Medical Marijuana Advances in Md. House 

  Medical Marijuana Advances in Md. House 

Posted by CN Staff on March 13, 2003 at 21:27:06 PT
 Raymond McCaffrey, Washington Post Staff Writer 
Source: Washington Post  

An effort to essentially decriminalize the use of marijuana for medical purposes won preliminary approval yesterday in the Maryland House of Delegates as members rejected a string of amendments that proponents said would have effectively killed the bill.The legislation, which would significantly reduce the penalties for possessing or using marijuana, could come for a final vote as early as next week. A companion bill in the Senate concerning medical marijuana use is in committee. Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. (R) has signaled that he could support such a measure. 
Under the proposal, approved on a voice vote, the maximum penalty for marijuana use or possession would be $100, with no possibility of jail time. Specifically, the bill asks that the courts consider as "a mitigating factor" any evidence of medical necessity. In essence, proponents hope that judges will simply throw out cases involving patients who use marijuana to alleviate suffering caused by such diseases as AIDS, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis or those dealing with nausea from cancer treatment."This bill is going to cover very, very few cases," said Del. Joseph F. Vallario Jr. (D-Prince George's).Critics argued that the changes would reduce the penalties for all marijuana users, not just those who need the drug for medical reasons. "Why don't we open it up for heroin . . . crack cocaine?" asked Del. Brian R. Moe (D-Prince George's), who offered an amendment aimed at killing the measure.Del. Patrick L. McDonough (R-Baltimore County), said that the bill was too "wide open and vague" and didn't address how a state law permitting medical marijuana use would square with federal law prohibiting the possession and use of the drug. Moreover, McDonough argued that the bill gave no real guidance to judges who might have to consider cases in which prospective patients are arrested for marijuana use. "We have absolutely no guidelines for the judiciary," McDonough said.McDonough also criticized the bill for not addressing "the distribution and purchasing mechanism" for the marijuana. Another critic, Del. Barry Glassman (R-Harford) said, "This is really a revenue enhancement act for the drug dealers."One amendment defeated yesterday sought to delay the program from being activated "until the United States Congress authorizes a physician to prescribe marijuana for medical purposes and the United States Food and Drug Administration approves the use of marijuana for medical purposes."Source: Washington Post (DC)Author: Raymond McCaffrey, Washington Post Staff WriterPublished: Friday, March 14, 2003; Page B05 Copyright: 2003 Washington Post Contact: letterstoed washpost.comWebsite: Related Articles & Web Site:Medical Marijuana Information Links Marijuana Bill Advances in House Marijuana Bill Gains Momentum Marijuana Gets Nod of Ehrlich 

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Comment #12 posted by FoM on March 15, 2003 at 08:38:34 PT
We watched the whole movie after you posted the link last night. I saw Grass The Movie before but with a satellite connection it was so much clearer to see. Thanks! What a long strange trip it has been!
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Comment #11 posted by afterburner on March 14, 2003 at 21:36:15 PT:
"Grass" Roots - Lies, Truths and Rights.
Grass highlights from the film:Uniform Narcotic Act passed by all 48 states - Harry J. Anslinger's great con.Without any public debate, scientific inquiry or political objection, the Marihuana Tax Act was signed into law by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in 1937.Mayor of New York City Fiorello LaGuardia's Commission Report in 1944, using 6 years of medical and sociological research, refuted all the lies of Harry J. Anslinger's campaign against cannabis, which Anslinger called "marijuana," a racial slur against the Mexican migrant workers. Anslinger destroyed every copy of the report he could get his hands on. By restricting the supply of marihuana he put a stop to any further research.Stepping stone theory (now known as the gateway theory) that marihuana leads to heroin was invented by Harry Jacob Anslinger in response to a heroin epidemic.Harry J. Anslinger's Narcotic Control Act in 1956 created the Schedule One Lie.Harry J. Anslinger went to the UN and used the US influence to get 100 countries to sign on to the 1961 UN Single Convention on Narcotics, transferring the mis-scheduling of cannabis as schedule one to the international arena.Unmotivated, dysfunctional loser lie about marihuana smokers invented by Henry Giordano, Commissioner, Federal Bureau of Narcotics, 1967.Nixon launched the DEA after his own presidential Commission recommended legalizing marijuana.Ann Arbor City Ordinance decriminalizing cannabis passed in 1972.Oregon decriminalization Bill passed in 1973.Jimmy Carter elected in 1976, supports federal decriminalization of cannabis.Confiscation of property authorized by George H. Bush in 1988; he also proposed the death penalty for drug dealers.---snipped---Pepper on, Virgil.ego destruction or ego transcendence, that is the question.
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Comment #10 posted by Virgil on March 14, 2003 at 21:01:29 PT
I do not have a problem with people not commenting here. We are all just preaching to the choir. Just like the prohibitionists articles are basically pothead blah blah blah, most comments in support of freedom for Mary Jane would say cannabis should never have been illegal, should not be illegal now and with just a slight hint that people now imprisoned because of this breach of freedom need some real harm reduction and their freedom needs restored yesterday.If there would be anything I would like to see is LTEs that people are sending. I hope if I was saying anything, it is to get people to stop talking like the upper 1% can really pull this intimidation off with more examples of tyranny. In the category of something I remember from someone I would say this. I knew a real psycho and pathelogical liar once over several years, which is why I have learned that a person that lies for advantage once will gladly lie for advantage as long as they think they can get away with it. Another thing I have learned in life is not to mess with a thief because if they steal from one person they will steal from anyone including you and there are plenty of good people to associate with besides liars and thieves, which have an overlap about like alcoholics and tobacco smokers.Actually this one guy, I remember three things this old, broken said. First he said, "Sex is all in your head." Secondly he said, "Crooks are in prison" which he used to imply he was not a crook, but this guy really should have done some time for fraud. But most importantly, he said, "90% of the things people worry about never happen."I have no idea what all this has to do with anything. Maybe it is that just because the nuts running things now have a hard line approach, that things cannot change. Actually, I am of the opinion that the break without bending philosophy means that there will be a break. It is just an old saying that you cannot control the wind, but you have to sail ahead whether you want to or not. If people do not comment it does not make much difference. What does make a difference is to fear or worry about things that are not going to happen if we concentrate on sailing the ship. This talk of fear feeds on itself.I wrote here when I saw Senator Hollings on Cspan saying "the fix is on" when the trade authority was handed over to the executive branch. It was the second most memorable speech I have ever seen and part of the audio was at Senator Hollings website and may still be there. But the most memorable speech I ever saw was when Richard Nixon was asked to speak on what may have been the 50th anniversary of the UN. He spoke after memorizing a long speech where he rose to show that he was a political mind that had risen to the political top that is now held by a complete incompetent. Anyway he spoke of the fall of communism because it cannot work. I say that prohibition has to fall just like communism, not as a pep talk to the choir and not just because it failed, but because it is in opposition to freedom that the worlds masses will define.There is another thing I would add about Patrick Henry saying, "Give me Liberty or give me death" which is kind of morphed even today in the Bolivian situation ( "The government says that it is fighting drug trafficking, but it’s a lie. This eradication is just a pretext to abuse our rights and occupy our land. But the coca farmers won’t surrender. We have decided to die fighting rather than die on our knees"- ) But anyway when France had its revolution every candidate from mayor on up would go around and say it after the revolution. Of course that Napoleon thing happened after that. So, to sum up, commenting to the choir is no big deal. Feeding the fear is bad. And this give me liberty stuff is about introducing legislation on the state level for freedom instead of just being happy with the MMJ front. Like I said, I hate that I am the most outspoken person here. Of things I might have as yet unsaid, I now have even less after this comment. If I said one of the truths I have learned in life is that familiarity breeds contempt, I would have one less thing to say.The only thought I have not presented is the idea of having the demonstrations like Safe Access called for to be at night so that the use of lights would recall the the days when the peasants marched on the stonewalls of the castle. The light being one thing and having a presence at a DEA office without conflict and at a time convenient for most people fitting into a developed thought.I just don't know what more I could say without breeding boredom or contempt except I wish people would read this one article explaining just how controlled the media is- more can I say?
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Comment #9 posted by FoM on March 14, 2003 at 21:01:18 PT
I'm glad you liked the link. You know what makes me happy? If I can help someone to learn a little more detail about the drug war but mostly Cannabis I feel I've done what I should when the end of the day comes. Good or bad we need to know. Each day with each article and different comments help form the history of the drug war as it's happening. We need to have the archives, links and comments to articles so we can see how the whole picture looks. We must know our enemy or we won't know what they are thinking and how we might be able to show them another way. That's why I post anti articles. I'm trying to be fair and balanced with a leannnnn to the left but what can I say! LOL!
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Comment #8 posted by SoberStoner on March 14, 2003 at 20:44:20 PT
I never knew that page was there:)The growth of the site is incredible..I've said it before, and I'll most likely say it again, FoM, you rockI remember you saying you had discussions with Joyce before, and I'm sure she wouldnt post here since she'd get torn apart, I just really want to ask her how she thinks a plant can be so evil when it has been found to be one of the most useful AND helpful plants in the world..I guess I pity her more than anything..It's sad that she lost a child to a REAL drug and now blames cannabis for it. Especially when most cannabis activists would never support legalizing cocaine or heroin. But does that matter? Oh no, you cant have legal cannabis and not legalize cocaine..thats what all the rich people like Glorious Leader use (unless asked about it while campaigning, then they..cant remember..nyuk)SS
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Comment #7 posted by FoM on March 14, 2003 at 20:06:40 PT
Just a Comment
I think people aren't commenting as frequently because of what is happening with the war issue. Some activists are involved in the anti war issues and I understand that. I think if we can ever get past the war and by election time next year we can and will have hope again. The news is far from cheery but there is enough news that keeps us die hards going. Fun and games are over and work and dedication will be necessary to bring change. I haven't been thru one day that I haven't found something positive. Actually it is all the people doing something special that gives me strength. I'm really sorry that people can't handle it but I understand that too. I'm not a fun and games type person when it comes to CNews. I'm dead serious. I do not have any reason to do what I do here other then the need to help bring change. I could do many other things and maybe even make a little money but I can't in my mind. I don't know where Joyce has been but we had a few nice talks last year and maybe she doesn't want to be upset at least here on CNews. The stats show me people are reading even if they aren't saying anything and that makes me happy.
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Comment #6 posted by SoberStoner on March 14, 2003 at 19:43:24 PT
I too am sad to see fewer names on here, however, just because people are not posting, do not think that people arent reading..and reading is the key, we want the stories read so they can be retold to othersI personally feel that our comments and our outrage are better directed at the sheep who either cant or wont accept the truth..our government is lying to all of us..No if, no ands, no buts..they are lying, they dont even care to hide it anymore because they know that as long as Joe Millionaire has a special twist this week and network 'news' only shows what the White House wants it to show, americans are too fat stupid and lazy to care about anything besides what they are told to care about. The best thing I ever did was to stop watching TV. The only time mine is ever on is if i'm watching football or playing on my playstation:)I fully expected Joyce to rear her hateful head again in this story, but I expect she soon will as she did last year when it looked like Maryland had a chance of passing the bill. I think this year I may have to find out where Joyce is having her question and answer sessions and ask her some questions..but of course i think we all know she is incapable of answering a logical, compassionate, and sensible question if it's contrary to her campaign.You would think that in this era of heathcare and record defecits, that people would be looking for alternative healthcare, and indeed they are. The problem is, then HMO's cant charge $90 an hour to say, "You may be sick but we cant tell, sorry. Go home and die now."Why do you think prohibitionists are so against natural solutions to man-made problems? I guess it just makes too much sense.Dear America,
I miss youLoveSS
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Comment #5 posted by FoM on March 14, 2003 at 08:32:48 PT
The GCW 
I understand being concerned about pharmaceutical companies but how can anyone patent a whole plant? A person can still buy White Willow Bark. See what I mean?White Willow Bark (Salix alba)The white willow was introduced into the United States from Europe and can be found next to rivers and streams throughout the country. The bark is the part of the willow used, and is easily removed in the spring when the sap begins to flow. Willows have been used for centuries for pain relief and reduction of fever. The leaves can be chewed, and contain salicylic acid. This compound has been synthesized into acetylsalicylic acid, otherwise known as aspirin. Natural salicylic acid is nearly as potent as aspirin, however, the compound salicin from willow does not cause gastric or intestinal upset or bleeding as aspirin can, This is because willow does not block prostaglandins in the stomach or intestines. 
What's New
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Comment #4 posted by The GCW on March 14, 2003 at 03:54:04 PT
Will pot be patented? lovers need to beware a pharmaceutical marijuana monopoly.
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Comment #3 posted by Virgil on March 13, 2003 at 23:16:52 PT
Doc Zombie doing webcasting Many people that now read Cnews would know who Doc Zombie is and know that he doesn't comment here much since he took over the front page news at He has written some longer commentary that appeared at and of course as articles at about like the link at the top of this page.What is new is that he has an audio broadcast that I am currently downloading. One guy said he would like to broadcast it on his own Internet radio station and another person commented he had already burned a CD to distribute to his friends.It shows the the maturing of an effort to run the informational blockade. It shows that a learning curve for developing websites and webcast is steamrolling all along.In his article Doc speaks of the greed and power of the upper 1% and uses the word treason. It makes us members of the same club. We both are users of the term, cannabis prohibition, that is the real problem, which makes us members of yet another club. It is easy to join and their are no membership fees or flags to wave. It bothers me some that I am the most outspoken one on the board. I know there are a lot of people that want to say what I say and that silence is its own form of acceptance and that makes silence unacceptable. I know the wind seems to be blowing in the wrong direction, but it is all about steering the ship call legalization to the goal of freedom. The wind will change but we need to move the ship toward freedom no matter the wind, seas, or storms.There is not much more for me to say here, but if you do not understand why Bush should be removed as president, I wish you would explore why many of us do. Just ask the people in line sailing their ship to freedom.
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Comment #2 posted by The C-I-R-C-L-E on March 13, 2003 at 22:55:59 PT
Now wait jus' a doggone minute here
If it received majority support, then why do the majority of printed comments reflect only the opposite opinion? A little lopsided on the quotes, dontcha think...
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Comment #1 posted by Virgil on March 13, 2003 at 21:42:24 PT
It all sounds good to me
"Why don't we open it up for heroin . . . crack cocaine?" asked Del. Brian R. Moe (D-Prince George's), who offered an amendment aimed at killing the measure.You know everything. Why don't you answer the question for us dumbasses, dumbass?
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