City Council To Vote on Pot-Possession Penalties

City Council To Vote on Pot-Possession Penalties
Posted by CN Staff on January 19, 2003 at 11:36:32 PT
By Stephanie Von Brochowski
Source: Columbia Missourian 
The Columbia City Council is scheduled to vote Tuesday on an ordinance that would lessen the penalty for having small quantities of marijuana. A group seeking to decriminalize possesion of small amounts of marijuana gathered enough signatures on an initiative petition to ensure that their proposed measure will be voted on by the council. If the council does not pass the ordinance, it will be submitted to voters on April 8, City Manager Ray Beck said.
The proposed ordinance would direct all people charged with possessing 35 grams of marijuana or less to municipal court instead of state court, limit punishment for possession to small fines and ensure that patients for whom marijuana has been recommended by a physician suffer no punishment for obtaining, possessing or using marijuana or marijuana paraphernalia. Anthony Johnson, a 25-year-old law student at MU and president of Mizzou American Civil Liberties Union, initiated the petition. He said he doubts the council will approve the ordinance, but he is optimistic about its long-term fate. "I think it will be successful when the people vote on it," Johnson said. "People realize that this is a better policy for Columbia." Sixth Ward Councilman John Coffman said the petition seems to be well-written. "I'm leaning toward supporting it," Coffman said. Although he said he's willing to look at it with an open mind, Third Ward Councilman Bob Hutton expressed concern about the ordinance's apparent conflict with state law concerning medical use of marijuana. He also said he doesn't agree that the ordinance should be changed to protect students accused of possession from losing federal financial aid.Source: Columbia Missourian (MO)Author: Stephanie Von Brochowski, ReporterPublished: January 19, 2003Copyright: 2003 Columbia MissourianContact: editor Website: Articles & Web Site:ACLU Hope Petition Helps Soften Pot Policies Drug Policy Changes Urged
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Comment #1 posted by FoM on January 20, 2003 at 18:43:15 PT
Related Article From The Associated Press
Missouri Student Group Forces Town Vote on Legalizing Medical Marijuana The Associated Press1/20/03 COLUMBIA, Mo. (AP) -- A group of students at the University of Missouri-Columbia have gathered enough signatures to force a vote in the city on legalizing marijuana for medical use. The City Council was to vote Tuesday on whether to simply pass the proposed ordinance or put the matter before voters on the April 8 ballot. Law student Anthony Johnson, who wrote the proposed ordinance, said he believes it also would reduce penalties for those caught with small amounts of the drug. City Councilman John John said passing the ordinance would send a message of tolerance for drugs and create problems in the community. "One, it encourages the use of marijuana and two, you've got to get it to use it," John said. Officials also questioned the implications of approving something that is illegal under state and federal law. Copyright 2003 Associated Press
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