Rooting Out The Pot Users 

Rooting Out The Pot Users 
Posted by CN Staff on October 01, 2002 at 13:18:20 PT
By Lionel Van Deerlin 
Source: Union Tribune
Everyone else in government seems preparing to make war on Iraq. For John P. Walters, the war he's fighting is still against the ancient enemy, marijuana.Our drug enforcement administrator (read "czar") is one tough cookie. He takes a militaristic approach to his job, deeming first-time drug offenders no worthier of sympathy than Saddam Hussein.
For them, mandatory prison sentences are the answer. In the face of voter majorities for medical marijuana in California and a handful of other states, Walters would deny prescription privileges to any doctor recommending the stuff.Drug treatment programs? Walters has called these "the latest manifestation of a liberal commitment to the therapeutic state."Whew! The man sits astride an $11 billion agency budget. And this month he blew a bundle on full-page newspaper ads warning readers anew against that durable cash crop, marijuana.The pot peril has long troubled conservatives in and out of government. Republican Party platforms regularly lump marijuana with the hard stuff. A wide range of risks has been tied to the weed, some bordering on the bizarre. A Reagan-era drug adviser, Carlton E. Turner, warned one and all that "homosexuality seems to be something that follows along from marijuana use." Newsweek headlined "REAGAN AIDE: POT CAN MAKE YOU GAY."On at least two occasions, their party's hang-up on the subject has threatened the careers of otherwise promising Republicans. After it became clear the Senate would not confirm ultra right-wingers for the Supreme Court, President Reagan offered the name of a young Midwestern judge, Douglas Ginsberg. The man was headed for quick confirmation until someone found that Ginsberg had shared a few joints with the law students he taught at Northwestern University. The nomination was withdrawn the next day.Three years later, the first President Bush picked a staid government lawyer, T. Timothy Ryan Jr., as top regulator for the troubled savings and loan industry. Same thing happened again – and Ryan, then 46, got by only because his admitted "experimentation" with the dreaded hallucinogen had occurred a quarter-century earlier.But the beat goes on. Illinois voters this year must decide whether they want a governor who admits he's enjoyed a joint or two. And (shades of a youthful Bill Clinton) it has become important to know whether certain candidates did or did not inhale.A front-page piece in The Chicago Sun-Times has informed the world that the Democratic ticket for both governor and lieutenant governor consists of onetime pot smokers. Rep. Rod Blagojevich, 45, nominated for governor, says he vividly recalls trying marijuana twice in his late teens or early twenties. But Blagojevich cannot remember if he breathed the smoke into his lungs either time.Helpful reporters assured the congressman he'd likely remember a slight stinging sensation that accompanies the inhaled smoke. His rejoinder: "I was so inept at it, I don't know whether I did or didn't."And how often does a politician plead ineptness to boost his candidacy?As for the other half of the party ticket, Blagojevich's running mate, former state treasurer Patrick Quinn, also has admitted "college age" pot use. But he quickly added that he opposes legalizing the drug.A sort of culpa, this, but hold the mea.Sun-Times subscribers need have read no further. Their state's Republican nominee for governor, Atty. Gen. Jim Ryan, predictably donned the white ribbon of purity – at least in regard to reefers."Jim Ryan has never taken drugs," a wet-nosed campaign spokesman asserted. "No experimentation, no use, zero. He's never had an inclination to break the law. . . . "Not even double parking, we must believe. However, the Republican choir stall quickly sounded a discordant note. Illinois' lieutenant governor, Corinne Wood, admitted to smoking pot, adding "and yes, I inhaled."Alas, the woman is not alone within the ranks of the Grand Old Party. Its soaring new star, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, felt no embarrassment in admitting he's done more than "experiment." And he offers no nonsense about a misspent youth.Moving up the political ladder, voters have been left to wonder what stimulants may have once caught the fancy of that youthful Yalie, George W. Bush – beyond those marketed by Haig & Haig.Things might have looked different a few years back. But the so-called baby boomers, children of the 1960s, are now taking over most public offices.From city hall on up, must we throw out all who have smoked pot?Czar Walters might say yes. But if office-holders respond truthfully, what legislative body can find a quorum?Source: San Diego Union Tribune (CA)Author: Lionel Van Deerlin Published: September 25, 2002Copyright: 2002 Union-Tribune Publishing Co.Contact: letters uniontrib.comWebsite: - Cannabis Archives
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Comment #8 posted by krutch on October 02, 2002 at 13:47:21 PT:
"a liberal commitment to the therapeutic state&quo
Walters says this is what treatment instead of jail is. 
But this is exactly what the anti's are advocating by not legalizing MJ. They are saying "We will keep this illegal to save everyone from the drug, while spending countless billon's of your tax dollars enforcing the laws." Sounds pretty damn socialist to me. Why not handle it like tobacco and booze. Say "here are the hazards we have observed. You can make your own choice". This is what a free society would do.
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Comment #7 posted by John Tyler on October 02, 2002 at 07:17:02 PT
East Coast Democrats
A Democrat is running against the current Republican congress person in my district. I called the Democrat's campaign office to see what their position was on "medical marijuana". The spokesperson said "that subject had never come up". They have never discussed it. It wasn't on their radar screen. The spokesperson hadn't heard about the DEA raids in CA. I was really disappointed.
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Comment #6 posted by DANA on October 02, 2002 at 06:05:27 PT
..Troutmask,,,the reply you recieved from that republican is astounding!....Firstly,,because he apparently,actually responded personally,,,Secondly,,because he actually said what he said,,,,BUT;,, the bad part,,is the thought of what this reveals about the actual opinions of politicians!..In other words,,I assume this guy has never spoken these things publicly.(?).This guy knows what the reality,and truth of the situation is,yet he continues to stand by,and live the lie,,pretending that the "law",is just fine,so he can maintain his occupation at the expense of honesty!.and one wonders how many others are actually aware of the truth,yet deny it publicly!(?)DdC.....I must say,,that I think your comments are outstandingly excellent!..Thank You for being here.WolfgangWylde........"..Whatever anyone's reason for voting Democrat are, drug law reform should not be on the list."...............Anyone who has a reason to be a democrat,deserves to burn in hell with all the empire republicans!.....The only "reason",that I can think of ,,that would be nearly excusable to vote 'democrat',,would be the repugnant necessity of offsetting the republican zombie voters!..Anyone who "believes" in democrats,is little more than a wayfaring,,ill informed member of the flock!..Any sheep or goat who says;"I'm a democrat!.",must return to the same pasture where the republicans hang out,,and graze,,,and bleat about insignificant crap that the media deceptively instructs them to bleat about!.........It's not easy to find a good party nowdays!,,political,,or recreational!,,,both parties are fraught with eminent peril!..........It's probably almost too late for revolution,,so I guess the smart choice,would be to claim that one is a "republican",and then one could enjoy the perks,and benifits that "team players",for the empire might get.... BUT, then again,,the false dimestore republican,may very well end up getting run out of town by the angry hoards of Sheep,bearing pitchforks and torches!....There is almost NO EXCUSE to be a republican,,and there is not much difference for those who would call themselves democRATs 
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Comment #5 posted by Windminstrel on October 02, 2002 at 06:01:57 PT
The Democricans and the Republicrats are both profiting from the war on drugs. The only parties that'll fix things are the greens and the Libertarians. Of course, the Greens will drop legalization as soon as they realize that big business would take up pot production, so the Libertarians are the only ones left. As an added bonus, the libertarian platform is pretty much "Leave everyone the hell alone". Works for me!
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Comment #4 posted by WolfgangWylde on October 02, 2002 at 04:32:48 PT
Not to burst anyone's bubble,but...
...more people were arrested for drug law violations under Clinton than under Reagan and Bush Sr. COMBINED. Whatever anyone's reason for voting Democrat are, drug law reform should not be on the list.
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Comment #3 posted by DdC on October 01, 2002 at 16:44:33 PT
Democrats became Republicans and Republicans... 
Came Out of the Fascist Closet...Republicans had more to lose in profits. Environmentally and Militaristically including the Prison Industrial System. Democrats found they also have a lot to lose in the band aid tax eating bureaucracy. Cops, Courts and Lawyers profit as does the Unions by creating more JOB protection in the non-renewable and "treatment" fields. Health Care Inc. Or, since saving trees doesn't profit the D.N.C. split with Klintoon to the republican void the religious right sucked out with their agenda. When the masses decide to eliminate the vested interest from the decision making on this issue, (other than everyone being harmed from cannabis prohibition directly or indirectly). It will end. No one would ever argue against clean air or water, until it cost them money. The environmental protection Unions have shunned cannabis long enough. The field workers poisoned must realize cannabis hemp is a safer alternative to cotton or the petro-chemical pesticides. Including the Midwestern agent orange sprayed ditchweed. The bible belters are aborting more babies called miscarriages than China. Chemical adulteration is unnecessary but very profittible. 99% of the "marijuana" eradicated nationwide is non psychoactive ditchweed. The Meat and Grain industry have lobbied against hemp seed more in the last 10 years than in history. Both keeping competition off the market with cannabis prohibition. 200 Pharmaceutical lobbyist in the business of prohibition. Crud Oil Cartels can make real war I don't see why the naive can't see they can influence lies about cannabis, also in competition to the renewable Homegrown carbohydrate fiber steel, wood, linen, plastics and petroleum over the lead and sulfur CO2 emitting nonrenewable hydrocarbons.The plant is not divisible, nor should the legalization movement be. When the three factions get over themselves and the stigma is erased from the populous by the truth of the Anslinger Walters lies repeated and changed but remaining lies. The masses will awaken. Then from the critical mass of the cannabis awareness the laws will be removed. And then sheople will scratch their heads and wonder how anyone could stay so gullible and confused for so long. Don't be too hard on yourselves. Administrated Education Depravation. What ain't taught is harder to learn. Now true conservatives are seeing the entrepreneurial possibilities of cannabis and the Libertarians, the abuses to the Constitution as an ends justifying the means. The Greens have taken the rational Democrats and finally merging from the caution lane after 30 years of saving trees shunning the best alternative. The D.N.C. is also seeing their states being federalized and power and money removed to Bush's Itinerary. Along with "voters" bitching about the smog and pollution and cannabis medicinal patients abused and that this 30 year war is NOT saving the kids. Cannabis can be used safely with education and the same basic controls as used with alcohol or over the counter medications. THC amount, origin, strain , cautions etc. eliminates the only real danger and with that gone there is no reason left to punish the farmers or cage the healthy or torture the sick and dying.We the people know. When we the people lead. The Leaders will follow. Probably not Walters.Between urine analysis and tax shelters he has a very lucrative reason to perpetuate the war on cannabis. "Though shall not bear false witness" Peace,Love and Liberty or!
DdCI never submitted the whole system of my opinions to the creed of any party of men whatever, in religion, in philosophy, in politics or in anything else, where I was capable of thinking for myself. Such an addiction is the last degradation of a free and moral agent. If I could not go to Heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all.
--Thomas JeffersonThe reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
-- George Bernard Shaw"The Earth is degenerating today. Bribery and corruption abound. Children no longer obey their parents, every man wants to write a book, and it is evident that the end of the world is fast approaching." [Assyrian tablet, c. 2800 BC]"Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its"Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws." [Baron M.A. Rothschild (1744 - 1812)]
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Comment #2 posted by TroutMask on October 01, 2002 at 13:52:59 PT
Something slightly encouraging
I got more angry than usual the other day about medical marijuana and the DEA and wrote all my representatives about it. I got this response from a Republican whom, besides this opinion, I otherwise deplore:"Mr. XXXXX, as you recall, Colorado voters okayed this on the ballot a couple of years ago. Regarding the feds and California, as a state senator I have no influence over that. My own belief about the drug war is that it's disturbingly similar to our alcohol prohibition fiasco of the 1920s. Law of Holes: When in one, stop digging."Better than I expected. Now if I could get him to change his mind about every other issue...-TM
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Comment #1 posted by Windminstrel on October 01, 2002 at 13:27:30 PT
well, that's half the story
Yes, Republicans for the most part oppose marijuana. Alas, so do Democrats. They're all in great need of Exlax™
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