Fugitive Medipot Activist Kubby Arrested

Fugitive Medipot Activist Kubby Arrested
Posted by CN Staff on January 27, 2006 at 21:31:44 PT
By Penne Usher, Journal Staff Writer
Source: Auburn Journal
California -- Medical marijuana activist Steve Kubby, a fugitive from Placer County, was back in custody Friday at Placer County jail after being arrested at San Francisco International Airport.Kubby, 58, was arrested on a no-bail warrant by San Francisco police officers and booked into San Mateo County Jail as he disembarked from a flight from Canada.
Bill McPike, Kubby's attorney, flew with his client from Vancouver to California, and said that at least seven officers were waiting for the plane when it arrived."They called out his name on the intercom," McPike said. "Kubby walked to the front of the plane and they took him into custody on behalf of the Placer County Sheriff's Department."Dale Gieringer, co-author of Prop. 215 and currently director of the California National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws, was at the airport Thursday night in the hopes of greeting Kubby. He said law enforcement officials don't understand Kubby's medical need for marijuana."The arms of the drug police state are awesomely long," Gieringer said. "To drag a man back to jail for six months for nothing? He's not a danger to society." Michele Kubby said Friday in a telephone interview from Canada that the future of her family is uncertain."We don't know what's going to happen next," she said. "It's very frightening."Michele Kubby said she plans to be in California early next week and has until midnight Monday to leave Canada.She said her husband has a prescription, valid in Canada, to smoke up to an ounce a day of marijuana.Whigam said Kubby appeared to be "fine" and will be have his medical needs attended while incarcerated.The Kubby family had been seeking to stay in Canada, however, The Canadian Border Services rejected the family's bid for protection Dec. 9 and ordered them out of the country.Kubby fled to Canada with his family in an effort to avoid incarceration after a 2000 conviction in Placer County on charges of possession of mescaline and psilocybin. Placer County deputies reportedly found a small mount of peyote button and magic mushroom during a 1999 raid of Kubby's Olympic Valley home.Two-hundred-sixty-five marijuana plants in various stages of growth were reportedly seized, officials said.He was transported to Placer County jail Friday afternoon and is scheduled to be arraigned at 1 p.m. in Dept. 13 of Placer County Superior court Tuesday.Sgt. Brian Whigam, of the Placer County Sheriff's Department, said Friday that Kubby's arrest was solely based on the violation of probation."At this time that's the only violation," he said.Kubby will most likely have to serve his custody time of 120 days and address his probation violation, which could give him additional time behind bars.Kubby ran as the Libertarian candidate for governor on the 1997/1998 ballot. He was also one of the authors of Prop. 215, the compassionate-use act passed by the voters of the state of California in 1996. He contends he requires marijuana daily to stay alive and stave off the affects of his life-threatening adrenal cancer.Source: Auburn Journal (CA)Author: Penne Usher, Journal Staff WriterPublished: Friday, January 27, 2006Copyright: 2006 Auburn JournalContact: ajournal foothill.netWebsite: Articles & Web Sites:The Kubby Chronicles NORML Drug War Refugees Advocate Ordered To Return To US Activist May Be Deported To U.S.
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Comment #29 posted by Toker00 on January 31, 2006 at 21:16:28 PT
Whig, Hope
K. Thanks.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW!
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Comment #28 posted by Hope on January 31, 2006 at 17:16:03 PT
"... could people also be influenced to do evil for no money?"Sure. I think so. Some people are just mean or nuts. About "...hatred of money being a root of good". I tend to agree with Whig. Hatred of it could lead to all kinds of problems. It's healthier, I'd imagine just to see it for the tool or device that it is. I think the original words probably could have been translated to the "love of wealth", too, as a way of expressing the idea they were trying to convey. 
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Comment #27 posted by whig on January 31, 2006 at 16:35:07 PT
"I knew that, I guess I was just tired and careless. But you know what? Can I just ask this just for fun? Does that mean that Hatred of money is the root of all Good? I can see how that could be."I don't think so. HATRED is not good. Hatred comes from FEAR. Money is not God to be worshiped nor feared.
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Comment #26 posted by Toker00 on January 31, 2006 at 16:12:34 PT
Don't be sorry Hope.
I knew that, I guess I was just tired and careless. But you know what? Can I just ask this just for fun? Does that mean that Hatred of money is the root of all Good? I can see how that could be. Money is, to me, the symbol of desire to Control or Govern humans. It is what Lucifer wanted, and it made him angry when God told him he could only be equal to humans, and not rule them. He also did not have the power to create, only to Influence. He needed a tool to have Influence over people, and to me, that tool is money. A lot of good people are coerced by the love of money. A lot of good people are coerced by the hatred of money. A money lover is, for example, DICK CHENEY. A money hater is, for example, GHANDI. Cheney uses money for destruction and power, Ghandi used money to make his country-people's lives better. But, if it took no money to influence people to do good, could people also be influenced to do evil for no money? I wonder...This is not presented to be an argument against Love of Money being the root of all evil, as apposed to Money being the root of all evil. Just being conversational.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW! 
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Comment #25 posted by ekim on January 29, 2006 at 12:10:30 PT
FoM Masters is still working. Leap has Women
Sheriff Bill Masters
Telluride, San Miguel County, Colorado
LEAP Advisory Board Member
Martha DeWolfe joined the Grand Prairie police department in 1984, and left in 1994.
Dancetta Feary
Hawaii's Police Officer for 8 years.
Michelle Holton is a mother of two sons and a former police officer who served in a small municipality in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Alison Myrden began her career as a Corrections Officer in 1988
Eleanor was elected to the Circuit Court of Miami-Dade County Florida and began her service in January 1991. 
I dont know anymore then this email. watch CBS "60 Minutes" tonight which will include the story of a ms patient who suffers intractable chronic pain but is sitting in prison because the United States Drug Enforcement Administration decided he was guilty of selling drugs, in spite of the fact that he needed them to control this pain. If you ever wanted to see an example of how the federal government is conducting this insane war on drugs, and at taxpayer expense, this is it. I urge everyone to watch this program.
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Comment #24 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 11:58:11 PT
Had Enough 
It's a very delicate line to walk and we all have to come to grips with our own value structure. We can fool people if we want but we can't fool ourselves. As long as we take time to think about personal values we will be ok.
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Comment #23 posted by Had Enough on January 29, 2006 at 11:52:19 PT
Money & Power
FoM Vicious cycle, isn’t it? If you can walk amongst it, see it for what it is, deal with it, and not let it get stuck you, in my view, is an accomplishment.
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Comment #22 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 11:39:29 PT
We can't live without money and we can't buy a house or a car without money. The necessities of life require money. Where money goes wrong is when it is misplaced in an area where it shouldn't be. Say someone wants to be involved in politics but they keep changing how they feel depending on who might be able to advance their political ambitions because they have money. The same thing goes with activism. If we look to who supplies the money we can lose sight of what the mission is all about. A person should know why they are getting involved in an area of activism and don't change no matter what. Then money doesn't cloud activism. Power is a drug too and can addict and manipulate. It's a delicate line we all walk.
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Comment #21 posted by Had Enough on January 29, 2006 at 11:09:14 PT
Money! It's a Hit!!!
Hope has it right "The LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil".It’s very important to remember that money is an object, and the "Love of Something" is a state of mind and/or emotions. Objects are to be used, while "states of minds" are not to be used/abused. The mind can be a terrible thing. Look at how some people use theirs to cast a "state of mind" pall over others. Register and Vote!!! Take a friend with you. Stop at the Burger Hut on the way home for some Freedom Fries.
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Comment #20 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 09:48:46 PT
A good dream. I like it.
 "All I have to do is dream a little and my mind explodes with how many people will benefit from legal cannabis/hemp." 
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Comment #19 posted by Hope on January 29, 2006 at 09:44:45 PT
Sorry, Toker
You said, "The Word says money is the root of ALL evil. Amen."Actually it reads more like , "The LOVE OF MONEY is the root of all evil". New International says "all kinds of evil". My point though is that it isn't the money itself that is the "root" of some or all or any's the LOVE of money.
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Comment #18 posted by FoM on January 29, 2006 at 07:34:42 PT
Money can cloud thoughts. Money really isn't a problem because we all need it to live but the love of money is the root of all evil. If campaign finance reform really happened then the people's voice could be heard. People that value change aren't geared towards how to make money by being an activist. When the laws are changed there will be plenty of ways to make money in the industry. All I have to do is dream a little and my mind explodes with how many people will benefit from legal cannabis/hemp. 
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Comment #17 posted by Toker00 on January 29, 2006 at 07:19:41 PT
Lies cost Trillions, yet the Truth is Free.
It's amazing to me, that we, people who seek honesty and return to a more "civil" society, voluntarily fight, yet it costs the Elite trillions to prop up their false reality, defend their lies and deception, and continue their destruction of what we defend for no money. They pay to defend their Lies, yet we VOLUNTEER to defend the Truth. The Word says money is the root of ALL evil. Amen.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW!
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Comment #16 posted by FoM on January 28, 2006 at 20:35:36 PT
I think that all the organizations and individuals doing what they think they should without thought of financial return are heroes in my book. Activists that get paid can be influenced a little more then someone that money is not an issue. Money clouds judgement. Money makes people compromise what is really important sometimes. As long as a person or organization is not manipulated by money then it will help further reform. If money wasn't an issue in politics just think how much better things could be for everyone.
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Comment #15 posted by Toker00 on January 28, 2006 at 20:14:48 PT
FoM I don't think that.
You are just right with me, FoM. I was basically clarifying something in my own mind, as well. I understand completely about the Male/Female mindset. Women rock in areas Men can't.Remember herbdoc telling us how the U.S. Marshals were kind and helpful? And now Kubby is allowed Marinol in jail? (I'm not sure how Marinol is going to help him, if it is the whole plant that keeps his cancer at bay. What is the latest on Kubby?) That, takes a change in mindset. I hope LEAP can create that much more change in that many more minds.I am just glad they are doing it. Sorry if I was being accusatory, as I don't mean to be. I guess what I am getting at is, it appears medical cannabis is well on it's way to being realized. With groups like SAFER and SSDP combining with the older reform groups, and the rebuttals by local scientists, as well as international scientists, to NIDA's bogus science studies, a group like LEAP is just that much more ammo to end cannabis prohibition and allow for a Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation as well as medical use. Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW!
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Comment #14 posted by FoM on January 28, 2006 at 18:14:07 PT
When I said taught by men I don't mean you guys here. It's totally different then being in a mostly male dominated organization and one that is associated with the whole police area of reform. I don't like to even think of a policeman near me. I would step back just because of that emotion I have. 
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Comment #13 posted by FoM on January 28, 2006 at 17:54:02 PT
I'm not holding anything against them because they are retired. I don't want you to think that. I want to know that the police that fight us are getting involved. Those are the ones that really can make a difference. Remember I am a woman and I don't like to be taught by men as how to think since men and women are as different as night and day. I could listen to Valarie Corral or Angel Raich for as long as they want to talk. It might just be a natural man/woman thing.
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Comment #12 posted by Toker00 on January 28, 2006 at 17:45:33 PT
They are trying to educate the officers who are currently fighting us. They carry a lot of weight in the LEO world. If they are listened to by enough police officers who still think the WOSD is winnable, minds WILL be changed. The fact that they are retired shouldn't be a consideration in evaluating what they are doing. Look how long there was only hard-headed silence from the enforcers, retired or not. Now, even active police officers, at other sites I post and read at, are convinced the War on Drugs is a failure, they just can't come to terms with the thought of ending what makes their mortgage payments. Many are seeing the statistics that show the failure of the Drug War, and the damage done to our society as a result of trying to enforce the un-enforcable, and are actually looking for a way out. LEAP could be the beginning of the end of the War on Some Drugs. The feeling of guilt is powerful. The action of these men speaking to their own about the failure of the Drug War, is a gesture of reconciliation to me. If we can prove the futility OF enforcement to the ENFORCERS, the law MAKERS will have to listen, just like they did during alcohol Prohibition.Wage peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW!  
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Comment #11 posted by FoM on January 28, 2006 at 08:38:21 PT
I started to watch the video but I turned it off. Are they all retired or are there some that are still police? 
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Comment #10 posted by goneposthole on January 28, 2006 at 08:23:17 PT
don't get involved
Steve Kubby broke the lawr. He is going to the hoosegow. He is in enemy hands; a political prisoner for the good of the State.The US gov knows best. Keep the drugs flowing, the arrests will follow, then the incarcerations and further devastation to society. It can't help but be good for the stockholders of private prison corporations. The stockholders have to make money somehow, and it might as well be from illegal drugs.After watching and listening to the LEAP promo, I will add the word 'Sherlock' to the words 'no sh*t.'We must have a drug war and a drug war we will have.
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Comment #9 posted by mayan on January 28, 2006 at 06:34:54 PT
Local ag leader sees benefits in growing hemp: marijuana bill heads to main Senate floor: for those who haven't seen MPP's new blog for the Nevada campaign...
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Comment #8 posted by kaptinemo on January 28, 2006 at 05:19:21 PT:
I am...bowled...OVER
Long ago, in my grunt days, when the vets would want to impart something of deadly serious importance to those who haven't been to battle yet, they'd preface their remarks with "Now, lissen up, troops; this is no sh*t." And so I say unto *you*:Takes a lot to impress me anymore; Toker00's link to the LEAP promo is one of the few things that can. In a word, it's POWERFUL. If *anyone* who reads my blatherings here and thinks they contain something of value, if *anyone* believes my opinion is noteworthy, then I heartily, in the strongest possible terms, urge you to do yourself a BIG favor and go to Toker's link and watch that presentation.I've always said that when the troops in the trenches grumble, you bloody well better listen. Here are the veterans, the survivors, of the brutal DrugWar campaigns, the battle-scarred soldiers, telling you the straight word. They are saying what many good cops would love to tell you face-to-face if they wouldn't be punished politically for doing so. Hear them out...for what they have to say is 'no sh*t'.
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Comment #7 posted by siege on January 28, 2006 at 05:05:02 PT
Never heard back on the smokin' in jail issue
Never heard back on the smokin' in jail issueContra Costa County Officials
District I
Supervisor John Gioia
11780 San Pablo Ave, Suite D
El Cerrito, CA 94530
Phone: (510) 374-3231    
FAX: (510) 374-3429
	District II
Supervisor Gayle B. Uilkema
651 Pine Street, Room 108A
Martinez, CA 94553
Phone: (925) 335-1046   
FAX (925) 335-1076
	Supervisor Mary N. Piepho
309 Diablo Road       
Danville, CA 94526
Phone: (925) 820-8683   
FAX: (925) 820-6627
dist3 IV
Supervisor Mark DeSaulnier
2425 Bisso Lane, Suite 110
Concord, CA 94520
Phone: (925) 646-5763  
FAX: (925) 646-5767
dist4 V
Supervisor Federal D. Glover
315 E. Leland Avenue
Pittsburg, CA 94565
Phone: (925) 427-8138   
FAX: (925) 427-8142
 Office of the Sheriff
Warren E. Rupf
651 Pine Street, 7th Floor
Martinez, CA 94553
Phone: (925)335-1510   
FAX: (925)335-1508
Sheriff Webpage	 	 
Submit Public Comment 
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Comment #6 posted by Toker00 on January 28, 2006 at 04:33:00 PT
LEAP Promo
If you guys haven't passed this around, now is good. peace on war. END CANNABIS PROHIBITION NOW!
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Comment #5 posted by siege on January 28, 2006 at 04:06:27 PT
before I flew to Canada for his surrender. Problem is,
we agreed to surender next Tuesday & they opened the
door on the jet & took him right there. .
to use MJ, plus a new scrip for Marinol, which the
drugstore delievered to the Jail's - Medical Program
Director this afternoon.
 The problem w:/.785 is that iIF the jail has no facility, the
jail doesn't have to accomodate him. This is THE test
case for the provision. I spoke to Dennis about this provision
months ago & he was going to speak to a group in, as I recall, Contra Costa Co. Never heard back on the smokin'
in jail issue
 We see edibles as the answer to the not available
issue. I would be Steve's caregiver & have immunity
from any challenge to my professional license under
2 other provisions of SB 420.
 We'll see how this plays out. Thanks again for your excellent observations.
Bill McP in Cali Whigham is Kubby "Doctor" if memory is right
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Comment #4 posted by kaptinemo on January 28, 2006 at 03:38:34 PT:
"Doctor" Whigham says Mr. Kubby 
"appears fine". Did "Doctor" Wigham medically examine Mr. Kubby before he made that observation? Did "Doctor" Whigham make it on the basis of tests measuring Mr. Kubby's no-doubt dangerously increasing levels of adrenaline since he has been denied the ONLY medication (based upon the brutal logic of Occam's Razor and his own obvious survival thanks to it) that keeps him alive? Where did "Doctor" Whigham acquire such fantastic medical acumen...AT THE POLICE ACADEMY WHER HE WAS TRAINED?I thought there were laws against practicing medicine without a license, but it would seem that in the DrugWar, one can attend a police academy and be issued a doctor's stethoscope and traditional 'little black bag' as well a badge and a sidearm. How convenient; next time I am having a medical emergency, perhaps I should flag down the nearest police cruiser and ask Officer Jack Boot if he'll take a look... 
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Comment #3 posted by BGreen on January 28, 2006 at 00:41:13 PT
Let's all pull together for the Kubby's
Through the power of prayer, kharma, good vibes and positive energy, let's all concentrate on spiritually lifting Steve Kubby up and keeping him safe and healthy until he once again is a free man.I wonder if Steve can vacation in friendlier countries once he is free?Regardless of the horses arses in power in Canada, Steve still has the right to his medicine there, doesn't he?Hang in there, Steve and Michelle, your kids need you so much.With love from The Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #2 posted by whig on January 27, 2006 at 22:12:55 PT
Is it true that he's receiving Marinol, and do his doctors believe that this will help keep his cancer in check?I really hope for the best out of this terrible injustice, but I feel like we're really powerless to do anything for Steve Kubby.So many victims. So many martyrs.I wanted to say we don't need any more. I sure hope we don't, but it is how God teaches us to live, and I wish it were otherwise, but it is impossible to achieve goodness without the infliction and experience of suffering. We must choose not to inflict any more. WE MUST CHOOSE.I know that there are people reading here who do not post, and I know that some of them are part of the DEA. I am speaking to you. What you do to ME, you do to yourselves.You think you can choose to serve yourself at the expense of others, but you cannot do this any more than you can serve your left hand at the expense of your right. We are one, you fight yourself. When you inflict suffering, you will suffer it.Steve Kubby is a GOOD man. Preserve him.
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on January 27, 2006 at 21:39:13 PT
News and Video from CBS 13
Marijuana Advocate In Placer County JailJanuary 27, 2006Video Link: 13) Medical marijuana refugee Steve Kubby, is now sitting in a Placer County jail. Kubby was arrested at San Francisco Airport last night- after being deported from Canada. He ran out of the country to avoid serving a 120 day jail sentence. Kubby is being charged with violating parole. Kubby says he suffers from a rare form of cancer and will die if he's not allowed to smoke pot. But the placer county sheriffs are confident he'll get all the medical attention he needs."We have state-of-the-art medical facilities here at the Placer County jail. He will be seen by our medical staff. Any medical needs he has will be provided for by out jail staff here," said Brian Whigham, Placer County Sheriff.Kubby will be in court in placer county next tuesday.Copyright: MMVI, CBS Broadcasting Inc.
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