DA Recall Group Files Financial Statement 

  DA Recall Group Files Financial Statement 

Posted by FoM on April 21, 2001 at 11:51:29 PT
By Richard Halstead 
Source: Marin Independent Journal 

The group responsible for forcing Marin District Attorney Paula Kamena into a May 22 recall election has filed a financial statement documenting monetary contributions - several months late. The statement indicates that from July 2000 to December 2000 the Marin Alliance Legal Defense Fund Committee raised a total of $9,870 from just five contributors.Lynnette Shaw of Fairfax, one of the leaders of recall effort, contributed $5,000 from an insurance settlement on her car. The next largest contribution was $1,500 - from Kenneth E. Hayes of San Francisco, who on Wednesday was acquitted of felony charges of marijuana cultivation and possession for sale by a Sonoma County jury.
Hayes was arrested on suspicion of growing marijuana for medical pot users in San Francisco's Castro neighborhood. In the past, however, Hayes said he has grown cannabis for the Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana in Fairfax, which Shaw founded.Three other individuals made donations of $500 each. They are:- Don Duncan, co-director of the Berkeley Patients' Group, a medical marijuana dispensary that also offers massage and acupuncture- Ed Rosenthal, an author and publisher of several books on the subject of cannabis, including: "Easy Marijuana Gardening" and "Ask Ed: Marijuana Law (Don't Get Busted)"- Sister Mary Jane Weirick, a Catholic nun who worked at Dennis Peron's Cannabis Buyers' Club in San Francisco until it was closed in 1996.According to the financial statement, the remaining balance of the contributions - $1,870 - came from donation jars displayed on various outreach tables stationed throughout Marin from July to December.So far, Kamena has raised $79,628, more than eight times the amount generated by recall backers.The disclosure documents, detailing donations and expenses between Jan. 1 to April 7, show Kamena already has spent $26,873 to fight the recall.During the February press conference kicking off her recall campaign, Kamena highlighted the anonymity of the recall contributors."Until they come out of the shadows and we know who they are, then we might be led to believe this recall effort is perhaps supported by drug dealers," Kamena said then. "Are these the people who sell drugs to our kids? I don't know but I sure would like to," she added.The individuals who contributed to the Legal Defense Fund all reacted angrily to Kamena's remarks."That's the first thing they say, 'What are you, a bunch of stoners?' " said Sister Weirick. "There is a horrible perception people have, and it is mostly created by law enforcement - because it makes their job easier."Rosenthal said, "Kamena is very close to libel and slander."The financial statement indicates the Legal Defense Fund spent a total of $9,793 - nearly all of it, $8,793, to pay 16 petition circulators.Madelyne DeJusto, Marin's assistant registrar of voters, said that the Legal Defense Fund's financial statement, which arrived in her office on Thursday, should have been submitted in November."It's nice she has finally made this disclosure," said Mike Gridley, Marin's chief assistant prosecutor, who added his boss, Kamena, was not available for comment.DeJusto said she had received numerous inquiries regarding the late filing from the state Fair Political Practices Commission, which oversees laws governing the conduct of public officials and campaign committees."We just got a call the other day from the FPPC, asking for more information," DeJusto said.Roman Porter, an FPPC spokesperson, said he could not comment on whether there is an investigation or if any fines are anticipated.Shaw said she was late filing the statement because the Legal Defense Fund's bank statements were sent back to the Bank of America's central California office due to a computer glitch."I was not able to get copies of all bank statement records to confirm our check amounts and deposit amounts until April 12," Shaw said.Shaw initially maintained that the Legal Defense Fund was not required to disclose the names of its contributors.The individuals who contributed to the recall effort all said they think Kamena should be removed because of the way she has enforced Proposition 215. The initiative, which was supported by 73 percent of Marin voters, exempted from prosecution patients and caregivers who possess or cultivate marijuana for medical treatment recommended by a health-care provider."Paula Kamena doesn't seem to be implementing Prop. 215," said Hayes, who was busted on suspicion of possessing 899 plants and hashish at a rented farm in Petaluma in May 1999. "She is one of these rogue DAs, coupled with the cowboy cop mentality, that are continuing to offer us roundblocks," Hayes said.The contributors emphasized that while Kamena might not be prosecuting all medical marijuana users, they nevertheless are being arrested and having their cannabis confiscated."Their lives are still being destroyed," Sister Weirick said.Rosenthal said Kamena should be removed because her enforcement of Proposition 215 does not reflect the wishes of Marin residents."She would be a really good DA somewhere else," he said.Source: Marin Independent Journal (CA)Author: Richard HalsteadPublished: April 21, 2001Copyright: 2001 Marin Independent JournalContact: opinion marinij.comWebsite: Articles & Web Sites:Marijuana.org Alliance for Medical Marijuana, Challenger Clash During Feisty Debate County Prosecutor Facing Recall's Recall Effort Moves Forward 

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Comment #10 posted by Chaz on April 22, 2001 at 18:56:21 PT:

  It's no one's buisness of the whereabouts of contrabutionfunds, this should not even be included in any dicussion for recall of Kamena. A political distraction from the true injustice in Marin co. Loyal supporter, Lynnette please contact me   chas51499
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Comment #9 posted by lookinside on April 22, 2001 at 16:12:03 PT:

nothing like trapping an idiot with his own words...thanksfor the reminder, seems that voltaire's opponent andmany of the "antis" (note guy farmer, author of anotherposting here) have much in common... it's been my observation that an inability to see allsides of a question is a sign of insufficient intellect andeducation(i.e. STUPITY) the drug warriors seem to be drawnuniformly from such a group...i have yet to see an argument by even one of them that notstupidly uninformed or based on information that is justplain wrong...our government has funded many dishonestlyassessed studies to further it's position on illegaldrugs...independent studies seem to always differ inresults...the drug warriors continue to quote these taintedstudies in hopes of sounding knowledgable on the subject andeach time they do, a few more of their supporters start toquestion their(the guvmints's) position...
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Comment #8 posted by kaptinemo on April 22, 2001 at 11:18:59 PT:

Where is Voltaire when the antis need him?
The great French philospher Voltaire was once in a heated argument with someone who he realized he could never sway with facts; the poor fellow was just too obstinate, set in his ways...and quite frankly, stupid.His opponent quoted sayings that were never properly attributed to the correct individuals, misquoted the ones he correctly identified, and even when the proof was readily available to him in the form of a book, refused to even look at it.M. Voltaire, realizing that the cause of educating one as wilfully blind as this was hopeless, then made the immortal declaration:"I disagree with everything you say, but shall defend to the death your right to say it!" Which was, needless to say, a sentiment his opponent also disagreed with. Not understanding the ramifications of his disagreement of it, his opponent proved how truly ignorant he was.I liken the the CNews community to the camp of Voltaire; we're willing to listen, even to the most inane anti. Many of us echo Voltaire's sentiments towards Free Speach...and his wilingness to protect it. But like Voltaire's opponent, the antis would just as soon wave us off with a "Yeah, yeah, right, whatever." as they demolish the First Amemdment with their Anti-Meth Bill. And cut their own Constitutional throats in the process.But I refuse to let them do the same to mine.
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Comment #7 posted by CongressmanSuet on April 22, 2001 at 10:31:39 PT:

Frances, are you....
  like the "Milton Berle"of Antis? I for one dont see any humor in your "double" post, gee, did you forget you posted it once already, having some LONG term damage from those legal Marguritas you had after dinner at the DARE social function you had at your house last night? Or perhaps you took the higher strength Zanax by mistake before retiring. Simple fact is, KAMENA IS HISTORY! And, thats all I need to remember.....
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Comment #6 posted by sm247 on April 21, 2001 at 23:01:06 PT

Sorry kinda rambled of topic lol
What business is it of theirs where the money came from.We have a right to privacy and a right to redress these vicious laws in America. Paula Kamena has an obligation to uphold the law even prop 215 and soon prop 36 by the constitution.Maybe the people who are giving money to Paula Kamena are from the blackmarket they are the ones who are losing and fighting back like those other anti-s especially the ones in drug enforcement. Why don't you all concentrate your effort on real law enforcement too many people in this nation are victems or even victimized many times and the police say they can do nothing but if they think you got drugs they come in in force guns drawn. Why aren't these type of tactics used on perpetrators who continually victimize people by vandelizing cars stealing cars stereo's breakin into houses.I know of people who have been hit several times by these criminals and the police "can't do anything about it" hell they could do some stake outs you know make some arrest catching em in the act maybe they should try smokin a joint while they are waitin on stakeout instead of havin donuts.MEAN GREEN FIGHTIN MACHINES !!!
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Comment #5 posted by Dan B on April 21, 2001 at 14:07:00 PT:

Keep Ignoring
I find it incredibly gratifying that the good people of C-News continue to ignore trolls who have nothing of substance to add to the debate. Clearly, those who believe that everyone who favors legalization is a drug user are wrong. Let's let these folks continue to display their ignorance here. All they are accomplishing is further deterioration of their own arguments and exemplification of what the majority of us here realize is mere propaganda. Name calling and "joke" making will get you nowhere at C-News. Make a substantive argument, and maybe we can have a real debate.Dan B
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Comment #3 posted by Frances on April 21, 2001 at 13:44:51 PT:

Short (Long?) -term memory loss
Gentle smokers:The recall people wouldn't be suffering from short/long term membory problems and couldn't REMEMBER who contributed to them - could they?Just a thought.
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Comment #2 posted by lookinside on April 21, 2001 at 13:06:00 PT:

LOL...errant thoughts on the recall.. keep an eye on paula...see how many people she hauls to thepolls from the "old cops and attorneys home"who are the folks who gave paula money? the list available?marin is one of the wealthiest counties in the U.S....howbout some much needed donations to the recall effort? ifeach person donated $1 who voted for prop 215, funding wouldbe sufficient to get some air time, etc...this IS important,folks...and if they publish your name, take PRIDE in it!
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Comment #1 posted by jAhn on April 21, 2001 at 12:16:32 PT

How can Kamena even...
...Raise money to support the fact that she's wrong about? Proposition is Politik. These "above-the-law" Da's should enforce the laws that were Voted on and Complete. There's no part of Prop. 215 that says, "If you feel that the Fed is right, overall, then BUST 'em!"  We're looking to help the Terminally Ill- DOn't they get it?   Why else would a Nun hang out with a bunch of "Potheads?"  It's cool that throughout the history of Pot Prohibition,   I've heard NO person that intoxicates themselves with cannabis call someone who drinks a "beerhead."  Very Kewl!!Toss Paula a NEW job! She doesn't know how to work in a "tri-partisanship" fashion...  America doesn't exist of ONLY Democrublicans & Republocrats! 
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