U.S. User of Marijuana Denied Refugee Status

  U.S. User of Marijuana Denied Refugee Status

Posted by CN Staff on December 10, 2003 at 14:14:15 PT
Breaking News 
Source: Agence France-Presses  

Vancouver, Canada -- A 57-year-old American who claimed refugee status in Canada because he feared persecution at home for smoking marijuana to fight a rare cancer has lost his bid to stay in this country. An immigration and refugee board ruled Monday Steven Kubby is not at risk of cruel or unusual punishment in the United States, nor is his life threatened as he claimed, and so he does not need Canada's protection.
"There are no substantial grounds to believe that his removal to the United States will subject him personally to a danger of torture," wrote adjudicator Paulah Dauns. His wife Michele, 37, and two daughters were also denied asylum and ordered to leave within 30 days their home in Sechelt, in the Western province of British Columbia. Kubby said the decision was influenced by politics and that he would appeal to the Federal Court of Canada to have his case reheard. "This was a cowardly and twisted decision because they don't want the heat that will come from giving me protection from the US. They refuse to believe the evidence and insist that marijuana simply cannot be tolerated," he told AFP. Kubby fled to Canada from Lake Tahoe, California with his family in May 2001 after he was convicted of drug possession and took a job offered to him by British Columbia marijuana activist Marc Emery as host of online Pot-TV. In California, he once ran for governor and successfully campaigned for the legalization of medicinal marijuana use, receiving almost 70,000 votes. But Angel McClary, a fellow pot user who testified by phone at his hearing, said the US federal government refused to concede defeat in its war against drugs and continued to prosecute all users, slamming the US Drug Enforcement Administration as "vicious and cruel" in the way it treats medicinal marijuana users. Kubby said he fears being jailed and denied cannabis if he returns to the United States. "I will die if I am forced to go without cannabis for more than a few days," he said. In Canada, the government granted him permission in August 2002 to grow and smoke pot for medical reasons. He claims smoking large quantities of marijuana controls the symptoms of his adrenal cancer, a rare cancer that generates adrenaline rushes that trigger blood pressure spikes, rapid heartbeat, severe headaches and chest pains. During his hearing in April, the adjudicator often allowed him to run to his car for a toke. Kubby said he expected to live only six months after he was diagnosed with the cancer in 1968 and treatments failed. Then, his former college roommate persuaded him to try marijuana, which he now credits for extending his life. Dr. Joseph Connors of the British Columbia Cancer Agency testified Kubby has a large malignant tumour and pot helps lower the excessive level of a chemical called catecholamine in his blood. But Conservative member of Parliament Randy White called the case a frivolous waste of time and money. "There is no such thing as a refugee from the United States." White said Kubby was using the Canadian refugee process as a forum to advocate for marijuana use. Melissa Anderson, spokeswoman for the Immigration and Refugee Board, said almost 1,000 refugee cases from the United States had been heard since 1989, including 268 cases currently pending and a handful similar to Kubby's case. So far, none have succeeded, she said. Kubby has 15 days to appeal the board's decision. Complete Title: US User of Marijuana To Fight Cancer Denied Refugee StatusSource: Agence France-Presses (France Wire)Published: December 10, 2002Copyright: 2003 Agence France-PresseRelated Articles & Web Sites:The Kubby Defense Fund Drug War Refugees User's Refugee Bid Is Rejected Loses Bid To Stay in Canada Not Always Greener On The Other Side 

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Comment #28 posted by afterburner on December 12, 2003 at 12:24:50 PT:
Update: government sites
Due to the change of leadership from Jean Chretien to Paul Martin, the cabinet has changed:Dec. 12, 2003. 10:55 AM 
Cabinet list: Martin, 38 others sworn in PRESSPaul Martin was sworn in today as Canada's 21st prime minister. His first act was to present his cabinet for swearing-in ceremonies. Pierre Pettigrew: Health, Intergovernmental Affairs, official languages [new: replaces Anne McLellan]Irwin Cotler: Justice, Attorney General [new: replaces Martin Cauchon]
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Comment #27 posted by FoM on December 12, 2003 at 08:40:11 PT
If I would give advice I would be acting like an Attorney. That would be very unwise of me. I think your sending her info for an attorney is the best thing and you already did that.
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Comment #26 posted by Breeze on December 12, 2003 at 08:32:46 PT
the goosecreek incident
by the way- in the previous post I mentioned that incident about the house being bulldozed for 10 feet or so of road construction, it is in the same state as goosecreek.
I just forgot to mention this- sorry.
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Comment #25 posted by Breeze on December 12, 2003 at 08:29:24 PT
helping the helpless
Well, I did send her the link to a law firm, that seems to have a love for these types of cases.
But thats all I can do as well. 
I understand the dillema, but would you consider emailing her and maybe giving her some advice as to how to possibly get the media involved in this? If there was misconduct in the case, there needs to be attention given to it by some one in power. The news is often localized to regions, unless it is outrageous and weird.
I get the feeling she is being ostracized by the people in her town, which is beggining to get more obvious in every small town, - just down the road from where I live, a family had a shoot out with the law enforcement, because they were having their land taken away from them without being paid fair market value,I know that the gov is supposed to pay- but in this case, they did not,and chose brute force to handle the matter.
The police basically bulldozed the house,and a cop and a constable were shot to death in the process. The gov is not a machine, but hordes of people acting like one, mindless and stupid- switch on and switch off, do as I say not as I would do.
It is a sickness thats sweeping the land, and its about a lot more than just MJ. MJ is just a part of the big picture. 
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Comment #24 posted by jose melendez on December 12, 2003 at 03:18:58 PT
npr goosecreek investigation audio
"We . . . we absolutely deny, that there was and racial profiling going on there . . ."- School Superintendent Chester Floyd
Think this is funny? I don't wanna hear no talkin! - Principal McCrackin
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Comment #23 posted by FoM on December 11, 2003 at 22:18:47 PT

What the best thing she could do would be try to get an Attorney. If one won't help call another one until she gets one to listen. I can't help her because I'm not an Attorney. I wish I knew what to say but that is my best advice. Sometimes no matter how much we wish we could help someone it isn't something we can do and in her case that is how I feel honestly.
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Comment #22 posted by Breeze on December 11, 2003 at 21:52:01 PT:

About removal of the post I made
I understand the situation. I apologize, I would have been a bit more private about the issue, but there was no way for me to get the information to administrators of this site. There is not an access that I have found (email).I have had personal contact with the woman, and she sounds like she really needs someone to help her out. She said she has spoken to one attorney, but was given the run around. 
Is there some way that I can give her your addy or something and have the message delivered that way?
There should be more information on this situation, and everyone that has posted on it on other sites has turned it into a killing joke of sorts.
I am sure you can help more so than I can. It seems the media in her part of the world is just as corrupt as the one here, you would not believe what I heard a woman say about the goosecreek incident tonight, and she has been the stations newsperson for ten years!!!
"This next story is JUST something that WON'T go AWAY!!!!- and she seemed angry that the kids have a right to file suit.
So, you can imagine why this other particular story never made it onto my local news channel, and yet there is something that seems legitimate about her story. The way she explained it, it seems quite compelling to be true viewing what I have experienced.
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Comment #21 posted by FoM on December 11, 2003 at 18:53:31 PT

charmed quark
You're welcome. Yes lavender and peppermint are oils I always have and use. I also keep on hand eucalyptus and tea tree. I'm glad you are feeling better and hope you don't get the flu and it's just a cold. 
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Comment #20 posted by charmed quark on December 11, 2003 at 18:31:27 PT

Thanks FOM
Sorry for the long delay- I just got over the migraine episodes. I'm feeling pretty good now. I think I get really depressive during episodes. Sorry for the doom and gloom. Much more cheerful now. Yes, I've tried aroma therapy. I find a mixture of lavender and peppermint to be especially good. And just about every alternate therapy I can think of, including acupuncture, meditation, yoga, dietary changes, lifestyle changes ... All helped a little bit. And 15 years of trying different pharmaceuticals. Yet I was still geting migraines so bad that I was collasping and passing out.I literally tried pot as a last resort. I went from having 3 migaines a week to maybe a migraine every 2 months. I went from missing 30 days or more of work a year to missing a couple. With a LOT less side effects than most of the other drugs my doctor prescribed (none of which really worked.)The marinol works pretty good but not as well as the cannabis. I still get these little episodes like I just got over. With cannabis I generally could abort them. Not with the marinol though. Still,way better than before.I do think I'm coming down with a cold though. Yeech!-Pete
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Comment #19 posted by afterburner on December 11, 2003 at 12:22:01 PT:

Kap-here are some media outlets & government sites
Since the Globe and Mail is one of Canada's national newpapers and did cover the Kubby refugee decision [Canada No Pot Haven, Refugee Ruling Shows 
Page: A14], it is a good starting point for redress of grievances. 
Contact: letters globeandmail.caMedical pot refugee loses deportation case
CBC British Columbia, Canada - 9 Dec 2003 contact: marijuana activist loses bid for refugee status [National Post national newspaper and Global television network]
Steve Kubby plans to appeal denial of refugee claim.Gerry Kahrmann, The ProvinceHours after losing his refugee claim, Steve Kubby, a medical-marijuana crusader from California, seemed unbowed as he planned his Federal Court appeal. 
Last updated: 09/12/2003 3:38:11 AM Ottawa Citizen, a newspaper in Canada's national capital: CONTACT US
You can also email your letter to letters ; 
or fax it to 613-596-8458 ;
or send it to: 
Ottawa Citizen, 
1101 Baxter Road, 
Box 5020, 
Ottawa, ON
K2C 3M4Ottawa Sun, another newspaper in Canada's national capital: 
Feedback or oped Web site of the Prime Minister of Canada / Site web du Premier ... - [currently still Jean Chretien]Minister Anne McLellan welcomes your comments and suggestions. 
All electronic communications are handled as general correspondence. Please provide your name and mailing address if you wish to receive a response. 
You can send your comments and suggestions by e-mail Minister_Ministre or mail them via Canada Post to: 
Minister's Office - Health Canada, 
Brooke Claxton Bldg., Tunney's Pasture, 
P.L. 0906C, 
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
K1A 0K9 ;
Fax: 613-952-1154 ; of Justice Canada
contact us: ;
E-Mail: Send correspondence to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada webadmin ;
Mail: The Honourable Martin Cauchon, 
Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, 
284 Wellington Street, 
Ottawa, Ontario  K1A 0H8 ;
Telephone/Fax: General Inquiries, 
Communications Branch, 
(613) 954-0811. 
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Comment #18 posted by druid on December 11, 2003 at 08:33:17 PT

Please Write Today to Save Steve Kubby
DISTRIBUTE*************************DrugSense FOCUS Alert #282 Wed, 10 Dec 2003Monday, upon hearing the news that Canada had denied Steve Kubby's 
application, we wrote:It is with great sadness that we at MAP read of this incomprehensible 
decision. Steve Kubby has been an active MAP supporter since it's early 
days. The fact is, without question, that if Steve Kubby is sent back 
California he will most likely be jailed. When he was originally jailed 
California, and again when he was jailed once in Canada, he came very 
close, within hours, of death. Local California officials have stated, 
repeatedly, that he will be denied his life saving medicine, which he 
grows with the approval of Health Canada, when he is jailed.Today we received the following message. As Michele Kubby asks, please 
write letters to the editors of the listed papers as soon as possible. 
Thank you!Dear friends,I'm very concerned that the continual harassment by government 
officials is 
killing my husband. This entire Refugee process has put Steve's health 
into a terrifying tailspin.Yesterday, I was shocked to see Steve so sick that he could barely 
When he did walk, he had great difficulty with his balance. He is 
suffering from extremely elevated high blood pressures. He is 
has diarrhea, he's weak, shaky, has difficulty urinating from kidney 
and soaking his sheets from night sweats.All of this is the direct result of the Refugee Protection Board 
Ajudicator, Pauhla Dauns' dishonest, shameful and cowardly decision. 
denies that returning Steve to the States will cause him harm, but her 
decision has put his life at risk.It wasn't easy for Dr. Connors to find the time or the courage to 
on Steve's behalf, but he did it because he clearly feels, as we all 
that Steve's life is at risk. Dr. Connors explained in very graphic 
frightening details how my husband is a walking time bomb.For the first time in my marriage with Steve I am truly frightened 
his welfare. He's still struggling from the radiation he subjected 
to to prove that there are no other therapies but cannabis. Steve has 
never hurt a fly. It's always the government that accuses him of 
behavior. This woman, Pauhla Dauns is a criminal for putting my 
life in danger.Steve saw by the third day of our hearings, in March, that Pauhla Dauns 
the Refugee Protection Officer were dyed in the wool prohibitionists 
could never provide a fair hearing. This is in the transcripts. 
when Steve officially objected and asked for a new hearing with the 
Refugee Board, as is his right, Pauhla Dauns assured him that she would 
look solely at the facts. Now with this decision, we know that Ms. 
deliberately excluded key evidence and testimony or completely 
misrepresented testimony by Dr. Connors and Judge James Gray.This is murder, happening before our eyes, and I need your help now. I 
know that with cannabis and some peace, Steve can recover, but not with 
this continual and criminal harassment by government officials.I beg you, please write a letter today to any of the major newspapers 
have published articles about this decision and help us expose this 
in progress. Please, I don't want my husband to become another Peter 
McWilliams, but that is exactly what is going to happen if we don't act 
together as a community to help one of our own.Gratefully,Michele Kubby**********************************************************************Below is a list of newspapers for which we have verified that the 
article was in print (not just posted to their website as part of their 
news feeds), along with the contact for sending letters to the editor:Canada No Pot Haven, Refugee Ruling ShowsURL: Tue, 09 Dec 2003Source: Globe and Mail (Canada) Page: A14Contact: letters***Medical Marijuana Activist Loses Bid for Refugee StatusURL: Tue, 09 Dec 2003Source: Province, The (CN BC)Contact: provletters***Pot User's Refugee Bid Is RejectedURL: Tue, 09 Dec 2003Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)Contact: letters***Canada Rejects Medical Pot AsylumURL: Tue, 09 Dec 2003Source: Press Democrat, The (CA)Contact: letters***Board Denies Refuge to Marijuana SmokerURL: Wed, 10 Dec 2003Source: Olympian, The (WA)Section: Briefs Across the NorthwestContact:***Note: The Associated Press sent out a story today, Wednesday, so it is 
possible that other newspapers may print it. MAP will add the verified 
printed articles at this link:
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Comment #17 posted by kaptinemo on December 11, 2003 at 07:10:08 PT:

Time to ask our Canuck cannabists for advice
Such as: what would be the efficacy of *US cannabists* and human rights advocates starting a letter writing campaign to the various Canadian agencies involved in this decision? Who should we write to? I haven't the foggiest... 
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Comment #16 posted by BGreen on December 11, 2003 at 05:12:09 PT

You're Right, Jose Melendez
They won't even do that for the prisoners in CANADIAN prisons.Paulah Dauns is either stupid, a liar or, most likely, both.The Reverend Bud Green
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Comment #15 posted by jose melendez on December 11, 2003 at 04:01:16 PT

easy to debunk
188: “There is insufficient evidence that Mr. Kubby would not be removed from his jail cell and taken immediately to a hospital for treatment if a medical crisis occurred.  We have no evidence that Mr. Kubby would not be permitted to treat himself in a US hospital, with marihuana for medicinal purposes, through the use of a vaporiser, for example.”
Treason: Prohibitionists aid and comfort enemy
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Comment #14 posted by FoM on December 10, 2003 at 23:22:35 PT

I am going to remove the post because I can't be sure if permission has been given to post it here and I am uncomfortable with it for that reason. I'm sorry but I do feel it is the best thing to do.
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Comment #12 posted by E_Johnson on December 10, 2003 at 20:59:35 PT

Pass That Dutch baby
The new Missy Eilliott album has a really great song Pass That Dutch.She just received five Grammy nominations and won Best Video at the VMA.
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Comment #11 posted by ekim on December 10, 2003 at 20:55:27 PT

RC debunks this 
Letter To The Editor 
Monday, December 08, 2003So you want someone in a cage and you dont care how it happen. The AG went after a Felony. When that was not called for. Yet you yelp and purr about not wanting to pay for the caging of the critter. You dicide how and how much one should have access to. Then you show how much you care about the youth and those unborn when you show how much you know or care about ----Pear Trees wont grow here anymore--global warming issues and the fact that someone is trying to show you what plant Cannabis would grow and thrive in such a climate and be usefull beond reconition. Pleas from one Mike to another dont let some one trick you into this dasterly deed. see you mike
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Comment #10 posted by FoM on December 10, 2003 at 20:33:34 PT

Canada Can Keep Kubby and his ‘Pot Problem’
Letter To The Editor Monday, December 08, 2003I really don’t have a problem with the (Steve) Kubby pot problem, even though I do wholeheartedly believe that the medicinal marijuana initiative that was passed is bogus and only made it easier for potheads to keep being potheads. My problem has been the ongoing message in the Auburn Journal, which has published letters that are transparently clear in support of Kubby from a pro-pot viewpoint.Once again, you have piqued my awareness of the Kubbys and the avoidance of serving time in our jurisdiction, Journal, Dec. 7. The term was determined, as I recall, not for pot but for a few other illicit items that were found in the Kubbys’ possession that in no way can be construed as something for “medicinal” use. For Kubby to get off on a misdemeanor conviction for peyote and magic mushrooms is in itself a very soft sentence. I hope Canada keeps him and that Placer County does not have to absorb the cost of arresting and keeping him in jail to serve his sentence. I still believe the number of plants that were found in Kubby’s possession would produce end-use material that would far exceed what one person can actually intake in a reasonable amount of time. Maybe Kubby was making sure that he didn’t have marijuana plant decline (Placer County had a very hard time in the late 1950s due to pear decline, when the trees died and it was concluded the area was no longer viable as a pear-producing region) or someone stealing his stash. Mike Monahan NewcastleRelated Article:

Canada To Decide Status of Medical Pot Advocate 
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Comment #9 posted by ekim on December 10, 2003 at 20:32:27 PT

appeal says only go back if Pardoned
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Comment #8 posted by Virgil on December 10, 2003 at 18:56:59 PT

The DK surge
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Comment #7 posted by mayan on December 10, 2003 at 18:55:01 PT

Randy White is a D*ck-Head!
But Conservative member of Parliament Randy White called the case a frivolous waste of time and money. "There is no such thing as a refugee from the United States." White said Kubby was using the Canadian refugee process as a forum to advocate for marijuana use.The war on cannabis is a "frivolous waste of time and money!" No such thing as a refugee from the U.S.? I'm afraid there is. His name is Steve Kubby and he is using the Canadian refugee process to save his own life!!! I pray that Steve Kubby can avoid the same fate as Peter McWilliams...Death of a crusader: way out is the way in...Campaign Launched To Appoint 9/11 Widow On 9/11 Commission: by FBI, Witnesses Claim '9/11 Cover-Up in progress' in Florida: 9/11 WIDOW FILES RACKETEERING SUIT AGAINST THE WHITE HOUSE: Prior Knowledge/Government Involvement Archive:
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Comment #6 posted by Virgil on December 10, 2003 at 18:11:27 PT

Preparation for post at DU- Victory by list
Some people might be interested in acquiring knowledge on the cannabis issue with information on the Internet. The first five things I would check out follow. The Canadian Senate Report is quite comprehensive. The first four things would get you a high school diploma with cannabis major and f you read the Canadian Senate Report that would make you a graduate on the level of a community college in cannabis. 1.	The movie “Grass” - This movie will follow the history of cannabis prohibition with narrative by Woody Harrelson2.	The Emperor of Hemp - This movie is about Jack Herer that wrote the famous book that started the cannabis reform movement. His book is titled “The Emperor Wears No Clothes” and has an online edition 3.	The Emperor Wears No Clothes - This is required reading for a basic base of knowledge to come to an informed decision on Cannabis Prohibition. 4.	A Drug War Carol- This is a cartoon format that spins the story of Dickens to apply to the story of Cannabis Prohibition.5.	“Report of the Senate Special Committee on Illegal Drugs” This is the report from Canada by a Senate committee that is an authoritative text on the issues of cannabis that was released in August of 2002.The 5 most important historic reports that all called for an end to criminal prosecution of cannabis follow. If you would read all five, you would be one of the few people in the world to do so, and you could consider yourself well educated on the cannabis issue. You would be a college graduate in the cannabis perspective. 1.	Canadian Senate Report on Illegal Drugs- August 2002 - 2.	 Shafer Commission report known as The Report of the National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse - March, 1972-	The La Guardia Committee Report - 1944 - 4.	The.La Dain Commission report known as The Report of the Canadian Government Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs - 1972 - 5.	 The Wootton Report from the UK in 1968 -
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Comment #5 posted by FoM on December 10, 2003 at 17:39:33 PT

charmed quark
Thank you for the good wishes. I had horrible migraines years ago and they were terrible. I feel sorry for you. The drug that I was given which helped the migraines was addictive. I can't recommend it for you. Have you tried aromatherapy? That is what I do now and it takes a headache away before it gets bad. I use different essential oil for different health issues. I did a quick google search and came up with a number of links but here are two.
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Comment #4 posted by charmed quark on December 10, 2003 at 17:24:15 PT

I love Christmas , but
My health also seems to be going downhill right now. It's not going to kill me but I'm having trouble working or functioning. My basilar migraines are really kicking up. Oneafte another. I can barely type! All I see is aura. And I'm too scared to use cannabis to abort them.Somehow I feel its Bush and Iraq and the War on Drugs and... This stuff is really stressing me out. The Kubby news is just another black brick.Or maybe it's just a virus that's going around, or we are all just in a low cycle.Good health to you FoM, and to the Kubbys, and to all our friends and relatives.-Pete
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Comment #3 posted by FoM on December 10, 2003 at 17:08:28 PT

I hope that the Kubby's can finally find peace of mind. The Christmas season is hard for me and I notice that I don't feel as well as normally. Steve can't take the continued stress without causing his health more harm. I want them to leave the Kubbys alone and be grateful that they have such fine people that want and need to make Canada their home. I wish they could come back to the states and do tours and write books etc. but that is selfish of me. I want them to be given refugee status now once and for all.
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Comment #2 posted by Sam Adams on December 10, 2003 at 16:54:25 PT

I hope the appeal has a chance also, but it looks like the odds are overwhemingly bad, I didn't realize Canada had rejected so many claims.As for returning to the US.....I doubt that the Kubbys would be comforted by a the promise of the guy that tried to put Steve in jail. Look at the other MJ dissidents, Todd McMormick and Bryan Epis are in jail for a long, long time. Trusting a prosecutor? I never would. I'd think hard about Holland, it's an awesome country.
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Comment #1 posted by charmed quark on December 10, 2003 at 15:25:48 PT

How did they reach this decision?
I'd like to know how the determied that Kubby wasn't at ris of dying while in prison. He wouldn't be allowed to use pot and last time that happened he had extremely dangerous blood pressor elevations. That's what kills you with this type of cancer.I hope he is able to appeal this. If not, at least if he doesn't return to California he may be OK as the prosetor said he's ot gong to try to extradite him from another state.-Pete
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