It's Time To Admit The Good Side

It's Time To Admit The Good Side
Posted by CN Staff on August 06, 2004 at 09:36:16 PT
By Bob Kerr
Source: Providence Journal
People with multiple sclerosis use it to get through the day. So do people with AIDS, cancer and posttraumatic stress disorder. People trying to break their addiction to alcohol turn to it when they feel they can't make it through the next two minutes without a drink.Doctors recommend it, although they can't prescribe it. And some police who arrest people for it admit that their time could be better spent.
It helps some people in ways that are not totally explained. But those who suffer don't need explanations. They need relief. So they make a connection and buy marijuana and break the law. They put their stash in a safe place that's easy to get to when the pain, fear or anxiety closes in.Waging war on hard drugs might still be justifiable but the war on marijuana seems a waste of time and effort.As long as marijuana is kept in the great grab bag of illegal drugs and not considered a fairly benign substance with the potential to help ill people, it will continue to claim time and money and resources that could be best used elsewhere.And it will continue to be called on as some kind of moral barometer by those who still subscribe to the laughable Reefer Madness view of its mind altering power.Even now, people running for public office will be asked if they ever smoked it. It is a pointless question that has nothing to do with character. It indicates little more than whether a candidate has led a normal life and dealt with normal temptations.Bill Clinton's idiotic line about trying it but not inhaling only adds to marijuana's ability to bring out the silly and the absurd on the campaign trail, as well as other places.Snipped: Complete Article: Providence Journal, The (RI)Author: Bob KerrPublished: Friday, August 6, 2004Copyright: 2004 The Providence Journal CompanyContact: letters projo.comWebsite: Marijuana Information Links Medical Marijuana Archives 
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