From Renee Boje: Case Update - Peter McWilliams 

From Renee Boje: Case Update - Peter McWilliams 
Posted by FoM on June 18, 2000 at 21:31:08 PT
Case Update on Pot TV
Source: Renee Boje Defense Fund
I'd like to invite you to tune in to the Healing Herb Hour's show in honor of Peter McWilliams, this Monday evening from 5-6pm(PST), at: http://www.pottv.netI just returned from Ottawa, Ontario, where I went to gather media and public support for my case and for Peter McWilliams and Todd McCormick.
Contraband Productions is shooting a new documentary on my case and I spent alot of my time there working on the film. I had a great interview with the Ottawa Citizen, but, unfortuately, it has not gone to print yet. I also did a press conference on Parliament Hill. It was picked up by the Ottawa Sun and Thursday morning I was on Canada AM, which was great coverage! I spent the rest of the day collecting signatures on the steps of Parliament for my case and for Peter and Todd. I also attempted to hand deliver a letter to the Minister of Justice that I had written, but wound up having to give it to her assistant, instead. The deadline for submissions to the Minister of Justice is today, Sunday, June 18th. She will take a few weeks to make her decision, so you may continue to send in letters and emails until she decides. If you feel inspired to do so, just visit mywebsite for the easy to follow instructions: http://www.reneeboje.comThursday evening, I got a message from Todd's mom, Ann McCormick and I heard the news that Peter McWilliams had passed on. I spent an hour sobbing on the floor. It's funny, because I rarely cry. And, I have always believed that when a spirit passes on, we should celebrate, rather than mourn. In Tibet, they have a tradition of carrying the body through the streets, while dancing, singing and playing instruments. I have always felt that they have the right idea.But, with Peter, it's different. I had just spent the day gathering signatures on a petition I put together for Peter and telling people about his case. I feel so connected to him because of the case and because we are fighting for the same thing. I want to celebrate Peter's spirit passing on, but it is hard for me because I don't think Peter was ready to go and I think he suffered tremendously over the passed few months. It is my opinion that the United States Government murdered Peter! I was told, today, that he died choking on his own vomit. If he was able to use cannabis as an anti-nauseant, that would never have happened! When I think of how much agony he was in during his last few months because the United States Government is continuing to deny cannabis to those in need, I get so angry!The worst thing is that I never got to give him a big hug and tell him how much I love him and how proud I am of him!I was supposed to interview Peter for the Healing Herb Hour show which was scheduled last Monday evening. We experienced many technical difficulties that evening and I wasn't able to get through. So, I rescheduled the show for this Monday evening, June 19th. Of course, now, ironically, I won't be able to interview Peter. But, I am still going to do the show in Peter's honor. After the show, I am planning to do a ceremony in order to say goodbye to Peter's spirit. When night falls, I am going to send some floating candles out into the ocean along with some rose petals and some prayers honoring Peter and sending love and respect out to the Universe in hopes that he will somehow, hear me.I am welcoming everyone to tune in to this Monday's show and express your love and respect for Peter McWilliams through our chat lines. Bring poetry, quotes, thoughts, stories, whatever you would like... I think if enough of us send energy out to him at the same time, he will hear us!E-Mail: freerenee-request drugsense.orgThank you!In freedom, justice & love,Renee Bojehttp://www.pottv.nethttp://www.reneeboje.comhttp://www.petertrial.comhttp://www.toddmccormick.orgNewsHawk: DdCPosted: June 18, 2000 The Medical Marijuana Magazine PeterTrial Medicine from Peter McWilliams McWilliams Backed Medical Use of Marijuana Mourn Passing of M Marijuana Activist McWilliams Passes Away 
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on June 19, 2000 at 06:53:53 PT
Peter McWilliams' Funeral Arrangements
Peter McWilliams' funeral will be held Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 3:00pm at the Westwood Memorial Gardens, Westwood Village, 1218 Glendon, Los Angeles, California 90024. At 4:30pm there will be a Commemorative Get-together at 2101 Wilshire Blvd (at 21st Street) in the 'Brentwood Room'. This gathering will offer an opportunity for people who wish to eulogize Peter to speak. Friends and supporters are invited to attend. There is no room for floral arrangements at the memorial gardens. In lieu of flowers, I would encourage Peter's supporters to make their donations in honor of Peter to organizations and causes of your choice that you know he has supported through his work and tireless efforts. Most of all, give of your time and energy to insure his work will carry on and the goals he has fought for so valiantly over the years are realized. This would truly be the kind of living memorial that would most keep his memory and his spirit alive. Mrs. McWilliams extends her heartfelt gratitude to all those who have supported Peter in his life and who have extended their sympathy and kind words of support since hearing the news of his death. I have used for maps and directions in the past and found it easy to use and with accurate directions. Tiffany mentioned that she had downloaded a map from that was quite good. (This is a small chapel and Mrs. McWilliams mentioned that you could almost be standing in front of it, and miss it. If this is any help, it is the place where Marilyn Monroe is laid to rest.) Please forward this message as you feel appropriate. Thank you Ann McCormick Peter McWilliams Passes Away
Peter McWilliams Pictures 1950 - 2000  R.I.P.
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