clearly know bringing drugs to school could leave them with a criminal record and a lost educational opportunity. We support this lockdown and search and encourage every Licking County school district to proactively continue the fight to keep our schools and children safe. In fact, we would urge the Newark schools to extend this tactic to its middle schools where we're saddened to say similar results are likely. There's nothing more imporant than providing a safe learning environment free of drugs and weapons even if the cost is what some perceive to be negative publicity. Parents who thought NHS might be free of drugs, now know their children could be asked to try marijuana or other drugs at any time. They would be wise to sit down this weekend with their sons and daughters to make sure the answer is no. Originally published Friday, April 4, 2003
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on April 04, 2003 at 09:16:38 PT
Thank You! You know what bothers me about this? I believe Nol Van Shaik. As the war escalates on Iraq watch what they will try to do. God help us all.
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Comment #1 posted by Virgil on April 04, 2003 at 09:09:26 PT
FoM, Nol's response to US-UK arrangement
Nol Van Shaik responded to the press release- -announcing tighter cooperation between the ONDCP and the UK. From caption reads, "This means the UK is going to be the 51st state of the USA!"Bad news, I assume, if the US can move their War on Us into Europe, through the UK. Walters is as bad as GWB, and his direct slave, better get rid of your bongs now, the US law considers them the same as drugs, as we know now! Stand up against this bond, before you have a big DEA branch in the UK!! The US kill for fun....
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