Heavy Pot Smoking Linked to Short-Term IQ Dip 

Heavy Pot Smoking Linked to Short-Term IQ Dip 
Posted by CN Staff on May 10, 2002 at 17:26:41 PT
By Reuters Health
Source: Reuters 
Heavy marijuana use can dull a young person's IQ, but the effects may not be long-lasting, a small study suggests. Canadian researchers found that young adults who currently smoked five or more joints a week showed it on IQ tests. However, the same effects were not seen in those who used to smoke heavily but had quit, according to findings published in a recent issue of the Canadian Medical Association Journal. 
The 74 study participants were part of a larger study that had followed them since birth. All had taken IQ tests between the ages of 9 and 12 and again between ages 17 and 20. They also reported on their drug use and had urine tests to verify recent use. Results indicate that only current heavy pot smokers showed a decline in IQ score since their preteen years, according to Dr. Peter Fried and colleagues at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario. The same was not true of less frequent marijuana users or those who had been abstinent for at least 3 months. The link between heavy current use and IQ decline remained even when the researchers accounted for other factors such as past school performance, use of other drugs and parents' education, the investigators found. Many studies have shown that marijuana use can lead to short-term mental deficits, but whether the effects last is debatable. One recent study suggested that long-time, heavy pot smokers may see lasting problems with memory and attention span. And Fried's team notes that specific mental functions like memory and attention may be more vulnerable to marijuana use than the broad measure of intelligence this study focused on. They add that both their finding of an IQ effect among current heavy users and a lack of one among former users should be viewed "cautiously," in part because of the study size. Only 15 participants currently smoked heavily, and nine were former marijuana users. Source: Canadian Medical Association Journal 2002;166:887-891. Source: Reuters HealthPublished: Friday, May 10, 2002Copyright: 2002 ReutersRelated Articles & Web Site:Chronic Cannabis Use in PDF Format Pot No Risk to IQ, Study Says Marijuana Use Lowers IQ, Only Temporarily 
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Comment #7 posted by JR Bob Dobbs on May 11, 2002 at 07:44:19 PT
  And they never mention the comparable effects of alcohol - how one can literally drink one's self stupid. Why not? Because there's no agenda to keep alcoholics in their place...
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Comment #6 posted by WolfgangWylde on May 11, 2002 at 06:16:31 PT
Addendum to #5 - Couldn't resist looking it up
From the Dallas Morning News, when the study was first reported:IQ BOOSTS SEEN IN SOME LIGHT MARIJUANA USERS    Young adults who smoke small amounts of marijuana - between one and five joints per week - may temporarily raise their IQs, says a study published recently in the Canadian
Medical Association Journal. However, those in the study who smoked more than five joints weekly, considered to be heavy users, saw their average IQ drop by 4.1 points. The light users had an average IQ increase of 5.8 points. 
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Comment #5 posted by WolfgangWylde on May 11, 2002 at 06:12:32 PT
Junk Science At Its Best (er..I mean worst)
This has been reported ad nauseum, as usual, but the study is of a ridiculously small sample, and causality and coincidence are to entirely different things. The most thorough study, performed at Johns Hopkins, found NO difference in cognitive functioning between users and non-users.I also noticed that they have wised up and are no longer reporting the COMPLETE results of the study. The researchers found that among moderate users of marijuana, their IQs actually went UP!
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Comment #4 posted by gloovins on May 11, 2002 at 04:52:22 PT
SMOKING..caused this..but what about what's ahead?
How can I prepare a cannabis tincture or cannabis oil? Answers: Manfred Fankhauser 
Old formulas on medicines of cannabis suggest the following procedure (if you have no special pharmaceutical equipment):
Cannabis tincture: Take about 3-5 parts of alcohol (e.g. brandy or ethyl alcohol from the pharmacy, 40-70%) and 1 part cannabis leaves/flowers (e.g. 25 g marijuana and 100 ml alcohol). Keep it in a dark and cool place for about 10 days. Shake it from time to time. Filter it using a sieve. Store the finished tincture dark and cold (e.g. in your refrigerator), so that efficacy will remain for several weeks and months.
Cannabis oil: Take some dried cannabis, reduce it to very small pieces, and add edible oil (e.g. olive oil) so that the plant material is completely covered with the oil. Keep it in a dark and cool place for about 3 weeks. Shake it a little every day. Filter it using a sieve. You may use this oil for internal and external application. 
Dr. Fankhauser is a Swiss pharmacist. José T. Gállego 
It is easy to prepare a tincture or an oil from cannabis, that concentrates the active compounds of the plant. You need marijuana (any quality, good or bad, leaves or flowers), ethyl alcohol of 96-99% (e.g. from the pharmacy), a glass that can be closed (e.g. used for marmalade), a coffee filter or a piece of fabric (e.g. a part of a t-shirt), a deep plate or a frying pan, a bottle with a dropper.
Reduce the cannabis to small pieces and put it into the glass. Cover it with enough alcohol. Keep it in a dark and cool place for about a week. Shake it every day. Filter it using a coffee filter or the fabric. Press the last drops of alcohol out of the plant material. You may repeat this process several times, at least once, better two times: you may again put the cannabis into the glass and cover it with alcohol…. Finally, put all the alcohol (it will have a green colour) into to a deep plate. Keep it in a tempered and ventilated place so that some of the alcohol will be evaporated increasing the cannabinoids concentration of the tincture. This may take ten days. When enough alcohol is evaporated fill the extract into the bottle with the dropper.
The cannabis tincture can be used directly, or dissolved in a drink or food, or vaporized. To vaporize the tincture a commercial vaporizer or the old silver paper system can be used. Form a teaspoon out of silver paper, put some drops of the tincture on it, carefully heat it with a candle until the alcohol evaporates. Than inhale it using a small tube (e.g. the body of a ball point pen).
To produce hashish oil you have to evaporate all the alcohol from the tincture until the extract becomes a dark paste (similar to tar). It is possible to place the glass at a warm place to accelerate the process of evaporation. It should not be placed into the sun because the THC will be destroyed faster than. It should not be heated to avoid an explosion of the alcohol. According to: Gállego JT: Tintura de cannabis. Canamo, No 46, July 2001:76-77. Think about it...cause smoking is not me fav delivery but it is the most immediate....
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Comment #3 posted by DdC on May 10, 2002 at 20:11:49 PT
Caution, prohibition leads to broken families, Supplying two jobs and most important---statistics to blame on drugs to perpetuate profits and fill deadend labor and jobs sent overseas to sweatshops.overcrowded prisons, $Trillion dollar growth market...
Slave labor
prison supplies
Bush food service
steel bar manufacturing
crude oil for the trucks
uniform supply
gun supply
real estate
dog fooddestruction of constitution, Its still in good shape collecting dust in the Smithsonian with the other relics. Still made of hemp although now its called parchment to keep kids off crack.corrupt police and judges, Now you're getting silly. How are you possibly going to enforce bogus laws without corruption?organized crime, We just covered that above. The politico police are organized criminals.lost lives, Well besides statistics, this is a deficit as the predicessors mistakes killing 6 1/2 million. Bad press, costly zerkon gas, occasional food and bullets. The New World Order has learned to use the scapegoating and stigmatizing but instead of mass exicutions, to cut cost with slave prison labor corporations and tax write off propaganda groups like DARE and Fauxnews.lost freedoms, Their drunken goal is for us to have nothing left to lose and calling it Freedom.lost property, Old Cop and Politico Retirement Homes...and the seriously ill suffering needlessly. Not needlessly, profits. Prevention is a commie term. No one profits preventing illness or treating it without laboratory corporations or crime for that matter. Especially on bogus crimes. If they don't suffer people might think about the high cost of Pharmaceuticals and try the unAnemican way of homegrown. Its bad enough to their frankenfoods that we grow our own vegatables, especially the real troublemakers organically growing without chemicals poisoning the land causing more sickness to treat and profit on. Damn hippies want gas made of hemp not giving a damn about Sadamn's profits or Exxon or Shell. Instead of cutting down good healthy trees they want hemp wood and fiber, thats stronger and yields more. Both commie terms. Fiber replacing steel and iron gurders not caring about the jobs strip mining mountainsides or clearcutting ancient redwoods for Home Despot? Infidels! This war sells very well and those forcing the synthetics know whats best for us. Don't rock the boat. Eyes straight, chest out chin up tally ho, Don't question just follow, do as your told... pop a top and watch the Simpsons, go to work and run the machine and if you get hurt don't bother with reporting it, it may cost you your job to question. Your IQ after 25 years will be the size of Bushit's compassion. Smoking dope leads to thoughts and then possibly ideas to question internal combustion or nukes or wars or anything they deem fit. Bringing reality into the mix only causes anguish and termoil to those with vested ignorance. Like heaping piles of hot stones poured onto their backs as they knash and grit their teeth and spit and drool with reefer madness. 
The only ones to lose IQ are those who choose the above over cannabis legalization.IQ went up with Coptics. IQ is a test designed by the same idiots bringing the WoD to American families. It measures what they think you should know, mostly to get a job keeping them rich and us addicted to buying their plastic and crude that run on nukes and protected by smart bombs dropped by braindead generals. Cannabis cuts through the Bushit measured in IQ tests. If it don't jive then the right answer is wrong. If the IQ test says cannabis is bad and you answer truthfully your IQ would lower. Better to be truthful to yourself than have a high number on a bogus test of an even more bogus testing sample. Another day another Bushit myth...
Peace, Love and Liberty or!
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Comment #2 posted by FoM on May 10, 2002 at 19:50:02 PT
Since our IQ's Aren't Too Good
I thought I'd remind you that coming on at 11 pm et is a repeat of the MTV program.I couldn't resist saying that! LOL!
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Comment #1 posted by JSM on May 10, 2002 at 17:58:02 PT
Caution, prohibition leads to broken families, overcrowded prisons, destruction of constitution, corrupt police and judges, organized crime, lost lives, lost freedoms, lost property, and the seriously ill suffering needlessly. The only ones to lose IQ are those who choose the above over cannabis legalization.
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