Petition Drive Seeks To Legalize Homegrown Pot 

Petition Drive Seeks To Legalize Homegrown Pot 
Posted by FoM on December 29, 1999 at 06:33:04 PT
By Nedra Pickler, Associated Press 
Source: Detroit News
Anyone 21 or older could grow and smoke marijuana at home without violating Michigan law under a proposed "Personal Responsibility Amendment" to the state constitution. Saginaw attorney Carl Schmid said last week he already has 1,000 volunteers ready to collect the 302,711 signatures needed to put the question on the November 2000 ballot. The campaign will kick off on Jan. 14, he said. 
Users would be limited to growing a "personal amount" of marijuana, not to exceed three mature plants, seedlings and 3 ounces of dried marijuana.   The proposal also would allow medical use of marijuana for anyone under 21 who has a debilitating medical condition and is in consultation with a physician. Minors would have to have the consent of a custodial parent or guardian.   The amendment reads, in part, "Marijuana prohibition and forfeiture laws tend to corrupt government and erode respect for the rule of law and individual free will.   "Freedom of conscience includes the personal responsibility to exercise self-restraint and to assume the risk of any harmful and debilitating personal consequences that could result from the abuse of marijuana, alcohol or tobacco."   Schmid said many of the volunteers pushing the issue don''t even smoke marijuana.   "It''s not about marijuana. It's a freedom issue," he said.   Chuck Thomas of the Washington-based Marijuana Policy Project said there have been other efforts to legalize marijuana for nonmedical use, but many are unsuccessful because of poor organization and a lack of broad public support.   "I think we need a lot more public education to convince the American people that prohibition does more harm than good before these initiatives can pass," he said.   Thomas said if the initiative were to pass, marijuana users would still be violating federal law and could be arrested by federal agents. But he said only about 10,000 of the 700,000 marijuana arrests made nationwide each year are by federal agents.   "If it's possible to change state law to remove criminal penalties on the state level, that's a good thing," Thomas said. "It would protect marijuana users."   The proposal would ban the use and possession of marijuana while operating a vehicle or machine, while a person was on parole, probation or incarcerated or for any commercial activity.   But state Sen. William Van Regenmorter, R-Jenison, said he still believes marijuana use can affect others. He said allowing marijuana use would invite more people to drive under the influence of drugs and lead to the use of more addictive drugs.   "The government, I believe, has a role when there are implications to public safety, when there are implications of therapy cost and the expansive use of mind-altering drugs," he said. "I don't think it's fair to say the potential to impact individuals is gone."   Published: December 29, 1999 Copyright 1999, The Detroit NewsRelated Article & Web Sites:Marijuana Policy Project Ballot 2000http:// Promote Legalized Marijuana - 12/26/99
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Comment #2 posted by Happy on December 30, 1999
 at 01:44:14 PT
Gov. Is not my mother
Find the petitions from your state, or download and print up the one for michigan if you live here. Pass it around, mail it in. Common sense will trickle into Government if you MAKE it.Below is a link to a Detroit news poll on this petition. Please take a second, tilt the scales a little in the favor of We the people. We demand a more limited government...Peace&Love,Happy
Detroit News Poll
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Comment #1 posted by greenfox on December 29, 1999
 at 23:11:57 PT
"The government, I believe, has a role when there are implications to public safety, when there are implications of therapy cost and the expansive use of mind-alteringdrugs," he said. "I don't think it's fair to say the potential to impact individuals is gone." translation:"You are sheep and it's our job to make sure you don't stray from the fences. You shall eat only FDA regulated sheep pellots and you will do it for your good. you will stay away from marijuana because it's the devil and we don't want you to have it, because God forbid it might actually possibly expand (or blow) you mind.. So there."tee hee. stoned again.. ;>
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