War on Medical Pot a War Against Reason 

War on Medical Pot a War Against Reason 
Posted by CN Staff on September 24, 2002 at 06:44:05 PT
By Ethan Nadelmann
Source: San Francisco Chronicle 
The war on drugs keeps getting bigger and meaner. Just when you think the tide is beginning to turn, someone in charge takes it a step further. Early this month, DEA agents armed with automatic weapons raided a hospice on the outskirts of Santa Cruz because it grew and used marijuana for its patients, most of them terminally ill. The founder and director, Valerie Corral, who uses marijuana to control debilitating seizures as a result of head trauma following a 1973 car accident, was taken away in her pajamas. 
Suzanne Pfeil, a paraplegic patient suffering from postpolio syndrome, was told to stand up and then handcuffed in bed when she could not. All the plants were destroyed. Of all the medical marijuana clubs, this was the one most true to the hospice spirit. It was a collective, run on a nonprofit basis. Corral and her husband had created a place that brought peace, love and some measure of freedom from pain to those who came. Like the Brompton Cocktails found in British hospices, which can contain heroin or morphine, cocaine, alcohol and other pharmaceutical ingredients, the medicine was unconventional but effective. Corral's hospice was legal under California law, a product of Proposition 215, the 1996 ballot initiative in which 56 percent of voters endorsed the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes. She was and is a member of California Attorney General Bill Lockyer's 1999 medical marijuana policy task force. Her hospice was run openly with cooperation from state and local authorities. The DEA's raid, and the clear directive from the Bush administration and Attorney General John Ashcroft to assault and close this facility and others, is a travesty of justice -- one that did much to terrorize American citizens and absolutely nothing to protect or improve their health, welfare or safety. More than two-thirds of Americans believe that marijuana should be legal for medical purposes. Medical marijuana initiatives have won in all eight states where they've been on the ballot, and would likely win in all but a handful. The Canadian government is taking steps to make marijuana available to patients north of our border. Federal drug policy now lies in the hands of those who might best be described as the John Birchers of the drug war. Today's drug war politicians are out of step with the public, but they don't care. They're on their own crusade, one in which marijuana is as sinful as miscegenation was to the Southern racists. They're also practitioners of the big lie. "On the face of it," says John Walters, director of the federal Office on National Drug Control Policy, "the idea that desperately sick people could be helped by smoking an intoxicating weed seems . . . medieval. It is, in fact, absurd." Never mind thousands of reports by patients and doctors, dozens of studies and the National Academy of Sciences' conclusion that marijuana is therapeutically effective for a number of painful, chronic and terminal medical conditions for which pharmaceutical drugs are often ineffective or introduce negative side effects. Ethan Nadelmann is executive director of Drug Policy Alliance, a national organization that promotes alternatives to the war on drugs based on science, compassion, public health and human rights. Snipped: Complete Article: Source: San Francisco Chronicle (CA)Author: Ethan NadelmannPublished: Tuesday, September 24, 2002Copyright: 2002 San Francisco Chronicle - Page A - 27  Contact: letters sfchronicle.comWebsite: Articles & Web Sites:WAMM Policy Alliance From WAMM Protest Thrashing of a Dying Dinosaur's Tail I'm Fighting Federal Drug Laws From City Hall
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Comment #3 posted by Ethan Russo MD on September 24, 2002 at 10:50:57 PT:
Thanks for the kudos, but that was the end of the snipped article, and I cannot claim credit!
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Comment #2 posted by Nuevo Mexican on September 24, 2002 at 10:32:55 PT
High Five to Dr Russo!
Your eloquent use of the english language always inspires me! You speak for most of us here, in case you aren't aware, the voice you give to our despair is a healing one!
And you have an uncanny ability to put things into perspective, as in the 'big picture'! Thank you for posting here at C-News and for your commitment to the oath of Hypocrates! Most Doctors seem to have forgotten it by the time the leave graduate school! My hats off to you and all the compassionate Doctors who have saved my life, (eight hours of massive facial reconstruction, twenty years ago and I haven't seen a Doctor since, other than Dentists and Chiropractors, Acupuncturists and Medicine Men. I would happily make an appointment with you if ever needed! By the way, one of the surgeons who put Humpty Dumpty back together again, provided me personally with my medicine, called 'Mad Jag' from Northern Arizona, prescibed by him to ease me off the Tylenol/Codeine elixer that I was on for months. He died for years later and I'm still here! Thanks Dr. George, you're in my prayers! NM
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Comment #1 posted by Ethan Russo MD on September 24, 2002 at 08:08:27 PT:
The Rest---
The hundreds of thousands of Americans who use marijuana for medical reasons, and the doctors who care for them, deserve a hearing in which they can defend their use of this unconventional medicine. They deserve the opportunity to give sworn testimony, and to confront the sworn testimony of those who persecute them. That's a job for Congress. The raid on the Santa Cruz medical marijuana facility was, of course, about more than marijuana. It's part and parcel of the same insanity that drives the bigger war on drugs -- one that now incarcerates more people for drug law violations in the United States than all of Western Europe (with a much larger population) incarcerates for all crimes; one that prefers to sacrifice tens of thousands of lives and billions of dollars rather than make sterile syringes legally available to reduce the spread of HIV and AIDS. More than that, it provides insight into the potential abuse of police power in another war without end on which we have now embarked. Ashcroft ordered a raid on a medical marijuana hospice not because he had to, but because he possessed both the will and the power to do so. A Congress and a country preoccupied with many other concerns barely noticed. Is the Santa Cruz raid, and more generally the war on drugs, a preview of what lies ahead in the war on terrorism? Is the future one in which increasingly empowered and emboldened federal police agencies intimidate, arrest and even terrorize not just those who pose true threats to security, but also those who challenge little more than the moralistic convictions and political prejudices of power holders in the nation's capital? I live for the day when our children will look back on the drug wars of today the way we now look back on Jim Crow and the Palmer raids after World War I, the Japanese American internment camps of World War II and the McCarthyite persecutions of the 1950s. That is my moral crusade, one shared by more and more other Americans as well. 
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