Thompsons Make Arguments Against Pot Initiative

Thompsons Make Arguments Against Pot Initiative
Posted by CN Staff on October 27, 2002 at 22:33:14 PT
By Jeff German, Columnist
Source: Las Vegas Sun 
It's still hard to believe that Sun Associate Editor Sandy Thompson no longer is with us. Thompson was at a stoplight Aug. 9 minding her own business, probably thinking about her next column, when 21-year-old John Simbrat slammed his SUV into her car and killed her. Simbrat pleaded guilty last week to causing her death by driving under the influence of a controlled substance -- marijuana. He received the deal of his life, a recommended sentence of 4 to 20 years in prison.
His punishment is far less than the loss felt by Thompson's husband, Gary, 22-year-old daughter, Kelly, and Thompson's friends and colleagues at the Sun and in many other parts of the Las Vegas community.Both Gary and Kelly Thompson gave moving tributes to the woman they loved at her funeral a few days after her death.And on Friday, a few days after the man who killed Thompson pleaded guilty to her death, they spoke out again, just as eloquently.This time Gary and Kelly talked about what it's like to feel the pain of losing someone to a driver under the influence of marijuana.They held a news conference outside the Sun building along with opponents of Question 9, the ballot initiative seeking to legalize the possession of up to three ounces of marijuana.Officers from every police department in Southern Nevada were among those crowding around the Thompsons as they held back tears and spoke to reporters."This is devastating," said Gary Thompson, a Harrah's Entertainment executive and former Sun managing editor, just prior to the news conference. "We don't want anybody else to go through this, especially if it's preventable. And it is preventable."Kelly Thompson told reporters that there is no logical reason to vote for Question 9."It will not benefit the citizens of Nevada or society in any way," she said. "It will only hurt us."It already has hurt the Thompsons. But their spirits remain high.They have showed us real faces, real victims, in this battle to keep the roads safe from drug users -- and Nevada from becoming the nation's laughingstock.They have provided a credible voice to warn us about future victims if Question 9 passes.Sandy Thompson knew the ramifications of legalizing marijuana. That's why she opposed it prior to her death.And now her husband and daughter intend to carry on the fight in the final days of the election so that her death will have meaning. They'll be appearing in television ads this week on behalf of the opposition.The best the pro-marijuana forces could do last week was announce that retired cop Don Denison had come out in favor of legalizing grass. He joined one other former cop, Andy Anderson.Denison has impressive credentials. He's a former Metro undersheriff, former director of the Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles and Public Safety and a former chairman of the Nevada Parole Board.But he is no match for Gary and Kelly Thompson. They have Sandy on their side looking down from above.And Denison is no match for the thousands of cops at police departments across the state who are opposed to Question 9.Today, as we face daily threats of terrorism, Americans have come to rely even more on the judgment of police officers to protect us.This many cops can't be wrong when they tell us that legalizing marijuana will lead to more crime and more victims. We should listen to them.And we should listen to Gary and Kelly Thompson, who have felt the pain of a driver under the influence.If we don't want to vote against Question 9 for the cops, or for Gary and Kelly, we should do it for Sandy Thompson, who dedicated her life to making this community better.We should give her death meaning.Jeff German's column appears Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays in the Sun. Complete Title: Thompsons Make Best Arguments Against Pot Initiative Source: Las Vegas Sun (NV)Author: Jeff German, ColumnistPublished: October 25, 2002 Copyright: 2002 Las Vegas Sun, Inc.Contact: letters lasvegassun.comWebsite: Articles & Web Sites:NRLE Policy Project New Politics of Pot Run High Over Marijuana Initiative Backs Question 9 Initiative Opponents Plan Rally at Newspaper
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Comment #4 posted by aocp on October 28, 2002 at 05:28:49 PT
Sandy Thompson knew the ramifications of legalizing marijuana. That's why she opposed it prior to her death.It's sad that she died, but i'm sure if she were still alive, she'd come out in favor of criminalizing the possession, sale, and consumption of alcoholic beverages, right? I mean, even if used in the private home, you never know when one might go out and get behind the wheel with a buzz on, right?I say it again ... if prohibition is the way of the walk, go the full nine. Otherwise you're as selective as the hypocrites come.
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Comment #3 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on October 28, 2002 at 05:11:31 PT
When thousands of people say they get relief from marijuana that they cannot find elsewhere, it's dismissed by the prohibitionists as "anecdotal evidence". Here they are using the same tactic. Yet since she worked for the paper, I'm not about to write an LTE to that effect - I'd get crucified. But if there's such a problem with cannabis-addled drivers, let's hear more anecdotes, at least. I can name a number of people who've been shot by police over marijuana, so let's hear about more people who've been killed by "drug drivers", if there are any. And I would like to know the story behind this "drug driver", but all they make him out to be is some sort of THC molecule on wheels... had he been pulled over for speeding before?
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Comment #2 posted by DdC on October 28, 2002 at 02:15:36 PT
SUV's take longer distances to stop than cars...
SUV's are Commercial trucks and are immune from auto standards. They're trucks. They're for work. Carrying cargo. Heavy. Bad gas mileage making Shell and Sadamn Chevron happy as a traffic jam. Where they also make money. Can't maneuver well even when they have non Firestone tires. Besides its the wrong act that caused the death, not the pot. I thought Plea bargaining for false testimony went out with 41. Hearst Nazism and Capone before that. Wally and the Untouchable minions will say what it takes to perpetuate their profits. Using victims falsely will hopefully backfire. Especially when the husband agrees that it should be legal in the home. Thats what Q-9 says. In the home. Keeping in mind Booker and the reefer madhatters are a few cards short of a full deck.Incentives. Don't trust humans because of their sheepskins and portfolio's or badges or physical size. Humans will take the path of least resistance. I know, I am one. Especially if its for "moral" "good" or "kids". OK it was the right thing to do despite the law, except medicinal ganja. Shooting clinic receptionist, speeding, insider trading, savings and loan scamming or bombing kids and starving babies for the good of the moral majority. Profiting those who will oversee us in our best interest. Prison beatings and Raping as a deterrent. Fear manufactured as well as the past McArthyisms, Nixonisms or Anslingerisms. Same corporate ties to the same Mellonhead Banksters foreclosing on the farmer who can't grow the ditchweed to feed, clothe and shelter his family. Cause it comprises 99.28% of the cannabis eradications. Needed to prop up the propaganda. Ethically taking a vulnerable family still grieving, in bits and pieces. While some politicop hounds them for a poster shot. Or the 6 o'clock bluescast. How many bad brakes killed people without the clout of having a private newspaper to spout private agenda's? Nothings changed as far as reality. The new law wouldn't permit driving under the influence. That should be determined the same as checking for any kind of inebriation or reckless driving. Including over the counter meds, old age or being hung over the next day. If that was the only adulteration to the driver. No other distractions. Prove it. Opting out of a trial denies the cross examination. How convenient. Not that the judge would allow cannabis testimony or data. Unless a juror had the guts to act American and nullify. Incentives. If a person has to miss work to sit on a jury, patriotism and civic duty won't pay the bills. If a corporate or government employee gets a days wage to sit on a jury, a higher percentage will be dutifully patriotic. Shaming those who can't afford it. Yes people, falling in line, keeping their noses clean and head to the grindstone. Blinders adjusted, only seeing the back of the head of the one standing in front of them. Pip pip. Cops and Cop-orations killing the country, profiting Internationalist. Keeping Out Cannabis Competition. No Trespassing! Incentives.Seeing the homeless spare change makes one think before questioning the boss. Unemployment and retirement cost of corporate warehousing the elderly. Minimum wages less than welfare. WoD segregating families from their low rent housing, food assistance and income suppliments for life.  The same shoddy business as incarcerations to promote building more prisons. Or War to remove embarrassments or those in the way of a resource. Give it all up and you won't have to pay, staying home to die cost more than most make. Incentives.All accidents are tragedies to the loved ones. Using these Nazi Youth Propaganda rallies and cops racist yellow journalism in another rag posing as an informed source of information. I think I'll make a cartoon of a milk carton or flier saying Have you seen me? With a picture of a map of the U.S. Where is America? This garbledegoop and war mongering persecution prostitutes cleansing a race of cannabis users is fascism at its worst.With the Cannabis Inquisitions incentives provide a range of difference, 95% cop a plea. To avoid mandatory sentencing they willingly pay fines, court cost and drugczar treatment tuition along with electronic dog collars for probation and daily urine test. Old Time Religion to humiliate and traumatize into obedience. To stop sinning by forced salvation, on sale today for only $999.95. Lots of money to be made in the tools of the trade of the war on ganja. WoG is the staple of WoD. Feeding the mutated capitalism of bought and paid for legislation . Legislators buying seats to fab laws that profit them. Presidents selected, Supremist pocket dwelling at the ranch in Texas, questioners rejected. Caged or untimely demised. Depending on what is ask. Can't clog the wheel with children stories of Life and Liberty Persuing Happy. If you can afford to stay out of the way, and D.E.A.ths Reaper assa doesn't hear. Their ain't enough resources to bust everyone. Only the careless and poor. And naive once again believing the system will grant it if we only say please. Incentives to stay in the closet. Without underground economies, Bush Inc. would get everything. Getting caught not tithing him, he will, plus more. Those who are insistent on poisoning for profit, are already deteriorating beyond recognition. Aborting their right to life babies with agent orange herbicides killing ditchweed. Kids in trouble afraid of their parents, teaching liberal doses of rod applications. How many whacks has 41 given dubya? Wally the Barker of Lost Causes, skimming more off the top than Enron and Arthur. Will get just as busted if their is any Justice. Rumsfeld aspartame or Cheney's asbestos. Bush oil and drug stores. All the kings whores and all the kings men, making money on cannabis prohibition. No Justice, No Peace, Just Us in Pieces...It's a plant. Not a bud or stalk or a product to prohibit for profit...It's a plant. DdC"Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there." - William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1937. Continued... Deceptions Qaeda! Wally
Kaptain Kangaroo
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Comment #1 posted by The C-I-R-C-L-E on October 27, 2002 at 23:15:30 PT
I know they mean well...
I know they mean well, but all the guilt and the "heaven looking down" stuff and the violins in the background really send my gooses into a jig.Y'know, now that I think about it, this reminds me of the WTC towers: You can't really argue with the shame and the horror and the sadness. But then the opportunity is used to rile the emotions for some reactionary agenda that should be more a practical issue than an emotional one. It absolutely sucks what happened. How can someone say to a grieving family that they're wrong? That's what's being counted on here...
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