Insert Some Good Sense in War on Drugs!

Insert Some Good Sense in War on Drugs!
Posted by FoM on March 01, 1999 at 07:36:31 PT

 Dear Abby: I'm responding to the letter in your column from our federal drug czar, Barry R. McCaffrey. The general is not a doctor or social worker, and isn't qualified to speak on the drug problem. 
None of what he suggests will prevent drug abuse. Furthermore, he recently made himself look foolish with his inaccurate statement that Holland has a higher crime rate than the United States due to Holland's liberal drug policies. In fact, Holland has a much lower crime rate and a lower rate of drug abuse. Obviously, Holland's moderation works far better than our draconian criminal approach.The United States should follow Holland's example and make a distinction between marijuana and hard drugs. The alleged dangers of marijuana have been exaggerated. There is a growing mountain of scientific evidence that marijuana is not harmful unless used in very large doses. By lying about the dangers of marijuana, we cast doubt on the warnings about truly dangerous cocaine, LSD, heroin and designer drugs.We shouldn't ruin the lives of young people - or anyone else - by jailing them for smoking marijuana, nor should sick people be denied medical marijuana.I have read your columns for 25 years, Abby. You have good sense. I hope you'll seriously consider that prohibition is not preventing abuse or addiction. It didn't work with alcohol, and is an even bigger failure with marijuana.- Steve J. WilcottSan FranciscoDear Steve: I agree that marijuana laws are overdue for an overhaul. I also favor the medical use of marijuana. However, regardless of whether Gen. McCaffrey is right or wrong about the crime rate in Holland, I'm staunchly behind his effort to initiate dialogue between concerned parents and children about drugs. Honest dialogue is essential. Parents must level with their children about which drugs are dangerous and which are not, or they'll lose their credibility and be disregarded.
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Comment #1 posted by cybe d dog on March 03, 1999 at 02:06:45 PT:
What are the current cannabis laws in Canada? I know they may differ by province. How about around Vancouver? I would like to make a visit to this town, but am curious about the pot laws in your country.In my opinion, legalization of pot should be done. Far more resources are spent to combat it than necessary. It is not woring. People are going to smoke the stuff even if it might mean a jail sentence for an otherwise good citizen. One who works regularly and pays taxs. It is time for the U.S. to wake up. Thanks for having your publication as it helps the cause.
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