Reefer Research 

Reefer Research 
Posted by CN Staff on March 25, 2003 at 13:22:23 PT
By Bianca Sind 
Source: Cannabis Culture
The Vancouver Island Compassion Club is doing more med-pot research than anyone else in North America.Philippe Lucas, founder of the Vancouver Island Compassion Society, is working on some exciting research into the effects of medicinal cannabis. In an exclusive interview with Cannabis Culture, Lucas explained that most studies into medical cannabis have been limited to research in test-tubes and on animals.
Lucas is working with medical cannabis clubs across Canada to find out more about the effects of marijuana, specifically looking to find how different strains of cannabis affect various ailments."It has long been known that certain strains are more effective in alleviating certain symptoms," explained Lucas. "A general rule of thumb is that Indicas, because of their more narcotic effect, are typically better at alleviating generalized pain than Sativas, which appear to be more effective in treating dystonic movement disorders such as MS or epilepsy."These different medical effects are due to the varying cannabinoid profiles of different strains. "Studies have shown that CBD is an effective anti-convulsant and anti-spasmatic," explained Lucas. "Therefore it has been suggested that true Sativas may typically be higher in CBD than their Indica cousins."The specific medical effects of a cannabis strain depend on more than just whether it is an Indica or Sativa. "There are numerous strains that appear particularly effective at treating certain symptoms," explained Lucas. "The White family, such as White Widow and White Rhino, are generally considered to be very good pain killers." Cannabis questionnaire Lucas approached Dr Mark Ware from McGill University's Pain Center to help him in his research. Dr Ware is a member of the Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids in Human Therapeutics, and is one of the world's foremost cannabis researchers. He is currently awaiting a shipment of cannabis from the US government, to begin one of two clinical cannabis studies approved and funded by Health Canada.Lucas approached Ware to get some help in developing a questionnaire which could be circulated among the clients of Canada's current med-pot compassion clubs. "By surveying the employees of these unique organizations," explained Lucas, "we hope to see if there is any strain/symptom consistency within the membership of Canadian clubs."Lucas explained that this is only the first stage in what will be a much more thorough investigation. "Should our analysis suggest that there is a positive correlation between certain medical conditions and certain cannabis varietals, this may posit a more specific investigation into the cannabinoid profile of these strains, as well as more specific clinical research into why one varietal might be more effective than another in treating specific symptoms."Lucas' survey has gone through preliminary approval with the McGill Board of Ethics, and should be underway this spring. Hepatitis research Lucas is also working other intriguing lines of research. He's begun working with Dr Diana Sylvestre of the University of California, San Francisco, to study how cannabis might increase the success of Interferon treatment for hepatitis-C in intravenous drug users. In a 2002 study, Dr Sylvestre discovered that her study subjects who were smoking pot had a much higher treatment success rate than the non-users.When Lucas heard of Sylvestre's research, he forwarded the results to Dr Ethan Russo, a neurobiologist who is editor of the Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics."Dr Russo suggested that the results may be the attributable to an immunological response," explained Lucas. "If we could prove that cannabis actually had a positive impact on the immune system , we could further defend and justify its medicinal use."Lucas is now working with Dr Sylvestre and the BC Compassion Club Society (BCCCS), to design an appropriate study. Together, VICS and the BCCCS provide medicine to about 500 patients with hepatitis-C. Lucas anticipates this study being concluded by the Spring."If the results of our study show that cannabis has a positive impact on hep-c treatment outcomes, it would not only seriously change the nature of hep-c treatment protocols, but also completely alter the US perception of cannabis as a drug of abuse with no medical value," claimed Lucas. "In other words, our hope is that this research may result in a change of our understanding of this medicinal herb, as well as in the laws currently prohibiting its use."The VICS plans to start up more studies over the next year, including double-blind studies to test specific strains against various symptoms."It is our goal to use our unique knowledge base and membership to oversee more medicinal cannabis research than any other government or private institution in North America," says Lucas."This information will not be the property of federal government or pharmaceutical interests; it will be made public so that we can all benefit from a further understanding of cannabis and its incredible medicinal properties."• Philippe Lucas is the founder and director of the Vancouver Island Compassion Society and Director of Communications for: He uses cannabis to alleviate the symptoms of his hepatitis-c.• Philippe Lucas: 250-884-9821 -- email:  plucas420 -- web:• Canadian Consortium for the Investigation of Cannabinoids in Human Therapeutics: tel: 902-473-6428 -- email:  ccicht -- web: Source: Cannabis Culture Author: Bianca Sind Published: March 21, 2003Copyright: 2003 Cannabis CultureContact: ccmag Website: DL: Articles & Web Site:Journal of Cannabis Therapeutics Book on Women and Cannabis Pioneer - Ethan Russo M.D. 
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Comment #5 posted by Lehder on March 25, 2003 at 21:46:40 PT
support our troops
Let us hope that our troops use some peaceable common sense and bring no harm upon themselves; that if captured they will not be confined to wire cages but magnanimously returned to their families by a tyrant craftier than our own.The U.S. has not convincingly won a war since 1945, has drawn a few and lost a few. This one, plotted and strategized by megalomaniacs could be as much a flop as the others. 'Our troops' are fighting people who are protecting their families and a culture they find precious, and who are profoundly offended by invasion. Many of 'our troops' were, by a plan, economically coerced into service and know that they're being screwed and manipulated, breathing steamed uranium while Bush and Perle and Cheney hog the glory and the plunder. I bet it's getting tough.Maybe my outlook would be better if I watched more TV. So I tried about 20 minutes of MacNeil-Lehrer, all I could stomach. There was Rumsfeld, unphased by the dissing of his home in Taos ( one of six residences with which he honors impoverished New Mexico ), pontificating that victory is "certain." I called the station to say that the war was somewhat interesting but that I'd like to see a little more action. Stuck in a sand storm? I threatened to change channels. And why do the TV sets show only white doughboys and no Brothers?Internet articles by experienced military men of the U.S. and Russia tell of the inadequacy of Bush's plan and the size and speed of his army. Halted by a sandstorm? Even I drove through Texas in a big dust storm. But more than the plan, it's the US itself, hobbled by obsession with bullshit and the bankruptcy of its cause, that is too weak to win a war, any war fought for third-rate big shots. A powerful country, commanded by confident, self-made dictators like Hitler or Stalin would have sent 500,000 soldiers, dropped nuclear bombs and finished the job months ago.It's going to be tough blaming a US humiliation on marijuana smokers and peaceniks this time. In fact, I have hopes that blame will be laid where it belongs and defeat will bring the collapse of Bush's government. It will have to be a big collapse because it's got to take out Cheney and Hastert too along with all the AEI crew and most of Congress. It's got to do what anthrax couldn't.What will happen then? Will we see the economic collapse needed to end fascism and corporate rule? Will leadership be replaced with progressives who, incidentally, end the drug war? That would be nice; that would be one way that the drug war could end. Another, described in the article by Thom Hartmann, requires beyond direct action many years of grass-roots effort to take over the Democratic party just as the Republican party was gradually overrun by belligerently stupid born-again Christians. I've grown impatient and willing to take a chance on breakdown and pandemonium. Maybe Saddam Hussein can end the drug war. Only we of the Internet could find a new order while fascists struggled with their cops and TV sets. So best of luck, boys and girls, and don't do anything stupid. Remember that you are fighting for cowards - "chickenhawks" who openly boast of secret executions and who want to advertise you, dead or alive, as their very own TV heroes. Stay there in the sand as long as you like, then turn around, come back, and let the white generals fight. Be MY heroes, keep out of Baghdad, think of your poor Mamas and look out for yourselves first because you don't deserve this at all.
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Comment #4 posted by Virgil on March 25, 2003 at 19:47:03 PT
Mayan, I am an Extremist
One thing is for sure, I won't be voting for any Republicans and I will not vote for an incumbent Democrat. The wealthy are drunk with their new fortunes and America will have to hit bottom before reform comes, which really may not be that long with all the budget cuts and continued deficits to humor the wealthy. For the newcomers, the platform of the Extremist Party only calls for a majority of voters to win public office and in turn abolition of the electorial college in favor of the count of direct votes. I am in tight with the North Carolina Extremist, which we are the only ones. North Carolina does not have a runoff requirement for the federal positions in the House or Senate. Anyway, all the Extremist I know think growing cannabis is a patriotic act under present oppresion/corruption/fascism.I will about have to support the Democratic candidate in 2004 and I am already not happy about it. None of the hopefulls so far are very lacking of presidential timber IMHO. Gary Hart or Wesley Clark are better than Kerry with everyone else being gag material IMHO.I cannot become a Democrat. I am an Extremist. 
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Comment #3 posted by mayan on March 25, 2003 at 18:35:20 PT
If you vote for the lesser of two evils, you still end up with evil. How long did the democrats hold power & what did they do with it? They are simply wolves in sheeps clothing. Until a third party emerges there will never be change. The republicrats are one in the same. It is a two-party system with one head...a corporate duopoly meant to fool the people into thinking they actually have a choice. Don't play into their hands. Vote your conscience. A vote for anything less is a wasted vote. Just mho.Here comes revolution...The Perfect Storm - Part II - by Michael C. Ruppert: daughter - human shield in Baghdad??? "MYSTERIOUS MICROPHONE" PLOY AT THE OSCARS:'s Best 9/11 Sites — 4th Edition:
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Comment #2 posted by Virgil on March 25, 2003 at 14:08:39 PT
The Wall Will Fall
Look out for the stones because the wall will fall. And it has to fall our way as there is one huge pile of crap against it on the prohibitionist side. What do you theink of that Doughnutman. Those hempseed eating parrots are all starting to say "The Wall will Fall." The ones going hungry are stuck on "Policy by Mythology." I wonder what hempdoughnuts taste like. It won't be long until we find out. Maybe they have a tourist special in Canada- one free with every Freedom Joint.Here is an article titled "How to Take Back America" by Tom Hartmann- It basically says to reenergize the Democratic Party because the Republican takeover must be stopped and that third parties weaken the party they are most closely aligned to in the current system. With the Rule by largest minority protected under our present system, what he says makes sense. I am totally against not having runoffs if their is no majority because then if a third party finishes second the platform only leaves two voices. I think I may become a Democrat, where I was last a Republican. 
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Comment #1 posted by pokesmotter on March 25, 2003 at 13:46:59 PT:
encouraging article
most surprising part: "...a shipment of cannabis from the US government..."this makes me wonder why the schedule one classification? it looks like the US has at least some interest in cannabis research, so why not encourage it here?
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