Souder Battles Fraudulent Marijuana Capitalists 

  Souder Battles Fraudulent Marijuana Capitalists 

Posted by FoM on July 18, 2000 at 11:20:40 PT
Opinion by Joyce Nalepka 
Source: Journal-Gazette 

A June 30 article by Sylvia A. Smith, "Souder battles medical-marijuana laws," deserves a spotlight. Congressman Souder has chosen to go into very tough territory in an effort to stop the march toward drug legalization and more harm to America's youth. I'd like to offer parents and grandparents the rest of the story.For over 20 years, I have battled the drug legalizers in several arenas. However, closing drug paraphernalia shops was easy for us compared to the battle against their misinformation campaign that Congressman Souder will have to wage.
Keith Stroup, founder of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), who was quoted broadly in your article, is considered by parents to be the "father of the American marijuana epidemic among youth."In March, 1997 the House Select Committee on Narcotics Abuse and Control held hearings on marijuana. Stroup was called to testify. Though NORML claims it doesn't encourage youthful pot use, when Stroup was questioned by a former congressman who stated, "It just concerned me when you (Stroup) said, 'I would favor an absolutely open market, with no age controls, no street controls,' '' Stroup replied, "That's my position."Medical Marijuana Hoax:The first time I encountered Stroup's pro-pot propaganda regarding the medical marijuana cigarette hoax was from an article in the Emory University student newspaper. Stroup stated, "We are trying to get marijuana reclassified medically. If we do that, we'll be using the issue as a red herring to give marijuana a good name. That's our way of getting to them just like the paraphernalia laws are their way of getting to us."In a letter to the editor of High Times Magazine that same year, Stroup wrote: "There is no particular evidence that even those few young people who smoke a great deal of marijuana necessarily hurt themselves or reduce their level of performance, academic or otherwise." Stroup also offered, "Not only have I been a regular marijuana smoker for nearly 10 years, but I expect I will continue to be one for the next 10 years." This magazine was read by thousands of young people who be-lieved Stroup and passed the misinformation on to their peers.Stroup was part of the marijuana smoke-ins and other events that glamorized pot. When NORML linked up with the paraphernalia manufacturers, they became more visible because the paraphernalia manufacturers were making large contributions to NORML to further their goals.Two former congressmen, one a Republican, one a Democrat, conducted an inquiry about NORML in an attempt to have one of its board members removed from the advisory board of the National Institutes of Drug Abuse (NIDA), the nation's largest tax-supported government agency established to educate the nation about drug abuse. In a four-page letter to NIDA's director, they stated the following:"NORML not only stands for the legalization of marijuana, but for the ultimate legalization of all drug use. But it is not just a matter of having some wrong-headed convictions about the absolute right of the individual to use whatever drugs his fancy turns him to. By every meaningful standard, NORML has to be considered a militant organizational arm of the drug culture in this country, working in close collusion with the paraphernalia industry, the drug culture magazines and, to a certain extent, even the traffickers.In NORML's 10th Anniversary news-letter, Stroup is quoted: "Most drug sellers today are decent people; they should not be treated like violent criminals." Today, their mantra includes horror stories about marijuana users in jail for simple possession. Time after time, we've checked the facts with the courts and their "sob story heroes" have felonies, felonies with guns, homes converted into virtual pot farms, and yes, even murders.'Safe' Crack Smoking:Today, they and their tentacle organization such as the Drug Policy Foundation have multimillions of dollars from George Soros, John Sperling and Peter Lewis. They tout such ideas as "harm reduction." The Drug Policy Foundation has developed a "safe crack smoking pipe" with an insulated stem so you can smoke crack without burning or cutting your lips. And the brain?HIV/AIDS patients have been pushed to the forefront as part of NORML's campaign to legalize marijuana cigarettes under the hoax they are medicine. However, the National Institutes of Health has said, "People with HIV and others whose immune systems are impaired should avoid marijuana."A little common sense might tell us that a person with a disease such as AIDS, which affects the immune system and from which the cause of death is frequently AIDS-related pneumonia, would be well advised not to smoke anything.Congressman Souder has taken on a formidable adversary. In an attempt to silence him, the legalizers will likely target him as they have done others in the past. He deserves to hear the voices of parents and grandparents who know instinctively, "Pot is good for nothing."Finally, we thank the citizens of Congressman Souder's district for sending us not only a leader but a leader with a brass backbone.E-Mail Staff Information: Joyce Nalepka was president of the national drug prevention organization that former First Lady Nancy Reagan chaired, the National Federation of Parents for Drug-Free Youth.Published: July 14, 2000Copyright © 2000 Journal GazetteRelated Articles:NORML Times Magazine Policy Foundation Anti-Privacy Help Sick with Marijuana Battles Medical-Marijuana Laws Medical Marijuana Archives:

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Comment #13 posted by freedom fighter on July 19, 2000 at 14:43:03 PT
I love this writer
Hi Gang!More I read this writer's writings, I just know she is helping our cause wither she knows it or not!..Peace to you all!!
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Comment #12 posted by Dan B on July 18, 2000 at 23:43:55 PT:
America Cares? 
I went to the site Joyce Nalepka mentions in the Washington Journal episode linked for us by FoM (thank you!). The site is called, ironically, "America Cares." The entire site is devoted to one issue only: telling people that those who wish to legalize marijuana for medical purposes are using that plank as a ruse to get all Schedule I drugs legalized. I read most of the site, and I even watched the little video presentation called "Marijuana for Medicine: A Hoax." All of it was geared toward this one assertion.The interesting thing about this approach is that it completely ignores all of the information available concerning the "drug war," with all of its negative social, economic, and public safety repurcussions. It ignores the fact that nearly 60% of the people currently serving prison time are doing so for non-violent, non-property offenses. It outright lies about the kinds of people who are in jail for drug crimes, as was masterfully pointed out by Observer. It ignores the Durban study, also masterfully pointed out by Kaptinemo, showing that marijuana is a safe medication for people with HIV/AIDS. I could go on, but you know the drill. Marijuana has been proven, time and again, to be an effective medicine, and it is much safer than virtually anything else. If they really wanted people to be safer, they would allow the use of vaporizors so that people could get the active ingredients of cannabis without many of the harmful tars and carcinogens.The "America Cares" site is also careful to acknowledge only those studies that support its own arguments (any freshman composition student of mine learns from day one that to make an effective argument, one must consider both sides of the issue). But do you know what really irks me about the position espoused by the pro-drug-war crowd? They have taken the requirement of proving a drug medically useful and expanded that requirement to mean "medically useful to the exclusion of all other possible medications"--but use this standard only for marijuana. No other drug must prove its effectiveness beyond what other drugs can offer. If such were the case, we would not have so many brands of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which began with Prozac, but now include such names as Paxil and Zoloft. All of these drugs do essentially the same thing. None of the successors to Prozac has been proven more effective than the original. And none--NONE--has been proven safe. If you don't believe me, read the side effects in the enclosed pamphlet, then tell me if you still think these drugs might be safe....and now, as I heard on the news today, the FDA is considering blocking the sale of all products that include herbal supplements, labeling all herbal supplements as "dangerous." I guess they want to open up new black markets for St. John's Wort, gingko biloba, ginseng, etc. This idea may be the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back in terms of people getting angry enough to get the government out of our personal decisions. Let's hope they can't get this idea past the American consumer.
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Comment #11 posted by Jeaneous on July 18, 2000 at 17:30:57 PT:
one thing...
Doesn't matter what those people said on that show. All but one was for mmj. The whole point is that they were actually talking about medical marijuana to the world. What great publicity...
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Comment #10 posted by MikeEEEEE on July 18, 2000 at 16:24:57 PT
Brainless Types
These are the types causing the problems.This article is full of some really nasty stuff, but it only reflects the writers personality.
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Comment #9 posted by CongressmanSuet on July 18, 2000 at 15:45:54 PT:
Sorry, Kap...
I was soo p''''d after hearing Joyce spout her BS that I didnt read your post completely. You recognised that lame, sorry, paranoid voice as I did. I have to say, the guy from San Diego did put her in her place though. Political hack, plain and simple...
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Comment #8 posted by FoM on July 18, 2000 at 15:41:25 PT
It was good!
CongressmanSuet I listened to it and it was good. I don't know her voice but she sure sounds mean spirited. She said we will really pick apart Souder but what can I say? The truth is the truth! She sure didn't quote the current HIV study. I was fair and reported the negative article that's the least they can do is update their material and get correct facts! Peace, FoM!
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Comment #7 posted by CongressmanSuet on July 18, 2000 at 15:34:48 PT:
FoM, that show was great..
but am I the only one who recognized the voice of Joyce Nalepka as a call-in? She quoted the NIH study saying cannabis is harmful to AIDs sufferers, ignored the latest study from Durban, stated that there were no major medical organizations that backed medicinal cannabis, and lauded the misguided efforts of nazi Souder. Of all the callers, she had her spiel down the best. She actually, in a great show of diversive thinking, critisized the medical establishment, saying that a part of this problem is that they havent given enough time and research to alternatives in pain management. This woman has a special place, a HOT place, awaiting her when its all over. Say hellow to Souder when you get there....
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Comment #6 posted by dddd on July 18, 2000 at 15:27:28 PT
This is an absolute gem of an article...I want to thank everyone for shredding it up so nicely....dddd
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Comment #5 posted by observer on July 18, 2000 at 14:54:02 PT
Comrade Nalepka, at it Again
Today, their mantra includes horror stories about marijuana users in jail for simple possession. Time after time, we've checked the facts with the courts and their "sob story heroes" have felonies, felonies with guns, homes converted into virtual pot farms, and yes, even murders.Typical propaganda. "We've checked the facts." Sure you have comrade, sure you have. Is that why you never (and can't) document anything, Comrade?Da, Comrade: the heart of your and Congresscritter Slammer's anti-freedom gruntings are anti-democratic, when you attempt to argue that government should not allow the people's voice to be heard. marijuana users in jail for simple possession . . . have feloniesAnother rhetorical falsehood. Marijuana use or posession in any amount is a Federal "felony." This is another trick that prohibitionists use time after time: "the only people in jail for marijuana are also felons", they exclaim, hoping that their audience is too stupid to realize that marijuana posession itself is a "felony." Classic. Assert that the marijuana possesion laws are no big thing 'cause "only people in jail for posession are in are in for felonies" (but just 'forget' to mention that marijuana posession in any amount is a federal felony.) Sweet, baby!
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Comment #4 posted by kaptinemo on July 18, 2000 at 14:02:07 PT:
The catspaws strike
'For over 20 years, I have battled the drug legalizers in several arenas. However, closing drug paraphernalia shops was easy for us compared to the battle against their misinformation campaign that Congressman Souder will have to wage.'Misinformation. Boy, this goof is really piece of work. Misinformation, huh? Like the type that the US government has been engaging in for 63 years? 'Stroup was part of the marijuana smoke-ins and other events that glamorized pot. When NORML linked up with the paraphernalia manufacturers, they became more visible because the paraphernalia manufacturers were making large contributions to NORML to further their goals.'And I suppose you receive *nothing at all* from distillers and brewers? Nothing from pharmaceutical corporations? Nothing from *their* catspaw, the PFDFA? Nothing from them to further their goals? To make America 'Drug Free'? That's a laugh, it really is; drug companies trying to make America 'drug free'. Beware Ms. Nalepka; as the old saying goes, people who live in glass houses...shouldn't pitch Molotov cocktails. Unless their home is wrapped in Nomex.Notice: she conveniently fails to mention the Abrams Report from Durban. She conveniently forgot the IoM study. She conveniently forgot the letter signed by such luminaries as conervative George Schultz, William F. Buckley as well as doctors, nurses, addiction specialists, etc. all enjoining an end to cannabis prohibition. Must have slipped her mind. Age, I suppose... or perhaps too many gray cells damaged through imbibing alcohol?  Yep, the antis have tried to strike back. And they're so lame it's disgusting. I was wondering what tack the antis would take with the recent revelations in Durban of MMJ's relative harmlessness. The antis couldn't open their mouths because of the obvious appearance of not having done their homework (for 30 years, no less). In light of the recent news from Durban (which they are so assiduously trying to keep out of the news) they have just lost a major talking point, and the only one that shored up their prohibition, namely medical inefficacy. But they have to say *something*, because the longer they stay silent, the more people are going to think we're right. So, they've trotted out their equally ignorant catspaws like La Nalepka regurgitate the tired old tripe. While they use the time to try to come up with some slander or another to pin on Dr. Abrams in particular and the AIDS conference in general. I heard this woman on C-SPAN's Washington Journal this morning, and she still hasn't been able to come up with anything original. If this is the best they can do, then they truly are sunk.
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Comment #3 posted by CD1 on July 18, 2000 at 13:31:23 PT
One other thing about Cong. Souder. Check out the data on his current re-election campaign.His campaign has received 8 times more money from defense, beer,wine and liquor, and health services industries than his opponent.Also, the republican party in Indiana has received $70,000 in "soft money" contributions from Eli Lily (one of our favorite pharmaceutical companies), and another $15,000 from Dow. No contributions were made by these two companies to Indiana's Democratic Party.Now you know why Congressman Souder has such a "brass backbone" to go after NORML. Which brings me to one final statement. The only way to beat these politicians is with MONEY. Support NORML or any other organization that fights for marijuana law reform. If you partake of the magic herb, do what I have recommended to all my friends. Since your weed isn't taxed, charge yourself a little sales tax on what you buy, and contribute it to one of these fine organizations trying to protect your freedom. Or contribute it to opponents of money grubbing politicos, as Congressman Souder.
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Comment #2 posted by CD1 on July 18, 2000 at 13:07:29 PT
Is she kidding?
"...we have checked the facts with the courts and their 'sob story heroes' have felonies, felonies with guns..."?Did you check with the courts to determine how many of these felonies were added on to the pot charges in an effort to strengthen a DA's case? Would having these guns around even be necessary if pot were legal and accessable? Would their be a need for a grower to have to protect his plants from theives and ruthless drug dealers?Once again, someone is trying to pass off problems associated with marijuana prohibition as a problem created by marijuana. And why the comment on crack pipes in an essay about marijuana reform? They are two different things. If you want to link two drugs, let's pass a law to treat marijuana like tobacco. This would calm Joyce's fears about children smoking marijuana, or at least control it somewhat. Besides, marijuana is safer.For all her years battling to "close paraphenalia shops", we keep hearing from General McCaffrey and friends that pot smoking is up among students. I guess all the money spent on D.A.R.E. and other propoganda programs are not working when compared to the truth. The "tentacle organization" and the millions spent for reform of marijuana laws comments are laughable, especially when compared to the billions spent by defense contractors, tobacco, chemical, oil, and pharmaceutical companies designed to keep the marijuana illegal. The pharmaceutical companies want to "save the children" from the evils of marijuana, but have no problem with promoting the use mind altering drugs like Ritilin and Prozac by children, to treat ADHD. And when a tragic event such as school shootings in Conyers, GA, Lexington, KY or Littleton, CO, we never hear about the PRESCRIBED drugs used by the killers. The pharmaceutical companies initiate their version of spin control, and blame Rock and Roll music, video games, MTV, and movies, anything to deflect the spot light on the real culprit.I used to smoke marijuana all the time (when my job did not prohibit it), and I can assure you that never in my lifetime did I want to kill or injure anyone. Neither has anyone that I know that I have smoked with. Let's end the myth now. Lighten up, Joyce. Spark a joint, and maybe you will see that the only life threatening consequence of marijuana is when the DEA comes knocking, armed with draconian laws. 
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on July 18, 2000 at 12:41:54 PT

Washington Journal On Medical Marijuana

Hi Everyone! Here is the show on The Washington Journal today. The link won't work for very long so it's best to view it fairly soon. They don't start talking about Medical Marijuana for about 10 minutes but it's worth the wait.Peace, FoM!
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