Medical Marijuana User Promotes ‘Exemption’ Bill 

Medical Marijuana User Promotes ‘Exemption’ Bill 
Posted by CN Staff on April 29, 2005 at 18:40:27 PT
By Dale M. King
Source: Boca Raton News
Boca Raton, Fla. -- Irv Rosenfeld can do something only a handful of American citizens can do. The Fort Lauderdale stockbroker who has accounts in Boca Raton can smoke marijuana legally. Afflicted with a rare and painful bone disorder since age 10, he is one of only seven people in the United States allowed to receive medical marijuana by prescription from the government. He’s been getting it for more than 22 years.
But for 33 years, he’s been fighting to knock down the legal barrier that prevents people living in the 11 states that allow the use of medical marijuana from getting their hands on it.Federal law – which makes marijuana illegal in all states – overrules state statutes. As a result, the federal Drug Enforcement Agency can arrest people for using marijuana for medical purposes – even in states that allow it.“It’s time the politicians realize this is a medical issue, not a legal issue,” Rosenfeld said. “Stop fighting the war on drugs against sick people.”Rosenfeld will get a chance to confront politicians face to face in Washington on Tuesday when he testifies in favor of a bill being filed by U.S. Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., that “would prevent the DEA from busting people for using medical marijuana,” the advocate said.U.S. Rep. Robert Wexler, D-Fla., plans to sign on, as he did the last time it came before Congress – and failed, said Wexler’s spokeswoman, Lale Mamaux.“The congressman supports it,” she said. “Last time it was presented, on May 22, 2003, the bill had 44 sponsors.”“It’s important for people to realize there are seriously and terminally ill people who need relief from pain,” Mamaux said. “This should not be the arena for talk about addiction. These people need it for relief of pain. And Congress should take this into serious consideration.”“We’re sure it will meet with Republican opposition,” she said.Uncle Sam has yet to budge on the issue of a so-called “federal pre-emption” so medical marijuana users in states that allow it – Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington – don’t face possible arrest.Rosenfeld said the government views marijuana as “an evil, destructive weed that needs to be banned so people won’t abuse it.”He said he considers that skewed thinking. “Police are for fighting crime, doctors deal with health. Not allowing medical marijuana puts police in the role of doctors.”The stockbroker gets his marijuana by prescription. And if everyone who needs cannabis for medical purposes were to get it the same way, he said, there should be no abuse.He began receiving marijuana cigarettes from the feds as part of the “compassionate use” program that began in 1978. The plan was cancelled in 1982, but seven people – Rosenfeld among them – were “grandfathered in” so they can continue to get their medical pot legally. Rosenfeld has an ailment that results in the formation of tumors at the ends of the longer bones in his skeleton. It is very painful, he said. But when he uses marijuana, “I feel fine,” he said.Most important, he said, marijuana has had no negative impact on him. “I am not at all impaired,” he said. “There are people who say it harms your lungs and your brain. How do you explain my situation?”He is one of four people who underwent an extensive study in 2001 by neurologist Dr. Ethan Russo, who found no physical or mental impairment among them.Rosenfeld has vowed to help other people in pain get the same benefit of medical marijuana that he does. His advocacy nearly got him in trouble a couple of months ago.After testifying Feb. 17 in favor of a medical pre-emption bill in Illinois, Rosenfeld was detained by police. He said he was sitting in the gallery with people “who were comparing marijuana to methamphetamine. I couldn’t take it any more. So I took out my can of marijuana. Then, a federal marshal came over and said, ‘What’s that?’”When Rosenfeld explained the situation, the officer backed off.The Illinois bill was rejected in committee by a vote of 7-4. Rosenfeld has also filed a “friend of the court” brief in the case of Ashcroft vs. Raich, which is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court. In that case, Angel Raich and Diane Monson – two women with ailments that could be helped by medical marijuana – are asking the court to give them the OK. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft had argued against it in an effort to keep the law intact.A decision may not be handed down until July.Rosenfeld said medical marijuana is an effective treatment for a number of diseases, including AIDS, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, glaucoma and even pre-menstrual syndrome.Note: ‘Stop fighting the war on drugs against sick people’ says South Florida man who uses prescribed cannabis for pain of bone disorder.Source: Boca Raton News (FL)Author: Dale M. KingPublished: Saturday, April 30, 2005 Copyright: 2005 Boca Raton NewsContact: edtimes bocanews.comWebsite: Articles & Web Sites:Patients Out of Time Cannabis Use in PDF Detained After Bill Sinks in Committee Marijuana Users Look To Change Law
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Comment #9 posted by Toker00 on May 01, 2005 at 04:24:11 PT
Thanks for the reminder Mayan.
Corporate Amerika wages war for profit. There's the War on Drugs (they supply the drugs), the War on Terror (they supply the terror), the War on Poverty (they supply the poverty). Perpetual Profit Machine. They get paid to rebuild what they destroy. We pay them to heal us, they kill us. We pay them to protect us, they wage wars on us. We pay them for technological wonders, they kill us with radiation, polution, police brutality, and wrong address search warrants. We pay them to provide security, they give us a police state. We go to the polls to elect a president, they appoint a Corporate Dictator.I say we stop paying them.Peace. Legalize, then Revolutionize! (medicine)(energy)(nutrition)  
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Comment #8 posted by mayan on May 01, 2005 at 03:50:49 PT
The Bush family has some shady ties. Just Google "Bush Nazis". Here's a good one...THE BUSH-CHENEY DRUG EMPIRE: the article, I'm sure the government wishes Rosenfeld would just go away. If they hadn't gave him cannabis he could very well be gone.
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Comment #7 posted by FoM on April 30, 2005 at 20:28:05 PT
That was a really good comment. I wanted you to know that it makes sense to me.
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Comment #6 posted by runruff on April 30, 2005 at 10:04:29 PT:
Eli Lily and the Family Roberts.
Do not over look the fact that Barbara "
Roberts" Bush inherited major holdings in Eli Lily 
drugs. Follow the time line.President Jimmy Carter said " I think it's probably time to legalize marijuana.In the 1970s Oregon did legalize it. Alaska legalized it. Four ozs. in the privacy in your home.Enter George "I don't like Broccoli" Bush.
As Vice President he was the first unofficial "Drug Czar".
It was Georgy Porgy who made a real war on the American people using drug abuse as a primace. Oh yes $6o billion dollar budgets under his urdging to wipe out the scuorge that threatened The Bush Family fortunes. 85-90% of all drug war monies were spent to demonize and erraticate pot.
I'd say the plan has gone well for him and his cronies untill latley. The information age is revealing him to be the villian that he trully is.Nancy Reagan, I mean really. Have you never noticed the glazed over look in her eyes? Her Daughter said her mother has been hooked on drugs since the 50s. Valium was her drug of choice. She had her drugs delievered to her at the 
White house. "Just Say NO". I think she was confusing her drug war rhetoric with her bed room responces. I say "JUST SAY kNOW".Who whittled down the CSA to fit into the commerce clause like a square peg in a round hole. Nixon! Maybe the biggest crook ever to play in American politics.
Do you think he might have been trying to please his corperate buddies? {He and G.H.W. Bush Were buddies at that time] Do you think he might have been interested in expanding fed powers?I've read books and reports by retired CIA, DEA and FBI That Pappa Bush has been the king pin behind the biggest smuggling ops in the world with help from the likes of Noreaga and Sadam. He turned on these guys with the U.S. military. Flush with drug profits and their own army they became unruly. Even telling the litte whimp to F.O. Well we all known Barbara's massive ego just couldn't stand this. She said, "Gerogy honey, Please send the army over there and kick some M.Fin" A&&. Look I don't talk this way but I've heard that Gramdma Babs has got a mouth on her! Whew!
Their Public persona is all for show.One of the funniest things I'e ever heard [I'm gossiping like an old lady here] but anyways, Georgy had a mistress and she looked just like his wife! Same age and everything.
Oh my ,Oh my, I can't stand it. It's the Bush family circus!Gotta go now it's my turn to wash the dishes.Namaste
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Comment #5 posted by ekim on April 29, 2005 at 21:35:06 PT
who cut that program
and the fact that Irv has been driving all those years should be headline news for those who want to give a dui to all others, 
and correct me if iam wrong” program that began in 1978. The plan was cancelled in 1982 but did not papa bush cut the life line of the program when he was pres- compassionate use of cannabis when so many sick and dying with hiv came calling. Wonder what the number of those impacted has grown to be. Thousands upon thousands at least.
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on April 29, 2005 at 21:21:06 PT
You're welcome. Trying to have a place where we can share and learn from each other is such a good thing to have. I'm glad CNews helps.
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Comment #3 posted by gloovins on April 29, 2005 at 21:08:36 PT
Thanks & again thanks for providing a great, vastly seen forum.Wishes of peace and freedom to pursue everyones happiness too all.
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on April 29, 2005 at 20:53:48 PT
Thank you for the update. I added your link to my web site. Good Luck in your endeavors!
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Comment #1 posted by gloovins on April 29, 2005 at 20:40:03 PT
Mich update & comment on this article
Hi all ... Irv I have read profiled before....I have sympathy for him which I figure he could do w/o for I know, -- he has plenty from many -- it's just words -- talk is cheap, uh? I wish there is something I could do. I've written letters asking why these 7 pateints acknowledged as MEDICAL proof cannabis IS MEDICINE? Why???? They all tow "follow-the-$" REPUBLICAN & (mostly) DEMOCRAT paper thin rhetoric f #*ing BS sick, old rancid line. It's sad too becasue I fund these peoples jobs, these government workers and elected officials...all to no good. It's futile. Sometimes when I call & get thru to gov't workers or officials I say if I get the run around double speak I say, (instead of "f*** off" or "are you dumb, you should resign!" cause I don't want to be on some "hostile" Patroit Act something or other list, ya know?) I say, "Oh , I have to get back to work so I can pay for your job.." It's whacked, but it's true, you have to laugh it off. The majority of those in Washington elected officials, they make me nauseous and we all know a good remedy for that, right?...;)Anyway, a Michigan activity update:So far…Three weeks into the campaign we’ve raised just over 11,000 signatures through the hard work of 408 volunteers. Of course, there’s still a long way to go to get the 320,000 signatures necessary to get it on the ballot. Bill from Adrian leads the pack with 512 signatures. Hopefully with the better weather and concert time we’ll be able to achieve our goal of at least 2000 volunteers. Anyone eligible to vote in Michigan can help us out by collecting 100 signatures.We have a copy of the petition on our website Even if you’re unable to circulate petitions, with an 8-1/2x14” piece of paper, you can print your own copy, sign it and mail it in without having to make a public statement. Just make sure you don’t resize (fit to page, etc) when you print and that you also sign the petition as a circulator.Fund raising is a necessary evil in a campaign this big. We’ve developed a fun way to contribute to the cause by raffling off a pound of pot or not. If the campaign is unsuccessful, we reserve the right to substitute two round trip tickets to Amsterdam. Our printing and postage costs are far exceeding contributions, which in the long run, is clearly unsustainable. Check out the details on the website, and if you can, get yourself a raffle ticket. You can’t win if you don’t play!People write usChuck writes: “your a ******* dumb you can't win the war on drugs and there's nothing wrong with pot you ****note to Chuck: We want to win the war on drugs by regulating cannabis like alcohol.
George writes: “Please, please stop bashing George Bush as you try to round up support for your petition. I'll sign it but don't need negative vibes toward our president. Thank you”note to George: Good point, politicians from both sides of the aisle are equally culpable for the $80 billion war against cannabis.FinallyYou can help us out by forwarding this email (ed. note message) to everyone you know who is supportive of cannabis reform and ask them to pass it on to people who’ll pass it on to people who’ll….Hope to you see you on the trail… Good will..That's an email I got from Z Harris in Mich - who is acive there & who I know via the netLastly, may I rant, this above article really hits home on the feds blatant hypocrisy so many people in this country -- esp. in the cannabis community feel...the time for the federal government to harness the capacity of the HUGE nature of how cannabis can save this country in this time of lies, wars, corruption and hypocrisy...anyone seeing times of 1929???? WTF is wrog w/ the USA people? How a rightwing christian fundamentalist can be against Jesus' own annointing oil??
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