UK Events - a Letter by Alun Buffry!

UK Events - a Letter by Alun Buffry!
Posted by FoM on May 04, 1999 at 17:19:36 PT
Source: Legalise Cannabis Alliance
Hi,I thoroughly enjoyed Saturdays march and rally. We were held up on our coach - it was stuck in the traffic jam cause by the march! I must offer by sincere gratitude to all who worked so hard to make it such an enjoyable and successful day. It was old done without media assistance and it is a real shame that most of the press seem to ignored us. I heard there was a small piece in the Sunday Times and on teletext but little else yet.
My immediate concern now is the local elections. With aplogies to any Green Party candidates to whom this does not apply, it is clear that most candidates are merely spouting party lines and know little about the effects this dreadful prohibition is really having on our localities. At Clapham I spoke to many people who had no intention of voting at all. They all said that they would vote for a Legalise Cannabis Candidate and maybe for any cadidate within reason who clearly and publicly states their support for legalisation of cannabis. Their opinions on the decriminalisation of all drugs varied. We encouraged people without pro-legalisation candidates to join us and take the opportunity that we consider this a major issue, and print the words 'Legalise Cannabis' across their ballot papers. Far from being simply a box of spoilt votes, all those ballot papers will be seen by all the other candidates and they will maybe realise that legalisation is a vote-winner, not a vote-loser as they now seem to suspect. This may help remove one of the major barriers to legalisation which the political parties imagine. This tactic may be even more successful in the European elections where very vote will count again and we will be voting regionally in June. It would be good to be able to say vote Green, but that is impossible for me so long as the official Green Party policy is decriminalisation. For me, to get my vote, the Eastern region candidate would have to be vocally pro-legalisation. Once again I ask you all to consider a write-in campaign. In the longer term, well not long really as time flies, how about starting NOW to organise local events in as many cities as possible on or about the 28th September, 71 years after cannabis was banned? Local events, 20 people upwards, stand a much better chance of attracting attention to our message and getting media attention on a local level, possibly, than Saturday's mass event. 150 people marching in Norwich would attract the TV cameras. Organisation could be done on a local level. Maybe someone could produce a letter with helping hints on what to do and how best to do it, regarding contacting police, authorities etc. Please consider this and let me know if you can help. All the Best Alun!News article submitted by Pat Whelan!Thanks Pat!
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Comment #1 posted by Simon F Gates on July 06, 2001 at 13:40:23 PT:
Thank You
I wish to give my full support to the "pro-legalisation" of the herb. i smoke ganja nearly every day and i am aware of the oppressive laws and their contempt for all users of the herb. I'd just like to add that marijuana isn't even a drug, that is merely a categorisation given by babylon to justify their oppression.And as for babylon.......(excuse me while i light my spliff)..........................they will fall with John Paul.One Love.P.S. Itinual thanks for your efforts. We are living in a serious time.
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