America's Pot Penalties Need a Second Look

America's Pot Penalties Need a Second Look
Posted by CN Staff on October 07, 2002 at 07:18:23 PT
Source: Times Herald
Canada's interest in reviewing criminal penalties for marijuana is a significant. If that nation decides to decriminalize the drug, the impact will be felt beyond its borders. The Bush administration and other U.S. officials are concerned with good reason: If pot smoking is no longer a crime in Canada, it will make America's war on drugs substantially more difficult.
That said, Canada's pending marijuana review has value. Despite its association with heroin, cocaine and other controlled substances, the threat marijuana poses is far less dangerous. The drug's connection to violent crime is minimal at best. The medical community has never proven marijuana is addictive. Perhaps the strongest argument against its use is that marijuana is a gateway drug. Smoking it, many experts claim, can lead users to more dangerous ones. Legalization proponents dispute this. They point to millions of pot smokers in America who apparently have no interest in graduating to stronger drugs. Until Sept. 11, the war against drugs was America's principal priority. The results were uneven at best. Granted, the heightened security measures the war against terrorism required has made it more difficult for heroin and cocaine smugglers to deliver their goods into this country, but the war on drugs is far from won. Given America's shift in priorities, it also might be time to reconsider the key targets of the efforts to fight illegal drugs. Marijuana didn't build the Mexican and Columbian drug empires. Heroin and cocaine did. Canada, a nation that spends far less money and devotes fewer resources to combating illegal drugs appears ready to consider such a reallocation. If marijuana is decriminalized there, that will make it harder on the law-enforcement effort here. America should not take a look at decriminalizing marijuana for that reason, of course. We should review our statutes because pot smokers don't pose the risk heroin and crack addicts do. Besides, waging a war doesn't mean you cannot pick your battles. Good, but not Great Lake St. Clair is a nice little lake, but it's not a Great one. It's one-seventh the size of Lake Ontario, the smallest of the Great Lakes. The lake does have a great amount of pollution. Macomb County officials hope a promotion to Great Lake status could qualify it for federal clean-up funds. Good luck. Vermont tried a similar scheme with Lake Champlain, but it didn't work. Lake St. Clair does need attention. After all, it is part of the Great Lakes basin. As such, its health is important to its larger neighbors. But a Great Lake? Sorry. Note: Canada's decriminalization review is worth considering.Source: Times Herald, The (MI)Published: October 7, 2002Copyright: 2002 The Times HeraldWebsite: Articles & Web Site:Canadian Links Suggest Legalizing Marijuana Warns Against Liberalizing Laws on Pot Report on Cannabis: Get Whole Story 
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Comment #3 posted by DdC on October 07, 2002 at 12:17:44 PT
THE TRUTH ABOUT OUR PRISONERS by Kay 'Grandma' Lee has a thousand charms to show, That slaves, howe'er contented, never know. * Gary Waid"No class or group or party in Germany could escape its share of responsibility for the abandonment of the democratic Republic and the advent of Adolf Hitler. The cardinal error of the Germans who opposed Nazism was their failure to unite against it. ....the 63% of the German people who expressed their opposition to Hitler were much too divided and shortsighted to combine against a common danger which they must have known would overwhelm them unless they united, HOWEVER TEMPORARY, to stamp it out."
-William L. ShirerTHE POLICE STATE COMETH by Rep.Ron PaulThe Congressional Record (House),
Rep.Ron Paul,
June 25, 1997The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a previous order of the House, the gentleman from Texas [Mr. Paul] is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr.Paul...Mr.Speaker, in a police state the police are national, powerful and authoritarian. Inevitably, national governments yield to the temptation to use the military to do the heavy lifting. Once the military is used for local police activity, however minor initially, the march toward martial law with centralized police using military troops as an adjunct force becomes irresistible.Throughout our history, law enforcement in the United States has remained for the most part a local matter. In recent history, especially since the 1970s, the growth of Federal agencies to enforce tens of thousands of regulations, not even written even by Congress, has changed our attitude toward the proper use of police power as established under the Constitution. While this is annoying to many Americans, many of whom are voicing their resentment, the principle of a centralized police power has become acceptable and unchallenged by our political leaders today.The emotional frenzy surrounding the war on drugs has allowed Federal police powers to escalate rapidly into the areas of financial privacy, gun ownership, border controls and virtually all other aspects of law enforcement. Many see this trend as dangerous to our liberties while doing little or nothing to solve the problems of violence, gang wars, deterioration of the inner cities or the decline of the public educational system. Continued... Real Price of Prisons and Me: We've Got No Idea and Prisons: Unequal Justice Against Mandatory Minimums Foundation (FAMM) VCL- Lawyers and Judges against the drug war ,Drug Reform Coordination Network ,
Cops Against The Drug War November Coalition M.A.M.A. ,
Change the Climate F.E.A.R. ,
Drug Sense N.O.R.M.L. ,
Human Rights and the WoD ,Release Petition ,
Free James Geddes,J.html
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Comment #2 posted by DdC on October 07, 2002 at 10:26:16 PT
Changing America's Prisons
Date: Sun, 06 Oct 2002 20:03:27 -0000
From: insteadofwar
Subject: Changing America's PrisonsDear Friends:As Prison Reform Unity Day approaches, we are faced with the usual mix of enthusiasm from some states and silence from others. We are at a loss to understand why this is so, since it's universally acknowledged that no state has a prison system which respects the basic human rights of prisoners and their families.  We know this is NOT ok with the folks who are receiving this message. Many of you are getting actively involved in demanding changes in America's penal system beyond exchanging e-mails, writing letters and signing petitions, but many more of you are not.Exchanging e-mails, writing letters and signing petitions are good steps to take, but let's be honest here, thus far these things have NOT brought about any noticeable changes. That's because a few e- mails, letters, and sparsely-signed petitions here and there are easily ignored - millions of voters standing in unity are NOT!A few e-mails, letters and petitions are not even local news. Millions of voters standing outside prisons, state capitols, court houses, at the graves of murdered prisoners all across the country on the same day would be INTERNATIONAL NEWS, and force our government to address the problems we and our loved ones live with daily.If you are tired of worrying about the safety of your incarcerated loved one; if you are tired of horrible visiting conditions; if you are tired of paying exorbitant long distance bills; if you are tired of state murder; if you are tired of the cruelty of Segregation Units; if you are just plain sick and tired of how you and your loved one are being treated, then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! Coordinate or participate in a rally in support of the basic human rights of prisoners and their loved ones on October 19!There are at least TEN MILLION PEOPLE in this country whose lives are DIRECTLY AFFECTED by the inhumane conditions in America's prisons. Individually, we have no power. Small groups and organizations have little or no power and few, if any successes. But all of us together are a FORCE no politician can ignore.It's not going to happen overnight. Nothing this big ever is. Many people are reluctant to participate in public rallies for various reasons - although none that I've ever heard are valid. The bottom line is, if something is important to you, you will find a way to do it. We all have to talk to other prison visitors while we wait in line, and encourage them to participate in PRUP. We can't reach the people who aren't online without YOUR HELP!The prisons will change even if we don't all participate. The problem is that the changes will be for WORSE, instead of BETTER! If that's not ok with you, please participate in a Prison Reform Unity Day observance in your state. Please don't think that there will be enough people without you. Only YOU can fill your place in a rally, and it's going to take ALL OF US to get the job done!LINDA TANT MILLERI lost my freedom and can't find it anywhere! Linx the Prisoners of WoD Poster
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Comment #1 posted by DdC on October 07, 2002 at 09:09:47 PT
Not One Tear Forgotten...
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2002 08:02:11 -0700
From: edhowling
Subject: Fw: DPFCA: Not One Tear ForgottenThanks, All My Best, Ed Howling, ahoDear All, Please find a new and important feature on our AAMC website that honors the victims of the war on medical cannabis which is, indeed, a war on our own sick, disabled and dying. I encourage you all to submit corrections and additions to this living memorial to those who have been incarcerated, exiled, or have perished. Our thanks again to Michelle Aldrich for helping to compile this list. You can find "Not One Tear Forgotten" at:
   writing and reading this list of friends produced the most profound sadness and anger, yet, it is good and right to remember our own. Yours, 
Dr. Jay
AAMCAttachment: Patriots Opposing Prohibition"America's drug war is so stupid that if you pay close attention to just how stupid it is -- it'll drive you to use drugs." -- Jim HightowerConstitutional Patriots Opposing Prohibition-Join us!-Link Below
Http://www.cpop.orgGreenpanthers  http://www.greenpanthers.orgThe only no compromise pot organization ( Direct Action!) Sun, 06 Oct 2002 22:38:39 -0000
From: "mrweed2420" 
Subject: Not In Our Name Peace Petition. Date: 6 Oct 2002 21:50:12 -0000
From: Scott Jeffrey scottyj
Subject: LZ News: Debating Pataki and McCall on WABC-TV this Sunday   11amI am thrilled to announce that I have been invited to the gubernatorial debates. The first will be this Sunday, October 13 from 11:00am to 12:30pm on WABC-TV.Clearly this is a tremendous opportunity for our campaign to get our message out across the Empire State. I am looking forward to discussing my views on the standard issues of the state budget, education and jobs. I will be certain to present our Empower Youth agenda as well.Please be sure to watch and cheer me on!-- Scott Jeffrey
Legalize Founder and President
Libertarian for Governor
Empower Youth / Legalize Marijuana / Choice in Educationscottyj
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