The Lack Of Justice For Peter McWilliams

The Lack Of Justice For Peter McWilliams
Posted by FoM on November 06, 1999 at 19:51:02 PT
Written By Tom Suther 
Source: PeterTrial
In California the people voted for Prop 215 - allowing the use of an ancient herb medical marijuana as medicine. The Federal Government has decided to convict the sick people trying to use the medicine, their doctors, and in the case of Peter McWilliams let people die a horrible death.
Even our Gil Gutknecht who was "pleased" to vote against the will of the people in D.C. when they voted 70% for medical marijuana is against an herb that is proven to help. He voted for the Barr bill which effectively nullified the medical marijuana and needle exchange program the voting "people" of D.C. wanted (70%Yea to 30%No). I would say that going against the people especially in a vote of overwhelming majority is not something one would expect of a democracy. Back to Peter McWilliams. At the bottom is a press release regarding his case and the decision by a Federal Judge not to let him use a medical necessity argument or even mention Prop 215 which is law in California. Seems the government will win this battle and Peter will die (he faces 10 years). He has been forbidden to use Medical Marijuana out of threat of his mother having her house taken away (random urine tests). As soon as he stopped his immune system weakened and he continued his regime of vomiting. Is this compassion? Come on the man has AIDS. I just do not understand how we as a group of people can hurt people in such a way. The arguement I hear from our politicians is "It would send the wrong message" Hummm letting Peter die and other AIDS afflicted people sufffer is the right message? You make up your own minds and if you are concerned about the treatment of people please let someone know. Peter's story will be told in the New York Times soon. Here is the Press Release:Press Release -- Please Circulate Wide! - 11/06/99
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Comment #1 posted by Mungojelly on November 07, 1999 at 05:59:21 PT:
the right message
the message the establishment is trying to send us is: DO NOT SMOKE MARIJUANA. regardless of any realistic assessment of its risks; regardless of any medical (or psychological) benifit; regardless of 1000s of years of history & tradition. don't think about the issues. "just say no." it's easy to understand why the establishment cannot accept medical marijuana, & why they call it an opening wedge to the general legalization of drugs. the logic behind the legalization of medical marijuana is: it has beneficial effects which far outweigh its risks. alas (for prohibitionists), this is also often true of its recreational uses. they cannot allow a reasonable/rational evaluation of marijuana to be the basis of its legality -- because by any such evaluation, marijuana should never have been illegal. 
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