I Have Seen The Future, And It Is Smoky 

I Have Seen The Future, And It Is Smoky 
Posted by CN Staff on September 30, 2003 at 10:56:29 PT
By Michael Gregory, Staff Writer
Source: Vanguard
First of all, let me start this column by urging readers that if they have any marijuana in their possession, THIS IS AN ILLEGAL SUBSTANCE! Please bring all of the substance to the offices of The Vanguard immediately. We will handle it from there.As the debate for the legalization of marijuana continues, we here at The Vanguard have been studying the topic quite intensely in recent weeks to keep you, the reader, informed. Here are some interesting facts regarding the legalization of the substance (which you better hurry up and bring in, because they're watching you!).
If marijuana were legalized, the headlines the following morning would read:"Interstate speeds reduced to 15 mph.""'Fridays deemed National Wake and Bake day!' announces an ecstatic President Chong.""Cypress Hill no longer regarded as cool, edgy."What a world that would be. There are some other advantages. Consider:If marijuana were legal, you wouldn't have to get high with the guy you bought your bag from anymore! If marijuana were legal, the word Bogart would go back to having only one meaning. At long last, oregano reserves would be at full strength. No more unexpected visits from Stacy Keach. Imagine a world where the head shop is the center of town instead of the strip joint. That's a better America!If marijuana were legal, we'd be that much closer to finally legalizing cocaine and heroin. If marijuana were legal, hemp would replace the material that rope is made out of. I knew what rope was made out of, like, five minutes ago, but I forgot. Nevertheless, our country would actually be stronger due to these "dope ropes." Ah, the Thai sticks that bind.If marijuana were legal, that would be soooo cooool. If marijuana were legal, this column would be entertaining! We could build stuff out of it. Could you imagine a house made out of pot? WHOOOOOAAAA.Speaking of whoa, Keanu Reeves would suddenly have all the answers (except for that bus movie. All the dope in the world ain't' gonna help you with that one). But sadly, dudes, it ain't happenin'. Why? Well, I hate to bring you down, but --Your government will never let it happen. Not now, not in a thousand years, not ever. Why not, you ask? Well, puff, puff, pass and I'll tell you. There's too much money at stake for them to just legalize the stuff and tax it. The debate about whether the substance is bad for you, worse for you than tobacco, addictive, whatever-those make for great headlines. But I can assure you, the reason marijuana isn't legal is not because it's bad for you. This is the same government that allows fast food restaurants to put known addictive chemicals in their food, making us an obese, dependent nation. Why? There's money in it for them. This is the same nation that allows tobacco and alcohol to be legal, only to tax the #$ * out of them, even though they're bad for you. Why? Check your pockets again for that answer, Ahab. "Dude, so you're telling me my government doesn't have my best interest at heart? They aren't concerned about my well-being, just the bottom line?" I know anti-government railings in a student newspaper will come as a shock to you, but put down the hookah, and smell the coffee (also addictive, also legal, also taxed). Your government is a business, just like anything else. You are their commodity. You don't actually think you have a say in anything, do you? Do you own an oil company? Do you pump billions into politicians' pockets so the politicians will make it legal for others to pump billions into your own pockets? Well, if you do, smoke up Johnny, because the Feds aren't going to do anything to you. But if you are some college schmo with a bag of weed on a Friday night, there's a lot of money to be made from you. Why? There are thousands like you across the country. Millions of prisoners in the United States are behind bars for marijuana offenses. That keeps a lot of jokers employed, from Joe Cop to Joe Guard, to Joe Parole Officer, to Joe Counselor, to Joe Judge, to Joe Lawyer, Joe Lawyer's secretary, Joe Lawyer's dealer, etc. There is too much at risk for too many people to make marijuana legal. Plus, your government is not in the habit of admitting they are wrong, especially not in a day and age where the media floods the airwaves with the minutest offense. The current policies will remain because nobody wants to be "that guy." "That guy" who allowed this horrible monster drug that is corrupting our children and destroying our communities to infiltrate every single household in America. This is a strong nation, where everyone has a say because everyone, no matter how small the voice, is a part of this great nation that is united to justice, peace, prosperity, and making our world the best it can be, for every American, for every Mom and Dad, and for every girl and boy.With all that is legal, it's crazy that marijuana isn't. But just remember-your government knows what's best for you, and it will continue to make your life as safe as it can possibly be, now and forever. No wonder folks get high. Gotta go, another freshmen just came in to turn over his stash! Note: Student asks, what would the country be like if marijuana were legal? Source: Vanguard, The (AL Edu)Author: Michael Gregory, Staff WriterPublished: September 29, 2003 Copyright: 2003 USA VanguardWebsite: vanlandingham usavanguard.comRelated Articles:Legalize It! - Vanguard Debate is Pointless, Boring and Unending 
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Comment #3 posted by ryno35 on October 01, 2003 at 07:07:57 PT:
Fun to read
Although entertaining what Mr. Gregory gets wrong here is the government is elected by the people. We elect the folks that run and staff the government. When enough minds change and realize that prohibition is a failed idea that cannot work and is wrong, the voters will put people in power to change the laws. It will happen if the people want it to happen. Unfortunalty not enought people agree with us right now.It's also wrong to suggest that you have to have power and money to be an influence on the system. That's simply not true. Having ingenuity and a good work ethic one person can make a hugh difference.
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Comment #2 posted by Rev Jonathan Adler on September 30, 2003 at 22:04:12 PT:
Let's Get Serious!
Let's get serious for a minute. Marijuana is legal now in 9 states for medical use and there are literally thousands registered in each of those states. No ill effects of this "legalization" have been reported because there are none.
Patients in those states, for the most part are cultivating their own or getting it from some sort of dispensary. Crime is drastically reduced and commerce is created. The scare tactics and dark humor of some indicate their lack of awareness and education on this subject. Cheech and Chong did more to discredit us serious cultivators than any other drug policy warrior by making us look stupid and foolish, when in fact we are learned and consistantly adhere to all laws and federal acts regarding cannabis. Learn from the past and don't repeat the mistakes that brought the world's most important plant to it's knees for the last 75 years.
Legalize it. Peace.
Hawaii Medical Marijuana Institute
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Comment #1 posted by ErikGhint on September 30, 2003 at 14:35:59 PT
tsk tsk
None of these articles ever realize that the main reason cannabis became illeagle in the first place was because of its industrial uses. We used to be able to grow our on clothes and textiles, grow our own paper, and self medicate. Additionally, just a few years before cannabis became illeagle (coincidence? I think not!) their was a great discovery which could have complelty changed the world, that being Biomass energy which could be extracted through the stalk of the cannabis plant. By making cannabis illeagle, we can know longer grow our own clothing, textiles, paper, medicine, oils, hempseed, and much more, virtually free of charge, we now must BUY the less efficient replacements off of others. Welcome to capitalism.
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