Cannabis News
  Thousands Drawn To Hash Bash
Posted by CN Staff on April 06, 2003 at 23:38:27 PT
By Elizabeth Anderson, Daily Staff Reporter 
Source: Michigan Daily  

cannabis Hash Bash, the annual Ann Arbor rally to support the legalization of marijuana, was in full force Saturday afternoon, drawing a crowd that event organizers estimated reached 3,000 to 4,000 people.

Carrying signs declaring "Hemp for Peace" and "Smoke pot not Iraq," community members, University students and out-of-town participants protested both the war on drugs and the war on Iraq at the 32nd annual event.

Traditional festivities included the rally at noon on the Diag and an after-party on Monroe Street.

Some participants wore necklaces of plastic hemp leaves, while others dressed up in costumes - including a self-proclaimed "Jointmann."

"A lot of people dress up because they like the anonymity," said event organizer Adam Brook.

Brook, who also served as the master of ceremonies for the event, said Hash Bash was well attended despite the cold weather and snow, although he said warmer temperatures would have drawn a larger crowd.

"The University can try to stop us, the city can try to stop us, the federal government can try to stop us, the state can try to stop us, but nobody screws us like Mother Nature," Brook, an Ann Arbor resident, said.

This year's event also saw a low number of arrests for possession of marijuana, which Brook said was unlike previous years.

"We've taken extraordinary steps to prevent arrests," he said.

"We get the crowd to sit down (on the Diag) and then the cops can't get by because there's a wall of people, which is good because there were hundreds and hundreds of people smoking pot," he added.

Department of Public Safety Sgt. Stacy Richmond said only one participant was arrested for possession of marijuana, a misdemeanor that could include penalties of one year in jail or a $2,000 fine under state law.

Additionally, DPS cited three participants for youth tobacco misdemeanors and two vendors for violating city solicitation ordinances.

A youth tobacco violation is "like a ticket," Richmond said. "They could get 90 days in jail, but it usually turns out to be a fine."

Richmond added that the vendors were each fined $50 and ticketed, but declined to say what they were selling.

Ann Arbor Police Department Sgt. Laura Anderson said the AAPD did not arrest or cite anyone as a result of Hash Bash. All arrests and citations took place on the Diag.

Brook said he was displeased that anti-war protesters met on the Diag at the same time, and was disappointed that anti-war activists never support the Hash Bash efforts.

"There's been a war on drugs for longer than a war on terrorism or a war on Saddam (Hussein)," he said.

Brook expressed pride in the force and attendance of Hash Bash. "This is the largest rally on campus," he said.

Note: One arrested for marijuana possession, three cited for youth tobacco misdemeanors at frigid festival.

Source: Michigan Daily (MI Edu)
Author: Elizabeth Anderson, Daily Staff Reporter
Published: April 07, 2003
Copyright: 2003 The Michigan Daily

Related Articles & Web Site:

Ann Arbor Hash Bash

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A2 Prepares for Hash Bash Events

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Comment #3 posted by FoM on April 08, 2003 at 08:54:05 PT
Here's the article. I wasn't sure if you knew it was posted.

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Comment #2 posted by ekim on April 08, 2003 at 08:52:01 PT
Happy please post HB 197
I arrived around 3 oclock and did not see the bill. Will you post the entire bill here and who supported it. I have not heard of this bill except the HU from Afterburner. The story that is listed says the bill is from the Senate. Thanks for all the info.

WEED WHACKING Pubdate: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 Source: Michigan Daily (Ann Arbor, MI Edu)

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Comment #1 posted by RevHappy on April 07, 2003 at 23:10:59 PT:

Id say 3-6 thousand showed up in the FREEZING COLD to hear whats new in Drug Peace. POT CURES CANCER-oh, thats OLD news...

whats new is HR197 and the FLINT MARIJUANA MARCH! March in FIVE Michigan Cities and around the world May 3rd!

The vending at the bash STILL EXISTS at Dominicks.

North University got shut down. They will sue...

Had it been warm, this would have Really, Really, ROCKED

The speakers were cool, the bands were great, we had MJ Cheerleaders and a HEMP fashion show. Shit, only FOUR BUSTS, and for nothing. It should have been titles "Police have hard time at Hash Bash"

We won, its obvious potsmokers are tenacious. I might as well say potsmoking is part of their RELIGION.

This year, Hash Bash was a pilgramage.


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