McWilliams Not Allowed To Use Medical Defense 

McWilliams Not Allowed To Use Medical Defense 
Posted by FoM on November 07, 1999 at 15:01:12 PT
DrugSense FOCUS Alert # 135 
Source: MapInc.
In 1996 California voters approved a measure to allow the use of medical marijuana. Since then, voters in several other states have done the same.
On Friday a federal judge again exhibited the federal government's complete disregard for the will of the people on this issue by ruling that medical marijuana users Peter McWilliams and Todd McCormick will not be allowed to use a medical defense during their upcoming trials for growing the life-saving medicine. Even though the trial hasn't even started, the judge's ruling is an effective death sentence for Peter, who suffers from AIDS and cancer. "I now face ten mandatory years in federal prison. I will die there. My life is over because I tried to save my life doing something my doctor recommended in a state where it is legal. If it happened to me, it can happen to anyone," said Peter in a press release. For more specifics about the case, visit Peter's website at: http://www.petertrial.comThe story is now receiving more coverage from the New York Times (below) as well as other papers. Please write a letter to the NYT, or the LA Times, to speak out about this cruel and unjust action by the federal government. You may also want to try and contact President Clinton via an online chat session Monday night to ask why he and his administration refuse to feel the pain of medical marijuana users. WRITE A LETTER TODAYIt's not what others do it's what YOU do PLEASE SEND US A COPY OF YOUR LETTER OR TELL US WHAT YOU DID (Letter, Phone, fax etc.)Please post a copy your letter or report your action to the Sent LTE list at sentlte If you are subscribed, or by E-mailing a copy directly to MGreer Your letter will then be forwarded to the list so others can learn rom your efforts and be motivated to follow suit.This is VERY IMPORTANT as it is the only way we have of gauging our impact and effectiveness.CONTACT INFOSource: New York Times (NY) Contact: letters EXTRA CREDITPlease also send a separate copy of your letter to the Los Angeles Times, which ran a shorter story: Source: Los Angeles Times (CA) Contact: letters EXTRA EXTRA CREDITPresident Clinton will be taking questions during an internet forum Monday night. Please ask the president why his administration continues its cruel persecution of medical marijuana patients like Peter McWilliams and Todd McCormick even though voters have approved medical marijuana in every state where the issue has been raised. The Clinton event is scheduled to being at 7 p.m. EST Monday. The Internet address is: by Stephen Young Focus Alert Specialist Click the link to read all of:DrugSense FOCUS Alert # 135 York Times Article: LA Drug Case Bars Medical Marijuana Defense - 11/07/99 215 NOW! Marijuana Magazine Todd McCormick's Grow Medicine Boje's Legal Defense Fund Lack Of Justice For Peter McWilliams - 11/06/99 Cannot Use Medical Defense at Trial - 11/06/99
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Comment #2 posted by Mari on November 07, 1999 at 17:50:19 PT
I have e-mailed every news agency both TV & print that I could.There is a new service online called They have not yet offered MMJ as a topic,but they have only been in service 1week. Please e-mail them and let them know about this injustice & urge them to include MMJ as a topic. Your vote is e-mailed to your local Rep.& Senater. They will also e-mail the White House!! Let our voices be heard!!!
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Comment #1 posted by kaptinemo on November 07, 1999 at 16:46:50 PT
Fully Informed Juries...and jury nullification
There's a way around this attempted murder of McWilliams (and don't kid yourselves, the Feds very much want this man silenced, preferably permanently, for having the stones to question the idiocy of so-called concensual crimes - which provides them with so much easy income.) If I lived there, I'd be trying to inform the local media of the Fully Informed Jury Association... and the value of jury nullification.With so many States enacting MMJ laws, with so many more contemplating the same legislation, the prohibitionists are getting scared. Scared people are not always rational (as if these guys ever truly *were*) and are prone to desperate acts. This act is in essence, a violent one.That's right, violent. It's quite obvious: they know McWilliams needs that pot to live. Throwing him in prison is tantamount to a death sentence, yet they don't have the guts to do it outright. Nope, they'll just smile their smug little smile and say they are "only upholding the law" (Doesn't that sound familiar? Children? Can you say, "Nuremberg"?) and wait for the inevitable. And then they'll turn to the rest of the country, and say that they have saved society from another reprobate...and don't even think of MMJ, or you'll wind up the same way. I'm sure you get the drift; it's called 'making an example'.But jury nullification can stop this murder. Just a thought.
Fully Informed Jury Association
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