An Open Letter by Norman Davis

An Open Letter by Norman Davis
Posted by FoM on October 31, 1999 at 10:25:36 PT
Campaign Manager for Gatewood Galbraith
Source: Galbraith-Lyons 1999 
I have been repeatedly asked why:I have become involved in the campaign for Governor. Why I have not taken sides with one of the so-called main parties. Why I would become involved and risk my relationships with some of the state legislators I work with.
Over the years I have tried as hard if not harder than anyone else I know to do what I could to change the direction this country is headed. I have tried to my best to influence and educate the leaders from local government all the way to our leaders in Washington. I have insisted that we have a system to work in and we must go by the system and nothing else. I have reached the conclusion that the system is indeed "sick" and needs healed. The best way that I know of to do so is by shaking it up or changing it.In the 60's and 70's I was a Democrat, but they left me by going to the radical left. I switched to Republican. Now I have a hard time telling the difference in the parties. Neither party now follows its platform, so why even have something you don't believe in? Gatewood believes in his platform, as do I. Finally, something and someone to believe in.I, as have you, watched common sense government turn into "gang warfare" under the guise of partisanship. In other words, the two main parties have become nothing more than adult gangs or adult versions of the "Bloods" and "Crips". I see the Reform Party at this time as a breath of fresh air or, better put, the "Guardian Angels" against these adult gangsters. At this time they are the only alternative to the present system of gangsters.I do not agree with everything the Reform Party stands for. I would personally align myself with the Taxpayer's Party, but since they have no candidate in this Governor's election, I am for the Reform Party and their candidate for Governor, Gatewood Galbraith.Gatewood has put out a 14-point platform that fits us common folk, generally referred to as the silent majority. He has put this out for the public to scrutinize. The Bloods and Crips of the mainstream party system are unable to attack the message so what do we see? They attack the messenger, Gatewood.I like Gatewood's message a lot and, having known Gatewood for a long time, I know it is really the way he believes and what he wants for us Kentuckians. I do too! I want to leave this world knowing my children and grandchildren will have a small and controllable government.As for the other candidates:The Republican candidate Peppy Martin is a nice lady with good intentions, but she is just in over her head. Her own party has abandonded her. Mitch McConnell has even said the party has no viable candidate and isn't going to spend a lot of money on a campaign they can't hope to win.Senator Jim Bunning gave her one part of a two part endorsement by saying he couldn't endorse his good friend Gatewood Galbraith, who was running on the Reform Party ticket, so he had to stick with his party's candidate, Peppy. If that isn't a two-part endorsement, I have never heard one. The party did Peppy wrong. I guess you could relate that to the Bloods mentallity.Paul Patton came to office having made promises galore that I liked. He was going to support the tobacco farmer. He went to Washington and tobacco farmers went to hell in a handbasket. Now he wants to give a mere seven percent of the tobacco settlement money to the farmer. What a joke! If you need it that bad, Governor, just go ahead and fund another pet project for another big contributor.Speaking of big contributors, I just saw an article in the paper that road contractors are the biggest contributors to Patton and the party of his choice. Patton wants a 10-cent per gallon gas tax to build more roads. Even this dumb hillbilly can smell that dead fish.He said he was a supporter of concealed carry. He signed the bill, then wrote executive orders to prohibit the carry-in places. The legislature had to go back and undo his damage to us. Another joke by the "Flim-flam man."Many families across the state work hard to send their children to the University of Kentucky Community College system . The two-year associate program was tied to UK. It meant something if nothing else because of that tie to UK. Patton flim-flammed that pride too. Now you aren't getting a UK tie-in.The state had a $400 million surplus until Patton spent it all and told the cronies with their hands out to get him re-elected and he would fund the rest of their pork projects. In the meantime, we are suffering the plight of children doing without needed medical attention because of county health departments being underfunded. I am tired of this type of cronyism. It is a sad day when you can't take care of your children, senior citizens and veterans before you hand out pet pork projects.Speaking of taking care of people, let's take a look at what has happened to our coal miners. The very people that risk their lives to keep the electricity going for our homes, schools, hospitals and all have been destroyed by the coal operator Patton, who testified in committee in 1971 that "black lung" was a "welfare program for miners!" Since Patton has been Governor, the worker's comp and black lung benefits are all but gone. People are suffering under this man. These are real flesh and blood people who are treated like resources that are thrown out after you are done with them. This is wrong.I spent 20 years as a union member only to see them endorse a Democrat, no matter what he stood for. They could care less what the working stiff thought. They always endorsed a Democrat. I, as everyone else I worked with, finally realized they were nothing more than either stupid or a wing of the party. To me, they are treated like a "red-headed, unwanted step-child"... except at family photograph (election) time. Then they are put in the photo. After the election, they are then told to go stand in the corner until they are needed again. I am now seeing a few union leaders begin to leave the Democratic party and come to Gatewood's campaign. So maybe there is hope. Maybe the working man has had enough and is waking up. I sure hope so.I firmly believe that by scaring or defeating the main parties, you can change things for the better. You must do it at this time with a third party, since you can't tell much difference between the Democrats and the Republicans. Remember, at one time the Republicans were a third party. Abraham Lincoln changed that. Could it be and is the time right that Gatewood Galbraith will follow Jesse Ventura and signal the beginning of the end for one of the two so-called main parties? I sure hope so and I am doing my part to change things by working with Gatewood. I feel that Jesse Ventura broke the ice and that Gatewood is the right man at the right time to carry on the revolution of change for the working people of Kentucky... before we become peasants.Now you have an idea of why I am helping Gatewood.Norman DavisCampaign ManagerGalbraith-Lyons '99Clarkston, KYRelated Articles & Web Site:Gatewood Galbraith Bus Tour To Criss-Cross State - 10/28/99 is Target as Candidates Hold Sole Debate - 10/26/99 A Contender - 10/21/99 Governor Guarding Against Complacency - 10/16/99 Newshawk: Tom Paine
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