‘Weedman’ Set To Ruin The Law

‘Weedman’ Set To Ruin The Law
Posted by CN Staff on March 09, 2003 at 07:46:15 PT
By Jeff Edelstein, Staff Writer
Source: Trentonian
The worst thing that ever happened to me was getting arrested. The law ruined me, so I’m out to ruin the law. Some people call me a conniver and a manipulator. I don’t like that; it sounds negative. But I do admit to plotting and planning. Very few things I do are not part of a bigger plan. It’s been nearly three years since I’ve had a toke. So now I have to think a lot harder. There are no redeeming qualities to jail.
I’ve always challenged things. That comes from my parents.I grew up with the whole suburban nine yards, mom, dad, brother, sister, dogs.My mom used to teach us black history classes in the living room. Told us we’re as free as everyone else, to stand up for your rights, to be independent.She doesn’t approve of the marijuana issue, but is proud in how I fought for myself.Very few people can beat me at chess.I would recommend to every person who gets arrested with marijuana to demand a jury trial. All you need is one person to side with you.I understand the Bill of Rights better than most people.I’m both realistic and idealistic.The unfortunate side effect of all this is that I’m not even allowed visitation with one of my daughters. So now I protest every Monday in front of the Burlington County Courthouse. They’ll get tired of me eventually.I took one of those Myers-Briggs tests recently. I’m a "blue" person. Independent, not needing approval from others, self-motivated.My favorite "Sesame Street" character? Ernie. He was the boss.The "NJWeedman" persona was created to catch a person on the jury. Public sentiment is for legalization.I consider the war on drugs a racist war. The county task forces are going after Trenton, Newark, Camden. They’re not going undercover in Lawrenceville.I was in the Marines under my given name, Robert Edward Forchion Jr. I was kicked out after a few months because of asthma. But I wanted to be in the military. Not only was I a pothead, but I was a patriot. So I switched the names around and re-enlisted. I was in for nearly four years in Fort Bragg and Germany. They never caught on until this whole marijuana thing started a few years ago. Talking got me thrown in jail.I met a lot of people in jail, quite a few I’m going to keep in touch with. Not everybody in jail is a bad person. I focused on the thinkers, the jailhouse lawyers.I’ve read a lot of law books, and you know what? You can sue a judge. I plan on running for Congress again.The Internet is connecting people and their thoughts all over the world. Our government must hate that.If pot was legal, they’d have to halve everything. Halve the jails, half the cops, halve the prosecutors, halve everything.Alcohol used to make me want to fight. Now, maybe I’ll have one beer watching a football game or something.The best way to overturn the drug war is to tie up the judicial system.I’d be a hypocrite to say you should let pot smokers smoke pot but crackheads should go to jail.You can fix an addiction, you can’t fix a conviction.I’m a marijuana activist, and I’m not going away. I’m not trying to go back to jail, but I’m dedicated to fighting this prohibition.I used to be a coast-to-coast independent truck driver. I went fishing all over the country. I’d love to get back to that.There’s always something going on with my life. Three or four things, usually. I’m a jack of all trades, master of none.Anything I’ve ever tried to do, marijuana enhanced it.I don’t give up.I’m a loving father and a good husband. Family comes first in my book. This does not change the fact that I’m a peaceful, patriotic, pothead.Being called a "pothead" is a compliment.America was founded on a thought, an idea. As a result, you’re brought up with the notion one person can change things. That said, I realize I might just be spinning my wheels. Source: Trentonian, The (NJ)Author: Jeff Edelstein, Staff WriterPublished: March 09, 2003 Copyright: 2003 The TrentonianContact: pmickle trentonian.comWebsite: http://www.trentonian.comRelated Articles & Web Sites:NJWeedman.com CRRH Video's - Weedman Takes Cause To TV Weedman Wins Right to Advocate Reform Activist Fights New Jail Time
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