Pot Ban Review is Long Overdue

Pot Ban Review is Long Overdue
Posted by CN Staff on July 18, 2004 at 08:36:07 PT
By Hasso Hering
Source: Corvallis Gazette-Times 
Assuming that enough signatures turn out to be valid, we'll vote this fall on expanding the law on medical marijuana. In preparation for the expected arguments against this idea, it's recommended you look up "Going to Pot," an article in the July 12 National Review.In this conservative magazine, Ethan Nadelman, founder and executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance, argues persuasively for an end to the national prohibition of marijuana. And he touches on all the arguments used in Oregon against the further legalization of medical marijuana.
For example, we have been told often that marijuana is a gateway drug, that it leads users to more harmful substances. It is true for some, the author says, but no, most Americans who have tried marijuana at least once -- and that's estimated to be close to 100 million -- have never tried other drugs, and most of them have not even become regular pot smokers.Attacking illegal drug use by prohibiting marijuana has been likened to combating motorcycle fatalities by cracking down on bicycle riding, as the article notes.We've been told that marijuana today is much more potent than it used to be. Nadelman counters that potent pot used to be around 30 years ago, too, and in any case, with greater potency the desired effect can be had with only a few puffs, leading to less potential damage to the lungs.Before the election we will be warned, as we were before voters legalized medical marijuana in 1998, that marijuana is addictive. It can be, the author admits, but it's less so than a lot of legal substances, and withdrawal symptoms "pale compared with those from other drugs."The article quotes from the 1988 findings of one Francis Young, then an administrative law judge for the Drug Enforcement Administration: "Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man."If that's so, then it is not surprising that no one has ever died from an overdose of marijuana.With this as background, it is hard to defend the federal government's preoccupation with combating marijuana use, a drive that has caused the government to confiscate the pot that states such as Oregon and California have allowed some medically eligible people to have.The most potent argument for keeping the restrictions has been to protect children. But it hasn't worked. Nadelman states the obvious: Teens have easier access to pot than anyone else. The result: Many young people know from experience that the government position on this substance is overstated, causing them to doubt other, more justified warnings.The new Oregon initiative will likely lead to a robust debate about pot prohibition, and as the article shows, a fundamental review of the wisdom of that policy is way overdue. Source: Corvallis Gazette-Times (OR)Author: Hasso HeringPublished: Sunday, July 18, 2004Copyright: 2004 Lee EnterprisesWebsite: Articles & Web Site:Drug Policy Alliance To Vote on Easing Medical Marijuana Use Time To Eliminate Drug Laws? End To Marijuana Prohibition Weeds: The Marijuana Debate
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Comment #2 posted by billos on July 18, 2004 at 16:54:56 PT
Few people would blame an employer for preventing truckers from using marijuana on the job or even on their own time.Even on their own time???More crap from an industry saying they advocate changes in marijuana policy? Ah...just another minute idiosynchrasy that is part of the "mindset".
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on July 18, 2004 at 10:27:16 PT
News Article from Business Insurance
Look Beyond Drug PolicyPublished on July 19, 2004 
With more states now allowing the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes, employers throughout the nation need to consider a more subtle and flexible approach to monitoring and discouraging drug use.As we report in a page 1 article, 11 states now permit the use of marijuana to provide relief to patients suffering from some chronic illnesses. While some medical experts still challenge the efficacy of the drug for alleviating certain symptoms, advocates of medical marijuana clearly have provided sufficiently persuasive arguments that will ensure that its legal use will likely grow rather than shrink.Consequently, employers need to face up to the issue and deal with it in a compassionate, yet responsible manner.Many employers have instituted "drug-free" workplace policies, either voluntarily or by the force of mandates. Such policies require employers to make a good-faith effort to totally exclude illegal drug use from the workplace, which is a sensible policy to reduce the incidence of accidents and lost work time. Employers, in some cases, demand clean drug tests from employees as they apply the policies.On its face, this approach may sound attractive, but, as is often the case with broad-brush policies, the application of the rules presents numerous complications.Few people would blame an employer for preventing truckers from using marijuana on the job or even on their own time. In fact, federal rules may require it. But in states allowing medical marijuana, if a clerical worker with multiple sclerosis finds that the drug eases his or her symptoms, why shouldn't accommodations be made?Those employers whose employees are not subject to federal drug-free mandates should treat this complex issue with a more sophisticated approach.Copyright: 1994-2004 by Crain Communications Inc.
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