Drug Czar Targets Pot Use 

Drug Czar Targets Pot Use 
Posted by CN Staff on October 21, 2004 at 16:20:39 PT
By John T. Huddy, Journal Staff Writer
Source: Albuquerque Journal 
U.S. drug czar John Walters met with Hispanic community leaders Tuesday to unveil a national media advertising campaign aimed at deterring Hispanic youth from smoking marijuana and educating Hispanic families about the dangers of pot use.  The Office of National Drug Control Policy's "National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign," started in 1998, aims at educating teens and parents about the dangers of drug use, particularly marijuana, and deterring illegal drug use.
The new program targets Hispanic teens and families, using Spanish television and radio commercials and Spanish newspaper and magazine advertisements to persuade Hispanics to not use marijuana.  Walters spoke at a press conference at the Santa Fe Civic Housing Authority.  The Housing Authority helps low- to middle-income families in Santa Fe find housing and deal with drug abuse and addiction.  With Secret Service agents posted in the parking lot, Walters emphasized that marijuana is a "gateway drug" that can lead to other chemical dependencies.  He said today's pot has higher THC (tetrahydrocannibinol, the active ingredient in marijuana) levels than marijuana from the 1960s and 1970s.  "We have to stop living in the past," Walters said. The idea that marijuana is not addictive or even harmful is a misconception, he said.  Pumping more than $30 million in the Hispanic advertising campaign (more than $120 million a year is spent on the overall advertising campaign) can only help so much, Walters admitted.  "It's supply and demand," he said. "We're actively working with the Mexican government and Colombian government" to crack down on drug importation.  Recent Drug Enforcement Administration statistics show that some of the most potent marijuana being imported into the United States comes from Canada, particularly "BC Bud," high-grade marijuana from British Columbia.  And homegrown marijuana is also a problem, federal state and local officials agree, with cultivation techniques and resources available on the Internet to novice growers.  Some Hispanic leaders maintain deterrence can be daunting, because there is the misconception among many Hispanics that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.  "This is frightening," Walters said.  According to statistics provided by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, 12 percent of youth marijuana treatment admissions involve Hispanics, and more than 157,000 teenagers enter treatment each year for marijuana addiction.  "We need more help in New Mexico," said Pablo Sedillo, a field representative for Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M. "New Mexico is very unique to the rest of the nation. I think there needs to be some adaptation to cultural relevance here."  The ad campaign launched Tuesday contrasts with the earliest effort to curtail drug use, such as the 1930s film "Tell Your Children," also known as "Reefer Madness." That movie presented marijuana as a ghetto drug.  The Spanish advertising campaign presents a more realistic portrait of the "munchy" drug, showing pot as being as prevalent in middle and upper-class Hispanic communities as it is in low-income neighborhoods, Walters explained.  Two of the Spanish-language commercials show a Hispanic mother and then father confronting their pot-smoking teen. Another commercial portrays a stoned teen at the dinner table with his affluent-looking parents.  Sami Jaber knows about the stress of keeping his children out of the grip of drug use and addiction. The Muslim American, originally from Jerusalem, has six children, ages 22, 20, 17, 13, 11 and 4, living in one of Santa Fe's toughest neighborhoods with a history of drug abuse— Hopewell Street.  "I spend most of my time, at least six hours a day, with my kids," said Jaber, who says his children are all drug-free. "If you want to keep your kids and your family safe, you have to give them the time and talk to them and be able to have them talk to you."  Yet a root of the drug problem is that many parents do not have the kind of time that Jaber does to spend with their children, Santa Fe Civic Housing Authority director Ed Romero said, "because they are just struggling to survive... It's the cost of living problem."  There is also a seemingly more tolerant attitude in America toward marijuana use; various states have decriminalized pot for medical use and as a defense in court, officials said.  While synthetic forms of government-approved marijuana have been cultivated for medical uses, Walters argued "that is not the issue here."  "To say that I want to watch Americans who are sick and dying die because I don't want to legalize marijuana, is distasteful... That's irresponsible," Walters said. "The reality is this is not a trivial or joking matter."Newshawk: sukoi Source: Albuquerque Journal (NM)Author: John T. Huddy, Journal Staff WriterPublished: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 Copyright: 2004 Albuquerque JournalContact: opinion abqjournal.comWebsite: Related Articles:Drug Czar Vows To Fight Legalization of MJ Czar John Walters Visits The Valley Drug Czar Rips Pot Petition Czar Critical of Marijuana Initiative 
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Comment #20 posted by FoM on October 23, 2004 at 11:14:13 PT
john wayne
I'm sorry you didn't understand my logic about Kerry but that's ok. It is from my own experience that I said that. I don't have interest in politics or parties other then getting Bush out and a little hope for the future. That's all.
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Comment #19 posted by john wayne on October 23, 2004 at 11:06:20 PT
kerry will be different alright
I think that he will be even tougher than Bush on medpot for instance. He will fund the drug war even more enthusiastically than Bush. He will pump up the military festivities in Colombia and the Andes. He will accelerate the militarization of the drug war in the US.Why? For the same reason that Clinton did. He will want to deflect the "soft on drugs" label and consequent attacks from repug troglodytes. He will be only too happy to step up the drug-war repression if he thinks that it will help him keep the political middle-of-the-roaders in line.Catholicsm will help him be logical? FoM, with all due respect for your efforts here...I find that idea laughable.Please note that I do not mean to imply an endorsemnt of the Bush campaign!I mean, how many times do we have to get our asses handed to us on a platter before we abandon the republicrats and demopublicans?
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Comment #18 posted by dongenero on October 22, 2004 at 14:34:25 PT
great letter JR
Great LTE JR. I believe that we have to make these arguments to the media whenever possible. If each of us writes such a letter on occasion, we have a chance of reaching someone who may give the issue another thought.We know from the tactics of the DEA, ONDCP and the Republican National Com. that if you keep repeating the same lie over and over people will believe it. We have to make an effort to counter this BS every chance we get.Nobody has time to respond to the newspaper on every article we see here but, as long as each of us does once in awhile, we will be getting the truth out.Thanks again for a good letter JR
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Comment #17 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on October 22, 2004 at 14:08:14 PT
Sirs,  With all the illegal drugs to choose from, why does our drug czar focus his attention on marijuana, something no human has ever overdosed on? It's a "gateway drug", he says. But is it the marijuana itself which leads people to try harder drugs? Or is it the system which lumps marijuana together with these harder drugs? If someone wants to make the switch from whiskey to heroin, they have to start by looking for a drug dealer. But someone who smokes marijuana already knows who to ask. Contrast this with the Netherlands, where marijuana is openly sold in coffeeshops. If there is a customer in the coffeeshop trying to sell harder drugs to other patrons, the management can and will call the police.  Walters says, "There is the misconception among many Hispanics that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol." Which drug do college students regularly overdose on? It's not pot. Ask any doctor: marijuana -is- less dangerous than alcohol to the body and to society at large. The major harms associated with marijuana are the risks involved in its illegality.  "While synthetic forms of government-approved marijuana have been cultivated for medical uses, Walters argued 'that is not the issue here.'" Let's not forget the seven patients on the Compassionate Investigative New Drug program who have been receiving 300 pre-rolled marijuana cigarettes every 25 days from the federal government itself for the past twenty-plus years.  Walters also says, "More than 157,000 teenagers enter treatment each year for marijuana addiction." How many teenagers, without police or other intervention, decide to enter treatment over marijuana? Very, very few. Most if not all of these 157,000 Americans are going through the judicial system, and face the choice between "treatment" and jail. Of course they choose treatment - but not because they want or need it.  ""To say that I want to watch Americans who are sick and dying die because I don't want to legalize marijuana, is distasteful... That's irresponsible," Walters said. "The reality is this is not a trivial or joking matter."" No, it's not. Ask Jonathan Magbie - or rather, his surviving relatives. A quadrapalegic, Mr. Magbie was using marijuana for pain relief and relaxation. A Washington DC judge recently sentenced him to ten days in jail. Due to poor medical care, that misdemeanor turned into a death sentence. This is merely the latest egregious example of a misguided government trying to protect its citizens from themselves.  The average young Hispanic entering the job market will not have any offers which could pay more short-term than growing marijuana. John Walters can spend $30,000,000 on advertising, but he will not change this fact. And the more he and his prohibitionist goons work to eradicate marijuana, the more profits will be made on the pot that does get sold. Why does John Walters work so hard to make this plant worth its weight in gold, when simple legal regulation similar to alcohol would drop the price so low that organized crime would be forced out of the business?-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Regarding the yard sign thing, I see a lot of Bush signs in my 'hood, and I guess they have a right to their opinion, but what gets me is the yards with more than one of the same sign in them. "Gee, I wasn't going to vote for Bush when I saw the LAST sign, but this OTHER sign has me a-THINKIN..."
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Comment #16 posted by FoM on October 22, 2004 at 12:40:10 PT
You said: Sorry for the politics FoM...I'm getting kinda keyed up.Please please please don't apologize! This is it! Our future stands in the balance. If I get anymore keyed up I think I'll explode! LOL!PS: This is the time to talk about Bush or Kerry. This really is the time to make a stand. No undecided voters can be left.
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Comment #15 posted by dongenero on October 22, 2004 at 12:32:05 PT
bush yard signs
I'm in a predominantly Republican county and the few signs that are displayed are probably 80% Bush. Most houses don't display signs however.I attribute it to the fact that Republicans:a. have a need to tell everyone how to think.b. believe that anyone must be so impressed by them that we     would love to vote for whom they choose.I think it's just Republican megalomaniacal ideology whereas a Kerry voter would tend to be more liberal and tolerant. Of course by liberal I mean the actual definition, not the RNC/Rush Limbaugh definition.I agree, if elected Kerry will inherit one hell of a mess. Of course he realizes it and will get us into a better space than Bush would in the next 4 years. In a way I would like to have Bush forced to fix this mess. He wouldn't though. It would only get worse on all issues. To top it off he would be appointing Supreme Court judges....if that happens we'll be more of a fundamental extremist government than we are now.
Sorry for the politics FoM...I'm getting kinda keyed up.
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Comment #14 posted by dr slider on October 22, 2004 at 12:01:53 PT:
talkin' bout ma... GENERATION
The prohibs are right when they say that "marheewanna" is more dangerous than alcohol, they just don't reveal for whom exactly it creates this danger.
Prohib argument 3 (save society) is also accurate.With booze a small but incredibly voracious minority provide both a scapegoat and a rationalization. There is nothing wrong with booze itself, its the moral and ethical fiber of the drunk, that needs to be "treated". With cannabists this minority of addicts doesn't exist. Booze is a CNS depressant with its promise to quelch thought...ah lovely oblivion. Cannabis is a mind expander, ask Carl Sagan (his stint here is over, but he is/was/ever shall be (see JC))The primary function of centralized power (be it The Church, govmint, Popular "culture" et al) has been, for thousands of years, to keep the sacraments from the ignorant masses. John Kerry's generation of catholics was taught, not to read the bible and reflect, but to chant passages and accept the "revealed" word of the priests. My generation changed all of that. And I must reiterate that I am NOT sorry about their bad f***in' luck.The Dangers of CannabisYou'll quit drinking boozeReduced incentive for society's excesses, squelching appetites ('cept food)Mistrust of your betters/rulers/pastors/doctorsLoss of greed (see Ricky Williams)Disregard of modern medicine.Makes black men think they're as good as white men. Will set "humano neues" free.
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Comment #13 posted by observer on October 22, 2004 at 10:47:00 PT
the grand poobah speaks
U.S. drug czar John Walters met with Hispanic community leaders Tuesday to unveil a national media advertising campaign aimed at deterring Hispanic youth from smoking marijuana and educating Hispanic families about the dangers of pot use.
(Sentence 1) re: "community" - Because of prohibition (prohibitionists assure us), society is protected: the community is safe, and the nation is saved. (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) ) re: "youth" - "Chemicals have long been inextricably linked in prohibitionist literature with the sexual corruption of young people." [W.White,1979] (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
The Office of National Drug Control Policy's "National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign," started in 1998, aims at educating teens and parents about the dangers of drug use, particularly marijuana, and deterring illegal drug use.
(Sentence 2) re: "dangers of drug", "dangers" - Drugs, scream prohibitionists, cause all bad things in life: crime, violence, insanity, etc. If not for prohibition (i.e., jailing drug users), then criminality, violence and psychotic behavior would explode upon the land, the prohibitionist assures us. (Madness,Crime,Violence,Illness (propaganda theme 2) ) re: "drug use" - The rhetoric of prohibition will assume that "use" and "abuse" are identical. (Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4) ) re: "teens", "Youth" - Prohibitionists play on parental fears by exaggerating the dangers to children of drugs. Adults must be jailed (reason prohibitionists), because kids might be corrupted with drugs. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
The new program targets Hispanic teens and families, using Spanish television and radio commercials and Spanish newspaper and magazine advertisements to persuade Hispanics to not use marijuana.
(Sentence 3) re: "teens" - Prohibitionists are champions of "the child", "kids", "children", etc. Only continued or increased punishments of all adults caught using "drugs" will send the correct "message" to children. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
The Housing Authority helps low- to middle-income families in Santa Fe find housing and deal with drug abuse and addiction.
(Sentence 5) re: "drug abuse" - Prohibitionist propagandists repeatedly assert that "use is abuse." Details about "using" as opposed to "abusing" drugs are ignored. (Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4) ) 
With Secret Service agents posted in the parking lot, Walters emphasized that marijuana is a "gateway drug" that can lead to other chemical dependencies.
(Sentence 6) re: "gateway drug", "can lead to", "lead", "gateway" - The rhetoric of prohibition exploits ignorance of the effects of drugs. We are told that the substance in question must be bad, for is it not evident that it 'leads to' the the harder (more ceremonially evil) stuff? (Use is Abuse, Gateway (propaganda theme 4) ) 
The idea that marijuana is not addictive or even harmful is a misconception, he said.
(Sentence 9) re: "addictive" - Prohibitionist propaganda claims that horrible dangers are caused by "drugs." (Madness,Crime,Violence,Illness (propaganda theme 2) ) 
According to statistics provided by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, 12 percent of youth marijuana treatment admissions involve Hispanics, and more than 157,000 teenagers enter treatment each year for marijuana addiction.
(Sentence 17) re: "teenagers", "youth" - Prohibitionists forever claim that children are corrupted by drugs, and this is why adult users must be punished harshly. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
The ad campaign launched Tuesday contrasts with the earliest effort to curtail drug use, such as the 1930s film "Tell Your Children," also known as "Reefer Madness."
(Sentence 22) re: "Reefer Madness" - Prohibition propaganda rarely misses an opportunity to link crime, violence, and insanity with "drugs". The propagandist insinuates that prohibited drugs cause evil, and if it weren't for "drugs" bad things would not exist. (Madness,Crime,Violence,Illness (propaganda theme 2) ) re: "drug use" - "This strategy equates the use and abuse of drugs and implies that it is impossible to use the particular drug or drugs in question without physical, mental, and moral deterioration." [W.White,1979] (Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4) ) re: "Children" - Prohibitionist propaganda continually whips up parental fear, invoking lurid images of children corrupted by drugs. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
The Spanish advertising campaign presents a more realistic portrait of the "munchy" drug, showing pot as being as prevalent in middle and upper-class Hispanic communities as it is in low-income neighborhoods, Walters explained.
(Sentence 24) re: "communities" - The health of the "community" (read: government) is assured, prohibitionists explain, because drug users are punished. Jailing drug users is thus painted as upholding society. (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) ) 
Another commercial portrays a stoned teen at the dinner table with his affluent-looking parents.
(Sentence 26) re: "teen" - "Chemicals have long been inextricably linked in prohibitionist literature with the sexual corruption of young people." [W.White,1979] (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
Sami Jaber knows about the stress of keeping his children out of the grip of drug use and addiction.
(Sentence 27) re: "drug use" - Prohibitionists try to hammer in the idea that 'all use is abuse.' The rhetoric of prohibition needs to deny that many people can use currently illegal drugs without abusing them. (Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4) ) re: "children" - Being a prohibitionist means you can never shed too many crocodile tears for the "children". (As you lustily jail or kill their parents for using drugs.) (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
The Muslim American, originally from Jerusalem, has six children, ages 22, 20, 17, 13, 11 and 4, living in one of Santa Fe's toughest neighborhoods with a history of drug abuse Hopewell Street.
(Sentence 28) re: "American" - The survival of society is assured, -- says the propaganda of prohibition -- as long as drug users are punished (jailed). (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) ) re: "drug abuse" - Prohibition propaganda claims that all use of any "drug" is abuse. (Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4) ) re: "children" - Prohibitionists play on parental fears by exaggerating the dangers to children of drugs. Adults must be jailed (reason prohibitionists), because kids might be corrupted with drugs. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
"I spend most of my time, at least six hours a day, with my kids," said Jaber, who says his children are all drug-free.
(Sentence 29) re: "children", "kids" - Prohibitionist propaganda continually whips up parental fear, invoking lurid images of children corrupted by drugs. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
"If you want to keep your kids and your family safe, you have to give them the time and talk to them and be able to have them talk to you."
(Sentence 30) re: "kids" - Prohibitionists are champions of "the child", "kids", "children", etc. Only continued or increased punishments of all adults caught using "drugs" will send the correct "message" to children. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
Yet a root of the drug problem is that many parents do not have the kind of time that Jaber does to spend with their children, Santa Fe Civic Housing Authority director Ed Romero said, "because they are just struggling to survive...
(Sentence 31) re: "children" - Prohibitionists forever claim that children are corrupted by drugs, and this is why adult users must be punished harshly. (Children Corrupted (propaganda theme 5) ) 
There is also a seemingly more tolerant attitude in America toward marijuana use; various states have decriminalized pot for medical use and as a defense in court, officials said.
(Sentence 33) re: "America" - Prohibitionists assert that the survival of the community, society, the nation, the world, etc. are at stake. Only continued and increased punishments for drug users can be contemplated, because, say prohibitionists, society will otherwise fall apart. (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) ) re: "marijuana use" - Prohibitionist propagandists repeatedly assert that "use is abuse." Details about "using" as opposed to "abusing" drugs are ignored. (Use is Abuse (propaganda theme 4) ) re: - Onward prohibitionist drug warriors, fighting the epidemic and scourge in the battles of the war against drugs! (Drugs declared evil by politicians, that is.) (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) ) 
"To say that I want to watch Americans who are sick and dying die because I don't want to legalize marijuana, is distasteful...
(Sentence 35) re: "Americans" - Prohibitionists assert that the survival of the community, society, the nation, the world, etc. are at stake. Only continued and increased punishments for drug users can be contemplated, because, say prohibitionists, society will otherwise fall apart. (Survival of Society (propaganda theme 3) ) re: "legalize" - With God on Their Side (prohibitionists assure us), only the continued rooting out of the sinful drug users (total prohibition) will do. All else is portrayed as the slippery slope to total legalization of all drugs for toddlers. (Total Prohibition or Access (propaganda theme 7) ) 
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Comment #12 posted by FoM on October 22, 2004 at 10:00:14 PT
I feel sorry for Kerry too if elected. He would inherit a horrible mess. It wouldn't take long for people to jump on him and blame him if he doesn't fix everything right away. Life just doesn't work that way. Messes take time to fix.
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Comment #11 posted by goneposthole on October 22, 2004 at 09:56:01 PT
"This is frightening"
For the Bush Cabal:I see very few 're-elect Bush' bumperstickers, yard signs and whatnot.The dearth of them sticks out like a sore thumb.Maybe the RNC is depending upon television ads for the campaign.The 19 point lead that Kerry has in the eighteen to twenty-nine year old voters bracket is a plus, too.I feel sorry for Kerry, though. If he is elected, he will inherit one ungodly mess. Nobody wins... again.Frightening. The Red Sox might be cursed, but the Bush curse is worse.
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Comment #10 posted by dididadadidit on October 22, 2004 at 08:10:17 PT
Misconception My Asscroft
"Some Hispanic leaders maintain deterrence can be daunting, because there is the misconception among many Hispanics that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol."This is frightening," Walters said."Some Hispanic leaders are apparently as stupid or disconnected from reality as Johnny Pee himself, as the leaders believe there is a misconception among many of their people to the effect that marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol.WHAT misconception? Marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol. Way past time for those knowing this to communicate it to their leaders to counter the lies coming from ONDCP and their lying war preznit.This "misperception" disconnect between people and their "leaders" goes way beyond any particular group, Hispanic, Black, Anglo, whatever. With consistent 70 to 80% support from "people" for medical cannabis, their "leaders" continue (especially so called "compassionate conservatives") to do their damndest to continue the evil satanic weed show, working at the federal nanny level to undo state initiatives and impose their draconian punishments on those who would defy them.When are the "leaders" going to listen to their "people?"Cheers?
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Comment #9 posted by FoM on October 22, 2004 at 07:57:03 PT
About Kerry
I'm with BGreen about Kerry. I was raised in the north east and almost everyone was Catholic in that area or Jewish. Only when I moved to Ohio did I see other religions. Kerry was raised Catholic in a time when the Church was trying to teach reason and logic and understanding. Being a Catholic during the transition of the times was a mind bender. Some of the most admired people in public life that I know where raised as Catholics in that time. George Carlin, Susan Sarandon, Bill Maher, Chris Matthews and I know more that I can't remember right now. It's a way of thinking that is different. 
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Comment #8 posted by global_warming on October 22, 2004 at 07:50:08 PT
" According to statistics provided by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, 12 percent of youth marijuana treatment admissions involve Hispanics, and more than 157,000 teenagers enter treatment each year for marijuana addiction."Correction:" According to statistics provided by the Office of National Drug Control Policy, 12 percent of youth marijuana treatment admissions involve Hispanics, and more than 157,000 teenagers are arrested and forced into treatment each year for marijuana addiction."
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Comment #7 posted by kaptinemo on October 22, 2004 at 03:25:52 PT:
Almost back to Square One
But with a twist: Walters is addressing one subgroup of the original TARGETS of prohibition, asking them for help in continuing his jihad AGAINST them. For the benefit of antis reading this: The Godfather of Cannabis Prohibition, one Harry J. Anslinger, was as much a bigot as many of his contemporary DEA evidently are - judging from their postings on DEAWatch. He made his personal prejudices (that he disliked Hispanics as much as he disliked Blacks) part of his public testimony on the bill to create CP. All a matter of historical record and statistical proof. Just looking at the racial composition of prison populations is enough proof of how successful the original policy has, Walters is asking for help...from the very people the laws were meant to savage, and do. Which, in ignorance of their true purpose as 'clay pigeons' in the DrugWar shooting gallery, they'll give happily, thinking they are 'making a difference'.
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Comment #6 posted by BGreen on October 22, 2004 at 02:30:39 PT
Yep, I Sure Do Think Kerry Will Be Different
or I'll work just as hard to make sure Kerry is a one term president just like the two bushes.It's funny that you asked me this question, John Wayne, since my post mentioned neither bush nor Kerry. I spent 7 years in an assemblies of god church and I know how philosophically dangerous the people I was around were, but they were almost as harmless as the miraculous laughing grass compared to the wacko bunch of fanatics that stole this country and will lie, cheat, steal and kill to retain their power. The assemblies of god always applied that description to "the enemy," which was their way of saying "satan." It's no coincidence that this administration constantly refers to osama, saddam, al qaeda and anybody else that doesn't support bush as "the enemy."The asinine "ashley's story" propaganda commercial supporting bush that's blanketing the airwaves tells it all.Ashley lost her mother on 9/11 and the 16-year-old with a speech (and mental?) impediment says this about bush: "He's the most powerful man in the world and all he wants to do is make me safe."bush does think he's the most powerful man in the world and that's enough to want to remove him from office. I've never known of another half-wit on the left side of the intelligence bell curve who has the audacity to think he's the most powerful person in the world when he's constantly screwing up worse than any president in my lifetime.My post was entirely on-topic in regards to what john walters said. The best thing about Kerry is just what I said ... no walters and no ashcroft.The Reverend Bud GreenBTW, True Grit is one of my favorite movies. LOL
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Comment #5 posted by john wayne on October 22, 2004 at 00:31:35 PT
So, BGreen
Do you think Kerry will be any different?
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on October 21, 2004 at 20:19:26 PT
Repeat of Hooked: Illegal Drugs on History Channel
I've seen this program before and I'm sure most of you have too but it's on again now on Direct TV Channel 269.Oct 21 11:00 pmFuture showings  
Oct 22 03:00 amHooked: Illegal Drugs and How They Got That Way Marijuana; synthetic amphetamines. 
   Duration: 1:00Rating: Not RatedCategory: Series
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Comment #3 posted by BGreen on October 21, 2004 at 19:35:14 PT
We Never Said Walters Likes To See Us DIE
"To say that I want to watch Americans who are sick and dying die because I don't want to legalize marijuana, is distasteful... That's irresponsible," Walters said. "The reality is this is not a trivial or joking matter."It's actually the SUFFERING that you enjoy, john walters.Enjoy the last few days of your job, john walters. Maybe you and ashcroft can get a job gassing kittens at the local animal shelter.The Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on October 21, 2004 at 18:22:34 PT
For Those Interested
On The Discovery -Times Channel they are showing the documentary about Bob Dylan called Don't Look Back. I thought some here might be interested and want to check it out.
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Comment #1 posted by Shishaldin on October 21, 2004 at 17:24:06 PT
Not a joking matter
Ol' Johnny Pee said: "To say that I want to watch Americans who are sick and dying die because I don't want to legalize marijuana, is distasteful... That's irresponsible," Walters said. "The reality is this is not a trivial or joking matter."You're GOD DAMNED right, Johnny! This is not a trivial or joking matter. How astute of you! The reality of those sick and dying needing their medicine and you standing in their way is MOST DEFINITELY NOT a joking matter."With Secret Service agents posted in the parking lot, Walters emphasized that marijuana is a "gateway drug" that can lead to other chemical dependencies."Secret Service? You mean the new Amerikan Stasi Police Force? Gee, Johnny, local cops not good enough to keep those pesky protesters in wheelchairs far enough away from your photo op?Pathetic.
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