Activist Targets Medical Pot Bill 

Activist Targets Medical Pot Bill 
Posted by CN Staff on April 15, 2003 at 23:13:55 PT
By Vaishali Honawa, The Washington Times
Source: Washington Times 
An oversized American flag hangs outside the door of Joyce Nalepka's home, next to a yellow ribbon wrapped around a tree. Inside, on her computer, she is fighting a war against the decriminalization of medical marijuana in Maryland.   For the last 25 years, the Silver Spring grandmother has led parents around the state and country in opposition to the legalization of drugs. Now, she is trying to get the message across to Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., who has the final say in whether criminal penalties for using medical marijuana will be reduced in Maryland.
Mrs. Nalepka said her repeated attempts to contact Mr. Ehrlich to schedule a meeting with him on the dangers of marijuana have gone unanswered. She's placed numerous phone calls and has written four letters since he took office in January.   "You cannot legalize marijuana and say you are working for drug prevention," she said, referring to Mr. Ehrlich's campaign promise to fight drugs. "We are hoping to pressure him to veto the bill."   During the General Assembly session that ended last week, Mrs. Nalepka, who refuses to reveal her age, was a common sight in Annapolis as she rushed to committee meetings to testify and quizzed proponents about their support for the bill.   Mr. Ehrlich, who has said he supports the concept of medical marijuana, has not yet decided whether to sign the bill, which lawmakers passed during the session. The bill would reduce penalties for possession for medical reasons to a $100 fine and no jail time. The current penalty is up to a year in prison and a $1,000 fine.   A spokesman said Mr. Ehrlich, a Republican, has discussed the issue with everyone, including the Bush administration. "The governor has met personally with both proponents and opponents of the bill and will make a decision based on that," said Ehrlich spokesman Henry Fawell.   In an April 5 letter to the governor's adviser Martin Madden, Mrs. Nalepka wrote about her refusal to give up on trying to talk to the governor. "I still intend to pursue the avenue of a debate with the governor. If he has the facts, let's hear them from him," she wrote.   A cheerful woman with a gently lined face and a precise blond bob, Mrs. Nalepka was at the forefront of a fight to keep Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, from legalizing marijuana in the late 1970s.   Mr. Kennedy wanted to legalize possession of 3 ounces of marijuana. So, Mrs. Nalepka and her group, then called the Interstate Movement of Moms and Dads against Decriminalization of Dangerous Drugs, filled 1-ounce jars with parsley and handed them out to lawmakers on Capitol Hill so they could see how much 3 ounces was. The measure failed.   Her motivation to fight drugs came after she found out that her children's baby sitter was using them. She said she kept the lines of communication open with her two children and created such disdain for drugs in her household that her children never thought about using them.   Not all in her group, now called Drug Free Kids, are that lucky. Some group members, who jokingly call themselves GWACS or, Grandparents With A Computer, have lost their children to drugs.   The numbers roll off Mrs. Nalepka's tongue as she stresses the dangers of drugs: Last year, a University of Maryland study found that nearly 47 percent of 12th-graders said they had smoked marijuana.   Two years ago, the Supreme Court ruled that medical marijuana distributors cannot offer a "medical necessity" defense in federal court.   But proponents of medical marijuana argue the bill is a blessing, saying it can greatly reduce the suffering of HIV/AIDS and cancer patients.   "It is a meaningful step forward because it keeps seriously ill people out of jail," said Bruce Mirken of the District-based Marijuana Policy Project. He said the Maryland bill did not, however, compare well with laws passed in eight other states legalizing marijuana.   Erin Hildebrandt, a mother of five from Washington County, said she has suffered from debilitating pains from Crohn's disease for years and has days when she cannot get out of bed. She said she used marijuana and found that she could lead a life free of pain. But she gave up after a while because of the repercussions of the law.   "We need to protect the weak and the vulnerable," she said. "Putting someone like me in jail is just ridiculous."Source: Washington Times (DC)Author: Vaishali Honawa, The Washington TimesPublished: April 16, 2003Copyright: 2003 News World Communications, Inc. Website: letters washingtontimes.comRelated Articles & Web Site:Marijuana Policy Project Up To Bullies Approves Medical Marijuana Bill of Medical Pot Bill Urged
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Comment #12 posted by Richard Paul Zuckerm on April 17, 2003 at 07:57:16 PT:
Would the old lady continue her crusade against medical marijuana if she knew the history of the laws against Marihuana? Anybody would overrule her objection to the medical marihuana laws after reading the Web article entitled SHADOW OF THE SWASTIKA, 
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Comment #11 posted by Lehder on April 16, 2003 at 20:23:24 PT
hi, Joyce
our bookmark: is no point to debating Joyce, for her Tourette-like outpourings of bigotry and
   condemnation are hardly invitations to investigate or discuss, but are cries for help from
   the desperate and deeply wounded ego of a mother who blames herself for the worst
   tragedy a mother can suffer.   I would not "debate" Joyce any more than I would relentlessly goad her with a sharp
   stick. I wish you well, Joyce. I suggest that you seek therapy and I urge my fellow
   reformers to be kind to you and not attempt to debate you. You are quite insane.
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Comment #10 posted by afterburner on April 16, 2003 at 20:16:34 PT:
Pity the prohibitionists...
Anger is their only friend.Mau Mau (Amerikon) 
by Paul Kantner, Grace Slick, Joey Covington "Hide witch hide -
The good folks come to burn thee -
Their keen enjoyment hid behind -
A gothic mask of duty"c. 1970 god tunes The annotated Mau Mau (Amerikon)
ego destruction or ego transcendence, that is the question.
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Comment #9 posted by JSM on April 16, 2003 at 19:30:14 PT
Letter to the editor
Following is a copy of my letter to the Washington Times. I doubt that it will be printed, but that is no matter.Editor 
The Washington TimesSir:I read with amazement and curiosity your article on Joyce Nalepka on April 15, 2003. Like most prohibitionists her primary point seemingly was that if cannabis is available for medical usage then we are sending the wrong message to our children. That is a very interesting point in light of the message prohibitionists are sending. For simplicity sake, let’s just list those here:1.	Hypocrisy is ok. Why is alcohol, a poison that can easily kill, encouraged – i.e., ads on Super Bowl Sunday and other sporting events saying drink the beer and get the “knock out” female – and tobacco use tolerated when between the two of them about 500,000 people in the United States die annually from their use. How many die from cannabis usage? None.2.	Lying is good for you. Prohibitionists can never talk about cannabis on its own without lumping it with other illegal Schedule I drugs. The message is that cannabis is every bit as dangerous as heroin, cocaine, LSD, and so on. What happens when the kids, the almost 50% of high school seniors who will try cannabis at one time or another, discover that particular lie?  Can anyone else see that it just might lead to distrust of the government?3.	Suffering is fun. It is a fact, see the government study by the Institute of Medicine a couple of years ago, that cannabis can help alleviate pain, help stimulate appetite, help with sleeping, as well as provide a general sense of well-being for those who suffer from Cancer, Multiple Scerlious, Aids, and various other diseases and aliments. But, do we want to make this low cost medicine available? Of course not, it is much better to take opiates and other overly priced medicines that are extremely dangerous than use a substance that has harmed no one and can offer serious relief.4.	 The Bill of Rights is out of date and should be trashed. Look at how our courts and elected representatives have shredded the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in order to regulate and change human behavior for this particular moral crusade. Yes, friends we should follow the lead of communist Cuba and their example in stopping cannabis. Or is it that they are following our lead? No matter, as the result is the same: Freedom, liberty, and individual choice by adults can not be trusted. 
5.	Prison is good for you and certainly for society. Our beloved country has more people in prison than any other country in the world. Western Europe with twice the population has less than half the number of inmates. One can only wonder what those people are going to do when released as well as the impact on the taxpayer to support them in the meantime. And, by the way, was it mentioned that cannabis usage will get you more prison time that murder, robbery, and various other violent crimes? 
6. Emotional knee jerk reaction is far better than scientific study. Our politicians have made it a practice to ignore the findings of their own commissions, the Institute of Medicine as well as the Shaffer Report in the early 70’s, and to act purely on negative emotions and ignorance for drug policy. Cannabis prohibition was birthed with lies and is sustained by lies.These are the real messages prohibitionists are sending our children. Is it any wonder then that our “drug problem” is as bad as it is? Honestly, does anyone actually think that the prohibitionists want to solve this problem? Of course not as prohibitionists, politicians, and the government simply love this policy – it gives them police power over the states and individual citizens in ways that could never be achieved in any other manner. And that is what prohibition is really about. 
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Comment #8 posted by FoM on April 16, 2003 at 18:29:49 PT
Just a Comment
Today I was mowing and I started thinking about my life. I thought how things happen in our lives and that directs our destiny. Joyce started fighting cannabis a long time ago and has directed her destiny and I wonder if she will ever see the error she has made. Jailing people for enjoying a medicinal plant will be recorded in history as one of the largest failures ever. I've made mistakes in my life but I try hard not to make similar mistakes. I am not angry with her but I feel sorry for her. It must be a miserable way of thinking day after day. 
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Comment #7 posted by freedom fighter on April 16, 2003 at 18:21:01 PT
irritating but quite dangerous
Maybe like a tick.. Rocky Mtn ticks can be very dangerous. I likend Joyce to this parasite. It is of my fond hope, joyciee, that you will not ever have this chance to debate with the Gov. And he will sign it..Payback is very sweet...oh the wailings of a fallen witchhunter!pazff
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Comment #6 posted by malleus2 on April 16, 2003 at 17:42:43 PT
The difference between communication and 
propaganada has more than just content. There's direction as well. The latter is always one-sided.Or perhaps I should say, one-dimensional.I've been doing some research...and also checked out previous referrences to Ms. Nalepka's appearences here at CanNews. That she never seemed able to debate anyone became clear within minutes.There used to be a phrase: One-Note Charley or something along those lines. In entertainment circles, I believe it's called a schtick. A routine. Ms. Nalepka's schtick seems to be the "Grandmother" routine. Like many comics, I believe it can be said that she relies upon her cache in anti-drug circles as a "professional Grandmother", purporting to represent the "if I read it in Reader's Digest, it has to be true." crowd.When melodrama is required at hearings - hearings where the opposition is given short shrift and is often hectored mercilessly from professional politicians seeking to score points knocking the evil druggies - Ms. Nalepka always seems to be present to give the same, rather tired old speeches as if she were the ONLY Grandmother in existence.She may be able to roll (false or questionable) statistics off her tongue...but then, so can a parrot. And I ascribe as much gravitas to her words as I would to that of the parrot.On second thought, I take that back; a parrot is generally amusing...and I've known a few very smart African Gray parrots. Nalepka is merely irritating.
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Comment #5 posted by mayan on April 16, 2003 at 17:08:42 PT
Don't expect Joyce to show up. Every time she has reared her ugly head she has been debated under the table. She may show up with a hit and run comment, but don't expect a debate...she just can't beat the truth. Prove me wrong, Joyce.
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Comment #4 posted by BGreen on April 16, 2003 at 09:55:43 PT
Joyce Friend-Nalepka, No Real Friend Of Truth
(Joyce Friend-Nalepka is the legal name used during her failed attempt to run for the u.s. senate in 1992. She was defeated in the primary which proves the people of Maryland are much smarter than Joyce gives them credit for.)Joyce has been lying about this subject since the 70's. Since that's my generation I would be happy to take Gov. Ehrlichs' place in this debate/meeting with Joyce.Let's look at a few facts:1. Wernard Bruining and others opened the "Mellow Yellow" Coffeeshop in Amsterdam in 1972. The "Bulldog" and "Rusland" both opened in 1975. There are several hundred coffeeshops now in operation across the Netherlands. Cannabis pipes and bongs are found in almost every tourist shop.2. Dutch kids use far less cannabis than amerikan kids, and hard drug use among Dutch kids is nearly non-existant.3. Consider this March, 2001 press release from High Point University in North Carolina, "Education Professor Part of North Carolina Delegation Studying Schools in the Netherlands:""This year, we are focusing on math and science because our country's young people historically rank far behind young people in countries like The Netherlands on international comparison tests," Dornan said. "We want to find out what we can learn from how The Netherlands prepares its teachers and how their teaching approaches differ from those we use in North Carolina. Hopefully, those lessons can translate into stronger programs within North Carolina."4. Kids can legally drink beer and wine at age 16 in the Netherlands. Binge drinking and subsequent deaths are, like hard drug use, nearly non-existant among kids when compared with the police states.Now, Joyce, can you say that ANY portion of our life is better now than in the late 70's? Are we safer? More free? Are kids smarter? Better behaved?In other words, Joyce, the Netherlands has prospered and maintained a high level of security and freedom. The police states of amerika has turned into the old soviet union with more people in jail than ANY COUNTRY IN THE WORLD!After 25 years of obvious failure and the suffering you've caused, Joyce, why do you continue this deception?While we're at it, why don't you debate Dr. Russo or somebody as knowledgable as him, instead of threatening and harassing politicians?The peaceful, sorrowful Rev. Bud Green
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Comment #3 posted by Sam Adams on April 16, 2003 at 08:58:48 PT
dreaming of a different world
More discussion of cannabis prohibition as if it's some philosophical question, or religious belief.  When will the media start evaluating the IMPACT of these views? As the REAL WORLD that we all actually have to live in?For instance, is this too much to ask...."When Ted Kennedy proposed decriminalizing 3 ounces of marijuana, Ms. Napelka was instrumental in leading parents groups in successful opposition to legalization. The rest, as they say, is history. Federal and state governments went on to arrest 14 million marijuana smokers over the next 25 years."Am I asking too much?
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Comment #2 posted by The GCW on April 16, 2003 at 08:06:16 PT
Joyce, Joyce, Joyce...
Joyce's quoted lie: "You cannot legalize marijuana and say you are working for drug prevention," she said, The GCW says: It is easy to separate the 2: cannabis and drugs...One is a plant, made by God and not meant to be refered to as "drug".The other is a substance made by man. Citizens can work toward drug prevention and simultaneously work toward ending the caging of humans for using a plant.  THEY ARE SEPARATE ISSUES.Joyce is working toward evil and must be looked at through the Holy Spirit of Truth.Romans. 12:9, Dedicated Service(:1-21) ”9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.” (We know cannabis is good from the very 1st page of the Bible, and We know that if We abhor what is evil, that We abhor the persecution and prohibition of Cannabis). What this means is that We should not trust people that cage humans for using a plant. 
“Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good.” It indictes to Me that where there is a Christian that supports caging the temple of God (people), for using plants that God gave to Us and said were good on the very 1st page of the Bible, there is hypocrisy.We have 2 different examples facing this issue: One is people using cannabis and second, people caging those cannabis users, (ask Yourself:) WHICH IS EVIL AND WHICH IS GOOD?Eph. 4:23 and that you be renewed (?by smoking kaneh bosm / cannabis?) in the spirit of your mind, Eph. 4:30 says do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God... Eph. 4:27; says do not give the devil an oppertunityRomans. 12:1-2, Dedicated Service(:1-21)1 Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice (kaneh bosm IS A LIVING and holy Sacrifice), acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed (by smoking kaneh bosm / cannabis with thanksgiving and prayer)by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is that which is good and acceptable and perfect. Cannabis is part of God's will, and must be considered Biblically "good and acceptable and perfect".Consider what freed7 has to say at Christian's for Cannabis's forum (dated April 9, 2003). for some interesting account of kaneh bosm / cannabis and the Hebrew translations of Romans. 12:1-2, & Eph. 4:23 along with others.You will be enlightened.AGAIN as freed7 explains: Romans. 12:1-2, do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, As a Christian, wishing to obey Christ God Our Father, through the Holy Spirit of Truth, I warn YOu, to realize when people say that not all of the green plants are good and that You should be caged for using this perticular superplant, then You are hearing the "self-condemned" speak in the flesh. Knowing the status of the "self-condemned" and the "deluding influence" is a protective gift from Our Father as described Biblically, as exampled in: Titus 3:11 subtitled (in the New American Standard Virstion): Godly Living & alos in 2 Thessalonians 2:11-12, (subtitled Man of Lawlessness. 2 Thes. 2:11-12; 11  For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, 
12  in order that they all may be judged who did not believe the truth, but took pleasure in wickedness. And just for reference:1 Timothy 4:1-5Apostasy1  But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, 
2  by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, 
3  men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. 
4  For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with gratitude; 
5  for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayerLove,If You get high, get high with the Most High.Thank Our Father for Your food. Ask Him to forgive You for Your sins. Ask Him to show You the Truth as He wishes for You to know it. Ask so as to show others, still. Ask for Our Father to help You know Him as He wishes for You to know Him.He will.The Green Collar Worker
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Comment #1 posted by WolfgangWylde on April 16, 2003 at 07:48:46 PT
Dear Sweet Jesus...
...this bill does not "legalize marijuana", it only decriminalizes possession for medical purposes. Heck, it would be the same penatly ($100 fine) that my state has had for ANY possession since the 70's. 
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