Rock Won't Challenge Pot Ruling! 

Rock Won't Challenge Pot Ruling! 
Posted by FoM on May 12, 1999 at 08:05:36 PT
Guidelines on marijuana trials expected soon! 
Source: Toronto Star
OTTAWA Health Minister Allan Rock will not appeal an Ontario Superior Court ruling which allows Toronto AIDS activist Jim Wakeford to legally smoke marijuana for medicinal purposes. Rock said yesterday he is proceeding with plans to begin clinical trials on the medicinal use of marijuana and will announce details and guidelines for the tests by the end of June. 
``I've read the judgment. I don't want to appeal it,'' Rock said. The court said Wakeford could carry and smoke marijuana in public until Rock decides whether to grant Wakeford a special exemption under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Rock said the court judgment affects only Wakeford and cannot be applied to other victims claiming the need for marijuana for medicinal use. Health Canada has 20 applications from Canadians who have chronic or terminal illnesses who have applied to Rock for exemptions from marijuana laws. ``We're going to start clinical trials, we're going to start making marijuana available to people for medical purposes by the end of June,'' he said. ``We're on that timetable.'' But an aide in Rock's office later cautioned that that did not necessarily mean the trials would be under way by that time. Although Rock will eventually make a decision regarding the exemption, officials say he will try to show flexibility for those who need marijuana for therapeutic purposes while Health Canada is testing the drug. Health Canada is still grappling with issues such as where the pot will be grown, by whom and under what conditions. Wakeford, 54, had asked the court in February, 1998, for permission to use marijuana. He had applied to Rock for an exemption last September but his request has been in bureaucratic limbo. Carole Bouchard, a senior health department official, testified last week that although Wakeford's application would be fast-tracked, she couldn't say when a decision would be made. Wakeford has been smoking marijuana daily since 1996. He has said it is the only thing he has found that reduces nausea and makes him feel hungry enough to keep eating. 
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Comment #1 posted by Alison Myrden on April 15, 2000 at 00:38:45 PT:
Marijuana wonder drug
I want to congratulate Jim Wakeford and the countless others who have made life a little simpler for people like me. After almost a year of writing letters from my Family Doctor, my Specialist and my family I, like Jim Wakeford, have received a Section 56 Exemption to be able to smoke, possess and grow Marijuana anywhere in Canada. I am a 36 year old female with Chronic Progressive Multiple Sclerosis and accompanying Left-side Trigeminal Neuralgia and have been smoking with my doctor's knowledge and approval since 1998. My dilemma now is finding an affordable, safe and reputable dealer. I am on a very minimal Disabilty and have little left each month so my widowed mother covers the approximately $400.00 every two weeks. The Vancouver Compassion Centre Society and Hilary have been fabulous and hopefully can help Exemptees with our problem. In the meantime, myself and another exemptee are trying to find ALL SECTION 56 EXEMPTION people in order to confront the Government on finding an afordable, if not free source for our now LEGAL medication. Thank you for your time and patience. I can be contacted at myalison
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