Maryland's Marijuana Legalization Bid 

Maryland's Marijuana Legalization Bid 
Posted by CN Staff on April 01, 2003 at 09:35:59 PT
Letter To The Editor by Joyce Nalepka
Source: Washington Times 
Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) spokesman Bruce Mirken's letter responding to White House drug czar John P. Walters' good efforts to oppose medical marijuana deserves much clarification ("Marijuana morality," Wednesday).First, Mr. Mirken tries to claim that science is on his side by citing a few organizations and publications that he says have expressed support for "medical excuse marijuana."
He, of course, neglects to tell readers that the most prestigious medical organizations in this country — including the American Medical Association, American Cancer Society, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the American Glaucoma Association and the National Eye Institute, plus the United Nations — are all adamantly opposed to smoking pot as medicine. No wonder he must resort to referring to well-known legalization advocate Dr. Jocelyn Elders to boost his argument. For the sick, there are many other medications that do a much better job at relieving symptoms than marijuana. If this weren't the case, we would hear an outcry from the medical community to legalize the medicinal use of the drug. But no outcry exists, except among drug legalization advocates.Additionally, he tries to bolster his cause of legalizing drugs by claiming that the National Academy of Sciences' Institute of Medicine Report actually supported medical marijuana initiatives, such as the one just passed in Maryland. Of course it does not, since the report specifically states that "because of the health risks associated with smoking, smoked marijuana should not be recommended for medical use." Clinical trials to determine the efficacy of single marijuana compounds is one thing, but widespread marijuana availability under the guise of "medicine" is quite another.Shame on the MPP, whose sole stated aim is to legalize marijuana outright, for perpetrating lies and asking that the scientific process for determining safety and efficacy of a medicine be circumvented in the name of a larger political agenda. The Food and Drug Administration is the only agency that can approve drugs.Recently, MPP published its seven-point list of goals for 2003. Because MPP is outraged that Mr. Walters is speaking out against marijuana legalization, MPP lists as its No. 1 goal, "Emasculate the drug czar."Joyce NalepkaPresidentDrug-Free Kids: America's ChallengeSilver SpringSource: Washington Times (DC)Author: Joyce NalepkaPublished: April 01, 2003Copyright: 2003 News World Communications, Inc. Website: letters washingtontimes.comRelated Articles & Web Site:Marijuana Policy Project of Medical Pot Bill Urged Morality - Bruce Mirken -- MPP Czar Calls Marijuana Bill Immoral
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Comment #12 posted by SoberStoner on April 02, 2003 at 19:16:01 PT
Here's mine, let's see if they publish it
I recently read Joyce Nalepka's letter about the recent passage in Maryland of a bill to lower penalties for people using cannabis for medical reasons. I am appalled at the inaccuracies and bald-faced lies that she presents as truth. For anyone who has followed the cannabis movement, Miss Nalepka's name is one that should ring of familiarity. She has made it her life's ambition to cage every single person that uses cannabis and subject them to brutal anal rapes and conditions that would have any animal rights activist up in arms if a cat or dog were treated similarly, over a plant. This must be the most evil plant in the world to subject these horrific punishments on another human being. In fact, in over five thousand years of use, not one person has died from a cannabis overdose. While no cannabis activist would claim the plant is completely harmless (indeed many preach a life of moderation and avoidance of the truly dangerous drugs, like alcohol or tobacco), why should someone who uses this plant to alleviate pain and suffering from cancer, AIDS or other illnesses be subjected to life in a cage? Have we become so enthralled by causing other people pain that we think this is a good thing? Is this compassion for your fellow man? Apparently being the Former United Stated Surgeon General does not qualify you as a person qualified to say something positive about medical uses of cannabis, at least, this is what Miss Nalepka would suggest by her attack on Dr. Elders. If medical cannabis is a lie and a hoax, as Miss Nalepka and the federal government would have you believe, why does Marinol exist? For people not familiar with Marinol, it is a cannabis extract, which is prescribed for medical purposes. Apparently, the natural form is evil and it's usage must be eradicated at all costs, but a pill which is far less effective for most patients and has an exorbitant cost attached to it is perfectly fine. In addition, Miss Nalepka apparently thinks that smoking is the only way to use cannabis, when this is patently false. A simple device called a vaporizer can provide the same effects without the user being subjected to the smoke that normal smoking causes.Miss Nalepka treats the word 'legalization' as if it is something to be feared, as if the entire world would explode should this plant become legal again. She seems to forget that cannabis was entirely legal and it's products were some of the main agricultural economic products of our country until the late 1930's. Her rhetoric is something I would have expected to hear from a prohibitionist supporter in the dark days of American history when gangsters ruled the street with tommy guns. Prohibition was wrong then and it is wrong now. Prohibition today causes billions of dollars to be lost by people sitting in cages instead of being productive members of society, let alone the costs of funding these prisons and the associated police and court costs associated with each person arrested and convicted of cannabis charges. If Maryland has such an enormous budget crisis, how can Miss Nalepka justify the financial costs, let alone the societal costs of tearing families apart...for a plant?I have a challenge to all who read this and question my words. Do not blindly believe what I say as fact. In this, the age of the internet and ready availability of information, research the facts of cannabis prohibition and answer them for yourself. The facts behind cannabis prohibition are shocking, shameful, and sickening. Miss Nalepka, I pity you. You seem to be trying so hard to do what you think is the right thing, yet you refuse to see what over 75% of other Americans see, that cannabis should be available for those that wish to use it for medical purposes. But you can rest easy, for when cannabis is legal again, we will try not to treat you as badly as you have treated us.
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Comment #11 posted by AlvinCool on April 01, 2003 at 15:23:46 PT
Just another LTE
Joyce Nalepka states that the most prestigious medical organizations in this country ? including the American Medical Association, American Cancer Society, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the American Glaucoma Association and the National Eye Institute, plus the United Nations ? are all adamantly opposed to smoking pot as medicine. That of course is true. Her misleading statements are one of the things we pity the poor anti marijuana groups for. These institutes do not oppose the use of marijuana for treatment, they just oppose the smoking of marijuana. Vaporization is quite acceptable and never mentioned, and certainly not an option you will ever hear from an anti. They are wrong, losing ground and we will never concede.However even if Joyce was right, it doesn't justify having someone wretch their guts out and drown in their own vomit.
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Comment #10 posted by afterburner on April 01, 2003 at 14:42:27 PT:
Re : JR's LTE
Ever since the 1970s, the federal government - yes, our federal government - has been growing marijuana, rolling it into cigarette form, and distributing it to severely ill people who applied to the program. They quickly stopped accepting new patients, of course. But there are still seven people in the United States who legally recieve 300 marijuana cigarettes each month from the federal government for their various medical conditions. The federal government, which claims that cannabis is not a medicine, distributes 300 "marijuana cigarettes" to 7 medical patients.Other opponents argue that the 85 grams of marijuana that would be legal under the initiative is not a "small amount" at all. To prove it, Ms. Heverly and a group of companions -- most of them middle-aged suburban women -- spent hours rolling joints from parsley flakes, which they say are similar in weight and mass to marijuana. They got 255 joints. Ms. Heverly totes them to speeches and meetings in a plastic baggie as a prop.Nevada Pushes Next Frontier: Legalizing Pot 255 joints from a test rolling in pre-legalization Nevada: clearly that is not enough cannabis to meet federal medical cannabis standards, that is 300, according to the Compassionate Investigative New Drug Program. BTW the so-called compassionate conservatives suspended membership in this program. Maybe they should arrest themselves.ego destruction or ego transcendence, that is the question.
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Comment #9 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on April 01, 2003 at 13:52:19 PT
Sirs,  The one fatal flaw to Joyce Nalepka's stance against what she terms "medical excuse marijuana" is the Compassionate Investigative New Drug Program. Ever since the 1970s, the federal government - yes, our federal government - has been growing marijuana, rolling it into cigarette form, and distributing it to severely ill people who applied to the program. They quickly stopped accepting new patients, of course. But there are still seven people in the United States who legally recieve 300 marijuana cigarettes each month from the federal government for their various medical conditions. Any one of them could win a debate with Joyce Nalepka.
Elvy Musikka interview
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Comment #8 posted by i420 on April 01, 2003 at 13:25:57 PT
Outcrie for gods sake did public outcry stop the war on iraq??? THE AMERICAN PEOPLE LIVE IN FEAR OF THE GOVERNMENT.
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Comment #7 posted by observer on April 01, 2003 at 12:23:48 PT
drugwar propaganda , 100%
content analysis - themes2. The drug is identified as solely responsible for many problems in the culture, i.e., crime, violence, and insanity. asserted: $propaganda_theme2 at 100% ("health risks" "Cancer"), 2 hits3. The survival of the culture is pictured as being dependent on the prohibition of the drug. asserted: $propaganda_theme3 at 55% ("Society" "community" "American" "America's"), 7 hits4. The concept of "controlled" usage is destroyed and replaced by a "domino [gateway] theory" of chemical progression. [Use equated with abuse.] asserted: $propaganda_theme4 at 100% ("use of the drug"), 1 hits5. The drug is associated with the corruption of young children, particularly their sexual corruption. asserted: $propaganda_theme5 at 60% ("Kids"), 1 hits7. Policy options are presented as total prohibition or total access. asserted: $propaganda_theme7 at 100% ("Drug-Free" "legalization" "legalize" "legalizing" $legalization), 7 hits8. Anyone questioning any of the above assumptions is bitterly attacked and characterized as part of the problem that needs to be eliminated. asserted: $propaganda_theme8 at 100% ("drug legalization advocates" "medical excuse marijuana"), 2 hits
 conclusion asserted: $drugwar_propaganda at 100% ($propaganda_theme2 $propaganda_theme3 $propaganda_theme4 $propaganda_theme5 $propaganda_theme7 $propaganda_theme8)---themes explained here: drug news examined by robot here:
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Comment #6 posted by FoM on April 01, 2003 at 12:15:16 PT
My Feelings
I hesitate to say anything but I'll try. I don't know if Joyce understands that by being so hostile towards an ancient medicinal plant that she is contributing to people being locked away behind bars. Children shouldn't be used as an argument against reform. Children shouldn't do drugs and parents need to know their children and guide them. Punishing adults is the issue and in the case in Maryland it's punishing seriously ill folks. That is wrong. 
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Comment #5 posted by billos on April 01, 2003 at 11:41:48 PT:
Joyce Nalepka
She's just pissed off because she's been barefoot and pregnant all her life.
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Comment #4 posted by 420toker on April 01, 2003 at 11:39:58 PT
How can this be
Your last resort was the former Surgeon General of the United States? Perhaps the Washington Post should stop quoting Dr. C. Everett Koop for pediatric stuff Oh wait here is an article right nowDr. Koop testified that "[i]f tobacco suddenly were unavailable and was as expensive as heroin and cocaine, I think that you would find that the behavior of some tobacco addicts would be very much like the behavior of some addicts of heroin and cocaine."Because different drugs pose different risks, different responses are required. Harm reduction measures like methadone maintenance are proven health interventions for problem heroin users. However, such therapies have limited application for other drugs. Likewise, there is a strong case to be made for taxing and regulating the sale of marijuana, but the arguments that support such a shift, namely the need to separate the hard and soft drug markets, don’t lend themselves to drugs like cocaine. Regardless of the legal status of any given drug, harm reduction is the appropriate response.I realize that this seems a little unrelated but it just goes to show the arbitrary attack of a former Surgeon General whom deserves the respect of having attended that position. Her professional (worth far more to everyone)opinion has been discounted because she would like to see a change. So if you dont want to keep things just like they are then your opinion is not worth anything.
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Comment #3 posted by BGreen on April 01, 2003 at 11:14:53 PT
Joyce is a bitter old lying hag
She reads this site but she doesn't understand what she reads. She is bound for hell for her lies. The sick and suffering know she's lying. SHE knows she's lying.The issue is cannabis, NOT SMOKING. The laws don't specify smoking, eating or vaporizing.You're going down, Joyce, you liar. You've LOST!The peaceful, sorrowful Rev. Bud Green
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Comment #2 posted by ErikGhint on April 01, 2003 at 10:34:09 PT
Articles like these really piss me off!!
I get so angry reading this BS!"For the sick, there are many other medications that do a much better job at relieving symptoms than marijuana. If this weren't the case, we would hear an outcry from the medical community to legalize the medicinal use of the drug. But no outcry exists, except among drug legalization advocates."This is pure propaganda. How can they make a generalization like there is much better medications to relive a symptom then "marihuana". Furthermore there is a huge outcry to legalize it for medicinal uses. But by lying and saying their isnt the general public of course will believe this author.On a final note I am sick of the derogatory term marijuana being used all the time. It is cannabis for crying out loud!
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Comment #1 posted by 420toker on April 01, 2003 at 10:08:09 PT
No patients in the medical community
As a doctor is she not included in the medical community, are patients not included in the medical community? When doctors are regularly threatened with removal of their livlyhood or having the DEA investigate them or being ostricized by the local law enforcement. Can you blame many doctors from keeping quiet. It is no longer an argument as to weither or not Cannabis is detremental to your health when you are already dying, as per the report a few years back. The only thing the government is concerned about is keeping a firm grip on the great racket they have going.
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