Defending Marijuana Rally

Defending Marijuana Rally
Posted by FoM on May 23, 2000 at 09:32:10 PT
By Kim Hanna
Source: MetroWest
I object to Tony Siciliano's letter of May 17, "Pathetic pro-marijuana rally," and his deriding the National Organization for the Reform of the Marijuana Laws. Our own state has adopted policies regarding marijuana that were proposed by NORML. The state medical marijuana research program was signed into law years ago by Governor Weld, at the behest of local NORML members. 
About 30 other states have adopted NORML polices on medical marijuana and last fall over 60 percent of Maine voters went for a new law allowing marijuana as medicine, on a doctor's advice. Maine also allows growing marijuana to get the herbal remedy on a doctor's advice. Six other states have similar laws to Maine's and Hawaii's legislature just passed a law close to Maine's. Mr. Siciliano may be surprised to learn that the Boston chapter of NORML gets 50,000 people to attend their fall marijuana rally on the Boston Common. A low turnout at a marijuana rally may reflect the citizens' fear of the government, since almost 700,000 people were arrested for marijuana last year. People are afraid their families will be attacked by the police or people like Mr. Siciliano. May 20, 2000Kim Hanna, Framingham `Pathetic' Pro-Marijuana RallyMay 17, 2000It is doubtful that the News Editorial staff planned it this way, but I couldn't help but notice a startling contrast in your May 13 op-ed page. On one hand, you had Joseph Perkins writing a 100 percent common sense column decrying the almost 1.3 million out-of-wedlock births in America in 1998, and right next to it you had a letter from a James Pillsbury, a self-admitted 31-year smoker of pot who put in a plug for all of us to join him on the Framingham town common for a NORML celebration of the glories of drug use. Perkins is to be commended. I don't care what socio-economic status a woman is in, be it a naive, 15-year-old sex-obsessed high schooler, or a mid-30's unmarried professional, there is no sane reason for bringing children into this world in anything but a two-parent, husband and wife homestead. Perkins states all of the correct reasons for this, so there is little need for me to restate them here. I just hope that impressionable females can follow the abundant examples of two parent households, vs. falling into the pathetic line of thinking espoused by women such as Madonna and Rosie O'Donnell, who trumpet that having a "male influence" in a child's life is an adequate substitute for a full time father. Pillsbury, on the other hand, writes with all of the nostalgia of a 60's apologist who can't see beyond the haze of smoke that occupies the space originally reserved for his brain. While he may feel the need to brag about wasting a decent share of his income on an illegal substance for 31 years, he was most likely sullied by a pathetic turnout for his NORML convention. I had the need to pass by the town common on Edgell Road on May 13, and there was a hardy turnout of 10 people clustered around the stage. Allow me to congratulate the 99.9 percent of Framingham citizens who had the common sense to tune out the crap spewed forth by a pathetic organization such as NORML. They fail to espouse one idea that will improve anyone's life in any way, shape, or form. I believe that our town common can be put to better use. Tony Siciliano, Framingham Copyright © 1995-1999,Community Newspaper Company. Related Web Site:NORML View Next 20 Articles:
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Comment #1 posted by CongressmanSuet on May 23, 2000 at 11:47:51 PT
How true....
Tony, Im sure YOU can find a better use for the town common, like using it for all the book burnings that will happen when the Anti-Meth bill becomes law....
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