Smoke a Joint, Lose Your Licence

Smoke a Joint, Lose Your Licence
Posted by CN Staff on May 11, 2002 at 09:46:48 PT
By Nate Hendley, National Post
Source: National Post 
Pot smokers in the United States stand to lose more than their freedom if they get caught by police. They also face the loss of their driver's licences under federal legislation that ties state highway funding to tough drug enforcement."Most people only find out about the law when they watch their licence disappear," says Allen St. Pierre, executive director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML), a pro-legalization group. "They have no idea this can happen even in a state where pot laws have generally been decriminalized."
The War on Drugs was extended to motor vehicles in the early 1990s, when U.S. legislators added an amendment to a transportation appropriations bill. The amendment said any state hoping to get federal highway funding would have to pass legislation stripping drug offenders of their driver's licences for at least six months. These suspensions applied even if the offence did not occur in a car. Under the amendment, states that did not want to go this route would have to pass "opt-out" resolutions opposing the law.Alcohol abusers do not face the same penalties; Americans who commit liquor offences usually only lose their licences if they are arrested while driving drunk.While it affects all drug crimes, the amendment became known as the "Smoke a Joint, Lose Your Licence" law by virtue of the fact that pot is the most popular illicit substance in the United States. By the time it came into force on Oct. 1, 1994, a total of 21 states and territories, such as Puerto Rico, had passed licence-suspension legislation, while 31 states had chosen to opt out.The "Smoke a Joint, Lose Your Licence" battle proved especially bitter in California, a populous state with a pro-car ethos. In 1994, state lawmakers passed a licence-suspension bill, despite opposition from NORML, the American Civil Liberties Union, the California Labor Federation and the Teamsters Union. Civil libertarians said the punishment did not fit the crime, while labour leaders worried about the ability of their members to get to work.In the face of such criticism, California's licence law was allowed to expire in 1999 and has not been revived since. During the time it was in effect, the California Department of Motor Vehicles recorded up to 100,000 licence suspensions a year.While the U.S. government does not keep track of such statistics, the number of licence suspensions remains high. In 2000, nearly 740,000 Americans were arrested for cannabis violations. Mr. St. Pierre estimates that between 20,000 and 50,000 of those arrested lost their licences.For its part, Ottawa has chosen not to introduce similar legislation."As far as I am aware, there isn't a similar law in Canada," says Bob Mann, a senior scientist with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and an expert on impaired-driving issues.Canadians who use marijuana can lose their licences, but only if they are arrested and found to be impaired while operating a motor vehicle, he says.Even then, there is some question as to exactly how impaired stoned drivers really are.In March, 2002, New Scientist magazine reported on an experiment conducted by the Transport Research Laboratory in Berkshire, England. Staffers supplied 15 volunteers with alcohol and marijuana, then used driving simulators to test the volunteers' level of impairment. The study found that drivers high on marijuana tended to be more cautious and in control than drivers who had been drinking.This experiment matches others conducted in Holland, Canada, Australia and the United States. The studies have generally found that cannabis does not interfere with driving skills as much as alcohol.Note: Little-known U.S. penalty: Federal funding for highways tied to drug enforcement.Source: National Post (Canada)Author: Nate Hendley, National PostPublished: May 10, 2002Copyright: 2002 Southam Inc.Contact: letters nationalpost.comWebsite: Articles & Web Site:CaNORML Impairs Driving More than Marijuana Studies Effects of Pot on Driving Davis Pushes Smoke a Joint Lose Your License
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Comment #10 posted by Lehder on May 11, 2002 at 19:50:49 PT
driver's licence hair testing & thirdworldization
You are right-on with the mandatory hair test for licence renewals, dddd. The useful idiots in government who truly believe cannabis use to be an immorality along with dirty dancing, playing cards for fun and worshiping clinqant idols, imagine that cannabis can actually be wiped out with cheap technology. That's what makes Ashcroft's ass down stand up and tingle. And we already know how the tests will be marketed to the public: "What kind of a person supports the continuing carnage on our highways anyway?" Americans have already been conditioned by many recent articles along this line and some of them can be found by searching cannabisnews for the journalist and drug-war prostitute Jean Wright. But it's interesting to try to look at some of the real motivations and consequences.First of all, cannabis bigots will take great satisfaction in submitting to the test. No matter how ignorant, how ill-tempered, how impoverished, how utterly failed in life, or just plain personally repulsive they may be, drug & hair absolution will provide them an enduring sense of well-being and even superiority: I'm okay, you're not. And, as usual, the expanded testing transfers resources from productive people doing real work to the army of bureaucrats the government empowers just to make life difficult and keep a troublesome population - those not in the direct employ of government or its highly regulated contractors - completely satisfied and out of the way. A jerk in a lab coat who could not master trigonometry and ought to be washing bottles somewhere, will don a hair collector's lab coat and boast to the dumb girls at the bar that he's a highly qualified scientist. Of course cannabis can't be wiped out, but the more witting in government know that the tests will further polarize the country, and anyone who simply prefers taking the bus to work will be suspected of drug addiction..."uhh, does she have a licence or what?" So you can expect, in conjunction with the new testing, that city planners will be financially motivated to make shopping malls, grocery stores and public transportation ever more inaccessible without a car. The government just loves to see people obsessed with each other's hair and urine. It likes them endlessly quarrelling over morally unresolvable issues like abortion, and when debate is suppressed and the question masqueraded as a moral problem then the re-legalization issue too becomes an impossibility and an endless drain of energy that might otherwise be directed in ways embarrassing to those who value their power over others above all else. A few clever mavericks will make some money from the new tests. They're in the medical libraries today reading in clinical and forensic journals about the many weaknesses of the hair tests, and they'll make a black market in chemicals and procedures designed to beat the them.Cynically, to the benefit of the anti-war movement, many closet smokers who have for years successfully evaded detection will be caught up in the new policies. They'll be angered and some will finally speak out and join us.Many, many others will simply drive without licences. They won't even show up at their birthdays to renew them. They'll suffer the legal consequences when they're caught, buy or steal cars when theirs are forfeited, and drive again. If you move from the midwest to New Mexico today your car insurance will just about double. That's because, in part, it's a poor state and fewer than half the drivers there have any insurance at all, so you pay for theirs too because you need to be insured if they hit you. They get caught in the DWI checkpoints, buy a month's worth of insurance and keep on wheeling. That's how it will work with hair testing and licenses too. There are not enough jails for everyone, not quite yet.
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Comment #9 posted by qqqq on May 11, 2002 at 19:06:09 PT
......Surrealistic ShrubSpeak....
...just thought I'd share this little excerpt from dubyas radio address today.You can read the whole thing on usnewswire,,I recommend reading the whole thing.I think it is awesomely bizzarre...It is hard to believe.. Just read it,, and consider the fact that this is from the pResident,,and it is considered "normal".....I dont know about anyone else,, but I say,"are you shitting your pants yet?"... It is even more frightening to think that apparently, there are those who do hear,or read these talks from our court appointed ruler,and they approve!,,they think that he is a man of integrity,who is doing a good job running the country in the interests of the people,,upholding the Constitution,?#*????....Am I just being to critical of the pResident?,,,Am I just some delusional alarmist radical freak,who somehow perceives the situation in an urealistic manner?'s a little taste from the radio address:
"Most of all, compassionate welfare reform must encourage more
and more Americans to find the independence of a job. Today, states
on average must require work of only 5 percent of adults getting
welfare. I am proposing that every state be required within five
years to have 70 percent of welfare recipients working or being
trained to work at at least 40 hours a week. These work
requirements must be applied carefully and compassionately.""Because many on welfare need new skills, my plan allows states
to combine work with up to two days each week of education and job
training. Our proposal allows for three months in full-time drug
rehabilitation or job training. And adolescent mothers can meet
their work requirements by attending high school. A work
requirement is not a penalty. It is the pathway to independence and
self-respect. For former welfare recipients, this path has led to
a new and better life."
 "drug users",,and "drug offenders",,are going to become the new target of this evil empire.. Sad,,, but true.. There is already the national ad campaign that makes drug users the same as "terrorists"..I saw one this morning on FOX..." I had lunch,,,and then I bombed a roomful of people"....    ...I continue to believe in the cause of trying to reform drug laws,,but I have now reached the conclusion,,that attempting to reform drug policy,is rather secondary,and trivial when one considers the jaggernaut of the empire,and it's stranglehold on power...After all ,it wont make much difference if medical Marijuana is approved by the feds,if you are denied a job,or drivers license,or insurance.....I'm not suggesting that our cause is not usefull,or good and necessary,, Im saying that we better not limit our concerns to the drug war,because the drug war is actually just one small part of an immense problem, ,and unless the big problem is addressed,,I'm afraid smaller problems will make little difference in the big picture...If you think things are bad,,and it seems like they are getting worse,,, YOU ARE RIGHT!!!
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Comment #8 posted by dddd on May 11, 2002 at 15:07:30 PT
......How Much Hair?????
..that's what I am curious about....How much hair does it take to get a supposedly accurate hair drug test?,, and also ,,I wonder who the hell is going to oversee this new hairtesting industry???Who will monitor and verify the accuracy of these tests??? I assume it will be similar to urine testing,,,with absolutely no verification from a second test lab,,and very limited legal recourse for those whos lives have been destroyed from eronious tests,,or fake results...The whole nightmare leaves a system that is wide open for corruption through manipulation of test results!.. .. Who could afford to hire lawyers,and independent labs to re-do a "failed" drug test?... especially when you cant even drive to get to work,because you were refused renewal of your license!.. ..
..I'm afraid we are sinking deeper and deeper into an Orwellian demockrassy..It almost sounds cliche to use the Orwell reference,,but it remains shockingly relevant...........hang on...the coming days are going to be Dazzlingly bizzarre ,as the empire continues to hoard power and wealth.....dddd
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Comment #7 posted by goneposthole on May 11, 2002 at 14:33:34 PT
millions of hair samples
It will be complete chaos. Are you sure the one belonging to George Bush didn't get confused with Charlie Mansons? I thought this one was Gerald Ford's but I think it was Tom Daschle's. James Traficant's hair sample will never be confused with any one else's. How about the guy with one hair so long that it completely covers his head, do you take the whole thing? I see immense problems.Actually, they could care less if it is a hair sample as long as they get their pound of flesh.It is basically slavery.
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Comment #6 posted by dddd on May 11, 2002 at 14:22:51 PT
..which drugs?...who knows...
..the testing will all be done by private testing labs,who have contracts with the empire......
..If you play the stock market,,,the smart money will be in drug testing companies...especially those that specialize in hair testing.I predict that hair testing is going to catch on BIGTIME! is comparitively non-invasive,,and it will create a huge new industry,and corporate profits...... It aint pretty.....indeedddd
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Comment #5 posted by goneposthole on May 11, 2002 at 14:04:23 PT
Which drugs
will have to be tested before one can renew his license?Will the driver's license division have those drugs on hand, ready to be dispensed?We've got LSD, cocaine, methamephetaime, but no cannabis. Cannabis is an herb, not a drug. You'll have to test that somewhere else. Any other drugs will have to be requisitioned, and we'll be able to have them for you within three days. Until then, we can't renew your driver's license.Maybe I'm getting this all confused.
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Comment #4 posted by dddd on May 11, 2002 at 13:49:25 PT
........Hairum Scare-um....
...Yes.......this hair testing thing is a most disturbing development,,,, indeed!......People are already accustomed to giving a thumbprint,(at least in California),,and a hair sample cant be far behind..
...Once they pass the law,,,then people might start complaining,,but then it will be too late...Like all other laws,,they are made in a day or two,,but it takes years to have them repealed.......It is already assumed and accepted that driving is a privedge,,and not a right...........The legistlation will be pushed into law by heavy lobbying from drug testing interests/pharmaceutical companies.......
..Those who object to the law,will be given the old;"..Only drug users would object to being tested..Those who are responsible drivers will submit to a simple hair test."........Then,,,,just watch as we are further chagrinned by insurance companies requiring hair tests before issuing auto or health insurance....Remember,,we've seen this happen many times before,,for example,,mandatory car insurance was caused by lobbying from insurance companies...three strikes laws,and mandatory minimums were back by the prison industry.......dddd
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Comment #3 posted by SWAMPIE on May 11, 2002 at 13:13:30 PT
dddd;mandatory drug testing???
  I beleive that I just read about that in a link here,and if anyone has it,let us know?I think for Drivers-License Renewals that they should do the"SHIT-TEST",because then we could get a WHOLE LOT of people ANGRY,maybe angry enough tomake some noise!In OHIGHO,we have and despise that law.It pretty much constitutes"double-jeopardy",and my brother got caught at a fed park with a roach while fishing.He's very straight-laced,except that he smokes.He did no harm.We all know the horror stories!LOL!By the way'I am offering some primo catshit for the shiite testing,and remember,children,it's not catnip-free!!!!1It'll be available daily.Just follow your nose!
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on May 11, 2002 at 13:03:47 PT
In my husband's line of work it is required. I wouldn't be surprised if a hair test might be required for getting a license. Scary isn't it?
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Comment #1 posted by dddd on May 11, 2002 at 12:36:23 PT
....get ready...
....A mandatory drug test before you can obtain or renew a drivers license ,,that will be next.....I'll betchya...dddd
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