In Canada, Steve Kubby Wins Right to Use Marijuana

In Canada, Steve Kubby Wins Right to Use Marijuana
Posted by CN Staff on September 12, 2002 at 14:10:03 PT
Press Release
Source: Libertarian Party
Steve Kubby, the LP's 1998 California gubernatorial candidate, has won the right to grow and use medical marijuana in Canada.The decision, announced August 29, made Kubby the first American citizen to be granted a medical exemption from Canada's marijuana laws by the Health Canada government board.
Kubby, who lives in British Columbia, will be allowed to grow 59 cannabis plants at a time for medical use, and store up to 2,655 grams of the drug.Canada has issued about 800 medical marijuana permits since that county reformed its medical marijuana laws in 1999, according to the Associated Press."Americans would do well to come up to Canada and see how the Canadians are doing this," said Kubby, who suffers from a rare form of adrenal-gland cancer. He uses medical marijuana on a doctor's advice.Kubby, 56, was a primer mover behind the medical marijuana initiative passed by California voters in 1996.In 1999, he was arrested for possession of medical marijuana, and was convicted in December 2000 of two minor drug possession charges. During the appeal process, he moved to Canada with his family.In May, Kubby was cleared of charges that he violated Canadian immigration law, after a judge ruled he had entered the country legally. The judge also ruled that Kubby could apply for Canadian citizenship as a political refugee. That process is expected to take at least a year.If he wins political refugee status, Kubby will be safe from a pending deportation request from the U.S. government. He faces a four-month jail sentence in Placer County, California if he returns to the United States.Complete Title: In Canada, Steve Kubby Wins Right to Use Medical MarijuanaNewshawk: Pot-TV -- Libertarian Party Published: October 2002Copyright: 1994-2002, the Libertarian Party Website: Articles & Web Site:Steve Kubby Gains Permit To Grow Americans Seek Marijuana's Relief in Canada Panel Backs Legalizing Marijuana Given Right to Grow Pot in Canada
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