Seriously Ill Join Marijuana Buyers' Clubs 

Seriously Ill Join Marijuana Buyers' Clubs 
Posted by FoM on April 19, 2001 at 22:36:17 PT
By Jenny Holland
Source: New York Times
On a fiercely rainy night in March, a small group of people ventured out and gathered in a coffee shop in Manhattan to break the law. They all had an incurable disease. And they all believed that smoking marijuana helped them cope. These people, with illnesses ranging from AIDS to aggressive arthritis, meet weekly to buy marijuana in the relative safety of a club that they say is a lifeline.
Danny, a South American who is a member of the New York Medical Marijuana Patients' Cooperative, said that an AIDS medication he was taking made him feel "like I was eating metal." Danny, who knew he was breaking the law and did not want his last name used, said he would regularly skip the medicine because of its side effects. But, he said, "When I started smoking those feelings started going away, and that's the main reason I like to smoke."For those who turn to marijuana to alleviate the nausea that results from chemotherapy, the eye pressure from glaucoma and the weight loss from AIDS, there are several groups that buy and distribute the drug for patients. These marijuana clubs typically buy marijuana and sell it to patients who have registered with them. For patients who would not know how else to obtain marijuana, the club is a welcome alternative to buying on the street.The clubs said that having a list of members' names and illnesses could provide a measure of protection against charges that they were simply dealing drugs for profit. But some opponents of drug use fear any legalized use of marijuana. Nicole Guide, who is H.I.V. positive, runs the Brooklyn-based charity Hope's Alive to supply AIDS medication to children in the Caribbean. Ms. Guide, a former drug addict, said that legalization would weaken the antidrug message aimed at adolescents. "Now they are going to say marijuana fixes everything," she said. "How can we as parents fight that? We can't."New York has had a medical marijuana law since 1980, although it has never been fully carried out. So the people the law was intended to protect, those who do smoke marijuana to relieve a medical condition, have technically been committing a crime.Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried, a Manhattan Democrat, has written a bill that would effectively legalize marijuana for the sick. He said the federal government has approved the use of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana, in pill form."The idea that the drug laws are focused on whether you take your THC in a pill form from a major drug company or by inhaling makes no sense," he said. "Doctors are allowed to prescribe controlled substances for medical purposes, like morphine, codeine and Valium. Nobody thinks that undermines our antidrug message to young people."Marijuana club organizers said the majority of their members in New York City were H.I.V. positive. No one was sure of how many clubs there were, but John Sheridan, a founding member of Cannabis Care, a state-registered lobby group, estimated that there were seven currently in the city.Many of the people at the clubs have tried Marinol, the brand name of THC in pill form, without success. "Marinol's effects became unpredictable," said Mr. Sheridan, who has AIDS. "Sometimes nothing would happen. Sometimes I would suddenly get so hungry I would want to throw up."Doctors have said that no pill worked for everyone. "The best way to deliver a drug directly into circulation is inhalation," said Dr. John S. Macdonald, medical director at St. Vincent Comprehensive Cancer Center in Manhattan. "The problem with inhaling something that is burning is that it can do significant damage to the lungs." Groups that have dealt with substance abuse problems see the potential harm to be more than just physical. Joseph A. Califano Jr., the former secretary of Health, Education and Welfare who is president of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, said politicians did not know enough about marijuana as medicine to legislate on it. "Legalization of drugs would be a disaster for children," he said, "and that's what it would be about." Howard Simon, a spokesman for the Partnership for a Drug Free America, said some medical marijuana supporters had ulterior motives. "The state-based referenda campaigns have been largely supported and funded by those in favor of decriminalization and/or legalization," he said.Yet, Mr. Simon would not condemn the users of medical marijuana, leaving the decision to the medical community. "There are established processes in this country that tell us what is safe and effective medicine," he said. "Marijuana has not gone through those processes."Mr. Sheridan said the movement to provide medical marijuana in the city was overly decentralized. "The fractious nature of New York politics, and its diversity, make for very odd bedfellows," he said. "Everything from left-wing hippies to right- wing rabbis — this is their drug of last resort."Proof could be found at a meeting of the patients' cooperative last month."My politics are a little conservative; I like Giuliani," said Robert, who volunteered that he earns a six- figure salary at a job on Wall Street.Another member, Alex, the son of a preacher from Queens, said: "As a whole, I'm not even sure I support legalization. We are about compassionate use for the sick."Ann Northrop, an AIDS activist, said political stereotypes did not always apply when a person was faced with an illness. "It's all situational ethics," she said. "If someone you care about is in the situation of needing it, then you are likely to support them." Some medical marijuana advocates also want to allow conditions like multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. Kenny Toglia, the director of the New York Medical Marijuana Patients' Cooperative, wanted to move the issue "away from a hippy stereotype and toward a medical, clinical debate."But the stakes are high in New York, because the state has strict drug laws. "We are very oppressed here," Mr. Toglia said. "We are risking our skins."Marijuana arrests in the city have soared in number — 39,145 in 1999 compared with 5,429 in 1990 — yet anecdotal evidence suggests that the police arrest medical marijuana buyers almost reluctantly. Paula, who has AIDS and is a member of the patients' cooperative, was arrested after a weekly meeting was interrupted by a police raid in November. On the way to the precinct house, she said, one of the officers apologized to her. She said, "In the car they said: `Don't worry about it. We're gonna do some procedure and let you go.' "That is not the official position. Detective Walter Burnes, a spokesman for the New York City Police Department, said: "We have a responsibility to enforce the law as it stands. Anybody who is caught with marijuana runs the risk of being summoned or arrested. That's our job."Other city officials contacted about the issue were reluctant to talk about it. A spokesman for the Manhattan district attorney's office said each case was treated on its merits. Even a brief brush with the law can have devastating consequences for someone with AIDS. One AIDS patient, who did not want to be identified, spent six days in custody after a fire in his apartment led to the discovery of marijuana plants. While in jail, he was not given enough methadone, which he uses to control peripheral neuropathy, a painful condition that causes a pins-and-needles sensation in the soles of the feet and the legs. He then had methadone-withdrawal seizures. The experience, he said, was like "going through hell."Many users said the pleasure they got from the high was almost as important as marijuana's medical benefits. They said the drug's relaxing and euphoric properties could be a godsend to the seriously ill.Mark, a freelance designer who has AIDS and attends meetings of the New York City Buyer's Club, another marijuana club, spoke of a friend who was near death. "For him smoking is very helpful in dealing with the issue of dying," Mark said. "It absolutely plays a therapeutic role." Kevin, another member with AIDS, smokes to increase his appetite, but also because he felt it helped him deal with depression. "It really helps with the mental, emotional as well as the physical," he said. "It's a great leveler. It keeps you from losing your mind."Complete Title: Seriously Ill Join Marijuana Buyers' Clubs for MedicineSource: New York Times (NY)Author: Jenny HollandPublished: April 20, 2001Copyright: 2001 The New York Times CompanyWebsite: Articles:State Passed The Law, but Never Used It Herbalist - The Village Voice Medical Marijuana Archives
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