Anti-Marijuana Laws at Odds With Public's Views

  Anti-Marijuana Laws at Odds With Public's Views

Posted by CN Staff on October 08, 2004 at 08:06:24 PT
By Ronald Fraser 
Source: Tucson Citizen  

America's War on Drugs needs a big dose of common sense - a commodity in short supply in Washington, D.C. The gap between U.S. drug-control policies and citizen preferences is widest when we consider how tax dollars are spent and how government policies are working their way into the doctor's office.Asked to cite the most effective government actions to control use of illegal drugs, only 4 percent of Americans recommended arresting drug users, says a 2001 national survey by Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.
Yet that same year, $7.8 billion - 67 percent of drug enforcement funds - was spent to arrest 1.28 million people for drug possession.In 2002, another 1.23 million drug possession arrests were made - about half of them for possession of marijuana.The "tragedy and shocking injustice hidden in those figures is the product of an almost mindlessly draconian system called 'mandatory sentencing' in which even small offenses can draw years in prison," says retired newsman Walter Cronkite.Thousands of those arrested - nonviolent "offenders" who have harmed no one else - end up with shortened lives. They do jail time and lose student loans, the right to housing benefits and their drivers licenses. Families are torn apart and children left without adequate support.So taxpayers are paying twice. Once with the billions spent arresting users, and again helping to repair the human tragedies the arrests create.Pew also asked: "Regardless of what you think about the personal non-medical use of marijuana, do you think doctors should or should not be allowed to prescribe marijuana for medical purposes to treat their patients?"Nationally, 73 percent said doctors should be allowed to prescribe marijuana for patients. In no region of the country did this response dip below 72 percent. And among people with incomes over $75,000, the affirmative response was 83 percent.Clearly, Americans want their doctors, not the government, to decide whether marijuana should be used as a medical treatment.But the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency says flatly: "Under federal authority, there is no such thing as medical marijuana," and doctors prescribing marijuana are criminals who deserve to be punished.Conservative icon William F. Buckley Jr., founder and editor of the "National Review," recently wrote that marijuana laws were built on "moral fanaticism" and need reform."What is required," he said, "is a genuine Republican groundswell. It is happening, but ever so gradually."Buckley cited a 2003 Zogby survey showing that 2 of every 5 Americans believe "the government should treat marijuana more or less the same way it treats alcohol: It should regulate it, control it, tax it, and make it illegal only for children."Buckley long has favored this approach. In a 1992 column, he even said, "Legalize drugs for those over 21, and execute anyone convicted of selling drugs to a minor."Groundswells for change are not rooted in either major political party. They start within the population and trickle up through the political parties. When it comes to drug laws, Buckley claims, "politicians high from righteousness" are lagging behind the minds of the people, and it's time they get busy and play catch-up.At least 40 percent of the voters seem to agree.Ronald Fraser -- fraserr -- Ph.D., writes on public policy issues for the DKT Liberty Project, a Washington-based civil liberties organization.Source: Tucson Citizen (AZ)Author: Ronald FraserPublished: Friday, October 8, 2004Copyright: 2004 Tucson CitizenContact: letters tucsoncitizen.comWebsite: Articles:An End To Marijuana Prohibition Weeds: The Marijuana Debate 

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Comment #12 posted by FoM on October 08, 2004 at 17:21:37 PT
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to now get a few things done I need to do so I can watch the debate and see how they do. I do hope it is as good as the last one. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I'm very happy now that the polls are more level. I have hope.
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Comment #11 posted by global_warming on October 08, 2004 at 17:08:46 PT
"We all see things differently. I believe in hope. If I don't have hope what's the purpose to live? That's how I look at life."What is the purpose of Life??
That is a big question, and some of the most pious and holy men and women have been open to some answer from that mysterious unknown, maybe some call it God, maybe some call it nature..As for Hope, that was the one that was shut in Pandora's Box, according to some old myth's..What I am trying to say is, that the changes that we are all hoping for and expecting, will forever be challenged by the greedy and unholy, those that lack any spiritual depth, for their eyes are focused more on the gold than the pristine nature of our universe, they seek to fill there bellies and deny the hungry, they seek the warmth while the rest of life trembles in cold.When government is controlled by greedy and power hungry lords and masters, the many will shiver in the cold, hungry and forgotten.The only way to level the playing field is with the stick, of fair play, that stick that America was forged with, that stick, that reminds all what America is for.Never forget what freedom is, and what blood has been shed to carve out such a concept or nation.The greedy have had enough time to figure out the loopholes in this American Constitution, they never rest, they are an un-restless and hungry bunch of genetically distorted specie of life form, that cover and disguise themselves as human beings, they are frauds, they are liars, for they do not play in the same game as most humans, they seek to destroy any effort towards freedom of the "common man", they seek to control, they seek to overthrow the efforts of all the men and women who have sacrificed their lives to further the goal of a world that is free from oligarchs and despots.As you watch both Kerry and Bush, try to remember, that these 2 men are the best that we as a specie have to offer to this world, observe how they will contort to allow all the garbage and misery, that we see in our world.Peace
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Comment #10 posted by FoM on October 08, 2004 at 16:32:56 PT
We all see things differently. I believe in hope. If I don't have hope what's the purpose to live? That's how I look at life.
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Comment #9 posted by global_warming on October 08, 2004 at 16:20:35 PT
"Truth and compassion always win in the end" from comment #8I think maybe one has watched too many Hollywood movies, for history reveals and tells another story. The poor and sick have always been the last to be heard, at the top of the dunghill were the maggots with the most money, and through this misery humankind has forged ahead and tried to form a more perfect union, one that would allow the "common man" the rights and privileges that so easily escaped the rulers and governments of yore.The history of our little blue sphere is heavily clouded not only by our atmosphere, but by the self consumed rhetoric that attempts to disguise our disgrace, it has been 2004 years since western man has marked the calendar, not forgetting and remembering, the lone death upon that rugged cross, and for that moment was carved into the flesh and soul of this world.In the many centuries the blood of men and women have continued to cover the marks made on that cross, in the darkest prisons, the most dark and vile chambers, that have held and destroyed more human flesh than a modern meat grinder.The War on Drugs is but a symptom of the disease that holds on to our world, like a dark cancer, this disease has its roots in the unspeakable past, sprinkeled with ignorance, the disease is easily confused with the "moral fanaticism" that Buckley observed, and yet the drug warriors, continue to shout the mantra that is their disease, for the world will not end, and God will not destroy this Sodom and Gomorrah, and the only hardship in this world comes from the hand of man.
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Comment #8 posted by FoM on October 08, 2004 at 12:52:31 PT

I know I don't have any money LOL! You know what can defeat those who fight us with money? People that believe in something. People who honestly care. People who don't like injustice. People who care about medical marijuana and those who need it to make their lives a little more comfortable. Truth and compassion always win in the end. 
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Comment #7 posted by kaptinemo on October 08, 2004 at 12:46:55 PT:

A shame it had to be trashed
The 600 foot banner, that is; I helped paint and glue some of the names on it :) That was some chore, no s**t. But worth it because all those names threw the anti lies about 'no respectable doctor supports MMJ' back in their teeth.Amazing what a couple handfuls of dedicated people can do, isn't it? They just jumped in and got down to it. Had a good idea? They incorporated it immediately. Needed more glue sticks? Someone booked on over to the local hardware store pronto. Need shirts stenciled? Grab a paintbrush, stretch the shirt on cardboard and turn to. Need a lift from the airport? Someone's on the way.Hey, antis: You can't possibly hope to beat that. Almost no money, a small group of people, some obviously sick or injured...and they pulled this off. They have heart where yours should be. You can't touch this. 
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Comment #6 posted by goneposthole on October 08, 2004 at 11:01:46 PT

The sick are sick
They're just plain sick.Dr. Grinspoon's list of clinical disorders "where cannabis has been found to be helpful":  * Nausea from chemotherapy with cancer patients
  * Glaucoma
  * Epilepsy
  * Multiple sclerosis
  * Paraplegia and tetraplegia
  * AIDS
  * Chronic pain
  * Migraine
  * Fever
  * Menstrual cramps and pain during childbirth
  * Depression and other mood disorders a fever is immoral.It is immoral to be depressed.If you have epilepsy, you're a moral degenerate.If you are suffering from chronic pain, you have no moral compass.If you have cancer and are being treated with chemotherapy, your morals are slipping. "Shame on you for getting cancer. Don't you know any better than that?"It's immoral to have AIDS.It's better to go blind than to treat your glaucoma with medical marijuana. It's immoral to use medical marijuana to treat a physical disease.If you have a migraine headache that lasts for days, you commit an immoral act if you use medical marijuana to relieve the symptoms of a migraine. Better to suffered than to be shamed for using something that helps you feel better. It's all just common sense for the moral fanatic.Just some "moral fanaticism" by men of zeal, that's all.It's the moral fanatics who are disgusting.
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Comment #5 posted by afterburner on October 08, 2004 at 10:28:07 PT

Thanks, ASA. Canada Salutes You as We Fight on
email from Ryan Clark, one of the partners of the Up in Smoke Cannabis Cafe in Hamilton, Ontario:' Fighting the system, ' Jean Cooper was courageous enough to come down and join us for a ****** on Sunday. She looked great, healthy, ready and confidant her trial will be dismissed. Her arrest footage is being used in the up coming documentary "Escape to Canada" by Elevator films. To prepare for her trial on November 4th (coincidentally? the election date down south) [actually November 2nd is US election day]. We have stencils reading "Free Jean" being made along with cans of erasable chalk spray that only simulates spray paint, for the groups who join us at her trial on November 4 10 - 4   The John Sopinka Courthouse, 45 Main Street. This protest will definitely be an effective statement, albeit temporary, since the chalk washes off with water.  
' The cafe is bustling at times but a considerate pace. Everyone is inelegantly impressive as they gather for their chess and various methods of amusement. Some folks cruise on in here with cigarettes and "Assume" they can smoke tobacco. Well you know what happens when you assume right? Jackass. 
' Speaking of the games people play, we are having a chess tournament to raise money for the late Jonathon Magpie's vicious and negligent case in Washington. The prizes will include the cops and robbers chess set (autographed by Marc Emery perhaps?) Many cool contests to come and we will be debuting our plans and platform for the Hamilton CCBO: Cannabis Control Board of Ontario  
' I will be down at the cafe this weekend ready to carve some pumpkins. I’ll pick up a few extra at Andrew Scenic Acres (shameless plug) and anyone's welcome to join us. Bring carving supplies. 
' The chronic logic continues my friends. Get stone cold crazy and creative!!!!!! 
' RC4.20 
' Pay the price of Freedom - Marc Emery ' Inaction is method of mass destruction - Faithless '

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Comment #4 posted by FoM on October 08, 2004 at 10:14:14 PT

I Made a Mistake
This article was supposed to be snipped. Hopefully it won't be a problem.
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on October 08, 2004 at 10:05:29 PT

Why Did He Say This?
Buckley long has favored this approach. In a 1992 column, he even said, "Legalize drugs for those over 21, and execute anyone convicted of selling drugs to a minor."
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Comment #2 posted by dongenero on October 08, 2004 at 09:29:41 PT

good demonstration
Good for these demonstrators! That's what it is all about.They are brave to put themselves on the line, not knowing what consequences would result. So, the head of HHS can't face them. Not surprising, he should be ashamed of himself on this issue. Many in the system should be ashamed. 
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on October 08, 2004 at 08:56:11 PT

ASA: Truth and Evidence, Cannabis is Medicine
ASA: "Truth and Evidence, Cannabis is Medicine" A report on ASA's HHS Action   
"Truth and Evidence, Cannabis is medicine" and "Schedule I to Schedule III, Cannabis is helping me"These chants echoed off the concrete and marble fortress known as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) building on October 5th from over a hundred medical marijuana patients and advocates. People from across the US came to rally at HHS, including patients from Rhode Island, Texas, Northern and Southern California, Oregon, Washington, Florida, Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Colorado, Virginia, Maryland, and Washington DC!After a half hour of moving testimonials from patients, we unveiled a 600-foot banner that repeated the phrase "Accepted Medical Value" with over seven thousand doctors' names that had signed on to a statement supporting marijuana as medicine. After the banner was completely unrolled, 14 patients and advocates, including myself, blocked the front doors of the building while the rest of the demonstrators wrapped them in 600 feet of accepted medical value. See photos, click here: demonstrators had demanded that Tommy Thompson, head of HHS, come down from his office and see the ?Accepted Medical Value? for himself. After shutting down the building for over a half hour with no sign of Tommy, we stood up and demanded to be let into the building to deliver the banner personally. They would not let us in. After a 10-minute stand off, we were arrested. We were released about 8 hours later.For me, this arrest was a warning to whatever administration we end up with in January. It was a bold action to let HHS and the federal government know that medical marijuana patients will not be put on hold for another 20 years; That medical marijuana patients will not sit by another 4 years and live in fear of arrest for following our doctor's advice; That medical marijuana patients and their families will not sit back and watch as we scramble to find our medication week to week; That we will not sit back and watch another administration force hundreds of thousands of Americans to choose between their lives and breaking the law; That we will not stand for anything less than "Truth and Evidence, Cannabis is Medicine".This action was the first of a series of actions that Americans for Safe Access will host to keep pressure on HHS until we have safe and legal access to medical marijuana! Stay tuned!A special thanks to everyone who traveled so far to make this action possible and a very special thank you to Bill Piper and Naomi Long from DPA who sacrificed their weekend making art and driving ASA staff around, Eric Sterling for putting in long hours of advising with an amazing eye for detail, and Rob Kampia for bailing us out of jail!Let's keep our eye on the prize, we are almost there!Steph Sherer
Executive Director
Americans for Safe Access --
1700 Shattuck Ave. #317
Berkeley, CA 94709
phone: 510-486-8083
fax: 510-486-8090Join the fight for medical marijuana rights! To receive ASA alerts, send a blank email to asa-subscribe
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