Bono, O'Neill Tour Catches Scent of Marijuana

Bono, O'Neill Tour Catches Scent of Marijuana
Posted by CN Staff on May 25, 2002 at 06:53:51 PT
By Reuters
Source: Reuters
Pretoria, South Africa: It was a moment that could only happen when a rock star and a former captain of industry team up to check out operations in an industrial plant. As Irish rocker Bono and Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill toured a huge Ford Motor Co. plant near Pretoria on Friday, the pungent odor of marijuana smoke attracted the attention of some of their entourage. A Ford representative confirmed some of the 3,500 employees at the cavernous plant did smoke the herb. 
The plant was described by Ford as the largest assembly plant in the Southern Hemisphere. It was one O'Neill wanted to highlight for having a model plan to test and offer treatment for HIV/AIDS-afflicted workers. When a reporter asked a Ford official whether marijuana smoking affected efficiency, both Bono and O'Neill expressed interest that some workers smoked the herb. "They do?" a surprised O'Neill interjected. "What do I know? That's something I don't know anything about." The Ford official said the practice was not unusual at a huge industrial plant and indicated there was some tolerance as long as safety was not jeopardized. Bono took it coolly. "I was getting off on the diesel fumes myself," he joked. The two are halfway through a four-country tour of Ghana, South Africa, Uganda and Ethiopia, meeting government officials but also touring businesses, hospitals and schools. They spent part of Friday afternoon in impoverished Soweto, on the outskirts of Johannesburg. Their mission is to find out why so much past aid spending so little advanced living conditions and how that might be changed in future. Source: ReutersPublished: Friday, May 24, 2002 Copyright: 2002 Reuters LimitedCannabisNews - Cannabis Archives
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Comment #5 posted by qqqq on May 26, 2002 at 21:48:41 PT
...Just heard...
..That Boy George is going to tour China with Barney Frank,,,,,,and Alan Greenspan is going to do Sri Lanka with Wayne Newton!........also,,Keith Richards and Jimmy Carter are going to tour Nova Scotia!
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Comment #4 posted by cltrldmg on May 26, 2002 at 06:45:41 PT
I think I read that he was going around on a tour with him to try to persuade the US government to give more aid to Africa. I don't know if it's gonna work but the US has an increasing interest in trying to win more Third World people over to its side with the war on terrorism and the Iraq stuff.
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Comment #3 posted by qqqq on May 25, 2002 at 23:23:48 PT
...I dont know about this Africa "tour....?
......Firstly,,I admit that I dont really know alot about exactly what this "tour",is about,,but I am going to wrecklessly ramble forth with my unsolicited opinion anyway........... I dont think Bono is a bad guy..He seems to have been an advocate of good causes......but,,he is also a very wealthy person...and,,from what I know about Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill,,he is one of the family of unsavory characters in the empires gallery of cronies, and henchmen.............
..Here's one of my main questions;;What the hell is the Treasury Secretary doing ,,touring Africa with a rock star?...I mean,,what's next;Condelezza Rice touring Bolivia with P-Diddy?...J-Lo does Mexico with Asa Hutchinson?....Brittany Spears in Afghanistan with Donald Rumsfeld?....
..I'll give Bono the benifit of the doubt,,I think that his intentions are probably not bad,,,,but,,I think O'neill is a imperialist sleezeball republican muppet!.....the whole thing is quite strange........ ....but,,then again,,so am I.
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Comment #2 posted by WolfgangWylde on May 25, 2002 at 17:18:28 PT
As an aside...
...From an article entitled "Drug Testing Losing Favor With Employers":
"In the same article, an EDS spokeswoman commented on negative repercussions of attempting drug testing abroad, "Because of cultural differences, it's not as accepted there, and we would no longer be considered a prereferred employer," said Leslie Hueholt. "It would apparently impact our ability to recruit in Europe and Canada." "Do you understand the facts here? Companies who think NOTHING of asking citizens of "the land of the free, and the home of the brave" to pee in a cup to prove their worthiness, wouldn't DARE to ask the citizens of other countries to do the same, because they know those people wouldn't put up with it. My, how far we have fallen.
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Comment #1 posted by The GCW on May 25, 2002 at 09:05:02 PT
This is perspective...
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