Medical Marijuana Fiasco

Medical Marijuana Fiasco
Posted by CN Staff on September 15, 2002 at 08:06:58 PT
Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel 
Federal drug policy has failed those who are suffering from grave illnesses and need medical marijuana. When bad law fails people, people in turn take the law into their own hands. That’s what has happened with medical marijuana, and now federal agents have created an uproar by raiding a small pot farm near Davenport and arresting the owners. Those arrested were Valerie and Michael Corral, and they grow marijuana in order to provide it to those who are sick. 
Some patients get medical benefits from the drug, and a big majority of Californians have approved the idea of legalizing the medical use of marijuana. Medical marijuana use has been approved both in Santa Cruz County and in California, and in some other states.But pot remains illegal on the federal level, and agents arrested the Corrals and cut down the marijuana plants more than a week ago.The arrests have prompted outrage locally, to the point that the Santa Cruz City Council has declared its support of an open distribution of medical marijuana on Tuesday.The issue of medical marijuana has its subtleties. Some supporters of medical marijuana also support the legalization of marijuana, and sometimes the two issues become confused. Certainly federal agents make no distinction between users. Drug Enforcement Administration spokesman Richard Meyer made that clear last week when he expressed shock at the upcoming city-approved event: "That’s illegal," he said. "I’m shocked that city leaders would promote the use of marijuana that way. What is that saying to our youth?"His words will infuriate local advocates of relaxed marijuana laws. Our reaction is somewhat different, because we agree with those experts who say that recreational marijuana use is a lot more harmful than its supporters say. Longterm use can lead to a variety of physical and psychological damage, and the tolerance of marijuana use locally has had a negative impact on our area’s drug problems.But outlawing medical marijuana is as bad as outlawing perfectly acceptable medical treatments of other painkillers. Federal law — and its enforcing agents — make no distinction between recreational users and medical patients in need of relief.Not only have voters in California made clear that they support medical marijuana, but local law-enforcement officers have made their peace with those getting the drug to those who need it.The DEA raid was done without the support or even the knowledge of local law enforcement. After all, law enforcement is an exercise in judgment, and local officials from Sheriff Mark Tracy on down have been cooperative in allowing medical marijuana to get to the patients.Obviously, the system in place in Santa Cruz is hardly the best system. It would be far better for medical marijuana to be prescribed by doctors and purchased legally, even by federal standards. But this country’s inability to establish meaningful laws has given birth to a system of distribution that isn’t great — but it works.We don’t support the overall legalization of marijuana. However, we do approve of the distribution of pot — or any other substance — to people who are suffering and in need of relief.Our information is that the Corrals are interested only in bringing relief to those who are sick. Their arrest doesn’t help the common good; it only helps federal authorities who want to make a point.Interestingly, many California public officials, including state Attorney General Bill Lockyer, have expressed strong support for the Corrals and for the Wo/Men’s Alliance for Medical Marijuana, the organization they operate. The organization sells marijuana only to those with a doctor’s prescription.Obviously, there must be a better way. For medical marijuana to be recognized as legal by the state but not by the federal government makes for a bizarre situation such as the one that the Corrals and many of their patients are facing.The only good that comes of the situation would be if it leads to change on the federal level. But that’s small comfort to those like the Corrals whose very freedom now depends on the vagaries of federal officials. It’s an outrage that some innocent people — including the Corrals — could suffer. It’s long past the time that our society comes to grips with the complexity of the abuses and the benefits of marijuana.Pot Bust: There’s a big difference between the recreational use and the medical use of marijuana.Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel (CA)Published: September 15, 2002 Copyright: 2002 Santa Cruz SentinelContact: editorial santa-cruz.comWebsite: Articles & Web Sites:WAMM for Safe Access http://www.safeaccessnow.orgNews Articles on WAMM Raid Leaders Back Medical Pot Giveaway Charges After DEA Anti-Pot Raids Raid Sparks Medical Marijuana Protests Cruz Officials Fume Over Pot Club Bust 
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Comment #4 posted by RavingDave on September 17, 2002 at 20:46:02 PT
Time for Some Sanity?
[below is a copy of a letter I wrote to the editor]Dear Editor:I applaud your stance on medical marijuana, as reported in "Medical Marijuana Fiasco" (9/15/02). However, I do have to take issue with your treatment of the legalization of marijuana. You state, as is your right, that you are against the legalization of marijuana for recreational use. However, the only compelling reason which you offer is that you "agree with those experts who say that recreational marijuana use is a lot more harmful than its supporters say."First of all, I would be curious to discover who these "experts" are. Some of the most notable researchers in the ethnobotanical and medical community have gone on record as saying that marijuana is benign, when used in moderation. Time and time again, government-sponsored research has recommended the legalization of marijuana, having considered the health consequences thoroughly. The Schaefer Commission appointed by President Nixon, the LeDain Commission in Canada, the Mullin Commission in Britain, and of course, the highly-lauded Canadian Senate Report which was released this month, all recommend the decriminalization or outright legalization of the plant. The opinions of these committees should not be simply brushed aside.Second, let's take the stance that marijuana is indeed harmful, and that everything you have said about its long-term effects is true. Is this truly a reason to prevent the outright legalization of it? Isn't there a plethora of other things which are more dangerous, and which have not been outlawed by our government? Is it really the job of the government to protect the citizens against every little indulgence which might have some mildly detrimental effect when not taken in moderation? Lastly, I should point out the rather oft-repeated position that alcohol is many times more dangerous than marijuana, especially over the long term. Since we have a legal system founded on precedent, this should be reason alone for the legalization of marijuana. However, it's important to note that by far the most dangerous outcome of marijuana use in today's society is a long stay in our wonderful "correctional" system. Isn't it time to use some sanity in our drug policy? Have we really seen the outcome we'd hoped for in our drug war? Are we really so far down that road that we can't remember why we travelled this way in the first place? As a beacon of sanity in the stormy sea of hypocrisy, you owe it to your readers to make the truth clear: prohibition destroys lives far more than marijuana ever could. End the Drug War.
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Comment #3 posted by The C-I-R-C-L-E on September 15, 2002 at 23:02:34 PT
On the contrary...
"The organization sells marijuana only to those with a doctor's prescription."Actually, WAMM is most noted for the policy of giving away its medicine, accepting only donations and turning no member away for lack of funds.Street price of MMJ: $3500-5000 per poundWAMM's average intake: $750 per poundThey've busted the wrong people this time folks...
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Comment #2 posted by tlspn on September 15, 2002 at 14:30:10 PT:
corporate prostitution
The Santa Cruz Sentinal says "We agree with those experts who say that recreational marijuana is a lot more harmful than its supporters say."Why does the Sentinal fear a plant that has so much potential going for it? Do you suppose they would lose advertising revenue from alcohol, pharmaceutical and petrochemical corporations if they supported recreational marijuana?The Santa Cruz Sentinal is a corporate media prostitute who sells itself to the highest bidder.t
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Comment #1 posted by DdC on September 15, 2002 at 09:06:23 PT
Typical and still boring WoD lite Delusions...
Jail the healthy users so they can get sick and toke legally! Drunks are an economic stumulous from the bar tab to the ambulance ride after they crash while Homegrown tokers sitting in their living rooms watching Southpark do nothing. Same as them ingrates preventing diseases taking fascist bushtards profits on treatment. Or that damn McGruff mutt trying to prevent crime, no profits in prevention or in making toking legal. Or in Peace or renewable resources or non chemical clothing and organic food. We are the richest nation selling bandaids and these hippies want to stop the lacerations? How commie of them...Why the bloody fascist bushtards can't make $zillions in corporate treatment rehab centers if its legal, or pisstesting labs or prison construction and what would Ashcrofts Monsanto do without Colombian babies to poison? Or Iraqi crude oil to pillage for American SUV's not the Chinese sweatshops using it to make plastic American flags to jerk and spasm in Nationalist rallies. How utterly ridiculous. Next they'll try and stop kids from being raped in juvi prisons as deterrents to toking. Lets get our priorities straight. Jerry Springers entire audience doesn't hold a candle to the Merchants of Or the dysfunction junction rag of corporate clowns known as the Sentinel still sponsoring WoD and keeping cannabis competition off the market.Peace, Love and Liberty
DdCMaintaining Dysfunction
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