Canada Court Eases Medical Marijuana Rule

Canada Court Eases Medical Marijuana Rule
Posted by CN Staff on October 07, 2003 at 14:16:06 PT
By Tom Cohen, Associated Press Writer
Source: Associated Press 
Toronto -- An appeals court expanded the ability of patients to obtain medical marijuana but affirmed that possession by non-patients remains a crime. The decision Tuesday resolved a dilemma faced by the federal government: how to follow a court order to enable patients to get marijuana for treatment while also keeping the possession of pot by others illegal. With a looming court-imposed deadline to create a supply system for patients, the government in 2001 started registering qualified patients and authorizing them or other designated people to grow pot for medicinal use. 
Several hundred people have registered with the federal government to use marijuana for medical purposes. Subsequent court challenges invalidated marijuana possession laws so patients could not be prosecuted for obtaining their medicinal pot. The government this year also started supplying marijuana it grew in an underground mine shaft to registered patients, but many complained about the quality of the pot and the bureaucracy of the system. On Tuesday, the Ontario Court of Appeals declared unconstitutional those provisions in the federal Marijuana Medical Access Regulations restricting licensed growers of medical marijuana from receiving compensation, from growing the drug for more than one qualified patient and from pooling resources with other licensed producers. The ruling gives so-called compassion centers more leeway to grow and supply medical marijuana. Since the government medical marijuana program was now valid, the ruling said, marijuana prohibition laws also were constitutionally valid. "This narrow remedy would create a constitutionally valid medical exemption, making marijuana prohibition ... immediately constitutionally valid and of full force and effect and removing any uncertainty concerning the validity of the prohibition," said a court synopsis of the ruling. The ruling found that forcing patients to grow their own pot or break the law by buying it on "the black market" was unfair. Alan Young, a Toronto lawyer involved in marijuana decriminalization efforts, said the ruling met the needs of medical marijuana users but hurt the decriminalization effort. "Politically, we lost a lot," Young said. "We won't be able to achieve decriminalization by piggybacking on the deficiencies of the medical marijuana program." The United States opposes any liberalizing of Canadian marijuana laws, arguing that would increase drug use and smuggling across the border. Source: Associated Press Author: Tom Cohen, Associated Press WriterPublished: October 07, 2003Copyright: 2003 Associated Press Related Articles & Web Site:Cannabis News Canadian Links Eases Rules on Growing Medical Marijuana Court Reinstates Pot Law Court Fixes Ottawa's Medicinal Pot Program
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Comment #48 posted by Nuevo Mexican on October 09, 2003 at 08:58:05 PT
Thank you! This will go far! Look at prohibition!
Since FOM started Cannabis News, you (kap), FOM, Gov. Johnson, Ed Rosenthal, Dr. Russo and every frequent or infrequent poster that contributes here have made huge contributions to the fall of prohibition. The wall is falling, taking bush, ashcroft and walters with it, and we have to take our victories as evidence that things will continue to 'fall' our way! Your postings Kap, E.J. and other prolific, outspoken people here have influenced current and future events. All our efforts are making a huge difference!
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Comment #47 posted by kaptinemo on October 09, 2003 at 08:25:54 PT:
Not false modesty, but...
why anybody would want to quote my scribblings is beyond me...I am nothing but what I have always presented myself: a spleen-venter.
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Comment #46 posted by kaptinemo on October 09, 2003 at 06:30:17 PT:
Nuevo, you have a 'green board'
IOW, That's a "yes". You can even leave in the misspellings for accuracy and proof of authenticity, though it's an embarassment for me; I write on the fly, and make mistakes out of my desire to get it all down before it slides away and the fire returns to the icy anger I feel all too often, anymore. This country was HIJACKED by the plutocrats, who want to make us all the 21st Century equivalent of Russian serfs. Cannabis prohibition is but one of their means of achieving that, for the competition engendered by industrial hemp strikes at the very heart of their power base: OIL. With some relatively simple retooling, this country could return from a petrochemically based energy system that's literally poisoning the very soil we need to grow food, to an agriculturally based one protective of the soil and air and people's health. And we could maintain an only *slightly* lowered standard of living until new energy production technologies come online.I am not some blue-sky fantasist. I am an engineer. The Bright Boys dream it up, but Nuts & Bolts people like me put it together when they hand us the blueprints. I've retooled a (old) car once to run on alcohol. (You can't use a new car for this, as the car companies in cahoots with the oily people, made the fuel transferral system with materials that break down on contact with alcohols; you need stainless tanks and tubing, good strong welds - yes, I do that too - tight fittings, tight sealants, increase the bore-to-stroke ratio to 15:1 and must drill the bore of the carb jets 10% larger to accomodate the alky molecule. New engines are already very close to that BTS ratio. We could have alcohol fuels runnning our IC engine cars within a decade if we wanted. It would also be a shot in the arm for the American steel industry, to once again make parts in America for American cars.) I know it's practical to make diesel engines run on hemp oil. WE DON'T NEED TO SEND OUR YOUNG PEOPLE, OUR HOPE FOR THE FUTURE, TO F***ING DIE FOR PETROLEUM! WE DON'T NEED TO KILL AND MAIM AND TERRORIZE PEOPLE WHO COULD HAVE BEEN OUR FRIENDS TO GET IT!Sorry, I get so mad, sometimes. (Cooling down.) Yes, by all means. If it helps, then, have at it. 
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Comment #45 posted by Nuevo Mexican on October 09, 2003 at 02:21:38 PT
Kaptinemo, your endorsement was read tonight...
of Dennis the K, at our weekly Kucinich volunteers meeting, and was loved by all! 'Please ask him if we could quote his whole letter/comment/email as an example of sample opinion', (as noone says it like you do), was the resounding chorus of the 'kucitizens'!
I didn't tell them it was 'kaptinemo' but that is who the quote would be attributed to. Hopefully C-news will be referrenced too, as the website,and perhaps this group will take your comment and model LTE's after it. Were taking suggestions, but it spurred a great brainstorming session, so you've already had an enourmous impact, thank you and FOM! And Cannabis News! 
But only with your permission Kap!
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Comment #44 posted by Virgil on October 08, 2003 at 18:04:01 PT
I claim relevance because it proves the mediasucks
First the book Black Box Voting can be read on line as seen on the right side of this page-, there is absolutely no justification for desiring a paperless machine that only has the benefit of eliminating an audit trail. There is no issue of more concern to me than this insanity especially considering the government is funding at great expense a change of machines used in elections.Third, the subject has not even been mentioned on television that I have seen or heard about and is not like likely to get any real debate. We have a defiance of reason for the purpose of corruption of the electorial process. A paperless trail in a voting machine is so stupid it is not even worthy of debate. These guys are not that stupid, but they are that corrupt. And here again we see the complicity of the media and the neglect of their Fourth Estate duty to guard against the excess and abuse of power by government.Also the machine manufacturers and I will say Diebold from memory, had the website listed above shut down by court order and without trial claiming copyright infringement when in a forum someone listed a link to something Diebold put up on the web and should not have. Paperless voting machines illuminate the corruption of government the same way CP does- with total obviousness.
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Comment #43 posted by kaptinemo on October 08, 2003 at 17:37:26 PT:
Mayan, I've been following this, too
The whole electronic voting bit is the kind of thing that could lead to the breakup of this country if it isn't adressed and soon. The potential - I say the REALITY, given the last two elections - of widespread vote fraud has been well documented before with the book "VOTESCAM" and a few other places.Given that a few Republicans in key positions in both corporate operations (like the president of the Diebold Company) and 'serving' on certain committees in government have been unaccountably pushing ever harder for electronic voting machines proven to be anything but reliable or tamperproof, it is not being paranoid to ask what personal and political gain do they beleive they can make...with the future of democracy in this country already imperiled by the unConstitutional PATRIOT Act? Do they expect to need the PATRIOT Act after the 2004 elections? Why? We know why. As does anyone who has been following the shennanigans of this crew in the White House. They've demonstrated that time and again, clearly, they cannot be trusted. ANOTHER questionable election could spark at the very least a Constitutional crisis...and much worse could happen. MUCH worse.Because for all the BS about this being an 'anti-terrorist' mechanism, it contains far more elements tailored for domestic control, rather than international law enforcement.I am reminded of an exchange in the movie SEVEN DAYS IN MAY between the hero Jiggs Casey and an Air Force buddy of his: the AF guy said very worriedly that the Emergency Communications Control exercise he was monitoring looked more like they expected trouble from Americans, not foreigners.As well those in power right now might...if W is 'elected' again.
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Comment #42 posted by mayan on October 08, 2003 at 16:32:54 PT
Nuevo Mexican...
You said..."I'm convinced no matter how many millions more vote for a Democratic President, somehow we'll wake up to a bush in the white house, why do I get this feeling Kaptin'?, FOM? Mayan?"I imagine you've already come across the link to numerous links below, but others here may be shocked...HOW TO RIG A U.S. ELECTION:
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Comment #41 posted by Jose Melendez on October 08, 2003 at 07:20:58 PT
there was no marijuana related carnage
I wonder how much the study would cost that shows what happened as a result of the summer of legalization.
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Comment #40 posted by goneposthole on October 08, 2003 at 06:46:23 PT
Smuggled Canadian Bud
"The United States opposes any liberalizing of Canadian marijuana laws, arguing that would increase drug use and smuggling across the border."How can Canadian cannabis growers possibly increase the production of kind bud? Take more cuttings, increase the number of grow ops.I submit that more cannabis from Canada will decrease hard drug use in the US. The kind bud will supplant the use of hard drugs and a resultant decrease in hard drug use in the US.If less hard drug use is the goal, then more Canadian and Mexican cannabis is what is necessary.Might as well put the drug warriors and prohibitionists in a much deserved funk... they may finally try some 'weed' for their own good and enjoyment. Have fun. 
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Comment #39 posted by BigDawg on October 08, 2003 at 06:42:56 PT
I see the Candian ruling as a win
The rec users are still in a bad position, but it is another step in the right direction. Can't always get what we want, but we got what we needed. Another win... especially for our most vulnerable people. This has opened the door just alittle wider and will help with the movement to decrim/re-legalize.As for Ahnold in Cali, he scares me as being just enough "left" to seem non-threatening. For womens right to choose, for MMJ, etc. But he is STILL a republican insider and big money man. IMHO, he will overtly seem what the people want while he quietly lets the Enron theft slide under the table....And sadly enough, Kucinich is the only candidate that seems to be honest enough to tell it like it is.
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Comment #38 posted by kaptinemo on October 08, 2003 at 06:15:36 PT:
Kucinich ROCKED!
I cannot say that I've been watching Mr. Kucinich's career for some time, but I *do* know what he did for his electorate years ago in standing up to the deregulation pirates; he's earned my lasting respect for that.  So, this morning, after checking in on CNEWS and learning he'd be on C-SPAN, I got the feed online. Granted, I admit that this is the first time I've seen him in a Q & A with anyone (I don't watch much Tube anymore; I need to preserve what few brain cells I have left, and my blood pressure spikes almost within minutes of hearing another propagnada passed as truth, which happens almost every time a newsreader opens their mouth, anymore), but judging from what I saw, Mr. K is probably one of the few exceptions to the rule of "No such thing as an honest politician." He handled each questioner, even that ignorant doofus from North Carolina who verged on insulting, with a polish I hadn't expected. His answers were forthright, open, non-dissembling, direct and clear. Most of all, HE TOLD THE TRUTH! My God, I am reeling from this. Amazing in a politician. Somebody needs to take some skin and blood samples of this man and start cloning him right away; America desperately needs as many Kucinich's as we can get. If the Dems think that his possessing those qualities are insufficient grounds for him to receive the nomination, then they truly are, to use their own symbol, jackasses.He also needs to be protected 24/7 by a force of fanatically loyal security people as he's just the sort who riles the feathers of the Big Shots who really run this country. They'd kill him in a heartbeat if they could. Instead, they seek to marginalize what may be one of the last hopes of America to keep from sliding into fascism's abyss. And you who regularly read commentaries know I am very careful of my adjectives and avoid hyperbole as much as I can. And how cynical I am about politicians. Most of you know I am a *diehard Libertarian* who has not voted outside my Party's ticket in 23 years, as I consider the Duopoly in the main as being hopelessly corrupt. But now, I have to rethink that. So when I say, for the first time ever, that I would vote for Kucinich, you bloody well better believe I am serious... 
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Comment #37 posted by The GCW on October 08, 2003 at 05:34:18 PT
Gov's today
October 8 in Boston's Faneuil Hall. Experts Question Drug Czar's New England Governor's SummitONDCP Refuses To Disclose Names of SpeakersBOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS -- Medical experts, along with health care and drug policy reform advocates, are sounding alarm bells about the New England Governor's Summit sponsored by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and scheduled for October 8 in Boston's Faneuil Hall.   Medical marijuana, one of three subjects on the summit agenda, is a source of particular concern. Maine has had a medical marijuana law in effect since 2000, and last year a study committee set up by the Vermont Legislature supported efforts to make medical marijuana available to seriously ill patients. ONDCP chief John Walters has been scornful of medical marijuana, comparing it to "medicinal crack."   "The New England governors can save the cost of attending the ONDCP's summit," said Dr. Joseph McSherry -- a neurologist at the Fletcher Allen Medical Center in Burlington, Vermont -- who served on the study committee. "Rather, the governors should read the balanced report of the Vermont Legislative Committee on Medical Marijuana. This report is balanced because it contains the consensus of enforcement, legal, judicial, and medical professionals, as well as patients. The committee was unanimous in concluding that marijuana is a medicine for some people, and it is misclassified at the federal level." The committee report is available at   "Despite the drug czar's history of hysterical opposition to medical marijuana, we contacted his office in good faith, asking if we could suggest panelists for a balanced discussion," said Neal Levine, director of state policies for the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy Project. "On September 22, we were told by ONDCP staffer Brian Ferguson that 'the panels are pretty much set.' We've made four follow-up calls to try to find out who is speaking, and none of those calls have been returned. Just what are they trying to hide? Given John Walters' record, we can only assume they're planning a Disinformation Summit."   MPP is working with the Drug Policy Forum of Massachusetts and a coalition of local health experts and activists to coordinate a response to the ONDCP summit.   With more than 13,000 members nationwide, the Marijuana Policy Project is the largest marijuana policy reform organization in the United States. MPP works to minimize the harm associated with marijuana -- both the consumption of marijuana and the laws that are intended to prohibit such use. MPP believes that the greatest harm associated with marijuana is imprisonment. To this end, MPP focuses on removing criminal penalties for marijuana use, with a particular emphasis on making marijuana medically available to seriously ill people who have the approval of their doctors. For more information, please visit
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Comment #36 posted by kaptinemo on October 08, 2003 at 05:28:40 PT:
Neuvo, here's something that many people in the US
don't know about Mr. Schwartzenegger:Arnold Unplugged - It's Hasta la Vista to $9 Billion if the Governator is Selected the article:*It's not what Arnold Schwarzenegger did to the girls a decade back that should raise an eyebrow. According to a series of memoranda our office obtained today, it's his dalliance with the boys in a hotel room just two years ago that's the real scandal.The wannabe governor has yet to deny that on May 17, 2001, at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles, he had consensual political intercourse with Enron chieftain Kenneth Lay. Also frolicking with Arnold and Ken was convicted stock swindler Mike Milken.Now, thirty-four pages of internal Enron memoranda have just come through this reporter's fax machine tell all about the tryst between Maria's husband and the corporate con men. It turns out that Schwarzenegger knowingly joined the hush-hush encounter as part of a campaign to sabotage a Davis-Bustamante plan to make Enron and other power pirates then ravaging California pay back the $9 billion in illicit profits they carried off.*Enron E-mails Confirm Schwarzenegger-Ken Lay Meeting
Enron E-Mails Show Arnold Met With Ken Lay During Energy Crisis the article:Santa Monica, CA -- Internal Enron e-mails confirm that Arnold Schwarzenegger was among a small group of executives who met with Lay at the posh Peninsula Beverly Hills hotel in May of 2001, in the midst of California's energy crisis. View the e-mails. The Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights, which obtained the e-mails, is calling on Schwarzenegger to acknowledge the meetings and disclose the information that was presented and discussed. The meeting with Enron occurred ten days after rolling blackouts darkened California for two consecutive days; Schwarzenegger has previously said that he does not remember such a meeting. "You don't meet with America's most well-known corporate crook in the middle of California's biggest financial disaster and not remember," said FTCR's senior consumer advocate Douglas Heller. "Mr. Schwarzenegger should come clean about what happened at that meeting and if he shares Ken Lay's views on energy regulation."As far as I am concerned, Mr. Schwartzenegger has long sought to insert himself into the American political system, and for the same reason he married into one of America's Elite Establishment Families. He wants money and power. Period. And has done and will do whatever it takes to acquire it. And if that means screwing the people of California out of the 9 BILLION DOLLARS they are owed so he can prove his fealty to his rich friends, he'll do just that.
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Comment #35 posted by The GCW on October 08, 2003 at 05:15:05 PT
#18 - Nuevo Mexican asks: & #19 & #28
 #18  "why do I get this feeling Kaptin'?, FOM? Mayan?"You, N.M. are having spiritual realities come at You in little pinpoints of observation. That is about to grow at a larger rate than what has been occuring. Most of Us are becoming aware of the sprititual realities which start where Our skin ends, at the very least.o00Oo0oOO0o#19 FoM, -about Mr. Ed,,, That is what We had (in effect) and still got Ashcroft… It was real,,,, Check out this point of view: US TX: PUB LTE: Ashcroft Not Alone In His 'Creepiness' Referenced:
ASHCROFT NOT ALONE IN HIS 'CREEPINESS' In his Sept. 5 column, "Holy civil liberties! Hold tight to Bill of Rights," William H. Seewald correctly refers to Attorney General John Ashcroft as "creepy." Why is Ashcroft creepy? As George W. Bush did not receive the popular vote and arguably was not even voted into the office of presidency, he, along with his brother, Jeb, helped steal what wasn't his in becoming president of the United States. At the same time, Ashcroft lost his Missouri Senate election bid to the deceased Mel Carnahan, clearly showing a distaste among voters for Ashcroft. Citizens would think Ashcroft would have no opportunity to inflict his morals upon Missouri or America, but an unelected President Bush saw potential in his very powerful but discredited empire of chopping down the constitutional cherry tree. While Ashcroft could not get voted into office, Bush welcomed him. It is a matter of the creepy scratching the back of the creepy, at the cost of liberty, freedom and justice for all. Insinuating that someone using cannabis - smoking a joint - is a terrorist and promoting the Victory Act to remove their American citizenship is indeed creepy and very dangerous. Bush and Ashcroft fighting to void constitutional protections which were designed to protect us from the creepy is alarming.  
0Oo0oOO0#28 - Roger Christie- Here’s to You: US FL: PUB LTE: In the Bible Pubdate: Fri, 3 Oct 2003
Source: Pensacola News Journal (FL)Referenced:
Cited: Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
IN THE BIBLE In the Bible I'm having zero tolerance for cannabis ( marijuana ) prohibitionists and their terrorizing ignorance, so I was pleased to read Stephen Heath's powerful letter ( "Join L.E.A.P," Sept. 27, 2003 ) and would like to add a biblical perspective. The U.S. government's attempt to exterminate kaneh bosm ( cannabis ), which is part of the holy anointing oil for all the generations ( see Exodus 30 ), is, biblically, not something to consider exterminating. Bush and his servants' staunch attempt to exterminate what God gave and said was good, on the first page of the Bible, is not similar to loving your brother, but rather is a sign of hatred. The government's war on cannabis is worse than ludicrous, it's Luciferous. Caging humans for using or growing a plant is anti-Christian and uncivilized, not just to me but to God who sent me. Don't believe it, just ask Him yourself. o00Oo0oOO0oThe prohibition of cannabis is the devil law. Those who support cannabis prohibition & extermination, support the works of wicked evil spirits.The Green Collar Worker
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Comment #34 posted by Virgil on October 08, 2003 at 04:30:54 PT
Cannabis Culture adds to this
Cannabis Culture addressed the rulings with some critical information a strange twist, the Ontario Court of Appeals also ruled that pot laws were invalid between April 12 and today - April 12 being the date when the young person in McAllister's case was first charged. Anyone in Ontario facing charges incurred during this period should apply to have them dismissed.Canadians in the provinces of British Columbia, PEI and Nova Scotia may be still somewhat protected by the immunities afforded in their provinces, but judges there might also decide to follow this most recent decision of the Ontario Court of Appeals, leading to a series of skirmishes in courts around the country.Meanwhile, the Malmo-Levine/Clay/Caine decision is about to be unleashed by Canada's Supreme Court, trumping whatever the provincial courts decide. Sources say the mammoth ruling is expected any day.
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Comment #33 posted by goneposthole on October 08, 2003 at 04:30:23 PT
Arnold Ziffel for President
He'd win. He would have enough sense to end the drug war.Might as well vote for a pig, the hogwash from the Bushits et al ain't fit for man nor beast. 
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Comment #32 posted by Virgil on October 08, 2003 at 04:23:31 PT
Rulings overshadowed by California recall vote
115,680 was the number of hits put up at 7AM in the stats section for October 7. I was mistaken in saying 8AM- that is the time the bank puts up new balances. FoM, I sleep fine. I was addressing the ubiquitous benefits of MJ that helps a person relax and get a good night of sleep with no/limited unwanted side effects. 
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Comment #31 posted by Marc Paquette on October 08, 2003 at 03:34:40 PT:
Arnold would make a Great President
I meant "Arnold" (the pig in Green Acres). But I guess he lost his "bacon" a long time ago and they don't take "poors" as Presidents in the States! LOLPeace,Marc
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Comment #30 posted by CorvallisEric on October 08, 2003 at 02:23:39 PT
Is it a victory?
I think it's a victory in proportion to how vehemently drug warriers fight the concept of medical cannabis. They are the ones creating most of the noise, thereby amplifying the debate in everyone's consciousness.Also, bravo for the reporting by ErikGhint (comment #7), notes by Richard Lake (comments #5 and #10), E_Johnson's humor, and FoM's making all this happen.
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Comment #29 posted by CorvallisEric on October 08, 2003 at 01:25:59 PT
Without meaning disrespect for anyone, I think it's important to say that there are people here who don't believe in astrology or that Arnold's election was fraudulent.Certainly, the Florida outcome in 2000 with its 537-vote final margin can be disputed, especially when you look at the process by which ineligible voters were purged from the rolls. The allegation of fraud in Western Democracy elections with large margins and extensive media coverage is an extraordinary claim. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof" (according to Dr. Dean Edell, advocate for hard science and cannabis freedom).Personally, I have mixed feelings about Arnold. California could have done much worse. If his tenure is disastrous, he can and should be recalled. I think his effect on the Drug War kinda depends on whether he owes the Republican establishment (bad), or they owe him more (good, maybe very good).
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Comment #28 posted by Roger Christie on October 07, 2003 at 23:55:02 PT:
 Congratulations Canada!
Dear People,Aloha. Congratulations are in order for the medical marijuana patients, families, supporters, activists and caregivers of Canada! Your intentions, goals, hard work and prayers have finally paid-off in a court victory to be proud of. I applaud you all from here in the middle of the Pacific Ocean on this beautiful moonfilled night.I know that you will supply some of the very best quality herbal medicine on Earth to those among you who need it the most. Yours is an amazing victory for true medical freedom in the world. I also know that you will soon demonstrate to the US Congress, Supreme Court, D.E.A. and Justice Department the falacy and the felony of what their definition of "no recognized medical value" actually means in real life and natural herbal medicine, AND fresh, fertile hempseed nutrition. Two of the biggest chunks of the wall of cannabis hemp prohibition fell down 'on your watch', so to speak. Go! Canada, Go! Help to show the rest of the world (USA) how free people act and live well.I certainly felt and observed a paradigm-shift this past week, the kind of Divine intervention I have been praying and looking for the last twenty years or so. The 'stock' in cannabis went way up, and the 'stock' in rightwing knuckleheads in the USA went way down. The C.I.A. is seriously fighting with the White House for outing one of their most secret agent women in retaliation for her husband telling the truth about no nukes in Iraq - at the same time that Rush Limbaugh, the so-called 'conservative' windbag had much of the wind knocked out of him with charges he is an out-of-control, illegal pill addict.  A shift in the balance of power and righteousness just made a serious turn for the better. Hallelujah!For those non-patients in Canada who still need a 'defense to prosecution' for growiing and enjoying cannabis, I recommend building a simple, effective and legal religious exemption. The kind that is working for (some) Rastafarians and for all the members of the Religion of Jesus Church and all the members of The Hawai'i Cannabis (THC) Ministry. (Your Church of the Universe has also done a fine job of keeping the issue in front of Canadian courts and public opinion.)'Getting high' is a spiritual term, afterall. If you want to 'get high' with cannabis as your religious sacrament I know that there is a method of doing it that works very well in front of law enforcement and in front of a jury, if you need to go that far.Religious use of cannabis is among the highest moral and legal ground on Earth to stand upon. It incompasses profound history and literally has the potential for helping to deliver real peace, harmony and wellbeing on this beautiful and troubled planet for each and every individual. I agree with the claim that the cannabis hemp plant is the 'botanical messiah', the tree of life whose leaves shall heal all the nations.Let the new golden age proceed. Mahalo, Canada!love and respect,Roger Christie
 * The Hawai'i Cannabis (THC) Ministry *
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Comment #27 posted by FoM on October 07, 2003 at 22:58:18 PT
Thank you for your comment. 
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Comment #26 posted by FoM on October 07, 2003 at 22:36:54 PT
Very Good!
Good story! I've talked to many horses in my life but I just never had one that talked back. Never had a Mr. Ed unfortunately.
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Comment #25 posted by E_Johnson on October 07, 2003 at 22:27:07 PT
The Mister Ed pot edpisode
Carol finds marijuana growing behind the barn, and Wilbur deduces out that it's Ed's. Ed says he needs it for his aching back. Wilbur says the medical marijuana defense doesn't apply to horses. Wilbur goes to look for Carol to keep her from calling the cops. Ed set off towards town to talk to their legislator into backing medical marijuana for horses. (A horse in my office? He has a check for my campaign? Oh well, let him in...)Wilbur's neighbor Addison has arthritis and runs out of pain pills and comes by the try to borrow some from Wilbur. Addison discovers the plants behind the stables and takes them home with him "to be safer". (They're in pots). Wilbur and Ed think that Carol has taken the pot to the police after Wilbur misreads the note Carol leaves for him when she takes some old clothes of Wilburs to the Police Association charity rummage sale.So thinking they're about to be busted in a giant SWAT takedown, Wilbur and Ed start plotting to leave for Canada.They get all their supplies together and go ask Addison to drive them to the border -- and they find Ed's pot!Addison claims he was keeping it safe for them in case anyone "dropped a dime".They commiserate over the fact that the pot is not ripe for harvest yet.Then Ed pulls out a huge Ed-size joint and says he brought one for the road and they all get high.
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Comment #24 posted by FoM on October 07, 2003 at 22:06:08 PT
EJ Too Much!
You made me laugh! That's good!
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Comment #23 posted by E_Johnson on October 07, 2003 at 22:02:00 PT
Let's set it up
A debate between Mr. Ed and Bush, whoa can I see that.Yes Mr. Ed would wipe the floor with Bush and his whole team of giant heads.
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Comment #22 posted by E_Johnson on October 07, 2003 at 22:00:06 PT
Here's the campaign song
A horse is a horse of course, of course. And no-one should vote for a horse of course - that is of course unless the horse is the famous Mister Ed. Go right to the source and ask the horse - he'll give you the answer that you endorse. He's always on a stoner course - vote Mister Ed!"Republicans yakety yak a streakand lock you all awaybut Mr. Ed will never freakor let the government get in your wayVote for Mr. Ed!
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Comment #21 posted by FoM on October 07, 2003 at 21:57:34 PT
EJ, I'm Glad You Like Mr. Ed Too
I bet he could debate Bush and win! LOL! I didn't know there was such an episode. I'd like to see that one too.
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Comment #20 posted by E_Johnson on October 07, 2003 at 21:51:52 PT
I'd vote for Mr. Ed :-)
FoM, you've found the answer.Ed's an anarchist for sure. I want to see the episode where Carol finds marijuana growing behind the stables and Wilbur has to explain his way out of it without blaming Ed.
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Comment #19 posted by FoM on October 07, 2003 at 21:45:33 PT
Nuevo Mexican 
I asked my husband the same thing tonight if we could recall Bush! I don't think so but I did ask him. As far as Bush getting elected next November alot can happen between now and then. I don't know but I think if lets say Mr. Ed The Horse ran opposite him I would feel the need to vote for Mr. Ed. That's a bad way of thinking I suppose but what can I say.
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Comment #18 posted by Nuevo Mexican on October 07, 2003 at 21:40:36 PT
Recall Swarzenegger!!! 
Can we recall bush?As far as Canada goes, A great victory, legalization is sooooo close, it won't take much now. Very enlightening posts', thanks for the explanations.Expect the next two days to be crazy, due to the full moon FOM, the fit has hit the shan! A Nazi-groper who should be in handcuffs is being declared Govenor, (another fraudulent election, watch what happens in the next few weeks in L.A,)This year being the year of the revolution in the United States astrological chart, Arnolds' election, and Canadas' mixed message decision are bound to be undone. As ill and nauseus as I am about Arnold, as disaster will be unleashed, of his own making, get ready for more insanity, with shocking events of earthshaking proportions through the end of the year.(Uranus at 29 degrees Aquarius, revolution and reversals) MAJOR! Roller coaster time, with great victories and apparent loses and failures happening simultaneously. Lawsuits, and legalities, truth and scandal, Good news, bad news. 2004 looks better, as the world will never give the U.S. the benefit of the doubt again. (Especially with the useless voting scam electoral process that allows so many people to be disenfranchised, votes lost or thrown out, polling stations eliminated, so many ways to overthrow the will of the people.)I'm convinced no matter how many millions more vote for a Democratic President, somehow we'll wake up to a bush in the white house, why do I get this feeling Kaptin'?, FOM?
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Comment #17 posted by ekim on October 07, 2003 at 21:35:35 PT
i hope your joken Virg
but if your up at 8am and get C-Span Dennis Kucinich will be on for allmost a hour to 9am. on the Wash Journal. the fone numbers are R 1-202-585-3880 D 1-202-585-3881 others 1-202-585-38882 i would like to know if he will debate jpee now that Canada has said Cannabis is med. 
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Comment #16 posted by FoM on October 07, 2003 at 21:16:58 PT
I didn't know the stats went up at 8 AM. Is something wrong that you can't sleep? I take Valarian Root every night and it helps me. Warm milk helps too.
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Comment #15 posted by Marc Paquette on October 07, 2003 at 20:35:11 PT:
Medias do not always tell the truth...
Hi my Friends;First, many months ago, the Court of Appeal for Ontario decided to officially call the Hitzig, Parker, Turmel and Paquette cases: "Parker et al". What did the Court of Appeal and the medias called the case today: "Hitzig et al". NO, I mean absolutely NO media even mentioned the name Terry Parker..the name of the first epileptic and sick guy in Canada that started the ball rolling for medical marijuana in our country! No word in any medias why Parker Turmel and Paquette had lost their appeals. You call this good media coverage? Hmm..I call it disinformation and misinformation.Also, I believe that Turmel should get cleared of his traffic charges because he did brought his 7 pounds of shake schwagg in front of Parliamanet and got charged one or two days before government provided their so-called medical marijuana access and reinstated the prohibition law after July 9th 2003.And yes, I'm very upset of seeing that the prohibition of cannabis law is now effective in Ontario once more! Alan Young calls marijuana a narcotic. Narcotics has the potential to kill doesn't it? Has anyone ever heard of a marijuana overdose and died..or ever died because of marijuana?NO..the solution to end the marijuana prohibiton in Canada or just about everywhere on Earth is "declassification"..downgrading from narcotic to natural health product. This avenue seems much easier to accomplish instead of long court processes which can take years. By declassifying cannabis, we would still respect our drug treaties with the UN, and probably Bush would respect or tolerate this.Anyway, don't let the medias fool or misinform you. The truth is out there on the net. It saw your comments and had to get answered.Peace,Marc
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Comment #14 posted by FoM on October 07, 2003 at 20:34:37 PT
Videos from CTV
Related Video 
 CFTO News: John Lancaster reports on a defeat in the courts for recreational marijuana users 1:50  
 CFTO Toronto: Ontario Appeals Court reinstates laws making pot illegal 4:37
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Comment #13 posted by Virgil on October 07, 2003 at 20:23:01 PT
comment11 continued
It is the prevention issue that has got to be a nightmare to the prohibitionists. The Israelis want to corner the market on a cannabinoid to reduce swelling in head trauma and then there is the issue of degenerative diseases like MS and Alzeheimer's that might prove worthy of a cannabis remedy when the research comes in.When cannabis is free to address the pain of the people, it will be a value and able. Value-able in contrast to no medical value. I can see the commercials now for brain trauma- this is your brain on herbal remedy, this is your corpse without herbal remedy. Makes you want to hit a prohibitionist in the head with a frying pan to see if he would choose cannabis or life. I just cannot wait to see the commercials that private companies bring into the arena. Before and after commercials would be one type. Comparing the warning labels would be another type and could be humorous as you could make them up for real since whole cannabis would not have any. I can tell you right now the pill companies would invoke copyright laws to keep the warning labels and accompanying printouts from the pharmacy from being read on television.My wondering now is if Cnews will have 150,000 hits today. The numbers go up at 8AM- I hope I can doze off in time to wake up at 8. Does anyone know of anything with no harmful effects than can help me relax and get a good nights sleep?
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Comment #12 posted by The GCW on October 07, 2003 at 19:30:56 PT
Those who suffer receive mercy.
Here is a LTE from Hawaii, that begs for help (for those who suffer), instead of clowning around attempting to exterminate the plant cannabis.Society has too many people needing help, only receiving punishment.US HI: PUB LTE: Ice From Marijuana? Miles Mulcahy-
-West Hawaii Today ICE FROM MARIJUANA? Editor: So, marijuana eradication continues. Guess they haven't seen the bumper sticker "Thanks Green Harvest, now my kid smokes ice." Will people ever learn that you can't legislate morality. They say marijuana is the "gateway" drug, but I think it starts with cigarettes and alcohol, both of which are physically addictive while marijuana has been proven neither physically nor psychologically addictive. The only problem I have seen marijuana cause is a police record. I have seen too many of my friends and family die from cigarettes and alcohol, yet never anyone from marijuana. People have been growing pot on the island for many years with no crime increase ( except arrests for pot ) and no violence increase. Now we have a major drug problem and they are still chasing marijuana growers. If those police officers in Hilo are bored, they could offer to help their overworked colleagues in South Kona, where we have two officers for 10,000 people and the highest incidence of ice abuse in the nation. Let's get off the marijuana eradication and start dealing with real crime. We have had two armed robberies, many break-ins, increased child and family abuse, and possibly one murder in the Honaunau area in the past month, all related to ice, and yet the Hilo police are still chasing pot growers. I don't get it. Miles Mulcahy Captain Cook 
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Comment #11 posted by Virgil on October 07, 2003 at 18:33:27 PT
Yes, I would say that the pill companies cannot compete with the price or the product. A cheap price and an ever increasing distance between the historic stigma, will give us some real research studies with huge numbers participating. The great thing about cannabis is the ubiquitous nature. Alcoholics have real medical need of it and then you add in inflamatory diseases and MS and epilepsy and migraines/headaches and hangovers and mood enhancer and bi-polar and you have a huge population using a natural remedy with a chance to gather information of the cancer preventative properties. Of course one interesting thing is if someone shows up tomorrow and says he wants to use cannabis as a preventative against cancer and gets approved. When that happens Walters will probably drown himself in a tub of pee. Medical cannabis is free for only 50 Canadian cents a gram. And now the question is "Can a Canadian doctor authorize cannabis for a tourist?" That sure would screw up some drug-testing here. The nightmare is not over. It is just slowly moving over to the worthy prohibitionists.
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Comment #10 posted by Richard Lake on October 07, 2003 at 17:45:42 PT:
Yes, we should hear from the Canadian Supreme Court by the end of the year on this case:Fall 2003 (Malmo-Levine) -- The Supreme Court of Canada will render its decision on the comprehensive challenge it heard this spring to Canada's pot-possession laws, brought by a trio of recreational smokers: David Malmo-Levine, of Vancouver, a co-founder of the Harm Reduction Club who works at Pot TV; Chris Clay, of London, Ont.; and Randy Caine, of White Rock, B.C. It is the Chris Clay appeal that really carries the recreational use question - and will strongly support the medical question.Chris set out to do a constitutional challange under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms on recreational grounds, by selling seeds, and then seedlings, in his London, Ontario store. He then raised (and I did what I could to help him - he is a good friend) about $35,000 Canadian to gather in some of the world's most recognized experts to testify and/or provide Affidavits on his behalf.Alan Young and Paul Burstein have been the legal team for Chris from the start. I met them both during the trial in London, and consider Alan both a friend and the best Charter lawyer in Canada.You can read about these cases at: I urge anyone who wants to read some of the best writing ever presented to a court to read the Affidavits at, I read a lot of these things, and perhaps I am bias because I have one of the few sets of copies of the hard copies, which I OCRed and carefully proofread over two months of work every evening, so that they could be on the net for you to read).Personally I think it is still a long shot that the SC will make recreational use legal, but everybody back when Chris started thought it was worth a try, and still do.It makes me sad to see that John Turmel has put himself at such great risk because he simply did not understand the law and the courts like the lawyers. But many tried to warn him, to help him. His ego, I guess, would not allow him to recognize the risks he was taking.Richard
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Comment #9 posted by kaptinemo on October 07, 2003 at 17:32:34 PT:
And Mr. Young's figure is what antis REALLY fear
Cheap cannabis.Think about it. Right now, it's out of the price range for many people. But when the 'price support' provided by illegallity falls away, and the TRUE value of cannabis as natural, agricultural commodity like soybeans or wheat becomes clear, it's all over.
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Comment #8 posted by FoM on October 07, 2003 at 17:27:25 PT
Thanks ErikGhint
You explained how you saw it happen very well. I don't have any questions right now but if I think of one I'll sure ask! 
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Comment #7 posted by ErikGhint on October 07, 2003 at 17:14:31 PT
Supreme Court
Supreme Court challenges were heard May 6th I believe. On average it takes the Supreme court 6 months to make a decisoin. I have heard November from a few sources, and I have heard winter time from others. I went to the court house today unforutnatly I did not get to go inside but got to wath the press release once they came outside. I was able to meet Brian Mcallister, Alan Young (two lawyers), John Turmel (showed up on parliament hill with 7 pounds to challenge the law), Terry Parker (epileptic who pretty much started the succesfull court challenges), A woman i forget who name who was robbed at gunpoint beaten and had all her plants taken away (the article was on this site a few months ago) and a few other supporters of legalization. Their was no turn out whatsoever very few people other then the lawyers the press and a couple people awaiting the results.John Turmel and terry parker were very upset with the decision. Obviously John is upset becasue now he can face his big charges of traffiking 7 pounds, he thought their was no law (which i agree with) because the government did not comply with their year deadline. John was going on about how the court is not aloud to put a law in to place only government can and that what the courts were not aloud to put the law back in place. Their was a term he was using for this but I can not remember. John and Terry were getting all worked up (most people there told me not to listen to them because they are lunatics?) they were yelling to the press about why Alan Young did not challenge the judges on recriminalizing it, he was so worked up he even said that Alan Young is working with the govenrment, meanwhile people watching were screaming back "shut up don't you realise hes on your side!"I asked Brain Mcallister (was the lawyer who succesfull challenged prohibition in Rv.J.P. and the Rogin decision of May 16) if the judges have power to do what they did, he pointed somewhere and told me to ask "him" I had no clue who he was talking about. Brian answered questions when was asked but for the most part seemed a little out of place and was just standing there for much of it. Alan was in the spotlight answering most of the questions and he did sound very inteliigent. I asked Alan how the courts could reimpliment the law because 1) The law was invalid and suspend for 1 year in which time the government had to create a NEW LAW and not regulations and 2)The courts do not have power to impliment laws but only to strike down unconstitutional laws. Well his phone started ringing and he said "yes, i gotta take this call" and I did not get my questions answered.
(Did not really get any respect from those to lawyers, they probably do not care to talk to an 18 year old)All in all I am glad I went, but was a little dissapointed with the results. Alan seemed to be more pleased with the judgements the more he talked about it. With this distribution channel the medicinal patients should be able to get their medicine a lot cheaper as the suppliers could grow in bulk. Alan threw out a figure of 50 cents a gram is what he hopes it will be at eventually.Any questions you guys might have feel free to ask.
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Comment #6 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on October 07, 2003 at 16:55:24 PT
What about DM-L?
The Parker case, in my limited understanding, was mainly about medical access. Wasn't there another Supreme Court case involving David Malmo-Levine that was to challenge the recreational use and sale laws? When is the decision on that one expected? 
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Comment #5 posted by Richard Lake on October 07, 2003 at 16:50:50 PT:
As I see it
It appears that the Globe and Mail story is the best so far.My take is:It is the government, thru it's legal team that won the recovery of the recreational use law.If not for Alan Young, et al, there would have been no progress at all, the government would have won everything.You may have notice that the court clown's appeals were carefully but soundly thrown out (the last links on the link pages below). Who knows if more could have been won without his distracting jail house lawyer stuff that did not have a chance, just as I said it would not -- long ago.Yes, we could have hoped for more, but the real reality check is that without Alan Young and his team even the small gains would not have happened. Alan Young, Paul Burstein and Leora R. Shemesh are, as they should be, recognized as the heros who with great skill fought the fight well, and won what the court was willing to give in a well reasoned decision. Maybe there is grounds of appeal, I will leave that to the lawyers (the non-lawyers are out of the picture, it appears).Use either of these links to go to and actually read the cases: first link will stick around, but the second will not be valid in days.Richardp.s. I expect there will be some good analysis of all this by Canadians who understand it all better than us yanks by the end of the week. I have already asked some to consider writing a feature article for the DrugSense Weekly
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Comment #4 posted by FoM on October 07, 2003 at 16:48:05 PT
Thanks kapt
Sometimes I don't know what to say. I know some folks are only for legalization and I'm afraid to be too happy or I might upset someone. Our day will come as long as we keep up our momentum and show patience. Prohibition has been around a long time but we have moved forward in the last few years very quickly. Let's keep up that momentum and we will win in the end. I would like to have been a fly on the wall too but I bet they carry BIG fly swatters! LOL!
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Comment #3 posted by kaptinemo on October 07, 2003 at 16:33:41 PT:
FoM, contrary to what many might say
Cannabists:1, Prohibitionists:0For the first time anywhere in North America, dominated largely by the US's policies, a national government has officially stated - if only in a grumbling, grudging, backhanded way - that cannabis has medicinal uses. THE DAM HAS CRACKED OPEN. Sure, cannabists as a class didn't get the entirety of what we want. But the most vulnerable of our people can be carried off the battlefield without fear they'll be's time to turn and face these cowardly antis who preyed on the sick and "Fiiiiiiix...BAYONETS!" The Canadians still have the momentum, and I daresay many Canadians who never thought about this issue before are giving it the due consideration it deserves. And of those, the vast majority have had their noses rubbed in Johnny Pee's insulting rhetoric and decided, if only to teach his paymaster a lesson, to support us morally. I expect that the ratio of LTE's up there will be 2 to 1 in our favor from now on. Now is the time to hammer home on as many fronts as possible, the origins and costs of antis waging this war on us all, not just cannabists, but everyday people who have to pay for the whole nine yards of prohibition.I'm not crestfallen, I am jubilant. Because I'd love to have been a fly on the wall at DEA HQ as well as the other cancerous growths on the American body politic when they heard this. The bellowing must have been heard for miles, and the heat from the steam pouring out of their ears must have been picked up from orbiting weather satellites. They know what this means. They feel it zeroing in on their necks, right now, but would never admit it. They smell it's breath. It's called eventual, ignominious DEFEAT.
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Comment #2 posted by Dave in Florida on October 07, 2003 at 16:18:12 PT
It's the money
that the would be lost by the drug companies, the beer companies, the prisons, police, prosocuters. What gets me is , what is wrong with a recreational drug? The pill companies should make one or two. A pill for fun.. Wait, we have those now. I get spam all the time for them..
Here is another article about the money..
The Sarasota Connection
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on October 07, 2003 at 15:11:41 PT
Just a Comment
I've waited all day to make a serious comment on the ruling. I wanted to think about it for a while. I know those who want total legalization are disappointed and I'm one of those people but I am happy for the medical patients. I've always said that a medical patients needs come before my wants. I can visualize the most remarkable plants being grown by those who are familiar with growing and know what to do and how to do it. The government lacked one major ingredient when it tried to grow and that is heart. The patients will grow with loving care and compassion and Canada will have excellent medical Cannabis for those who need it and that makes me happy.
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