SB 848 Corrections!

SB 848 Corrections!
Posted by FoM on July 13, 1999 at 19:56:58 PT
Kubby Announce
Source: The Kubby Files
Tue 7/13/99Friends, In my recent post to you about SB 848, I told you that law enforcement had demanded the deletion of all references to the world voluntary, which is true.
Most law enforcement people live in their own closed world where medical marijuana is still considered a hoax. However, I must point out that the word voluntary has been retained in at least one section. From the text of the bill itself: Section 1(d)(2): "With respect to individuals, the registry identification system established pursuant to this act must be wholly voluntary, and a patient entitled to the protections of Section 11362.5 of the Health and Safety Code need not possess a registry identification card in order to claim the protections afforded by that section." Need I remind you that the Federal Income Tax is also "voluntary." In addition, I told you that the City and County of San Francisco oppose SB 848 as unnecessary. Since then, my source has informed me: "I gave you some misinformation the other day regarding San Francisco's position on the bill. The City and County of San Francisco do NOT oppose the bill; rather, the Mayor, the Director of Public Health, and the District Attorney oppose the idea of a registry, as being unnecessary. However, they still support the bill because they believe, on balance, it is beneficial, even with the registry." Does this change anything? Not at all. Thousands of Americans have given their lives to protect our inalienable rights and the freedoms guaranteed to us by the Bill of Rights. No law or government has the right to treat sick people as criminals who must register with the state and show identification upon demand to law enforcement. To paraphrase the deputies in Placer County, "That might fly in Soviet Russia or North Korea, but not here in America." SB 848 is a cowardly act of appeasement, shamefully constructed on the backs of sick, disabled and dying people, to protect the selfish interests and drug war bloated budgets of California's corrupt law enforcement agencies.Let Freedom Grow, Steve THE KUBBY FILES Bay Plaza #375Dana Point, Ca 92629 DON'T GET LEFT OUT OF THE LOOP:Subscribe: Kubby-Announce-on list.kubby.orgUnsubscribe: Kubby-Announce-off list.kubby.orgKubbys Submit Claim To Placer County - July 13, 1999
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