Local View: Reefer Madness Strikes Again

Local View: Reefer Madness Strikes Again
Posted by CN Staff on October 31, 2002 at 17:00:56 PT
By Randall G. Shelden 
Source: Las Vegas Mercury 
I showed the original film Reefer Madness to one of my classes recently, drawing a lot of laughter, as usual. The film, released in 1938, was a product of the hysteria propagated by our first "drug czar," Harry Anslinger, who headed what was then known as the Bureau of Narcotics (now the Drug Enforcement Administration). History has shown Anslinger to be nothing less than a madman who craved public attention and went to great lengths to create mostly lies and distortions about what he termed the "Assassin of Youth" (the title of a book he wrote). 
Sixty-five years later "reefer madness" is back, this time promoted by our current "drug czar," John Walters, who is repeating some of the same warnings that Anslinger used, such as marijuana being a highly addictive and a "gateway" drug. Both of these claims have been repeatedly refuted by hundreds of scientific studies. Let's begin with four numbers that are incontestable: 400,000; 150,000; 5,000; 0. These are the most recent estimates of the annual deaths attributed to, respectively: tobacco, alcohol, so-called "hard drugs" (heroin, cocaine, etc.) and, last but certainly least, marijuana. You read it right. Zero deaths caused by marijuana. Here are some other undisputed facts about the "war on drugs" in general and marijuana in particular: 1. As of September, more than $28 billion has been spent fighting the "war on drugs" and it is estimated that the total expenditures by the end of the year will be more than $50 billion. 2. More than 1.3 million people have been arrested on drug charges so far this year. 3. Of those arrested, more than 500,000 have been for marijuana, mostly possession. 4. So far this year,170,000 people have been incarcerated for drug offenses (and drug offenses explain at least one-third of the rise in the prison population during the past two decades); 5. Research sponsored by the National Institute of Drug Abuse found that when comparing six of the most popular drugs in terms of their addictive qualities, nicotine ranked highest, with heroin second, cocaine third, alcohol fourth, caffeine fifth and marijuana sixth. Some of the more specific addictive qualities of these drugs (dependence, withdrawal, tolerance, etc.) were the least for marijuana. 6. Recent research by the Institute of Medicine in Washington, D.C., summarizes a large number of studies on the so-called "gateway theory" by stating: "There is no conclusive evidence that the drug effects of marijuana are causally linked to the subsequent abuse of other illicit drugs." It was also concluded that, while there is a "progression of drug use from adolescence to adulthood," and "most users of other illicit drugs have used marijuana first," "most drug users begin with alcohol and nicotine before marijuana." One of the most recent reports disputing the gateway theory was published in the American Journal of Public Health by Dr. Andrew Golub, one of the foremost drug researchers; 7. The World Health Organization recently concluded, based on a careful review of the research, that when comparing marijuana, alcohol, nicotine and opiates, there is no evidence that marijuana "exerts a permanently deleterious effect on the normal cardiovascular system" and further that the public health risks from marijuana are far lower than the risks from alcohol or tobacco "even if as many people used cannabis as now drink or smoke tobacco." The above is just a brief summary of the research on this issue (for more go to If marijuana is not nearly as dangerous to one's health and well-being as the legal drugs, why make it against the law? An objection may be made that using marijuana excessively and over a long period will be harmful (which might be true), but you could say the same thing about eating the wrong foods. It would be just as logical to declare a "war on obesity" and start arresting people who go over a certain weight or for possessing ultra-fatty foods. I can see it now, a special "food czar" with his hired "obesity police" patrolling the streets looking for fat people! Now that we can easily see (based on more than 30 years of research) that the harm from pot is negligible and it is not a "gateway drug," others may still vote against Question 9 on the Nevada ballot by suggesting that if marijuana is legalized, it will "open the floodgates" whereby millions will suddenly start using it and a whole generation will turn into dope fiends! Such was the dire warning in Reefer Madness. It's the classic example of using fear (often based on exaggerated stories of people going crazy after using pot) as a deterrent (which doesn't work). It never works and won't work now. Drug use, including marijuana, should be dealt with as a health issue, not a legal issue. It is time to pass this much-needed legislation and bring "reefer madness" to a close. Randall G. Shelden is a professor of criminal justice at UNLV. His latest book is Criminal Justice in America: A Critical View (published by Allyn and Bacon).Source: Las Vegas Mercury (NV)Author: Randall G. Shelden Published: Thursday, October 31, 2002Copyright: 2002 Las Vegas MercuryWebsite: gschumacher lasvegasmercury.comRelated Articles & Web Site:Reefer Madness The Movie Nevada Voters Face Marijuana Initiative Pushes Next Frontier: Legalizing Pot 
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Comment #8 posted by mrherbalwarrior on October 31, 2002 at 23:35:32 PT:
Reefer madness still very alive
The best part of reefer madness didn't even come around untill quite recently, when john walter's political advertising monkeys came up with a commercial where kids get high and then one shoots the other with a gun, they try to claim the commercial showed how marijuana impares your judgement, but if anybodys ever smoked, you gotta know that someone would have to have something very wrong with them besides being stoned to test if a gun is loaded by shooting it at someone, and the kid obviously wasn't that high, i know i wouldn't be wasting any effort to pick up a gun if i was really high.
and in the end isnt that what reefer madness is about, a kid going "mad" and shooting someone. I'm glad that our gov't has taken these past 65 years of prohibtion of marijuana to learn a few things about the drug, hell Walters probly thinks it still drives black men to rape white women, i mean come on, what stoner is gonna go through the effort of actually raping someone, i mean, your gonna have to run, and the standing up alone, damn.... 
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Comment #7 posted by The GCW on October 31, 2002 at 21:33:04 PT
There is reefer madness & then there is 
reality. Here is some reefer reality.US NV: PUB LTE: Get Educated On The Benefits Of Marijuana I am happy to hear of Nevada's proposed marijuana legislation. Never-ending governmental policies, based on ignorance, only promote the suffering of those who could be helped by marijuana. It has been my experience that most doctors and scientists ( certainly all politicians and members of law enforcement ) have not read the current professional scientific literature regarding medical marijuana. Had they, most would likely have a different opinion on the topic. Marijuana-like compounds, known as endogenous cannabinoids, control most of our body functions. They help to maintain healthful homeostasis of our immune, nervous, endocrine, reproductive, digestive and cardiovascular systems via specific cannabis receptors for which we all make psychoactive, cannabis-like compounds. In addition, the cannabinoids have anti-glioma, breast cancer, lymphoma, leukemia and prostate cancer activities. Furthermore, evolution has selected the cannabinoids as natural inhibitors of peripheral pain. I could go on and on, but instead I would suggest that all involved parties get educated. It's time to believe the science and the people who are suffering. Marijuana is an anti-aging drug. In time, the truth will overcome ignorance. How many people must needlessly suffer until then? Dr. Robert J. Melamede, Colorado Springs, Colo. 
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Comment #6 posted by The GCW on October 31, 2002 at 21:23:11 PT
Reefer Madness... continued.
US DC: Drug Treatment, Prosecutor Measures Go Before Voters Washington Post "Unlike drug court, treatment offered under Initiative 62 would not be available to offenders who possess Schedule I drugs, which include marijuana, heroin, LSD and ecstasy. Under the initiative, only people with Schedule II drugs, such as morphine, PCP, cocaine, methadone and methamphetamine, would be admitted." (cannabis should not be treated as though it is worse than coke, pcp, morphine etc. but it is. Notice that none of the other substances is a pure plant. Perhaps that is one of the benefits of refering to cannabis as marijuana, which is akin to refering to a black person as nigger)
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Comment #5 posted by Patrick on October 31, 2002 at 20:48:52 PT
my last comment
was out of line. There are people who are so sick they can't grow their own weed($4000 a pound BTW according to our greedy politicians). As a recreational smoker, I feel bad that I smoke cannabis for fun while some folks need it for simple pain relief. When they can not obtain this WEED because Nazi DEAth agents want to steal not only the cannabis but all of our tax dollars under the guise of protecting us from ourselves that it almost makes me want to run for fucking President since it's obvious any asshole can do it. It's Halloween and I am officially anouncing that I will no longer smoke cannabis ever again! I just built a vaporizor and heres to my lungs!!!Cheers Assa & Asshcroft.
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Comment #4 posted by DdC on October 31, 2002 at 20:42:59 PT
Racist Fascism Wrapped Up in Nationalism...
.. the primary reason to outlaw marihuana is its effect on the degenerate races." "There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others." Harry Anslinger, U.S. Commissioner of Narcotics, testifying to Congress on why marijuana should be made illegal, 1937. (Marijuana Tax Act, signed Aug. 2, 1937; effective Oct. 1, 1937.) PREJUDICE: MARIJUANA AND JIM CROW LAWS Roundup of Hearst’s Hysterical Headlines Adios C.A.M.P. Déjå vü!!! or WoD? SCAPEGOATING - Blaming social problems on a cultural, racial, or behaviorial group. PREJUDICE - Selling the public on the idea that all members of the targeted group are 'bad' people. LIES - 'Facts', which cannot be verified, and pseudo-scientific studies are used as propaganda against the targeted group. History is
rewritten. NO PUBLIC DEBATE - "These people have no right to have their viewpoiunt aired." and " Anyone who disagrees or questions us must be one of them!" DEHUMANIZATION - Characterizing all members of a targeted group as subhuman and typically capable of monstrous deeds and/or crimes. PROTECT OUR CHILDREN - "They corrupt, seduce and/or destroy our children." 
CIVIL LIBERTIES SACRIFICED - "We must give up some of our freedoms, liberties, and rights in order to combat this menace to society." LEGAL DESCRIMINATION - Laws criminalize members of targeted group and they may be denied jobs, the right to own property and/or be restricted as to where they may live or go. INFORMERS - Citizens are urged to 'turn in' friends, neighbors, co-workers and family members. SECRET POLICE - Non-uniformed police squads set up to wage war on targeted groups utilizing deception, infiltration, espionage and entrapment. CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY - Property and assets are seized from people who are members of targeted group. Property may be divided between the informer and the state. REMOVAL FROM SOCIETY - Prisons, rehabilitation camps, 'hospitals', executions and genocide ("kill them all" "Zero Tolerance") "Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there." - William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1937. Continued... Deceptions Qaeda! Wally
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Comment #3 posted by Patrick on October 31, 2002 at 18:51:48 PT
I hope
Don't take any drugs period.There is not enough for everybody!
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Comment #2 posted by mayan on October 31, 2002 at 18:12:19 PT
I hope
...that fence sitting voters in Nevada realize that the entire war on drugs is a sham.It's all relative - Terror Flight School Owner's Plane Seized For Heroin Trafficking & Jeb Bush And Katherine Harris Fly With Drug Running Airways:
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Comment #1 posted by Patrick on October 31, 2002 at 17:21:07 PT
I hope
... that fence sitting voters in Nevada read this article!
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