Legislation Introduced to Overturn DC Initiative

Legislation Introduced to Overturn DC Initiative
Posted by FoM on October 17, 1999 at 19:34:11 PT
Please help us kill it! 
Source: Libertarian Party
In last November's election, voters in 6 states and the District of Columbia passed pro-medical marijuana initiatives by overwhelming margins. 
But in Congress, hard-line drug warriors -- principally Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia -- prevented the vote in Washington DC from even being counted for more than 10 months.A federal court recently found Barr's vote-suppression law unconstitutional, and the vote of 69% in favor has now been released -- but Barr and his allies have vowed to overturn DC's voter-approved medical marijuana initiative through an act of Congress. On Thursday, October 14, the U.S. House of Representatives passed with a 211-205 vote a D.C. spending bill (H.R. 3064) that includes an amendment that will overturn Initiative 59, the medical marijuana initiative that D.C. residents passed in November 1998 by a 69-31 % margin. The Senate passed the legislation with a voice vote on Friday the 15th. However, the battle is not over yet. The bill will go through conference committee, and then will be voted on again by both houses of Congress - probably this coming week. With such a close vote in the House, we need to swing only 3 or 4 votes to kill the bill. To send a free fax to your members of Congress, telling them to vote "no" on this terrible legislation, please visit: and click on the "Medical Marijuana/WRITE TO CONGRESS" link on the home page. If the law takes effect, then seriously ill people in the nation's capital who use medical marijuana to relieve their suffering will continue to face six months in jail. Even worse will be the precedent of Congress overturning a free election. It is no different than Congress declaring, "Libertarians are no longer allowed to win elections, since they advocate drug legalization." The Libertarian Party is collaborating with other organizations to stop this legislation, so we are linking to the web site of our friends at the Marijuana Policy Project. Please go to and click on the "Medical Marijuana/WRITE TO CONGRESS" link to send an e-mail or fax telling your Congressman and two U.S. Senators that they should vote "no." But please do not delay. The vote could come at any time. Congressmen receive very few letters on drug-related legislation. If you and every subscriber to the Libertarian Party Announcements list visits the petition site just once, then each Congressional office will hear from more constituents on this legislation than on almost any other bill currently pending. Changing just two or three votes through our lobbying effort could easily make the difference in a close vote. Will you please visit: and send a free fax to your Congressman and two U.S. Senators, telling them to vote "no" on H.R. 3064? The letter is already written for you; the whole process will take less than five minutes. Please add your voice to those crying that medical patients should not be jailed for the "crime" of relieving their suffering.Thank you, Yours for Freedom, Ron Crickenberger Political Director Related Articles & Web Sites:Marijuana Policy Project NOW Gary Johnson For President Marijuana Busts Remained High In 1998 - Group - 10/17/99 Anti-Democracy In D.C. - 10/16/99
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Comment #1 posted by GrelNor on October 18, 1999 at 08:48:14 PT
 Is this scary or what? You can just hear the Prohibitionist politicians "The heck with what 70 percent of what the voters want, we know better. Ifwe don't act fast the next thing you know Democracy might start to raise it's ugly little head. Better to squash it now before it gets out of hand".
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