Pot Politics 

Pot Politics 
Posted by FoM on March 15, 2001 at 19:13:06 PT
Press Democrat Editorial 
Source: Press Democrat
And so we come to another marijuana trial burdened with the uncertainty of disputed facts and hazy law. The prosecutor alleges two Petaluma suspects were growing pot for sale and profit.The defendants' lawyer says his clients were doing noble work, providing marijuana to to relieve the sick and dying, as authorized by the 1996 initiative, Proposition 215.
More than four years later, people in communities all over the state are still trying to cope with two fundamental realities of California governance:The initiative process is a lousy way to make law. The result, as has been experienced again and again, is that simplistic solutions get applied to complex issues, generating confusion, conflict and years of legal battling.The initiative becomes the only alternative because the state Legislature so often fails to respond to the public welfare.This Petaluma case offers one strange wrinkle. San Francisco District Attorney Terence Hallinan will testify that he advised the suspects on how to comply with the state's medical marijuana law.This begs the question: If the suspects were confident that they were complying with San Francisco's interpretation of Proposition 215, wouldn't it have been wiser to grow the dope in San Francisco?Putting aside Hallinan's involvement and the ongoing controversy about the legalization of marijuana, however, the problem remains that four years after voters declared they want people with cancer, AIDS and other serious ailments to have the relief afforded by marijuana, the law remains clouded.The Legislature could create a fair system that helps the sick and spares communities endless legal turmoil, but, as so often happens with critical issues, the Legislature chooses to be irrelevant.Note: Responsible Legislature could help the sick, forestall endless bickering.Source: Press Democrat, The (CA) Published: March 15, 2001Copyright: 2001 The Press Democrat Address: P. O. Box 569, Santa Rosa CA 95402 Fax: (707) 521-5305 Contact: letters Website: Forum: Related Articles & Web Site:C.H.A.M.P. Trial Focuses on Reason for Growing Club Pot-Growing Trial Begins
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Comment #3 posted by dddd on March 16, 2001 at 05:00:22 PT
my usual pair of pennies
kaps' articulation reminded me of something I thought of the other day.Out here in California,we have passed many a controversial ballot initiative,mostof which were far more complex,,and some that were more nebulous.There hasnever been any such problems with any of them.I'm sick of hearing the lame assertion about 215,that ballot initiatives are some sortof wreckless deception of voters,funded by wayward billionaires.We heard no such critismswhen the "Three strikes" law was bought and passed by the law enforcement/prison industry.There was no outcry when the insurance industry bankrolled the mandatory auto insurance initiative,including numerous sleazy TV commercials.I remember one of the first victims of the draconian 3 strikes law.It was some guy who stold a pizza.It was his "third strike".They just shrugged and locked his ass up for the rest of his life.But like Kap pointed out,when the shoes on the other foot with prop 215,which is quite unmistakeably clear,they are still locking up sick people in a cruel and unusual defiance of the voters decision.It reminds me of a line from George Orwells'book,Animal Farm.It went something like;"All animals are created equal,,but some animals are created more equal than others".........dddd 
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Comment #2 posted by kaptinemo on March 16, 2001 at 04:24:26 PT:
Usually that stands for: "Keep it Short and Simple".But for pols, it means: "Keep It Simple, Stupid!"I invite your attention once again to the actual wording of Prop215:Proposition 215: Section 1. Section 11362.5 is added to the Health and Safety Code: is a gem of simplicity and clarity floating in a sea of legislative muck. Any simpler in wording, and we would be reduced to BASIC English. It cannot be made any clearer than it is. And most important of all:Nowhere does it describe limits. Nowhere.I am not sure, but based upon the actions of the antis, this law actually had two purposes: The first being to give aid and comfort to those desperately in need of it.The second reason was to show the outrageous lengths to which antis will go to sandbag legislation that calls into question their precious DrugWar. In doing so, it showcases their basic inhumanity and viciousness. And why, because of those qualities, the DrugWar is itself a massive failure.But it also shows up something else; with the passage of the referendum by popular vote, the people have spoken. They have made their political decision. But, steeped in their arrogant false sense of untouchability through long habit, the antis won't listen. They've identified themselves as clearly as sending up signal flares and popping smoke canisters. It has helped to flush out all those who have proven themselves by their actions to be anti-democratic, and therefore unworthy of the positions that they presently hold. (Hint, hint, hint...District Attorney Kamena is just the beginning, pols. How far do you want to push this?)
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Comment #1 posted by Austin on March 15, 2001 at 20:00:14 PT
get real
Yea the city would be far better suited for growing anything over a faarmin town ! Get real. How do stupid people get jobs like this ? 
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