Maury Mason at Zencentral Says Please Help Renee!

Maury Mason at Zencentral Says Please Help Renee!
Posted by FoM on June 22, 1999 at 08:45:47 PT
A Chance for Change!
Source: Renee Boje's Web Site
A CHANCE FOR CHANGEI believe the best opportunity to date to take a giant leap forward in the movement towards an end to prohibition of marijuana and hemp has arrived.
I was the director of Media and Public Relations for Greenpeace Canada twenty years ago and President of Earth Day International in the early nineties. I am currently bearing witness to Renee Boje's ordeal with extradition to the USA and application for refugee status in Canada relating to her arrest with Todd McCormick for growing medicinal marijuana in California. For the past five months I have helped Renee in her efforts to prepare for her defense. The authorities have taken all her ID and forbid her to work and make money. If I could pay her legal bills as well, I would. Instead, I am helping her raise money for her Legal Defense Fund.She has done a great job of spreading the word about her facing a mandatory 10 years to life in prison and the frightening treatment she can expect to receive according to recent Amnesty International study of women in US prisons. We are now changing the focus of her public appeal from a victim of the War on Drugs to being a pivotal player in the movement to end prohibition.It is too difficult and unproductive to play defense all the time. We need to take every chance to score goals if we are ever going to win. The net will be open on this one for only four months.I am convinced that the most important drug case in US history will take place in Canada on November 1st.The Renee Boje extradition trial and Refugee hearing are extremely important landmark cases. If won, the War on Drugs and especially the prohibition of marijuana must end. Canada can show the US that a new era of morality is upon us and that their policies about marijuana and hemp areinconsistent with the mountain of evidence to the contrary that will be presented at both these court events. is already on the verge of going beyond the Netherlands as an enlightened nation in terms of recognizing that marijuana is not harmful and is in fact an extremely beneficial commodity.It will be very difficult for the US policy makers to do a dramatic about turn. Admitting they were wrong would launch a flood of litigation from those current and past convicted marijuana users. Those who paid fines, had property confiscated and lost income through incarceration will attempt be paid back with compensation. Over two million plaintiffs translates into $1 billion for every $500 spent or awarded. The financial costs and preoccupation of the courts would be a serious blow to the country.This is why Renee Boje's case is important.If the pressure to change comes from the international community, the policy makers can blame someone else for forcing the changes to their policy.They will do it to stop the exodus of people from the US to Canada much like the way Nixon pardoned the draft dodgers, deserters and conscientious objectors to the Vietnam War. There were too many bright and decent people fleeing to Canada and the US wanted them back. Some of the most progressive communities in Canada are the result of American influences during the influx of peaceful beautiful people settling in the sixties and seventies. Many have created such an ideal lifestyle for themselves they chose to stay with their families and communities.In short, if Renee wins just one of her cases, everything changes. A safe haven for those facing prosecution will exist in Canada and the US must face the fact that their closest neighbor and staunchest ally is holding a mirror up to the US Drug policy makers. The message will be clear "What you are doing to your citizens is wrong and we in Canada cannot allow you to persecute those seeking refuge here." This will be an excruciating blow to the collective pride of the DEA and anyone else who is either spreading or believing the lie about marijuana. They are trying very hard to pressure Canadian politicians and spending a lot of money in the process.Renee's lawyers say only two things are required to win this case, a very high public profile and enough money to fly, feed, accommodate and pay some of the several expert witness from over the world to testify for a week in both the extradition trial and refugee hearing. They estimate all the cost will be about $250,000. Double that if it goes to the Supreme Court. A real bargain compared to the billions of taxpayers money wasted each year on enforcement, the courts, and prisons.It is estimated that sixty million North Americans partake in marijuana on a casual or regular basis. Here is a chance for them to actively participate in changing US drug policy and decriminalizing themselves.Please spread the word through email, voice and media and visit her web site for updates and background information: after such a long time how the Berlin Wall suddenly came down and after 26 years in prison, Nelson Mandella was freed and became President of South Africa. We have the same kind of opportunity here to make some rapid change. We just need a lot of people with a vested interest in a positive outcome to do a bit of work by talking, sending the message out and mailing in a bit of cash to:Renee Boje Legal Defense FundP.O. Box 35, GibsonsBritish Columbia, Canada V0N 1V0Money + public opinion + political pressure = FreedomYours in Service to the Earth,Maury MasonZencentral
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