Clinton Commemorated Human Rights Day !

Clinton Commemorated Human Rights Day !
Posted by FoM on December 10, 1998 at 12:08:30 PT
We share a common birthright, says Clinton!
WASHINGTON D.C. President Clinton commemorated Human Rights Day by announcing measures to strengthen responses to human rights emergencies abroad and by presenting the newly created Eleanor Roosevelt Award to four American champions of human rights. 
At a White House ceremony Thursday marking the 50th anniversary of the United Nations' adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Clinton called the human rights charter a new chapter in an old story -- ``the unending striving of humanity to realize its potential in the life of every person.'' With representatives of U.S. human rights groups in his audience, Clinton said the human rights charter, adopted by the U.N. General Assembly on Dec. 10, 1948, remains a bold statement of the inherent rights of all people. ``Like all great breakthroughs, it was an act of imagination and courage and opening of the heart and the mind,'' Clinton said. ``With spare elegance, it served notice that for all our differences, we share a common birthright.'' Stop looking how other countries treat their people and pay attention to what you are doing to all of us in the USA!If we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness how can they put people in jail for a medicinal plant? That to me is a violation of Human Rights!
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Comment #1 posted by Stick on December 10, 1998 at 13:18:27 PT
Human Rights? You Talking to Me?
If the United States was so worried about human rights maybe there wouldn't be tens of thousands of people suffering in prison for using a medicinal plant! This plant could save our planet! Stop cutting down our forests and grow renewable resouces, such as Hemp!Like a fellow activist says,Food, Fuel, Fiber, FARMaceuticals!
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